xing yu universe

Chapter 226 Dragon City 1

Zhou Yi condensed his spiritual knowledge and changed his face just by detecting: "Mogang? High-purity ink steel - it is the top dragon tooth steel!"

Ink steel is actually a kind of Longya steel, which is twice as hard as Longya steel. Most importantly, Longya steel is an insulator of the following Chen method! If you are not a strong man, I'm sorry, you can't break the defense of Longya Steel at all!

As Xiaolong Nizi pulled around, Zhou Yi's eyes became bigger and bigger, and his saliva couldn't help flowing down: "So many dragon tooth steel, is it at the bottom of the whole trench? I sent it, this time it's big..."

Even Shi Yun, who has always been self-apported to be knowledgeable, couldn't help opening his eyes and opening his mouth wide.

"Wrong, it's not just Longya Steel! Brother, you use the moon god halberd to carry full star power and stab it hard. How deep you can stab.

Zhou Yi looked at Ao Lan doubtfully, held up the moon god halberd with one hand, and slightly condensed. The long halberd tip was covered with a layer of purple energy, which aimed at a place without a small pit and stabbed fiercely. His feet stabbed a meter deep, and the feeling from the end of the halberd could no longer be pierced.

"How's it going?"

"Very hard! Oh...sister, do you know something else?" Zhou Yi laughed. Because he has read the Golden Stone Classic, he already has a trace of understanding in his heart, but he doesn't say it.

"I have some clues, but I can't say it now! We are now very close to the treasure, but - we must find the entrance..."


Before Ao Lan finished speaking, a good Nanjiang helper on the periphery suddenly let out a tragic cry, and the thick blood immediately spread.

When everyone looked back, they saw that the good Nanjiang helper was full of black juice with a choking smell. ** Where it flowed, all parts of the body turned into blood and slowly dissolved in the sea water.

"Angry Moon, protect!" A red-lettered military girl shouted softly.

The Nanjiang gang did not have an angry moon pendant. Naturally, the angry moon horse will not take the initiative to provide protection. It must be ordered by the original owner of the split.

At this time, the angry moon horse suddenly turned its head, and there was a white fog all over its body. Two arrow-like poisons fell into this white fog and slowly disappeared invisible.

"It's the Risang people!" Qingmei said urgently, "Their mount is the venom sea cucumber in the middle of the refining god!"

Everyone took a close look and saw more than 20 huge sea cucumbers two and a half meters long above. These sea cucumbers were black and brown, and the two tentacles behind them squirmed slightly. On each tentacle, there were two round black holes. Those Japanese people sat on the back of the sea cucumber, with a thin mucous membrane on the back of the sea cucumber, covering their bodies, which seemed to provide air and reduce water pressure.

"Dragon Envoy - Combined Attack!"

Looking at the venom sea cucumber tentacles squirming, it seemed to spit out again**. Mingying shouted, and the Chinese congregation pulled out their weapons almost like a condition. The snowy cold light was like lightning, almost comparable to the white light that kept spraying out. The long blade split the sea water and fell heavily in the center of the Risang team.

The combined attack of the dragon envoy comes from the secret method of the dragon clan, and the Mingying women. Their strength is almost above the peak of refining gods. The power of the combined attack naturally rises exponentially, almost comparable to the blow of the holy-level strongman. Only the two loud sounds of "bang-pa-" are heard, and the three venom sea cucumbers are split at the same time. Human blood, mixed with the black juice of sea cucumbers, shot out, stirring up the surrounding sea water in a blink of an eye.

The rapids of seawater driven by the dragon's blade rolled seven or eight Sun Sang Guochen practitioners into the sea cucumber. Thanks to the protection of the sea cucumber mucosa, he barely struggled to climb up again. But there were still two or three people who passed through the body by the white light flashed in an instant and died on the spot.

"Bastard, it's the Huaxia Club!" Behind him, a Risang man in a gray samurai uniform said loudly, and his body jumped straight out. At the moment he jumped up, the long knife suddenly split more than 100 meters of light blades, with a strong energy flow tearing the sea water, straight to the top of Zhou Yi and others's heads!

The mountain-like pressure makes everyone's body sink slightly! As strong as the angry moon, I couldn't help taking a few steps back!

"Very strong!" Zhou Yi's pupils contracted slightly, and he felt that the energy of the Risang man in front of him was almost comparable to the vegetable field oil that he was shot to death! According to this estimate, he should be a strong man in the middle or even the peak of Hedao!

Time flows slowly in Zhou Yi's eyes. He has seen that under the oppression of the many knife shadows, the mountain next to him is slowly tearing.


The Wu Ben Xuanyue knife flashed out, and a slender blade is drawn along a simple trajectory. If others have Zhou Yi's energy perception ability, they will see the surface of the blade, hazy purple and cyan energy particles, no fluctuation, no glory, no flame, and an extremely restrained knife, which is also Zhou Yi's heart and spirit. A knife with pearls and fire!

In the past, Zhou Yi used the spirit bead fire energy in an extensive manner, and the flame burned all over his body. Although it was shocking, his own consumption was also very large. Later, he suddenly found that the fusion of the heart of the proud snow and the spiritual pearl fire actually turned the purple flame into a blue color in purple. Although it is much smaller than Ao Xue's heart in power, it is more than twice as powerful as simply using spiritual pearl fire!

It's too late to say that, at that time, this simple and unpretentious knife has intersected with the light blade of the saint of the sun and sang!

Although this knife was ordinary, it was all vacuumed within one meter, and the energy torrent rolled up by the sun saint was also rolled back in an instant.


A very slight sound, a blade, collided with more than 100 blades.

The extremely crazy-eyed strong man suddenly stopped, and the long knife with Wanjun's strength stagnated, and time seemed to stop. After 2 seconds--

When! Boom! With a violent explosion, everyone saw a huge whirlpool rising to the sky. The huge reaction force rolled the strong man up dozens of meters high, and the dragon beast under Zhou Yi's seat couldn't help shouting and sliding back a few meters. Two white lights slid past his ears, which scared him to shout: "The world is unpredictable. Material!"

"It's the purple flame demon of the Chinese Association, Zhou Yi!"

"Run, run! Master Cai Tian is no match for him!"

Suddenly, a Risang man pointed to Zhou Yi and shouted a few words. Then, these people ran away as if their buttocks were on fire. They came and went quickly.

The strong man, Suspended in the sea, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, glanced at the people of the Huaxia Association with a wolf-like eyes, neatly put away the long knife in his hand, and slowly disappeared.

Seeing Zhou Yi's simple knife, the bright little saint Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, and her little mouth muttered and didn't know what she was talking about.

There was a encounter with the Risang people and died a brother. Everyone was no longer as funny as they first came. They all looked serious and groped forward along the trench, but the terrain inside the trench was becoming more and more complex, and the light was also very dim.

At this time, someone proposed to walk from the peak of the mountain, but the bottom of the trench could not be seen. After a period of time, they had to check down and go back and forth several times, which was even more confused.

"Brother, we came to this place just now!" Ao Lan pointed to a water grass next to him, "Look, I just scratched a few!"

"Are you lost?" Zhou Yi frowned, "Lan'er, in this way, you release the bee dragon!" When you encounter a fork in the road, release one and keep in touch with your soul!"

"Good way!" Aolan's spiritual consciousness moved, and with a buzz, a large group of bee dragons appeared out of thin air, which shocked everyone.

"Aha!" Zhao Tianqing laughed and said, "Aolan, this big black bee turned out to be yours? I thought it was really Master Cheng! Luo Yun was so miserable by you! With this thing, we will definitely not get lost!"

It turns out that Master Zhao is still too optimistic. About half an hour later, all the bees and dragons heard that they all encountered a fork in the road, and some of them even went into the abdomen of the undersea mountain.

"How on earth should I get there?" Zhou Yi looked at the water grass at his feet, and the water grass seemed to be laughing at him.

"Well, if only there was a map." Qingmei sighed and beat her waist extremely softly.

"That's right, if there is... what did you say? Map? Zhou Yi's mind flashed and suddenly jumped up. His fingers gently tapped the face, and a simple map appeared in his hand.

This is the map specially sent to him by the green slave to thank him!

"Absolutely this one!" Zhou Yi looked at the beam of light rising from the beginning of the map and laughed repeatedly, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect Rose to have a map of underwater treasures!"

"What, do you have a map? Did I hear it wrong?" Shi Yunlai took it over doubtfully, "I told you about this treasure place. How could you... Er--" Seeing the scene on the picture, Shi Yunlai was also stunned.

"Brother, when did you get the map? Why didn't you tell me?" Aolan was dissatisfied.

"It was given to me when Rose visited... Ah, I was in a coma for three months. You saw that I woke up and was happy. I ran to the forgotten castle to be the vice president! You weren't there when Rose came!"

"Well, if I were there, the map wouldn't have been taken out now!" Aolan's ability after the event was not low.

"Look, look! The arc mark on the map!" Zhou Yi pointed to a rock and shouted.

Everyone came over and looked carefully. Sure enough, there was a thick scratch on the rock. The trace at the beginning of the left was very thick, and it gradually became thinner in the back, as if it were a hard object, scratched at one time.

Due to the dim light and the huge mountain peaks, such scratches cannot be found without map reminders.

Aolan's eyes gradually lit up and whispered, "It's the dragon's claw."

Zhou Yi's heart jumped: "Dragon's claws! This secret treasure is indeed related to the dragon clan..."

Ao Lan smiled and said, "Yes, it should be something from the dragon clan, a big thing... Brother, did you guess it?"

"After reading the Golden Stone Classic, I can't guess it again. I'm a fool."

"Then follow the map quickly!" Aolan smiled mysteriously.

With the guidance of the map, the speed of everyone's progress has increased significantly. However, Zhou Yi also found that these scratches on the reef were not intentional at all. Some were deep, some were shallow, some were long, some were short, some deliberately detoured a few kilometers and returned to a place, and some were several peaks side by side.

"It's like... it seems that the dragon is going to run to a place at the same time, and this place is our destination - a pile of crimson coral reefs."

I walked for more than an hour. According to the foot of the angry moon horse, counting the time wasted by the detour, how could it be more than 500 miles? A sea of dark red coral reefs finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Finally here!" Shi Jinpeng took a long breath and crawled on the horse's head, "It's killing me!"

"Everyone should be careful!" Shi Yunlai reminded, "We haven't met a monster along the way, which is calm and a little scary!"

"Yes, before we see the white light, every ten miles, no matter how big or small, we will encounter one or two sea beasts. This place is really weird!" Nanyun Road.

Looking from afar, this coral reef sea suddenly appears at the bottom of the trench. At the end of the mountain, there is no edge at a glance. Various colors of water plants float in the sea, like the long hair of monsters. Above the side where everyone is, there is a dark and deep hole, and there are waves of energy.

"Is it here?" Zhou Yi refers to the hole in the coral reef sea.

"Isn't this a hole?" Mingying said with a wry smile.

"Good! Then don't move, I'll detect it first!" At the bottom of the sea, the spiritual consciousness is smaller than the range in the air. Zhou Yiwei tried his best to fly from the dragon beast, trying to get closer and then release the spiritual consciousness.

At this time, he suddenly felt a surge of energy bursting from the interior of the coral reef sea, close to him, which was powerful enough to tear his strong body apart!