xing yu universe

Chapter 210 Top Ten Commands 3

"Yes... why didn't you give me a notice in advance?" As soon as someone took the lead, everyone immediately echoed.

At this time, Huang Jingyu, the city owner, hurried to the front and shouted, "Heads, these ten leaders naturally need to be publicly recommended by everyone. The list is published for your reference only. These names must be very familiar to everyone. If any one is not convinced, just go to the stage to challenge them.

Nalan Lingqi smiled and said, "The Lord of Huangcheng is reasonable. Naturally, he is a virtuous and talented person. Since it is a grand event for Chen practitioners, it is also appropriate to compete with each other. There are those who are not satisfied with the leader on this list, despite the challenge of coming to power. Everyone is only more cultivated and should not hurt their lives. If the challenge is not successful, please unite and stop making trouble.

As soon as he said this, the voice under him slowly lowered. Only Zhao Tianqing said, "These people are the strongest. One step away is the holy level. Naturally, I can't compare with them, but is it convincing if I can't compare? I can't beat him, but I still don't accept him!"

coax! Everyone laughed. Nalan Lingqi's self-restraint was very good. She only shook her head and smiled, but did not refute it.

"What Boss Zhao said makes sense!" Nanyun, a thin man, echoed, "I propose to choose one person, Master Cheng of Nuyue Gang! Although she is a woman, she stands up for everyone's safety. She is brave and resourceful. I admire such a person!"

"Don't make trouble for nothing!" However, Qi Liguo behind Luo Yun couldn't hang up and said coldly, "The top ten leaders are the leaders of practitioners. If you have the ability, please come to the stage. If you don't have the ability, just shut up! Chen Xiu is the road. If it's not a competition, who will have a sharper mouth!"

"Who is this old guy?" Zhou Yi thought to himself and sent a voice to Ming Ying, "Master, do you want to challenge him?"

"He?" Mingying smiled bitterly and said, "He has strong energy. At least in the early days of the road, he must be very powerful in the battle to be invited by the court. And I'm just the peak of refining gods. How can I challenge it?"

The two were secretly discussing, and suddenly a clear voice sounded: "I'm not convinced!"

At the beginning of the speech, a white shadow was like electricity. In a blink of an eye, he came to the stage and stood in front of the crowd, but he was a prince with a jade-like face and a handsome look. The snow-white Chen Xiu was elegant with the wind. He was Murong Jian, the eldest son of the Murong family, one of the Wanzhou family.

There are four families in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are also two families in Wanzhou in the south of the Yangtze River, Murong and Sikong. Murong Jian is the eldest son of the Murong family and the future owner of the Murong family.

"Ms. Murong?" Huang Jingyu looked very kind, "Which leader is Mr. Murong not satisfied with?"

Murong Jian smiled and said salutely, "Princess Chisui, Lord Huang Cheng, except for Master Sikong, I think all the leaders are very suitable."

This sentence is very challenging. The two major families in Wanzhou are not convinced of each other, which is a well-known secret. When everyone under the stage saw that someone took the lead, they were already talking about it. Hearing Murong Jian's words, they were even more excited. They looked for the best position and began to play.

As soon as Murong Jian opened his mouth, an old man standing on the stage immediately came out, and his eyes were full of disdain.

Zhou Yi saw that the old man was not tall and thin, but his eyes were full of stars, and his cultivation was obviously very high.

"In this case, the two of you will compete within a radius, but don't hurt your life." Huang Jingyu didn't say much and nodded to the crowd, and more than a dozen people on the stage retreated to sit back.

Murong Jianteng jumped into the air, with a pair of long swords in his hand. The sword body flowed like mercury, engraved with a dragon flying in the clouds, and there were half a meter long bright red ears under it.

"Jilongyun's first sword?" Si Kongyuan snorted coldly, "Old Murong gave you this baby too?" Humph, so what? I will teach you a lesson today and let you know how to respect your elders!" With a shake of his hand, two short green sticks only 30 centimeters long were lit up, which were full of curved lines, like the roots of old trees.

Wow! Although Si Kongyuan was old-fashioned, he was the first to take action, which made everyone under the stage despise him.

The sky was dark, and Sikongyuan's two short sticks stirred out the overwhelming plant roots, dense layers, with a sad roar, and rolled straight to Murong Jian. Murong Jian was like a boat in the sea, which was submerged in the endless sea in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, there were also many residual rhizomes, "boom" and "boom" hit the ground, and the onlookers were scared with a "ah" sound. Some quickly dodged, some called out protective energy armor, and all kinds of light flashed, and the soft soil under the ground was thrown high, and the scene was chaotic.

Luo Yun and others on the stage only put on a protective cover to cover the platform, and the rest is ignored. The Cultivator Alliance is going to fight, and even two people can't fight, so there is no need to join the alliance.

Even so, several long roots as thick as children's arms still threw several poorly cultivated guys far away and screamed across the sky and fell far into the West Lake with a "plop".

Sikongyuan suddenly took action, and it was a big move. He immediately had the upper hand. He was proud in his heart and suddenly saw that a little dazzling white light was coming out of the rhizome that had formed a giant ball. The white light became longer and longer, and finally became a light blade and appeared on the surface of the ball. With a loud "boom", countless rotating white blades flew out, stirring the airflow and bursting, dancing wildly to Sikongyuan.

"See the 'Light Blade Storm'!" Murong Jian's eyes were cold and sharp, and his long sword danced into a piece of light and shadow. Countless blades were like raindrops, attacking Sikongyuan mercilessly.

A faint light and shadow transformed by Sikongyuan's two sticks was heavily bombarded by the blade, and immediately broke into countless fragments along the direction of the blade, and then swept over him.


With Sikongyuan's shouting, a pair of light gray textured energy armor immediately emerged, but it was immediately hit by the light blade storm, and Sikongyuan snorted and fell to the ground.

"Where to go!"

Murong Jian held the sword in both hands and stood upright on his right shoulder, like a cannonball out of the barrel, chasing Sikong Yuan.

As he approached the ground, Sikongyuan twisted his waist and quickly flew above the slope of Murong Sword. Two short sticks suddenly sprayed thousands of light green light, and more than a dozen round spheres flew out of the light. As soon as these spheres reached the air, they immediately unfolded two wing blades and rotated at high speed when the wind, one after another to Murong. The sword flew away.

Murong Jian was shocked, and the blade storm was a little overwhelmed. Inadtention, a round ball rolled by, and a long crack appeared in the white energy armor.

"So awesome!" His cultivation is actually not as good as Sikongyuan's, but he is powerful with the weapons in his hand, so he does not fall behind at all. Seeing the situation change, without hesitation, he suddenly threw out the sword, danced his fingers, and the two spiritual formulas hit it in.

"Oh!" With a long and earth-shocking roar, two dragons suddenly appeared in the semi-suspended air. The blood basin opened its mouth and swallowed all the balls launched by Sikongyuan. The aftertlingering power continued to rush at him.

"You cheated and used monsters!" Si Kongyuan shouted.

"Master Sikong, except for disposable Chenfa items, as long as it is your own strength, everything can be used." Huang Xian said lightly. His cultivation and status are no less than that of the gang leader. After all, he represents the court, so he naturally speaks with weight.

"When I don't have a unique trick? Tree-based!"

Sikongyuan's figure suddenly disappeared, and a towering tree with a diameter of more than ten meters emerged out of thin air. The branches and leaves of the tree were lush, the trunk was gray and hard, and the roots of the tree were like monsters.

Ah? Sikongyuan has been sanctified?" Luo Yun suddenly stood up. Combining the body into a physical shape is one of the manifestations of the saint's realm. Just like the ancestor of the mulberry flame that Zhou Yi met, it can turn his body into magma in a short time. If you realize the realm of sanctification, even if the power is insufficient, it can be transformed.

"No, his realm has been reached, and Chen Li is obviously not enough." Luo Yun was slightly relieved, but the realm had been reached, and it would be a matter of time before he entered the Holy. If the star power is enough and the realm can't be understood, maybe you can't be holy until death. Moreover, after becoming a saint, it is not as ordinary people say that they can live immortality, but there is no problem to live for 500 years, and the peak of Hedao can only live 300 years at most.

Jiaolong suddenly jumped on the tree and hit his eyes with stars. The roots of the big tree condensed into more than a dozen buckets of thick whips in an instant, hundreds of meters long from the sky to the earth, and viciously pumped at Jiaolong. Jiaolong screamed and fell down, but its defense was extremely high, leaving only a few white marks on its body.

Sikongyuan was puzzled. The long whip of the tree root hit the dragon one after another. The dragon was pulled to the ground and was smashed down before he could turn over. He went straight into the ground and was never seen again.

Originally, the green grassy ground turned into ravines, and the soil turned out, which was unbearable.

"Bastard, don't bully too much!" Murong Jian shouted angrily, emitted countless white light blades with his bare hands, rolling towards the branches and trunks.

Si Kongyuan shook his head and avoided hard resistance. The dancing roots swept over Murong Jian again.

"Such a low-level realm!" Aolan was unwilling to be lonely in the Dragon Ball, "I heard my brother say that the high level of wood attributes should be the 'life force' and 'leaf wind support'. Such a brute force type can only be regarded as a beginner!"

"Wow, do you still know this?" Zhou Yi was shocked and said, "What about the fire? How many realms does fire have?

"I forgot. I'll reply to you when I find out if there is "Dragon Emperor Quotations" in the rose scepter.


At this time, Murong Jian's energy armor was already full of cracks, and he shouted angrily, "Sikongyuan, don't force me!"

"What about forcing you? Ignorant boy, do you still want to be the leader of the practitioners?

"Good! Sikongyuan, look at it!"

Murong Jian waved his hand, and the dragon flew out of the ground awkwardly. He rolled back into a long sword. The hundred red ears at the hilt of the sword suddenly turned into tens of millions of flying tongues in the air, roaring and ran to Sikongyuan.

Ah? Si Kongyuan's face immediately changed.

Jiaolong from the water, Sikongyuan is not afraid, but this fire tongue is Kemu's. Even if he can win, he is a tragic victory that has hurt decades of cultivation, and it is not worth taking this risk.

Thinking of this, I didn't care about the image. The tree suddenly disappeared. One turned over and went to the shield of Luo Yun and others on the stage. The shield only resisted the attack, and it was okay to break in slowly.

"Sikongyuan, why did you run away before you tell the winner?" Murong Jian put away his sword and smiled.

"Well, Murong old man gave you the baby. What kind of good man is he to win with weapons?"

This sentence is not only off the stage, but also some people on the stage don't want to listen to it. They can't help pulling down their faces. Zhao Tianqing shouted, "Master Sikong, you also need to rely on your ability to use the treasure. If you have the ability, you can take a more powerful one out and have a look? If not, get off the stage and go home quickly!"

"You!" Sikongyuan was speechless.

Huang Jingyu got up with a smile and said, "In the comparison between Master Murong and Master Sikong, Master Murong won, replacing the leadership of Master Sikong. Master Sikong, do you have any opinions?

"Hmm!" Sikongyuan's face was like frost and did not answer. He shook his body into the air and hurried away.

"What else is unconvinced about the position of the top ten leaders?"

Huang Jingyu asked several questions, but no one answered. Everyone saw the battle just now. Which house doesn't have a top baby? Even if you are not convinced, do you have the strength to compete?

Yu Man, Qingfeng and others under the stage are even more arrogant, glancing at the bright cherry in the crowd. In the position of the top ten leaders, Taoist Xuanmen occupies the first place, and the peak position of practitioners is unshakable.

"In this case, please ask each faction to choose which leader to follow..."

"Wait!" A very familiar, crisp and beautiful voice sounded. Mingying jumped onto the platform and smiled, "I also want to challenge!"

- There was a riot in the crowd. The battle just now has made everyone shout. Now the beautiful master, who is in the limelight, wants to challenge the top ten leaders. It's really like adding fuel to the fire. The people behind also rushed forward, and the scene was chaotic.