xing yu universe

Chapter 209 Top Ten Commands 2

Luo Yundian's sects are all famous. Brother Sheng is naturally Shengqi, the deputy leader of the Shura Knife Association; Brother Fang is one of the green crane envoys of the school, Fang San; Brother Feng is the executive leader of the Wuyue Boxing League, Feng Haotian; and Jianye is the deputy leader of the Hengshan Sword School.

The masters of all sects are super saints and generally ignore the affairs of the world. Therefore, they are all deputy strong people who help with specific affairs. Even so, they have reached the middle and peak of Hedao, and some are even close to the level of saints. Like Ai Qing, she is already a saint, but few people know it.

Those medium-class sects are all masters, and there are many strong people among them. Seeing Luo Yun like this, most of their faces show displeasure.

"Chairman Li, look... Isn't this too much of us?" A bearded man said angrily, "Their sect is bigger, and we respect it. But can they represent the whole cultivation world?"

"Brother Zhao, I think you'd better be a little impatient. It's good for us small gangs to get a batch of weapons!" A thin man said with a wry smile.

"Well, the 73rd series of our southwest seven caves and eight caves are not necessarily worse than them!" A bald man is not annoy.

"I think you'd better keep your voice and follow the big faction. There is no loss." A sharp voice said.

It seems that the opinions of these gangs are not unified, and there are more material **.

At this time, the man surnamed Zhao came to Mingying and gave a deep salute. Mingying hurriedly returned the salute: "This big brother..."

"Master Cheng, thank you for reminding me. In case I follow you confusedly this morning, I may not even know how to die!" He laughed as he said.

"Brother Zhao laughed. I was also afraid that just in case, I was in a hurry to remind everyone."

"What if your angry moon gang found this information? Is it different to be thrown out of the door? However, I like this brother. Today's words are all what Nanyun wants to say and dares to say. I'm happy!" The thin man said.

"I also want to talk about it. If it's Brother Nan, it may be more heroic!" Zhou Yi's words made everyone have a great crush on him. Although this young man is a little young, his speech is still very comfortable.

As everyone was talking and laughing, the door suddenly opened. Yu Man came out, looked down and said proudly, "Uncle Luo explained that the Donghang League has been postponed for one day and changed to West Lake Island. It will officially start at 9 a.m. on July 17. Let's break up." After saying that, he turned around and entered the pavilion and closed the door.

" it over?" Everyone looked at each other and talked about each other and dispersed. The members brought by other big gangs stayed and waited for the leader.

"Let's go." Zhou Yi shook his head and pulled Ming Ying, who was a little dazed. "Sister, go back and prepare well. The task is arduous."

The next morning, the sun was bright and warm, and the West Lake in East Hangzhou was bright and the mountains were empty, like a crystal clear jade. The willows by the lake are full of tourists and beautiful scenery. The big islands in the middle of the lake are all martial law for more than ten square meters, and fishermen are also driven to the shore. On the lake, there are boats patrolled back and forth by the city guards.

At this time, Zhou Yi and others have followed the big boat to the island in the middle of the lake. And some Chen Xiu, who burned bags, couldn't wait to fly over in advance.

The island in the middle of the lake is lush and lush with vegetation. There are only two small fishing villages scattered on the edge of the island, the rest are undeveloped forests, and the air is moist and fresh.

At this time, a simple large platform has been built in the center of Huxin Island, 300 meters long and 100 meters wide. There are more than a dozen seats in the north of the stone table. Under the stone platform facing the seat, the trees have also been cut down, leaving only a large piece of flat grassland, hundreds of meters in radius. Most of the gangs who came to participate have remained outside the city. There are only about 400 or 500 people at the scene, which can accommodate them.

At nearly nine o'clock, there have been a lot of people under the platform, either standing or sitting, and the leaders of various gangs are standing in front. Of course, there are Zhou Yi, Mingying, Yuewei and other angry moon gangs.

More than a dozen people slowly walked onto the platform. In addition to the owner of Huang Jingyu City, as well as Luo Yun, Shengqi, Fang San, Feng Haotian, Ai Qing, Jianye and other leaders, there were also several strange faces. After they got on the stage, they just stood there and didn't sit.

Seeing that people was almost there, Luo Yun only took a few steps forward and said loudly, "Gentlemen!"

In a word, the voice of the crowd immediately lowered and gradually became silent.

"Yesterday, thanks to the reminder of the angry moon help Cheng Mingying, the disciples of this sect and the city guard finally eliminated the young people. Today's alliance is guarded by the Hu Xiaojun elite outside the island, and I gave the eleven disciples of the Sword Sect, which will be foolproof! Dear leaders, this Donghang Association is a century-old event for practitioners and has been recognized by the imperial court. Now, let's invite the princess of the country to live a thousand years!"

Princess of Supervision!

"What! Is the princess here too?"

"Oh, my God, the princess arrived in person!"

"I've grown up, and I haven't seen anything like a princess!"

As soon as Luo Yun's words came out, it immediately attracted a lot of discussion from the audience. Even if the cultivated practitioners are no matter how advanced they are, if they don't join the National Scholars Hall, who will have a chance to see the current princess? Moreover, the princess of the superintendent supervises the government of a country, and her power is not much different from that of today's emperor.

With everyone's eyes, Zhou Yi looked up. A water-blue jade carriander appeared in the air on the other side of the West Lake. A familiar slim figure sat on it, wearing a blue phoenix crown, a long purple-blue skirt and a bright yellow ribbon around his waist, which looked elegant and elegant.

However, she is so high that her whole body seems to be shrouded in a halo. Is this still the beautiful woman who holds hands and kisses him in the misty rain? How many impressions did the scene leave in her mind at that time?

Three people stand behind the jade gall. On one side are two Hongyu warriors, Liang Hongtian and Si Yong, both masters of the peak of alchemy, while on the other side, Zhou Yi's old knowledge, one of the three leaders of the Forbidden City, Huang Xian!

Yuyuan came to the island in a blink of an eye. In the eyes of everyone, Nalan Lingqi fell generously. She stepped on the high platform and saluted the people on the stage, "I have seen Master Luo, I have met all the masters."

"Your Highness, you're welcome, you're welcome!" Although everyone on the stage was a master and a leader, they were still civilians. As soon as they saw the princess taking the initiative to salute, they hurriedly returned the salute, and some even showed excitement.

Zhou Yi nodded secretly, thinking that as a prison princess, this posture was much better than Luo Yun's performance. People in cultivation have always been very face-to-face. You respect me a foot, and I respect you a foot. In this way, it will definitely win everyone's favor.

There has been silence under the stage. Everyone looked up and saw that the beautiful woman in front of them was in a holy and noble glory, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

"Lead leaders," Nalan Lingqi smiled and said clearly, "This Donghang League is the most important gathering in the cultivation world in front of my father. At present, our Zhongxia Kingdom is in a critical period of stormy times. According to the information we have, the Japanese Sang Kingdom and the Charles Empire have joined hands to invade our land and occupy our resources. Therefore, the court hopes that everyone will abandon the entanglement in the cultivation of Taoism and Jianghu Enmity, combine with the alliance, and fight against the strong enemy with the court.

There was silence under the stage, and Nalan Lingqi's clear voice spread all over the audience, and Xiuer was also heartened. She quietly said to Yuewei, "Sister Lingqi is really powerful now. I'm so ashamed to speak in front of so many people!"

"Next, I would like to announce the establishment method and reward system of the League of Cultivators."

Nalan Lingqi's words immediately attracted the attention of the gangs present. The preparation method means how to fight in the future; and rewards are the basic motivation of the alliance. Even Zhou Yi, who was a little absent-minded, couldn't help pricking up his ears.

"According to calculations, the strength of the Central Xia gangs and the high combat effectiveness above the peak of the spirit add up to 100,000 people. Therefore, the court decided to select the top ten leaders among the leaders of the gangs. The masses led by the top ten leaders are mainly based on the voluntary combination of various gangs, which are adjusted according to the needs of the battle and the number of people. As for the reward--

The whole audience was silent, and Zhou Yi only heard the sound of wind, breathing and heartbeat. The big gates don't care about the rewards provided by the imperial court, but these medium-sized sects are still very careful.

"At the peak of the alliance, you can get a fourth-order weapon, a thousand green crystals, 3,000 taels of silver; in the early and middle of refining, you can get a fifth-order treasure, 1,500 green crystals, 5,000 taels of silver; at the peak of refining gods, you can get a sixth-order treasure, 2,000 green crystals, and 7,000 taels of silver. ; If you are strong above the road, you can get a seventh-order treasure, which can be used for three years with green crystal and 10,000 taels of silver. In case of a battle, killing the enemy, an ordinary soldier's head will get ten green crystals and one weapon at the third level; the intermediate officer's head will get 100 green crystals and one weapon below the fifth level; if the senior officer's head will get 1,000 green crystals and one high-level treasure. The trophies obtained belong to the individual.

The conditions are too good!

As soon as this word came out, the gangs below suddenly boiled and the sound of discussion buzzed.

"Please be quiet!" Nalan Lingqi continued, "Now, please publicly recommend the ten leaders of the Cultivator Alliance. The following are the candidates proposed by the imperial court: Master Luoyun; Master Fang San of Guijia School; Master Ai Qing of Yuchenyuan; Master Shengqi of Shura Knife Association; Master Feng Haotian of Wuyue Boxing League; Master Ye of Hengshan Sword School; Master Sikongyuan of Wanzhou Family; Master Qi Liguo of Qixinglianlian Village; Master Quanjuren of the Northern Alliance; Shiyun of Nanjiang Gang Master."

As soon as the list of the top ten leaders came out, everyone present was in an uproar. Because the princess of the country was present, she just whispered. Only Zhao Tianqing, who was very dissatisfied yesterday, didn't care about that and shouted, "Who made this mother's list? Why don't I know at all?"