xing yu universe

Chapter 328 Battle of the Strong

"Sir Henry, don't you think it's more nonsense?" Zhou Yi's face was as flat as water, "I only have one word for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Those who violate the power of our summer will be killed even if they are far away! The war between Zhongxia and the Charles Empire has just begun.

Although it is far away, it will be killed!

The four words were said word by Zhou Yi, and the words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Henry's heart.

"Relying on your weak national strength?" Henry sneered and seemed to have lost the desire to fight. The sword in his hand slowly raised, as if holding the heavy Taiyue Mountains. The positive energy was like a tide, rushing madly to the sword body, and in a blink of an eye, he was covered with a thick white glow.

And the surrounding space, due to the abnormal energy, seems to be a little shaken and even overlaps.

Zhou Yi's breathing was a little short, and he felt the mountain-like power of the other party. He knew that Henry's sword must be overwhelming and thunderous!

This man is definitely a master at the peak of Taoism, and he is not far from the saint.


The Black Griffin King roared and suddenly rushed forward. With the strong force of the same peak raptor, the long-standing sword was fiercely split-

chi chi! Between the electric flin swinging of the sword, small space cracks kept appearing, stirred by the turbulence of energy. The two members of the angry moon gang next to them, three black griffin knights couldn't stop and fell down one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Under great pressure, the bodies of the two seventh-order monsters burst into pieces, and their flesh and blood flew!

The purple moon runs smoothly, and Zhou Yi's breathing is long, but he still feels bursts of tingling.

"What a strong pressure! Chen practitioners in the West really have unique cultivation!"

Zhou Yi's pupils contracted slightly, and a little dust-like energy slid to the tip of the halberd, with a soft sound, emitting a slight imperceptible light.

The heavy halberd of the moon god halberd slowly lifted, from extremely slow to extremely fast, and suddenly accelerated to the speed of lightning, like a dragon coming out of the hole and facing Henry's sword.

Compared with Henry's earth-shaking power, except for the proud posture of the Moon God halberd, the rest are quiet, without any energy overflowing, and even the roar is very low, completely restrained halberd!

"What kind of cultivation is he? Why does the energy fluctuate from big to small, sometimes even nothing?

In Henry's doubt, the two weapons collided fiercely, Dang! With a huge sound, with the energy spreading around like a wave, Henry's sword shattered from one-third of the sword's body, and the fragments were shot. It kept mistakenly hit by the flying cavalry next to it, and the cloud carving troops supporting the battle of the Red Cross Army were crowded by energy turbulence.


Zhou Yi's whole body was shocked, and the purple moon around the crystals in his mind shook rapidly. The black dragon beast could not stop and turned back dozens of meters to control his body.

"It's really awesome!"

Zhou Yi nodded secretly. Henry's basic energy was above himself, but the holy land and weapons were not as good as him.


Henry looked at the sword that had become a "dagger" in his hand and grinned sadly.

"The sword given by the queen!"

Henry's lips trembled, and the fierce anger in the eagle's eyes was even greater. The huge anger made him enter the battle state of the Holy Land in an instant, the sword of light!

In Henry's hand, a delicate and magnificent light sword pure from energy was formed. Zhou Yi did not dare to hold it big. The chaotic element in his body is like a trickle, constantly pouring into the moon god halberd. The halberd, which was originally proud and shining, is more restrained. Under the control of Zhou Yiling, the array fibers condensed into the Huayue array, maxim, maximating the benefits of energy use.


The bright sword in the sky suddenly shook regularly and made a sound similar to chanting. With the addition of a mass of positive energy, the bright sword slowly became bloated, and then slowly split, forming a dazzling optical fiber bullet!

The slender optical fiber is like a javelin, and the surface is inlaid with pebble-sized light bombs, which makes this terrorist weapon not only extremely penetrating, but also has devastating explosive and tearing power.

In front of Henry's attack, all the flying cavalry avoided the fight far away, but the Black Griffin cavalry was strangled by the members of the Luge and Moon Gang, the wind and Thunder Eagles, and the cloud carving cavalry, leaving only hundreds of people to resist.


Wo! Oh!

With Henry's angry roar, the optical fiber broke and made a shocking sound. Hundreds of millions of light spiked, and Zhou Yi was submerged in a blink of an eye.


Aolan looked up and couldn't help but be surprised, but she was just surprised, because her soul could feel Zhou Yi's restrained but surging energy!


The sound of metal attack, centered on Zhou Yi, came crisply!

Under the cover of eye-catching white light, a circle of small but tough thorns, like boiling water pouring snow, penetrating tenaciously, and then getting bigger and bigger, forming a huge halberd flying like a dragon!

Between the halberd dance, a thin gray curtain wall quickly unfolded. The optical fiber broke outside the hard energy wall, and the light bomb roared on the wall. Zhou Yi was protected by the curtain wall. Although his body was not damaged at all, he was not affected by the fierce shock of energy turbulence all the time!

"Can't you hold on?"

Zhou Yi snorted coldly and looked at the sky with a slight tremor, which seemed to be a little thin.

"Split in the air!"

The flying moon god halberd suddenly turned around. The halberd, which had no light at all, also showed a little light. Between the lightning and firestones, it went straight to Henry's bright sword!

The bright sword made a long sound, tilted slightly, and was ready to resist.

However, at the critical moment, the moon god war halberd suddenly stopped. There were two curved moons on the branches, one up and one down, which was extremely fast but extremely slow, extremely solemn but extremely elegant. A deep space gully was opened in an instant and fiercely imprinted on the sword of the bright giant sword.

K! Ah——

The crisp sound of metal breaking and Henry's scream sounded almost at the same time! The holy land body disappeared, and Henry kept spraying blood from his mouth and fell from the sky at a high speed. His mount, the Black Griffin King, roared fiercely and wanted to catch him, but he didn't pay attention to it. The moon god halberd roared from the sky and fell on its head!


The blood of the peak Warcraft instantly filled the sky!

While Zhou Yi fought against Henry, Cardinal McCate, who fought alone against the three strong men's of the National Warriors Hall, did not feel pressure. After all, the saint is not a simple addition of the strength of the three strong people, but the geometric growth of basic energy and the improvement of the understanding ability of the Holy Land.

Boom! Li Yu's hand seemed to be slow and fast. The strongest attack took action at the first time. In a blink of an eye, his body melted into the water-blue sword. A white water belt appeared in the sky, 100 meters long and six or seven meters wide, wrapped in the power of heaven and earth and attacked Mcket.

The mysterious "continuous" of water energy!

McCart sneered, grabbed it with her right hand, and pulled out a snow-white sword from the void. The hilt was only finger wide, but there was this huge cross guard and long hilt. Along the edge of his palm, curved arcs kept firing out.

Positive energy and lightning energy intertwined around McKett, and the blue and white light enveloped him like a god.


McCart held the sword in both hands, and the sword drew a complete semicircle in the air, aimed at the turbulent water on the surface. A blade surrounded by countless electric arcs on the surface, split the water belt into a huge gap, and the water turned into two streams, swept over him with the sound of thunderous waves, but immediately converged together. The energy does not decay at all, and countless round water blades rotating in different directions can be faintly seen in the water. The power, even thousands of troops and horses, will be stirred into a ball of mud.

"Okay, it's really 'inextinent'!"

Zhou Ting, holding a red flame hammer in his hand, roared, and the hammer in his hand suddenly increased by thousands of times, like a hot and red hill. Under his wave, with a destructive roar, it hit Mckai te the size of an ant.

"Life is torn!"

Sozhi's attack was also extraordinary. As his body disappeared like smoke, around McCart, green thorns sprung up like bamboo shoots. These green rays kept splitting, and even the energy and air attached to it separated. McCart felt a shock, and the surface of his body was thick. The "Holy Light Shield" actually cracked like a spider's web.

"Hmm, arrogant Zhongxia people! It seems that there is no way to hide it!"

Mckett's eyes were awe-sighted, and a trace of white light fibers rose up in her body, slowly converging into the sacred weapon "The Oath of Thunder" in her hand.

For a while, the "light thunder oath" of the combination of human and swords, the cross guard emitted dazzling white and green lights, entangled each other like a long chain of genes, tightly surrounding the sword, and the light was like substance, dispelling most of the blood fog over the city.

"Golden Phoenix Runs Thunder Wings!"

Ai Qing's beautiful head rose up, emitting a crisp and beautiful phoenix sound, a golden phoenix shadow, waving huge colorful wings, flying out of her body, shaking her head and tail straight up to the sky. The chaotic energy flow in the sky was like a ladle of hot oil poured on the fire, and the whole boiling. The white energy clouds condensed quickly, and the winding lightning slowly gathered together to form a dragon-like lightning.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Energy clouds approached the city wall, forming a huge pressure that crushed the granite wall reinforced by Chenfa, bursting sections, and the crystal cannons on the wall exploded one after another, and the defenders who had no time to escape were annihilated with stones, dust and metal fragments.


The huge lightning finally fell, hitting the center of the sword body of the "Light and Thunder Oath", emitting thousands of dazzling white lights and scattered energy torrents, which shocked the top three national scholar halls, including Ai Qing himself, all 50 meters away. The Chen practitioners with low cultivation were immediately stirred into a ball of blood and blood by the turbulence. The sky is full of armor chips and treasure fragments.