xing yu universe

Chapter 90 Strange Reignant Emperor

"Long live, long live, long live, long live!" No matter how calm Shangguan Fengyun was, he was particularly excited, his eyes were full of tears, and he kowtowed sincerely. As for Zhou Yi, he didn't pay much attention. When Shangguan Yuewei and Ximen Yulong were married, neither of the two children was born. After the disappearance of the couple, the two families almost cut off contact. If there is no family change, maybe he will throw this marriage out of the sky.

Until this moment, he did not expect that Zhou Yi was Simon Yulong, who was married by Shangguan Yuewei.

"Zhou Yi--"

Hearing Emperor Lieyang calling for himself, Zhou Yi suppressed his excitement, forced himself to move forward, and learned from Shangguan Fengyun to salute: "Chus, acaomin Zhou Yi, to see the emperor. Long live, long live, long live!"

"Zhou Yi, raise your head."

"Yes." Although Zhou Yi has seen countless scenes of worshipping the emperor on TV, he is not familiar with court etiquette. He originally wanted to look up and take a closer look at what the emperor looked like. As soon as Emperor Lieyang said it, he raised his head and couldn't help but be shocked: "Why is the emperor's face so bad? It seems that the legend is correct. He is really terminally ill..."

Emperor Lieyang was also slightly stunned when he saw Zhou Yi and couldn't help saying, "Zhou Yi, how old are you this year?"

"Grassman is 19 years old this year." Counting that life on earth, Zhou Yi's psychological age is more than that, but he can't count it like this. He has to add the 16-year-old who just crossed and the three years of cultivation with Ao Xue. He is exactly 19 years old. There's nothing he can do.

"19 years old... I can't tell from my face... Didn't you tell me?"

"I dare not, Cao Min is really 19 years old."

"It's really rare to achieve such an achievement at the age of 19." The court must do what it says, and this will fulfill its promise. Come on, give Zhou Yi the original "Golden Stone Classic"!" As soon as Emperor Lieyang waved his hand, a small eunuch immediately nodded and stepped down slowly, holding a gold tray in his hand with bright yellow satin wrapped things. It seemed to be a book.

"Thank you, Emperor Long's kindness!" Zhou Yi endured the awkwardness and said to himself that he and Nalan Lingqi were the same generation, and it was not a loss to kowtow to his father. kowtow...

Zhou Yi Xieen retreated and subconsciously glanced at Shangguan Fengyun, but saw that he was also staring at himself and hurriedly nodded slightly to his father-in-law and put him in the original queue. Shangguan Fengyun showed a slightly stunned expression on his face and frowned and thought about it. It seemed that he remembered his old friend.

In the hall, the emperor commented and praised Huang Renjie, Nalan Siming, Xiuchuan Weiliang, Du Wangxuan and others in turn. As time passed, the language of the ill Emperor Lieyang was slow, but his expression remained unchanged. On the contrary, the faces of the Fourth Prince, Ye Hemeng and others slowly sweated.

"Japanese people, you fucking Japanese people!"

Emperor Lieyang just praised the rookies, and when the ministers held their breath and prepared to enter the next stage, Hoss suddenly trembled with a voice.

It turned out that after being provoked by Qian Feng, when Hoss entered the hall, he noticed that he was walking with Hidekawa Jiro, wearing white and blue plaid clothes and his hair tied with red cloth.

Of course, Baron Hoss, who has a violent personality, will not worry too much. When he meets the emperor, he wants to test how strong the strong man in the mouth of the chief bodyguard is. A elbow hammer sneaked over, and the other party immediately realized that it was not good. He seemed to slip inadvertently and dodged. Hoss was unwilling and used 50% of his strength to hit three dark fists in a row. He is short and runs the next three roads. When everyone shouted long live, the three remnants roared slightly and hit the chest, abdomen and lower body of Zigong Kuang II.

Although Gong Kuang II was not shocked, his body still maintained a salute posture, and his left hand quickly hit more than a dozen spiritual decisions backwards. There was a faint fog in the sleeves of his robe, and the seal loomed in the fog. Hors's fist hit into the fog and disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

Hous was shocked and thought that this guy was really powerful and shocked, but he didn't want to provoke him again. After saluteing, he narrowed his copper bell-like eyes and simply fell into a fake night's Eve.

He was straightforward, just to test his skills. Who knew that there was a ghost in Risang's heart? Seeing that this short man was always looking for himself for bad luck, he muttered in his heart that he would not know our plan, right? If you shout, it's not good. It's better to be him! Thinking of this, the fierce light flashed from Gong Kuang's eyes and took out three cold needles from the Rongjie. This poison needle is made of ice and contains different kinds of toxins. Whether it is hit or not, it will melt after a few seconds. Now he is on the hall. Although he is good at it, he dares not be presumptuous. He uses this kind of poison needle to make Horshen die unconsciously, and he can also plant it on the head of Zhongxia. Why not?

Thinking of this, he seemed to unintentionally show his robe sleeves, swirt! Wheops! Wheops! Three poison needles quietly shot out and took the back of Hors' neck.

Horse seems to have a rough personality, but he has rich combat experience. Before the poison needle approached, he instinctively felt a chill. There was a layer of trembling on his whole right cheek. He brushed it with his hand and felt cold and slightly prickly. He couldn't help but change his face and quickly let go, but saw three small needles sliding down, but his palms were slightly black. Knowing that the needle was poisonous, he hurriedly drove it away. At the same time, he looked around and saw the cold and poisonous light in the eyes of the Risang people. His heart was cold and immediately shouted.

Among the Risang people, there are also people who are familiar with Charles's language. Xiuchuan Weiliang immediately came out and pointed to Hors's nose and said, "What are you? Dare to insult our Japanese empire! Brave and resourceless barbarian!"

Hoss roared angrily: "Despicable Risang!" He bowed his head to find the small needle as evidence, but it had already disappeared.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Xiuchuan stared at Hoss angrily and saluted Emperor Lieyang, "Your Majesty! As a foreigner, Hoss dared to make noise on the hall, which is obviously a contempt of Zhongxia's national body and must be severely punished!"


Before he finished his words, he felt a powerful airflow coming to his face. Like a ball, it bumped out of more than ten meters and hit a big dragon pillar, and even the hall was shaken. Looking at Xiuchuan Weiliang, he had already fallen asleep on the ground and fainted.

It turned out that Hoss took action angrily and slapped Xiuchuan Weiliang's chest through the air.

"Bastard!" Hidekawa Jiro shouted and rushed over, and the Japanese master in blue stripes suddenly flashed in front of Hoss, and two white lights burst out in his eyes and stared straight at him.

The furious Hoss felt a tremor in his soul, from the top of his head to his spine, and the coldness swept through his whole body.

At this time, more than 20 black armor guards in charge of the security of the hall took several steps forward and shouted in unison, "Don't move!"

Ye Hemeng and others suddenly saw this scene and were stunned for a moment and vaguely felt that something was wrong. The fourth prince tightened his eyebrows: "Big brother has always paid attention to the court etiquette system. How can he let these foreigners be presumptuous in front of the palace today?"

At this time, Emperor Lieyang mechanically turned his head twice, looked at Xiuchuan Weiliang, who had just recovered, and looked at the angry Hoss: "What's going on?"

"Your Majesty!" Hoss came over and bent down to Emperor Lieyang. "The Charles Empire and the Central Xia Empire are both great countries on the Chenxiu Continent, but the Risang Kingdom are not! They are just a few birds on the island! This guy actually attacked me with a poison needle made of ice! And I, Imperial Baron Hoss, must not be insulted like this! I want to fight with the Risang people!"

Duel? Duel at this time? Thinking of the feet of Emperor Lieyang, it was more than 500 catties of turquoise explosives arranged by himself... The fourth prince's scalp was numb for a while. After all, he was also on the hall. The detonation time, his withdrawal time and the scheduled departure time of the escort must be just right. If the duel causes any bad pool... No, no! We must find a reason to stop them!

Thinking of this, the fourth prince said harshly, "Your Excellency Baron Hoss! This is in the Yongnian Hall of the Imperial Palace of Zhongxia, not an exercise ground! If you really want to do it, please go out. I will hire a professional referee!"

"No..." Emperor Lieyang waved his hand to stop his angry brother. "I heard that the Charles Empire and Risang attach great importance to martial arts, and their national strength has grown rapidly. I really want to see whether the warriors of the Japanese and Sang Kingdom are more powerful, or are the warriors of the Charles Empire more heroic? How about it?" He looked at Hidekawa Miyoshi, who was weak in Jiro Hidekawa's arms, and the meaning was very obvious.

"This..." Jiro Hidekawa suddenly hesitated. If at ordinary times, he would have been furious and gambled with this wild dwarf, but he still has an important mission!

"Why, don't you dare?" Seeing the emperor's support, Hos immediately became bold and patted his chest loudly.

"Hum, the heroic Risang warrior, how can you be afraid!" Hidekawa Jiro's face was gloomy, and he quickly made up his mind and said coldly, "Your Majesty, let's fight! But we have conditions!"

"Please speak."

"Each depends on his ability, life and death!" The Risang man with a cold face and a green plaid robe had already been hinted by Hidekawa Jiro and came to Hoss, "I, Gong Kuang II, accept your challenge!"

"Since Gong Kuang II, the Chen Xiu of the Taoist period! He is really here!" Zhou Yi remembered the superstition of the fourth prince, his eyebrows were Xuan, and his heart beat sharply. "Since he can arrive, the Risang people must have known the secret road of the palace. If so..." Thinking of countless possibilities of sneak attacks and plots, Zhou Yi's forehead sweated.

But now, the emperor is actually watching the martial arts competition in his spare time! And send someone to seal the hall firmly. Is he crazy? Aren't you afraid that the enemy will place crystal explosives in the tunnel?