xing yu universe

Chapter 98 Colorful Bird of Paradise

"Come and help!" Of course, Yuewei would not abandon Zhou Yi and let the wind blow up her long wind. Qiushui Sword quickly drew two sharp blue lights and pierced straight into the eyes of the evil snake in the abyss. This time, Xiaolong Nizi did not cry, and her arms flashed red. The strongest attack array of "jade magic armor" was opened, and there was a touching roar. Hundreds of disk-sized meteorites, with hot waves, hit the evil snake of the abyss like rain. At the same time, Pikachu rubbed a pair of little fat hands and released more than a dozen green bamboo dragonflies.

Dao Mengqing just wanted to laugh and scold, but saw that the bamboo dragonfly did not drift away with the wind, but fell tremblingly at the seven inches of the evil snake in the abyss, and exploded one after another. The dark brown scale fragments were blown like hidden weapons, flying out, causing the leaves and branches falling one after another.

The evil snake in the abyss didn't expect that several people were so difficult to deal with. He couldn't shake Zhou Yi left and right. His body was hot and painful by the spirit beads. Yue Wei's attack forced her to bow her head and dodge, while the attack of Aolan and Pikachu made him in pain. He howled twice, bent his body forward and ran forward quickly.

"Brother, the snake is running away. Come down quickly!"

At this time, the wind roared and the energy was horizontal. Zhou Yi heard Aolan's words, but it also reminded the evil snake of the abyss. Just as Zhou Yi was about to jump back, he spit out a translucent ** from his mouth and rolled along the snake to Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi immediately felt as if he was trapped in a quagmire. The more he struggled, the closer he was bound by this energy. The most terrible thing was that the energy he used seemed to have been absorbed by it. Although this absorption was as fine as running water, it was continuous, which made him panic.

The evil snake in the abyss with Zhou Yi, winding all the way around the thick trees, extremely fast. Everyone chased after them, but they chased further and farther, turning over another dense jungle. Suddenly, there was a wide canyon in front of which was a wide canyon. There were also dense trees under the canyon. Because it was winter, it presented a clear hierarchy. Green, yellow, dark gray and other colors, dense layers, magnificent, stretching into the distance. Just now, it was still a dense forest, and suddenly saw mountains and canyons. Under the visual impact, Zhou Yi actually forgot to struggle.

Yue Wei and others followed closely. After seeing the Grand Canyon, they all shouted bitterly. They saw the huge python flying up in the air and threw themselves into the reckless forest sea. There was no trace. Everyone fell on the edge of the canyon and couldn't breathe on the ground. As Aolan rested, she turned her eyes and looked at Yuewei and Xiuer. She saw the two women look at each other and showed a determined look. The starlight between her eyebrows appeared. As soon as her body appeared, she knew that it was not good. She flashed and stopped them: "Sister Yuewei, Sister Xiuer, what are you going to do?"

"Aolan, get out of the way, we are going to find Brother Zhou Yi!" Yue's slightly broken jade teeth gently bit the red lips and cut the railway firmly.

"Yes!" Xiuer was dressed in the light green women's armor refined for him by Zhou Yi. The white robe was stained with a little dust, and there were several sunken pieces on her leg armor, but she didn't realize it. She just looked at Ao Lan and nodded vigorically, "We must find the eldest brother!"

"Can you two, one in the middle of the refining period and the other in the early stage of refining, can you deal with the abyss evil snake in the aporate period?"

Yue Wei's eyes are clear: "It can't be dealt with, that's another story. If we encounter difficulties, Brother Zhou Yi will never abandon them. On the contrary, it's the same. At worst, we'll die with him.

"Alas, two sisters-in-law," Ao Lan frowned with her fingers, "I know you are deeply affectionate to your brother. However, his brother has a lot of tricks, and he is not necessarily taken advantage of by the evil snake in the abyss. This canyon is the dividing line between the outer and middle layers of the miracle forest, and the monsters haunted in it are at least above the refining period. If we don't find our brother, we are hurt by monsters. Wouldn't we be very sad when our brother comes back?

"Just as you said, we are going to ignore the eldest brother?" Compared with Yuewei, Xiuer is more familiar with Aolan. The little pepper stares at his eyes, which is a bit like jumping up and biting.

Damaengqing and Pikachu have heard of the danger of the miracle forest and know that it is very inappropriate to chase them, but Zhou Yi is in danger after all and can't help it. Seeing that Zhou's sister and Zhou's daughter-in-law quarreled first, the two turned their eyes and chose to shut up wisely.

"My opinion is to wait. Find a safe place nearby and wait for three days. Three days later, if my brother still doesn't come, we will go to the canyon to find him!"

"No, I will never let my eldest brother take risks alone!" As soon as the sleeves jump as high, they will jump down the canyon.

Ao Lan stared at her eyes and just wanted to argue a few words, but she saw that the moonlight's beautiful eyes flashed a little, and she had to take advantage of it. She dared to scold Xiuer directly, but was a little frightened by the elegant and beautiful Yuewei. Seeing that the situation was not good, she took out a soft-looking dark green skin from the rose scepter. As soon as she pinched it with her hand, a pale pink gas sprayed out. Yuewei and Xiuer took two bites and suddenly felt weak. Although her body could Moving, but weak, I just want to sit down and rest.

"All right!" Ao Lan clapped her hands and said, "Stay obediently. No one is allowed to move! Brother Dao, please find a safe place!"

"Okay, okay!" Dao Mengqing saw that this little girl in the middle of her life moved her fingers and put down a mid-stage refining period and an early stage of refining. She was afraid that there would be any horrible means. She hurriedly answered and turned around and ran away. Pikachu rolled his eyes and didn't dare to say anything.

"You ungrateful little hoof!" Xiuer is not as elegant as Yuewei. Her pretty face is red, her chest is high and low, and she shouts angrily, "If the eldest brother hadn't loved you, would he have been captured by the evil snake of the abyss?" You are afraid of death, don't take us!"

"I didn't hear, I didn't hear, I didn't hear..." Ao Lan rolled his eyes, held a small grass in his mouth, slowly walked to the root of a chestnut pine and sat on it. He seemed to be calm, but in fact, he felt as uncomfortable as fried. He secretly thought, brother, you two must come back soon...

One is Zhou Yi and the other is Tang Ying. A Tang shadow with a natural hidden instinct, assassination and poison!

In the depths of the canyon, a dark corner, tall deciduous trees and pine trees are gradually scarce, dark red and dark brown fungi grow densely, and the vines are densely entangled, and there is no sun. Only dark green water droplets drip from above and converge into a fine stream, and I don't know where to go. Zhou Yi was shocked after seeing the canyon. As a modern man, he rarely saw such a spectacular natural scenery. When his mind moved, he lost his opportunity and was tightly wrapped in his arm by an energy mass, which made it difficult to move. After struggling for a while, a cold dark hole appeared. Zhou Yi knew that it would be too late if he didn't leave now. The heart of Ao Xue suddenly launched. The thick chaotic energy dust of the pen destroyed the withered and melted energy mass. The remaining momentum penetrated the body of the evil snake in the abyss and ingested the gloomy hole from the other end.

Affected by this heavy blow, dark red blood gushed out, and the evil snake of the abyss made a shocking roar. The whole body twisted strangely, rolled over viciously, and hit Zhou Yi on his back to the ** stone next to it.

At ordinary times, the amount of Ao Xue's heart is not much. Today, with so much snowy energy, Zhou Yi fell into a brief dizziness. Seeing that his back was about to be broken, a dark shadow floated out like a ghost, grabbed his shoulder, and floated up more than ten meters on the rock, cling to a horizontal vine and shaking. Zhou Yi recovered in one breath, and at the same time, he saw the bright eyes clearly. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Tang Ying, are you finally out?"

Tang Ying only nodded and did not say anything. Zhou Yi was still waiting to speak, but he saw the seriously injured evil snake, with fierce eyes, stabbing Zhou Yi's chest like a long core steel fork.

Although nearly half of Zhou Yi's chaotic yuan energy has been used, there is still a part of it. He is about to shout, "I'll do it!" Show your heroic character in front of Tang Ying. Unexpectedly, Tang Ying did not give him this opportunity at all. He threw Zhou Yi up with his strength in his hand, then kicked the tree and vine, and his right machete turned into a black horse to practice, straight to the eyes of the python.

Zhou Yi hurriedly stabilized in mid-air and landed above the mouth of the evil snake hole in the abyss. Just as I was about to speak, I saw a colorful light looming in the cave. When I was surprised, I felt the wind roar and dark fragrance. A beautiful bird flew out. It was more than a meter long. Its feathers were composed of golden red, a purple crown, and seven-color tail feathers dragged behind him, occupying four-fifths of the body. The color was bright and layered. , extra coordination. However, Zhou Yi was surprised to find that this beautiful bird showed lavender energy clouds on its wings, but there were no real wings. In addition, his abdomen seemed to be injured, and while flying, golden and purple blood flowed out.

The bird was caught by the evil snake in the abyss and was seriously injured. It was locked in a cage made of magic steel. When it was desperate, an energy fell from the sky and split the cage cast by fine steel. It was shocked for a while. Suddenly, it remembered that it was a good time to escape, so it hurriedly flew out and finally reached the mouth of the hole. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I saw Zhou Yi staring at it stunned. I couldn't help but be shocked. The crystal shrank, the abdominal pain hit like a tide, and the energy could no longer support the body and fell straight down to the canyon.

Everyone loves beauty. Of course, Zhou Yi can't bear to let such a beautiful bird fall to death. He hurried down and then came first to hold the bird in his arms. Looking carefully, the bird's whole body trembled, and a pair of dark eyes were staring at itself, mixed with some shock, anger and timidity, but also a trace of attachment.

Although the evil snake in the abyss avoided the attack of Tang Ying as fast as a ghost, it inevitably inhaled the poison of Tang Ying. Although he had a strong ability to bear it, he felt painfully. He was doing everything possible to get rid of Tang Ying. Suddenly, Zhou Yi hugged the colorful bird and couldn't help cracking his eyes and roared, "Return my paradise bird!" With that, regardless, he rushed to Zhou Yi.