xing yu universe

Chapter 227 Dragon City 2

"It's not good! There is danger, everyone, retreat, angry moon, protect everyone!"

Within half a breath, Zhou Yi shouted, his body flew back, and the purple-blue shield wall surrounded by two curved moons quickly opened. However, in a hurry, it did not unfold to the extreme.


The sound that resounded through the world made Zhou Yi's ears briefly deaf for two seconds. The huge horrible explosive airflow threw him 100 meters away in an instant. The purple moon heart shield broke in an instant, and the coral reef fragments shot like a bang bang bullet on his body. Some places sunken in, and several spewed out of his mouth. Blood.

Zhou Yi was the closest to the explosion point. Although everyone had two shields, the Purple Moon Heart Shield and Zhou Yi's body, the area was too large. The protection of the angry moon was also shattered after a few seconds. In the chaotic torrent, it was thrown out. Tianqing, who followed Zhao Tianqing, could not protect it for a while. When The field was beaten into a sieve by flying coral reefs and died. Two Chinese girls with low cultivation were also beaten to a coma.

With the turbid turbulence of the seabed, dozens of light and fast figures quickly appeared and rushed straight to the bottom of the coral reef.

There, a circular crack of about ten square meters was suddenly revealed. Although it was uneven, the edges were smooth, and it was obvious that something often went in and out.

"Haha, stupid Zhongxia people, thank you for leading the way!" A Sangchen monk shouted loudly, with a little red light on his feet, and rushed directly into the hole.

When everyone saw this scene, they understood that it was the way of the Japanese Sang people. Zhao Tianqing even scolded loudly: "These bastards have been following us!"

Nanyun was also surprised: "They buried explosives in the coral reef! This action is too fast!"

Zhou Yi was slightly injured and was anxious to check the injury. He didn't have time to stop those Risang people. He regretted: "It's also us who were too careless. The pressure of the sea is great, and the scope of our spiritual search is very narrow, and these Japanese warriors are all around the peak of the refining god, and their breath is very restrained. But don't worry. If they go in, they may not get the baby right away.

As the Risang people entered the hole impatiently, the surroundings slowly quieted down, only the sound of breathing with hard work and the sound of water flowing from time to time.

After about half an hour, everyone's energy has generally calmed down. Zhou Yi was about to detect it. Suddenly, a earth-shaking roar sounded. It seemed that something hit the bottom of the sea. The huge power, through the seabed and the water flow, acted on everyone. Even with the protection of the angry moon horse, it could not stop. Fly up.

This time, everyone learned to be obedient, and everyone's shields were opened one after another. At the same time, they flew back and listened attentively to the movement in the mouth of the cave.

"Ah!" Ah!"

More than a dozen screams came from the sea, and a sound similar to rock collision and friction roared: "You reptiles and garbage! How dare you destroy my cave, damn it!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of the head bursting, the sound of the muscles being torn open from time to time, accompanied by a rock-like roar or two. After more than 20 minutes, after two sad roars, a figure flashed out of the hole, with a strong bloody atmosphere, flying upwards, and disappeared for a while.

"It's the strong man who fought against the president, and he seems to have been seriously injured." Qingmei Road.

"It seems that they were attacked by some monster, and everyone else died. It's better for everyone to be careful if they can seriously injure the strong. Shi Yun frowned.

"Let's leave the entrance of the cave first. Let me explore it."

After a while, the hole slowly regained calm, and the sound of rock friction was gone.

For the purpose of safety, everyone still drifted a distance away from the mouth of the cave, leaving Zhou Yi to slowly approach, as agile as a snake, and went deep inside from the mouth of the cave.

"Brother, what did you see?"

"A very huge space... It seems that there are tall buildings, blocked by seawater, and my spiritual knowledge can't go that far... What I see in front of me is a pile of coral reefs! Oh, and the bodies of the Sunman and the Venom Sea cucumber!"

"Are they all dead?"

"All died, and they were killed by heavy weapons! However, it seems that no monsters have been found..."

Zhou Yi looked carefully again, and then slowly withdrew his spiritual knowledge, told everyone what he saw, and said, "What's going on? Are those coral reefs?

"If it is a coral reef, the Risang people should be killed when they place explosives." The sleeve said.

Everyone talked about it, only Xiaoxi squeezed his mouth, sometimes pretending to smile deeply, and his childish eyes were full of disdain.

Looking at everyone's speculation and the lack of results for a long time, Shi Yunlai couldn't help shouting, "We practitioners live an exciting life of death and death. Who can be willing to come here after walking here for so long and don't go on to investigate?"

Zhao Tianqing's beard was upturned, and the interface said. Yes! Your master is not afraid at that time. What am I afraid of?

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "It's better to be careful, but there is no way to wait from time to time. In this way, Qingmei and I will walk in the front, followed by Iskana, Yuewei, Asuna, Mr. Shi, Brother Zhao, Brother Nan, you will be caught between everyone. If there is any danger, the angry moon can also provide protection."

"Okay, that's it. Let's go!" Shi Yun came and said loudly.

After the distribution, everyone was carefully alert and slowly entered the entrance of the cave.

As soon as they entered, Zhou Yi and others found that within the entrance of the cave was a 200-meter-long channel, and there was also a dark red coral reef, which decorated the channel very beautifully.

There is a hazy bright light in front of you. From the entrance of the passage, you gradually enter a huge space. Seeing the scene in front of you, everyone's bodies can't help trembling, shocking, and strong visual shock!

A huge undersea city!

Look around, the space that can't be seen at a glance is full of towering buildings of various colors. Some are simple and heavy, and some are elegant and light, but all of them are very huge. The architectural style combines the majesty of midsummer and the exquisiteness of the sun andsang. Not to mention every tower, even every stone brick in the wide street has passed carefully. Carved can be regarded as an art treasure.

In the distance, there is an extremely strong energy fluctuation, and the light can be faintly seen flashing, which is the place where white light is sprayed upward!

Looking back, the hole where everyone came in was located in the upper part of the wall, diagonally up to the bottom of the trench.

The wall is 700 meters high, like a crouching beast, standing in the sea. Zhou Yi took a few steps, knocked on the wall a few times, and suddenly found that the material for building the wall was actually Longya steel ore!

"It's simply a violent thing! However... The hardness of this Longya steel ore is indeed the same as that of Longya steel, that is, the flexibility is one level worse, which is suitable for building walls.

The fly in the ointment is that this inaccessible city is covered by dark red coral reefs within dozens of miles near the mouth of the cave. On the street, the pavilions are everywhere, and only from the huge gap can the towering buildings in the distance be faintly seen.

At this time, two heroic words surged into his heart last week: "Longdu!"

Longdu! This should be the dragon capital of the mainland ten thousand years ago!

Looking at this magnificent city, everyone couldn't help stepping up. As they were walking through the coral reef, Aolan suddenly found that the red reef beside him moved, as if the monster had opened his eyes.

"Ah--" Xiao Long Nizi was shocked and grabbed Zhou Yi's arm.

"What's wrong?"

"This coral reef... is weird!"

As soon as Xiaolong Nizi's voice fell, the sea water with a radius of dozens of miles suddenly shook. A large reef more than 30 meters high suddenly opened a mouth and spewed out a torrent. The two angry moons next to her were caught off guard and were washed over several times.

With the eruption of this torrent, the rock was separated into two parts and moved like lips: "You reptiles and garbage! Let's stir up my good dreams again!"

"Ah--" Everyone was shocked, and the angry moon roared, pulling a distance from this reef.

"Who are you?" Aolan was surprised, "How can a coral reef talk?"

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense! You! It's about to turn into meat sauce! Unexpectedly, I don't even know me--" The coral reef lengthen its voice and said loudly, "It's the owner of this undersea city, the Coral Lord!"

"A little coral demon dares to claim to be respected! Be careful that the thunder smashes you!" The stream curled its lips disdainfully.

"Who are you? There is no energy fluctuation, do you still want to scare me? Looking for death!"

"Well, this is not your territory at all. How dare you say that you are the owner of this city? Shameless!"

As long as Zhou Yi is here, Xiaolong Nizi dares to poke a hole in the sky, not to mention a small stone and shouted, "This is the capital of our dragon clan, the dragon capital!" Get out of this stinky and hard stone!"

"Dragon City?" Hearing Xiaolong Nizi's words, everyone looked at each other in con's face, but the "Coral Lord Power King" laughed: "Are you really knowledgeable... Dragon clan? Do you think you are a dragon?

"Of course I'm a dragon! Stinky stone, go back to your old nest!"

"Hmm! The dragon clan has been dead for a long time! I don't believe it! Well, since you came to seize my territory, don't blame me for being rude!" The coral demon said fiercely, and two reefs weighing more than 1,000 catties roared to the crowd.

Zhou Yi pulled up Xiaolong Nizi and flashed aside. The angry moon horse was very comfortable in the water and dodged with a slight movement.

"Ha, my ability is not small, but don't forget that dozens of miles are all my territory! Move it all!"

Wow! Whew! Whew!

Seeing the scene in front of them, Zhou Yi and others couldn't help but complain secretly. They completely fell into the sea of coral reefs. They were flying on all sides, all of which were reefs, forming a changing dark red light and shadow. The sea was stirred up everywhere, and the action of the angry moon horse also became stagnant.

Qingmei shook more than a dozen coral reefs one after another, but finally did not dodge a piece above her head, bang! A loud noise collided fiercely with the open green vine shield. Qingmei's body fell quickly and passed by the two sharp reefs, in a cold sweat. The beautiful eyes were full of anger, and the green sword wrapped in the vines was pulled out of the body. At the moment of instilling star power, the vines opened like tentacles, revealing the cold light and steamy blade inside.

! The blue-white light cut deep into the reef, and the reef trembled a few times and burst open, and the coral demon hundreds of meters away also roared.

Water and trees are born together, graceful and clear. The charming physique is the dual attribute of water and wood!

"President, let everyone attack these reefs, you can hurt it!" Qingmei said loudly.

At this time, everyone can also see it clearly. In a blink of an eye, the powerful Iscarna, the judge pulled up the path with two pens; and Asuna's eyes also sprayed the curved moon blade like snowflakes. The blood-red moon blade bombarded the reef one after another, and the coral reef kept trembling, and finally turned into fragments with a "bang".

"Dragon Envoy - Combined Attack!" Mingying's order is a thrilling electric light, which is absolutely as powerful as the blow of the saint.

Relying on the power of the jade magic armor, Aolan rushed left and right, and the crystals on her arms were shining brightly. Pieces of flame-sized meteorites, the size of grinding discs, hit the coral reef fiercely, and then shattered at the same time. With the jade refining magic armor, Aolan's cultivation of mythical beasts in the middle of her qi can barely catch up with the refining period.

Even if she was happy, Xiaolong Nizi had not forgotten the responsibility of the "big sister" and protected the stream tightly.

The coral demons roared one after another, and it suddenly found that although these people had men and women, old and young, they were much worse than the previous group, but their combat effectiveness was particularly strong, and almost everyone's action could hurt him to varying degrees!

"The thief captures the king first, and kill the talking boulder first!"

Seeing the current chaotic scene, Zhou Yi snorted coldly, and the purple light was all over the moon god halberd. The sharp light made him as strong as the coral demon, and he couldn't help but be secretly alerted.