xing yu universe

Chapter 186 Six Left Wheel

The Aral Sea bone shooting beast completely deterred the scene. Several rounds of heart thorns of Yunying Chen Xiu's killed many people. Qingmei In order to protect her sleeves, a poison thorn flew over her cheek and almost destroyed her face. She was so angry that she bit her silver teeth, took out the green vine bow to return her teeth, and shot two cloud eagles and a Chen Xiuer at that time. But her strong strength immediately attracted the attention of the black armored man. He looked at Qingmei, and a trace of surprise and ridicule flashed in his eyes.

"Isn't this Qingnu?" His voice was not loud, but very penetrating, and his voice was strange. When he heard it in Qingmei, it sounded like thunder, and his pretty face turned red because of anger.

"Tang Tie, I'm going to kill you!" The blue armor with exquisite vine patterns covered the whole body, and the legs full of ** and elasticity were kicked. The whole body ejected out like an arrow. The long sound of the bell was as straight as a gun, wrapped in thick energy and bombarded the head of the black armored man Tang Tie.

"Green slave, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so**." Tang Tie's cold eyes swept from his charming sheep jade-like neck, towering chest and semi-naked **, and his tone was full of ridicule and ridicule. At the same time, the body of the bone fish quickly shrank back, and he dodged the charming blow. The blood-red machete in his hand swept a strange arc, and two red lightning moon energy blades flashed in midair obliquely to the green abdomen.

The green abdomen was closed, the waist and shoulders sank, and a graceful flip in the air. The charming bell sounded, and the note seal was like a transparent elf flying all over the sky, surrounding Tang Tie. The long rope bent flexibly like a long snake, bypassed the machete, and hit Tang Tie's chest with a bang.

Tang Tie's body was shocked, and his energy fluctuated for a while. He said in a low voice, "Have you reached the middle of the road?"

Qingmei "hum" and did not answer at all. The long emotional rope rolled up again, and a virtual shadow appeared in mid-air. On the one hand, there was a green bamboo forest, and on the other hand, there was a magnificent river. The virtual shadow flashed away, and they were all involved in the long emotions. The energy of the two systems of water and wood spread out, and the long rope seemed to have increased several times, splitting the head and covered the face. Tang Tie rolled up.

The white armor girl next to her frowned and was about to take action when she heard Tang Tie shout, "Even if she is in the middle of the Tao, she can't help me!" You command the Cloud Eagles and kill the target quickly!"

The a Taoist old man beside Nalan Lingqi looked surprised: "I didn't expect that there was such a powerful role in the Nuyue Gang. With my soul cultivation, I didn't realize that she was also a strong Taoist!"

Seeing the two strong men of Qingmei and Tang Tie fighting, Wang Yun also shouted, turned into a sharp flash, and rushed to the white armored girl.

"Ah?" Wang Yueming was shocked. He knew the character of his little uncle very well. Although he was handsome and smart since childhood, he was also very cunning and well versed in the way to seek benefits and avoid harm. In the case of having an absolute advantage in such a place, how dare he rush up?

He knew that Wang Yun had already believed that Zhou Yi was an unrevealed saint. The saints are here, and no matter how many strong Taoists are, they are useless. He also behaved in order to make a good impression on the saint.

"Give me, shoot them all!" Tang Tie fought fiercely with Qingmei, and did not forget to shout angrily to Yun Yingchen.

His word "shooting" also reminded several master refiners present. Huang Renjie rarely encountered such a practical situation. He began to be shocked and a little panicked. But behind, there was a good-minded person looking at it, and it also had the peak cultivation of refining gods. Hearing Tang Tie's shouting, his eyes fell on those cannons. An arrow grabbed it and quickly started the machine. The cannon, the cannon of the Wang family, and the cannon of Wuwei Longguan all opened fire. The energy cover was already shaky under the joint attack of the Yun Yingchen repairer. At this moment, it was even more broken. Three crystal shells of different sizes, bombard! Boom! Boom! The heavy heat wave rushed to the cloud eagle group.

Cloud Eagle's speed was very fast. Seeing the shells coming, they dodged one after another, but several people were affected by energy and sprayed blood. The two rode and fell into the valley.

"The crystal cannon needs time to start. Hurry up and attack!" The leader of Yun Yingchen is a middle-aged black-faced thin man. He shouted loudly. Yun Yingchen raised sticks together and aimed at three cannons to attack.

At this time, we can see the advantages and disadvantages of several cannons in actual combat. Although the Wang family's cannon was powerful, it was blown up several times in the joint attack with only one shot. Wuwei Dragon Hall insisted on sending two bullets and bombed down three cloud eagles. The Lin family's cannon insisted on firing three shots, which not only bombarded three cloud eagles, but also killed two Chen Xiu and seriously injured one. Huang Renjie's face was hot and subconsciously glanced at Zhou Yi, feeling that although this guy was young and frivolous, his vision was still very accurate.

However, it surprised him more in the back.

Seeing that all three cannons were scrapped, Zhou Yi frowned, waved his hand, and there were three more cannons on the platform. Indeed, compared with the three cannons, Zhou Yi is a veritable cannon. Only one-third the size of the Lunas cannon, the shape is simple and simple, the seal on the turret is fine and complex, and the diameter of the barrel is not large, about 100 mm. The most special place is that there is a cylindrical protrusion on the right side of the turret. Through the outer steel cover, it can be detected that there is a wheel shaft inside. Two-thirds of the wheel shaft is hidden in the turret, and one-third is exposed and connected to the back bullet inlet.

The situation is urgent. Huang Renjie didn't have time to detect the array and mechanical structure. He felt a little familiar with it, but he didn't think much about it. It was just a little strange, "How can such a small cannon do compared with other people's cannons?"

Several weapon refiners were closer to Zhou Yi. Although people were panicked and had a strong interest in weapon refining, they still noticed Zhou Yi's cannon, and they also had the same doubts as Huang Renjie.

Zhou Yi was very skillfully adjusting the position of the gun, and then aimed the muzzle at the Yunyingchen practitioners who lined up the geese-shaped array.

The cannon is suitable for urban defense, but because of heat dissipation, the fastest time is * seconds. For Chen Xiu, the response is quite slow and has never been ignored. Just now, they killed three cannons, and now they don't pay attention to Zhou Yi's cannon. According to the speed of the shell, it is not too late to hit and run. As for those who were killed and injured by the cannon, it was only because they were caught off guard or affected by energy.

Therefore, they didn't care about Zhou Yi's behavior at all, and once again aimed the central color ceiling, which was their main purpose. As for the others, they deserve to be killed. Who let you enter this dead land?

Seeing that the other party turned a blind eye to his cannon, Zhou Yile did so. With a touch of his palm, the machine bracket had been opened without warning. Yun Yingchen felt three rays shining, and then there was a fierce gunfire like beads.

Boom! Boom - not everyone imagined, but like a machine gun, it fired continuously. Each gun fired six shells in a row, and the three cannons added up to 18 shells.

The masters of the refining were stunned, and the practitioners of Yun Yingchen were stunned. It was not until these shells exploded in the crowd that they fully woke up.

The shell developed by Master Pikachu is not only powerful, but also sinister! In addition to the violent energy shock, there are also countless small steel beads and iron sheets. With the explosion shooting around, they only heard the screams in the sky, and the clouds and eagles fell down like rain. Not many of these monsters and people really died, but many of them were injured, and some were very serious.

"Bastard!" Tang Tie dodged a series of splashed steel balls and saw his cloud eagle team. He grinned sadly and said loudly, "Kle this boy first and kill him!"

With that, the blood-red long knife was chopped one after another, and the space shook. Qingmei retreated, and Tang Tie took the opportunity to shoot the bone beast. The beast screamed strangely, and the bone spurs were wrapped in acid liquid, and he covered his face and shot at Qingmei. As soon as she smelled the smell, Qingmei felt a burst of soreness in her body, and the protective Chenguang was corroded in a blink of an eye. She was so scared that she flew back, but she didn't notice that the white armored girl quietly came behind her, suddenly pulled out a snow-white sword and fiercely hit her back of the head.

Qingmei was trying her best to break free from the lock of the poison. Suddenly, she felt that the evil wind behind her was not good. The green vine shield flew out quickly and bloomed like a flower, protecting the top of her head, but she felt a piercing cold immersion from the top of her head and immediately bursting in pain.

"Sister Mei!" Xiang'er screamed, and her body disappeared like smoke in place. When she appeared again, she had already flew more than 20 meters with Qingmei in her arms.

"Look for death!" Zhou Yi's eyes flashed with cold light and quickly adjusted the muzzle. The wheel shaft at the fort rotated quickly, and the cannonballs came out of the barrel like a tide, splashed on the white armored woman. Wang Yun has always slipped and did not use all his strength. As soon as he saw the shell attack, he had already avoided it far away. Eighteen shells exploded in the middle of Tang Iron and the white armored woman. The surging energy, wrapped in countless steel beads and iron sheets, shot at the sky.

Although they are strong, Tang Tie and the white armored woman also feel the oppression and suffocation of energy, especially those hidden weapons, each of which is equivalent to a good blow to the peak of the refining god. The two waved their treasures to the extreme. Tang Tie's whole body was covered with a thick blood-colored film, and the white armored woman's outer layer is dense skeleton skull. I blocked these annoying little things, but I couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, more than a dozen Chen practitioners fell from the sky. Zhou Yi's six left-wheel cannons were powerful.

Wang Yun was stunned by the side, and at the same time, his admiration for Zhou Yi deepened another layer. This is under the crown of the saint. I don't disdain to do it with you at all. Building a few cannons can also kill you!

Zhou Yi also showed a few smiles on his face. He was about to cheer up and let his cannon power again, but he felt that the ground of the platform was trembling slightly. With a glance, I saw Lin Lie in the colorful shed of the Lin family, the shopkeeper of Rong Baozhai, suddenly jumped up and fled to the sky.

"It's not good!" A frightened thought slipped through the bottom of my heart.