xing yu universe

Chapter 89 The surging morning meeting

Emperor Lieyang is very fat, his face is unhealthy and white. He wears a black-painted robe. Whenever he coughs, he has a layer of blush and hurriedly drinks two sips of tea. Because of the trembling fingers, the golden jade wrench finger on the thumb touched the edge of the cup.

Nalan Lingqi showed a worried look on her face. She told the situation of the refining conference and said hesitantly, "I think Zhou Yi does have an extremely rare talent for refining, if he supports it..."

Emperor Lieyang coughed violently, interrupted Nalan Lingqi's words, gasped for a moment, and then said coldly, "Is this your so-called plan? The Huang family has deep roots in the court and the field. If you don't take advantage of it, you have to plant a rootless duckweed-like boy! If so, it will be like I supported the Shangguan family in those years. In the end, these old dignitaries did not move a hair, but harmed the Shangguan Fengyun family..."

Maybe he spoke a little fast. Emperor Lieyang grabbed the teacup and took two sips. Nalan Lingqi personally filled it for him, but heard him continue to say, "Son, you didn't handle this very well, very bad! Although you have mastered the Da Nei, the Jingxi battalion, and the soldiers and horses of the five cities. However, your enemies are in the government and in the field! With Nalan Siming, if I make you a reserve, those clean streams of Hanlin Academy can drown me with saliva, and the place will follow the situation..."

"Father!" Calm as Nalan Lingqi is also a little hesitant, "It's really not in line with the ancestral system. I think, I think..."

"The fourth brother is ambitious. Since I was sick, I have deliberately hooked with ministers and coveted the position... Humph! I will never pass it on to the white-eyed wolf Nalan Siming! It violates the ancestral system and the ancestral system. Didn't the previous dynasty also have a female emperor? What happened to the woman? Qi'er, the chastity archway set up by the court, is Guan Shengdou Xiaomin, not Guan Tianhuang's nobles. Don't learn from them and keep any chastity for the old Mo family... If you meet a good man, marry him in the harem, which also ensures the foundation of our Nalan family..."

"Ah..." Emperor Lieyang's words can be said to be shocking. Nalan Lingqi knew that Emperor Lieyang was unwilling to pass the throne to Nalan Siming, but she didn't expect that he not only wanted to make himself emperor, the first female emperor of the Central Xia Empire in hundreds of years, but also had to take on the heavy responsibility of passing on the Nalan family...

"Father, as long as you take care of your body, there should be no problem. In addition, Youqi is ready to get married, or... or..." The person's mind of getting married has faded. Am I going to imitate the female emperor of the previous dynasty, not only arbitrarily, but also marry a man to serve as a harem? If so, how should I evaluate the history books of later generations? Should we be the same as the female emperor of the previous dynasty, with the historical name of Ji Sichen and the obscurity of the court?

Emperor Lieyang's face changed and put the tea cup heavily on the table. "This is not to discuss with you, but my order! Tomorrow, the winners of the pottery refining conference will be commended at the Yongnian Hall, and Huang Xian will accompany me. You are responsible for restraining the guards of the inner court, and you can mobilize the soldiers and horses inside and outside the imperial capital if necessary.

"Father..." Nalan Lingqi was still waiting to say, but she saw that Emperor Lieyang's face was full of fatigue and waved her hand weakly, so she had to swallow her words, ordered the eunuch to take good care of her, and bowed down.

"Alas..." Emperor Lieyang saw Qier's figure disappear, slowly took out an oval red jade from his arms and played with it in his hand. "It's still more flexible and obedient. Knowing that I have a cold disease, he specially sent someone to send thousands of years of warm jade. Lingqi is generous and steady, capable, flexible but not enough, and her heart is not fierce enough. I don't know who can..."


In a blink of an eye, it was the second day. The clouds were light and the wind was light and the weather was good.

Zhou Yi stayed in the luxury suite of the Xingbin Hall for one night. When he was ugly, he received the award-winning refiner's request to accept the award.

"Nalan Lingqi and those princes and ministers don't have to sleep? I woke people up at three o'clock in the morning..." Zhou Yi muttered and complained, "I'll see Yuewei soon. I have to be full of energy..."

"That's right. The eldest brother really won the first place. It's a pity that I didn't see such a wonderful performance... Unfortunately, I still can't go to accept the award this time..." Xiuer listened to Ao Lan's exaggeratedly in the middle of the night yesterday, and the more regretful it became. While helping Zhou Yi tidy up his clothes, he complained.

"Well," Zhou Yi patted his little face, "the refining conference involves the power struggle of the imperial court, and it's better not to participate. Can I successfully pick up Yuewei this time? I'm also playing drums in my heart! You should be prepared and act according to the opportunity in the inn.

"No way? Is the refining conference an edict to the world? What else can go wrong?" As soon as Zhou Yi said it, Xiuer immediately became nervous.

"If you are prepared, don't think about it." Zhou Yi gave Xiuer a comforting smile, gently hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Because he came early, Zhou Yi held the grass roots in his mouth and looked around in front of the Yongnian Hall, only to find that Hoss, the Baron of Charles Empire, who also looked around, was greeting a black armored warrior. The black armored warrior is not tall, but his body is as straight as a javelin, and he can speak a good Charles language.

Most of the young refiners who participated in the refining conference did not participate in this imperial meeting. After receiving the reward, they went back to their families. In addition to the top three Zhou Yi, Huang Renjie and Xiuchuan Weiliang, Nalan Siming, Hos, Du Wangxuan, Gu Donghou and others with outstanding performance will also participate in this court event.

"What are they talking about?" Zhou Yi was bored and curious at the same time. He slowly explored over and wanted to hear what the bodyguard and Hoss were talking about.

"Hi, Prince Hoss, hello!" The warrior greeted Hoss enthusiastically, "Your power really makes my admiration like a river overflowing, uncontrollable, and like the Strait of Goddes, bottomless and bottomless!" According to your level, at least you are the strongest in your country, right?" The Gangiras Strait is a scenic spot of the Charles Empire.

"Oh, who are you?" Hoss squinted at the black armored warrior and was secretly angry in his heart, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Fuck, can the peak of Xingqi be regarded as a strong man? Not even a master!"

"My name is Qian Feng, the chief bodyguard of the palace, in the middle of the refining spirit."

"You are in the middle of refining, and I am the peak of practice?" Hoss roared dissatisfiedly, "Although your level is high, you can't talk nonsense. My level has also reached the middle of refining, and it is resounding in our Moria region!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Qian Feng nodded, and his eyes were full of "worship". "Hos's name, I am also like thunder in Zhongxia. However, some people are not convinced.

"If you don't accept it, who dares to accept it?" Hoss was dissatisfied.

"That's..." Qian Feng pulled him aside and whispered, "I said, you can't show off. Even if you show up, don't say what I said!"

Hous said impatiently, "Say it, say it quickly!" Who on earth is not convinced?

"Did you find the fat judge on the main stage this morning?"

"Is it the judge named Jiro Hidekawa?"

"Yes, it's him. This boy once said that how can this little flea of the Charles Empire be compared with the warriors of our country? In our Risang country, killing a bedbug is also more complicated than killing Hoss! Oh, Brother Si, don't stare at me with such resentful eyes. This is what Mr. Hidekawa Jiro said himself, and Zhongxia people know it.

"Wow! It pissed me off!"

House was furious, but was pulled by Qian Feng: "Shh, quiet down! If Jiro Hidekawa hears you pinching to death, my sin will be great!"


This time, Prince Hoss was not angry, but he gasped and stroked the space ring on his hand, and his eyes were full of war.

"Excating discord?" Zhou Yi smiled brightly, and this time there will be a good show.

At this time, the people were almost there, standing densely in the hall, waiting for the arrival of the emperor. Zhou Yi looked around. Although the palace guards overlapped, there was no sign of pre-war.

"Brother Huang's breath?" Zhou Yi was stunned and then smiled, "It seems that his soul trauma has been repaired, but I don't know where he is hiding..."

"The emperor is here!"

Your Majesty? Not only Zhou Yi, but also the ministers were shocked. In recent months, Emperor Lieyang rarely went to court, and generally the imperial meetings and court meetings were presided over by the princess of the state. This time, the emperor arrived in person!

After half a minute, everyone reflected and immediately took the fish road, and the shrimp took the shrimp road, and bowed to the king in accordance with the etiquette of various countries.

With the help of two little eunuchs, Emperor Lieyang came slowly and sat in the middle.

The familiar ministers have also sat down one after another. When he heard the word "the emperor arrived", the fourth prince's eyes flashed sharply and looked at Ye Hemeng. Ye He's eyebrows jumped sharply and nodded hard. The fourth prince sighed slightly and then nodded.

Zhou Yi noticed that at the end of the ministers, there was a clear-faced middle-aged man before his queue of young refiners. He wears a navy blue robe. Although it is simple, it is spotless. His handsome face is a little haggard, half of his long black hair is mixed with white hair, and his fingers are slender and pale, and there is often some tremors.

"Is this man Shangguan Fengyun?" Zhou Yi made a judgment in an instant. Shangguan Yuewei obviously inherited his father's advantages and elegant temperament. Shangguan Fengyun also looked so outstanding in the crowd.

"Dear you--" Emperor Lieyang's face was slightly pale and his expression was a little unnatural, but Long Wei was on it. He said a word, and the hall was immediately silent.

"This morning meeting is dedicated to celebrate the successful conclusion of the equipment refining conference, so it is licensed to carry weapons. The two rookies, Huang Renjie and Xiuchuan Weiliang, have been implemented by Tongluoguan and the Household Department. As for Zhou Yi - Shangguan Fengyun is there?

"The sinner official, see Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" Shangguan Fengyun hurriedly came out and knelt up in his green robe.

"Shangguan Fengyun, you made a judgment, rashly refined, destroyed the royal treasure Red God Stone, and committed the crime of deceiving the king. Fortunately, Princess Nalan appealed to avoid death, but she was also sentenced to exile, and her daughter and domestic slaves did not enter the office. However, as a ninth-order weapon refiner, it is not easy to practice, and has repeatedly refined high-level weapons for the imperial court, and recently presented the secret book "Golden Stone Heavy Code". Now you are forgiven the sins of your family, restore the title of the chief refiner of the empire, and move back to the original location. Your daughter Shangguan Yuewei has been fleeing, and now she is also pardoned and married to the first place in the refining conference, Zhou Yi!"