xing yu universe

Chapter 211 The Challenge of Mingying

Nalan Lingqi saw Mingying's challenge, and secretly smiled bitterly. She looked at Zhou Yi, but saw his eyes drooping, just staring at the two green grasses under his feet. It seemed that he felt someone looking at him, but he didn't say a word. He turned around and got into the crowd, and disappeared in a blink of an eye... This guy seems to be unhappy with Luo Yun. As for not even looking at me? She complained in her heart, but her face was peaceful and let the situation develop. Although Luo Yun is firmly on his side, as a master, his heart is slightly narrow and his human pattern is not enough. He can take this opportunity to knock him and let him understand some secular truths. As for how Mingying, a peak of refining god, challenges Luo Yun, a strong man who is approaching the peak of Aeddao, it is not something I have to consider. This guy must have a way, right?

However, Huang Jingyu, the owner of the city, frowned. Although he did not have cultivation, he also heard the leaders of the gate next door. The strength of Master Cheng Mingying is at most the peak of refining gods. How dare he come to the stage to challenge? You should know that these ten leaders are all claimed to have the strength of the strong!

"Master Cheng, which leader are you going to challenge?"

"That's him, Master Luo Yun!"

Plop, Plop - Dozens of people in the crowd fell excitedly on the spot, and the Lord of the angry moon wanted to challenge the sword suzerain of Daoxuanmen! Moreover, this delicate beauty master is only at the peak level of refining gods! How to play? Do you expect Lord Luo to pity the fragrance and jade?

"Master Cheng, don't resist if you can't beat it. Even if you can't be the leader, I, Lao Zhao, recognize you as a brother!" Zhao Tianqing shouted.

Although these people usually look down on women, Mingying's behavior has obviously won their respect.

"I know, thank you, Brother Zhao." Ming Ying smiled.

Huang Jingyu glanced at Mingying, but still didn't believe it: "Master Cheng, are you sure you want to challenge Master Luo? This test depends on strength, and it is never allowed to use disposable items such as crystal arrays!"

"Master Cheng, I advise you to go back." Luo Yun sat there firmly and didn't get up at all. "If I miss, no one will bring your brothers."

"Real?" Mingying smiled and said, "So Master Luo doesn't dare to fight?"

"Hmm!" Luo Yun snorted and turned his head to ignore her at all. Obviously, even if the Nuyue Gang is a first-class gang in Jiangnan, it still can't enter the eyes of his generation of Taoist masters!

No matter how good Mingying's cultivation is, she can't help but be angry. She turned to Huang Jingyu and said, "Lord Huang, can this position of leadership be challenged by everyone?"

"Yes, but..."

"Since Master Luo has given up, you can announce now that I will be the first leader!"


"A woman who doesn't know good or bad, go down quickly. My uncle can kill you with his fingers!" As soon as Qingfeng shouted, his head was immediately covered with a layer of mud.

"In this case, it will be as you wish..." Luo Yun's face was a little dark. He stood up and said lightly, "If the gap in strength is too big, this will take action..."

"Each depends on fate, life and death, let's take action!" Ming Ying said.

She has a valiant and straightforward nature, an angel-like face, and a resolute decision. Even if she is the leader of the big gang on the scene, she can't help but break her heart. She said that the angry moon gang's reputation was shocked overnight, and it didn't come out of thin air.

However, there is almost one class left, how to fight this battle? Aren't you waiting to be **?

"Master Cheng, take action!" Luo Yun really had everyone's demeanor and did not take off. He stood firmly on the platform like green pine, and the pressure spread out. Mingying couldn't help taking a step back. The feeling of Mount Tai's pressure made her breath a little disordered. Although there is some support in my heart, I can't help but be secretly shocked.

Chen Li slowly fluttered his whole body, and the snowy dragon made a long knife, adding a layer of lavender light. She scolded and didn't move. She moved like thunder. More than a dozen blades suddenly tore through the space, like lightning, like a meteor, and bombarded Luo Yun very quickly.

"Ah?" Luo Yun was shocked. In his opinion, the strength of the two is too different. Mingying just put the ducks on the shelves for the sake of face, and symbolically passed two moves to admit defeat. But I didn't expect that the action would be so quick and sharp. In the care of all of a sudden, he suddenly said. Although the body protection energy armor is extremely strong and Mingying can't break the protection at all, it is still a little embarrassing to be hit by the energy blade.

Mingying smiled, and Zhou Yi's voice couldn't help echoing in her ear: "First step, I will use the spiritual pearl fire to support your machete, not increase the power, but only increase the speed. When he despises you, sneak up first and let him lose face first!"

Seeing Luo Yun was stunned, Mingying shouted loudly, and a virtual shadow of knife light unfolded, and the purple blade was like raindrops, covering the place where Luo Yun was.

Luo Yun's face was not ready, and he snorted coldly. A bronze sword appeared in his hand out of thin air. The light golden light enveloped his whole body. He only heard the crackling sound of the blade cutting on the light mask, and even shaking was not even.

Only then did everyone understand that Mingying's first attack was only extremely fast, but there was no power at all! Although she broke Luo Yun's face at the beginning, she was also very dangerous!

Sure enough, Luo Yun snorted coldly, "Little trick!" The bronze sword didn't even come out of its sheath. Like a meteor chasing the moon, it crashed straight into Mingying's chest. Mingying immediately felt a burst of energy pressure, making her feel like she was trapped in a swamp and difficult to turn. Before the sword flew, the strength of Taoism had shocked her as if she had been hammered and her face turned pale.


At this moment, Wan'er's delicate and crisp voice sounded out without losing time, making everyone laugh, and even some leaders on the platform couldn't help laughing.

Everyone knew that hitting Mingying's chest with a sword was just an ordinary counterattack by Luo Yun, but they didn't expect to be coaxed by the Nuyue Gang and made a big red face for Master Luo. The energy attached to the sword couldn't help but pause. Mingying took this opportunity to break away from the energy shackles and rolled over.

There is even a psychological war! Luo Yun was secretly angry and took a deep breath. Just as he was about to attack again, suddenly there was a darkness in front of him. A bee dragon flew out of Ming Ying's chest, staring at his blood-red eyes, stretched out a long pointed needle, and surrounded Luo Yun, regardless of his head and buttocks.

"The second step, put on the dragon ball and hurry up to release the bee dragon!"

The attacks of the bee dragon are all soul attacks, plus the blood-sucking function. No matter how strong Luo Yun's shield and energy armor are, they can't stand the indiscriminate bombing of hundreds of bee dragons. With a roar, they rise to the sky, the bronze sword waved, and the energy blades appear in the sky one by one, cutting the beelong into broken clouds. These bee dragons are condensed by their souls, and generally they can only be dispersed with soul attacks. However, if the energy is strong to a certain extent, it can still hurt them.

As long as these honeycomb dragons are scattered, they will be immediately taken back by Aolan and continue to be nurtured in the black crystal.

At this time, everyone understood that the reason why Mingying dared to call Luo Yun was also relied on!

Under the attack of Luo Yun's sword light, the number of bee dragons is getting smaller and smaller, and Luo Yun's sword is becoming more and more unrestrained and casual. Just as he relaxed a little, he suddenly felt a cold wind coming from the side. He turned around and saw that there were more than a dozen huge bee dragons three times bigger than just now! On their shiny spikes, with a trace of blood, a cross sprint came, and one did not notice. Two bee dragon spikes were nailed under his ribs. Because the energy armor had a soul protection function, only got one point of meat. Even so, he flew more than 20 meters against him! Luo Yun felt that his body fell into the cold cellar, and the two bee needles were like two absorbing pipes, sweeping away his spiritual knowledge and blood.

"The third step, the bee dragon elders will play!" Mingying's evil smile appeared in her mind.

"Evil beast!" Luo Yun was annoyed one after another. His sleeves of his robes trembled and made a loud sound. A long bronze shelf appeared in the air, which was full of cloud patterns. The shelf was full of bronze plates of different sizes. With a hand, the bronze plates collided with each other and made a clear sound.

"It's not good!" Hearing this sound, Mingying felt a little dizzy and flew back quickly, with energy protecting her whole body. Looking up, I saw that the bronze shelf was centered on, emitting circles of transparent ripples. The ripples seemed to be qualitative and penetrated into the body of the bee dragon. The whole body of the bee dragon elders immediately became transparent, blurred, and there was a tendency to disappear.

Even the people who watched the battle were also dizzy, and some of them with low cultivation had fallen to the ground!

"Bad! It's the magic of attacking the soul!" Xiaolong Nizi shouted in the Dragon Ball, hurriedly recovered the bee dragon elders and released the bee dragon king. Even so, two elders were lost.

"This bad old man!" Aolan shouted sadly.

Luo Yun saw that the huge bee dragon turned into powder under his magic weapon, and his eyebrows were set, and he wanted to send a fatal blow to Mingying.

At this time, there was a palpitating sound in mid-air again. A bee dragon king, which was more horrible than the elder of the bee dragon, came, and penetrated into transparent sound waves, hit the bronze shelf, with a crash, and the bronze plates hit each other and fell to the ground one after another.

Ah - the people watching below rushed around with their heads in their heads and rats. The bronze plates were all smashed on the cement floor. Xiang'er blinked her eyes and disappeared with a bang when people were unprepared. When they appeared again, they had skillfully installed a bronze plate into the Rongjie.

Where did Luo Yun take these into account? With a roar, the energy that attacked Mingying quickly rotated and sucked up the bronze plate "all" without looking at it. He put it into the Rongjie first. The long sword in his hand transformed into countless light and shadows and tried his best to resist the attack of the Bee Dragon King.

The Bee Dragon King is a soul beast in the early days of Hedao. Its strength is not as good as Luo Yun, but the victory is almost ineffective in material attack. The black body gathers and disperses, and a sharp spike does not leave Luo Yunzi Mansion for a second, but it can't be won or lose in a short time.

The leader's challenge has become like this, which is really beyond everyone's expectation. The fight between Luo Yun and Mingying has become the monster between Luo Yun and Mingying. Who would have thought that the red dragon ball in Mingying's neck still has a ghostly little dragon girl hidden in it!

"Oh--" Luo Yun saw that it was not easy to win and suddenly shouted, "Cross Sword Array!" The whole body's energy was thin, burst out of yellow light, and the two hands turned into a virtual shadow, forming countless palms. The bronze sword was pulled into two by him, two were pulled into four, and four were pulled into eight... In a blink of an eye, a large sword array of two crossed together formed, trapping the Bee Dragon King firmly in the middle. The Bee Dragon King rushed left and right, no After hitting the sword light, his body became weak, and he could only dodge in a hurry.

"ji!" The cross sword array suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and countless swords flew staggered, stirring the Bee Dragon King into a black fog. Under the stain of the power of the soul of the Bee Dragon King, the light of these swords suddenly became lighter and lighter, and finally jingled into one.

"Receed!" Mingying shouted loudly. Of course, she can't accept the Dragon King. She shouted like this just to remind Ao Lan and paralyze Luo Yun by the way.

The remaining soul of the Bee Dragon King returned to the neck of Mingying like a gust of wind.

At this time, Luo Yun had a feeling of spitting blood. In this battle, he used his ninth-order treasure weapon "Mingyin Wave" and the "Cross Sword Array" that had been hidden in the snow, which were all from the personal biography of his mentor. A peak of the refining god forced him like this, which was really cowardly.

Luo Yun roared, and the long sword burst forward with a light blade more than one meter long. The space on both sides was cut open and went straight to Mingying's eyebrows without mercy.

"I think you have any other skills!"

When! Luo Yun's whole body was shocked, and his eyes widened in disbelief. He saw that his long sword was tied to a huge wing covered with thick energy and bent into an arch. A humanoid monster covered with scales and purple pupils seemed to be smiling at himself.

"And monsters--"

Bang - This time, the scene was all blown up. This angry month helped the master and gave people too many surprises! How on earth did she get the endless monsters? You know, it is much more difficult to subdue an eighth-order monster than to get an eighth-order treasure!

Moreover, this time it is a monster with such a strong body!

Bang! No one could see the trajectory of the monster's wings clearly, and Luo Yun was fanned out. When he stabilized his figure, he found that the monster was beside him!

Bang! Luo Yun's body fell rapidly and hurriedly transported his energy. He wanted to tilt the angle and pull away a distance. Unexpectedly, he thought that the monster hit him like a meteor and flew far away.

The powerful dragon emperor melted, coupled with three waves of bee dragon attacks, Luo Yun's soul was affected, the energy consumption was also large, and his body was naturally not very convenient. Under the long run, Zhou Yi had the upper hand.

Luo Yun was extremely angry. If Daoxuanmen fell into the scene of the East Hangzhou League, what face would he have to see his brothers? Junior, don't blame me for being cruel!

"The realm of gold, melt in all directions!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly roared, shot thousands of golden rays all over his body, and his body lost its trace.

"It's not good! Master Luo's holy land attack!" Huang Xian was shocked, "Everyone, call out the energy armor quickly, quickly!"