xing yu universe

Chapter 337 Jiang Xu Ping Chao 1

After half a month of hard work by Qingmei and others, the imperial capital has finally been repaired. Although pedestrians on the streets are still sparse, there have been small vendors and hawkers and begin to become lively. The 18th Battalion troops, the Extreme Cold Ice Tiger Force, the Wind Wolf Force, the remnant Tiger Roar Army, and the Cloud Sculpture Knight Force were all mobilized for reorganization. More than 20 ancient cities have also begun to rebuild in Lieyang City. 3,000 sixth-level Yongling bears and 5,000 fifth-level three-eyed Firefox cavalry have been summoned, which greatly enhances the defense of the imperial capital.

Benderry and Alice said goodbye again. Everything is normal in the elf forest, and there are many people in the branch of the Chinese Association. Benderui was also very thoughtful. Thinking of Midsummer's walk, he didn't expect to help Zhou Yi relieve his siege. Seeing that the situation stabilized, he left some of the members who wanted to experience and left with some members who wanted to have foreign knowledge.

At this time, Nalan Lingqi's injury has also stabilized, and there is no need for Zhou Yi to go to the palace every day. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Although Honger can keep the secret, she is not the only one who serves in the palace. Soon, the news that the king of China freely entered and exited the princess's bedroom was spread by people. Immediately, there was a chapter of impeachment in the imperial history, and his speech was extremely unpleasant. He felt relieved that he did not compare Zhou Yi to Cao thief.

Unfortunately, Chairman Zhou did not have the violent temper of Cao Thieves and was not ready to kill. Although the princess herself did not say anything, she could not go to the bedroom. Because more important things are coming.

The Eye of Huaxia reported that there was a rebellion at the junction of Zhongzhou and Yunzhou, and there were Japanese and Charless mixed in it.

How is this possible? Charless who dared to shake Midsummer have been put in prison, and the three Cardinals have been banned. The Japanese and Sang people received the results of the imperial war and were very honest for a period of time, and sent special envoys to show their friendship.

At this time, there are still people making trouble in the south?

Moreover, according to the report of the evil snake in the abyss, Shangguan Fengyun and Du Chengfeng have set out for Beijing. If they catch up with this rebellion, I'm afraid it will be more or less auspicious. Therefore, Zhou Yi decided to go to the south to check the rebellion and pick up his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He was accompanied by Yuewei, Xiuer, Asna, Iskana and Xiang'er, who brought more than 400 troops from an altar and 300 crystal handcutters. Qingmei, Mingying and Dao Mengqing all stayed in Dijing to stabilize the situation.

All the way south, there was a peaceful scene in Zhongzhou, but after passing the southernmost Pingcheng, Zhongzhou, some people began to flee. After asking, they knew that Jiang Xucheng was causing chaos.

Jiang Xucheng is located in the heart of the central summer mainland. Although it is only a medium-sized city, it has convenient transportation and access in all directions. It has been a strategic point since ancient times.

Along the road north of Jiang Xucheng, there was a tall carriage walking slowly in the crowd. There was a man sitting on the carriage. He was a tall young man of 27 or 8 years old, with a cold face and a violent atmosphere.

"Diyu, Weier and Zhou Yi haven't arrived yet?" The curtain was raised, revealing the face of a middle-aged woman. If Zhou Yi was there, there would definitely be a cold war. This person is very different. She is Yuewei's mother, her mother-in-law, and Mrs. Shangguan.

"It's almost there." For this master, Diyu also has a headache. As soon as he finished answering, he heard the tiger roar behind him, and an arrogant curse came: "Fuck bitch, bastard, get out of the way!"

Looking back, I saw more than a dozen big men riding fourth-order tiger monsters rushing all the way. The long fine steel whip in their hands fell on the people around them from time to time, splashing with blood.

"These bastards know how to bully the people! Seeing the Charles is like a mouse seeing a cat and wants to kowtow to his father, a bunch of shameless people!"

Du Chengfeng was agrunt and said a little louder. He was heard by the leader, and his face changed: "Old bastard, what are you talking about your grandfather!" With that, with a roar, the long-handled Xuanhua axe in his hand wrapped in green true air and directly split into the high-speed carriage.


In the imagination, the carriage burst into pieces, and the scene of flesh and blood did not appear. The big axe fiercely cut the protective cover of the carriage and splashed a red spark.

"Hmm, Chen Xiu's level at the peak of Xingqi, the fourth-order tiger monster is not an urban guardian beast force, but an ordinary domesticated monster division. I heard that there were only more than 2,000 riot troops composed of Charles and Risang, but they defeated as many as 6,000 defenders, half of whom were such strong tiger cavalry. The abyss evil snake quickly made a judgment. His eyes were more contemptuous, and he didn't see any movements. His body had jumped high, like a big bird rowing across the sky. Before he understood, he felt a hot ting in his chest. His eyes were red, and his body flew back uncontrollably in mid-air. He lost consciousness, hit the ground like a leaking ball, and bumped several times.


The brothers behind the big man saw the right leg of the evil snake in the abyss, like a long flexible whip, swinging an arc in mid-air, smashed the leader's chest, flew straight out more than 100 meters, and fell into the crowd, causing a scream.

"Someday Sang country devils, everyone, run away!"

It's not bad that it's the regular army. When you escape, you don't forget to put a big hat on the evil snake and others.

"Hmm!" Looking at the fleeing tigers, Du Chengfeng shook his head vigorously: "What kind of soldiers are these? They ride tigers, but behave like lambs! I hope other legions can be better!"

The evil snake in the abyss shook its head: "Zhongxia has too strict control over force. Now the king of China has just taken up his new position and has taken back all the powerful cavalry troops. The wind wolf army, the extremely cold ice tiger army and the sun rat army should be relatively effective.

"Wow, Diyu, now you know almost the defense of Zhongxia!" Du Chengfeng sighed.

"What kind of equipment do you study all day? I have nothing to do, so I have to find some military books to read." The evil snake in the abyss shook its head and looked quite proud.

"Dodge, get out of the fuck! Get out of here!"

Bang! Bang! The two were talking when they suddenly heard a roar behind, the roar of the tiger, and the earth trembled and moaned like a pendulum patient.

The evil snake in the abyss looked back and his face changed slightly: "No, they chased after them, and there are more than 300 tigers!"

At this time, the curtain was opened, revealing a pretty face full of worries between his eyebrows, although the charm was still there: "Master Diyu, are you still those people just now?" Mrs. Du is more polite to the evil snake of the abyss.

"Madam, it's them. But it doesn't matter. These tigers are only at the fourth level, and I can completely deal with them.

"We'd better be careful." Mrs. Du nodded to the evil snake of the abyss and sat back into the car.

"The devils of Japan and Sang, dare to kill our brothers, stop quickly!" Behind, the roar of the tiger approached, and several axe blades wrapped in green Chen force pierced the air, and the protective shield of the car that bombarded shook.

"What?" The one who sent out the axe blade was Yang Bao, the deputy leader of the Huxiao Division and the best master of the refining god. Jiang Xucheng was broken and the leader died in battle. He took the remaining hundreds of people and looted all the way. Just now, when he heard the report of his men, of course, he knew that he was not a Japanese devil, but he must have been a rich man who fled. The oil and water were so big that he naturally rushed over.

"Give me around!" Seeing that the shield of the carriage is so strong that he can't even break through it, it means that the people inside are either rich or noble, and they may know the big shots in Beijing.

"His grandma, no matter who he is! Seek wealth and danger! Now the world is in chaos, and the imperial capital is not stable, not to mention the boundary between these two lands! After doing this ticket, I will hide in the deep mountains and no matter where he comes from!"

Thinking of this, he roared and ordered that more than 300 tiger cavalry regiments "hula" and surrounded the carriage.

"All above the peak of the carriage, aim at the carriage and cut it hard!"

More than 30 cold and shining Xuanhua axes were raised at the same time, and the green light wrapped around each other, forming a strong flow of energy. Whew!" As the soldiers' muscles trembled, the axe blade trembled twice, and almost came out of the body almost at the same time, flying in the air and attacking the carriage.

Wh! Wheops! Wheops! With several clear sounds of breaking through the sky, dozens of red moon blades suddenly appeared. As soon as they touched the axe blades, they shattered them without a trace. The remaining momentum did not diminish. Many moon blades swept into the crowd and harvested the lives of several soldiers.


Yang Bao was shocked and danced the Xuanhua axe like a wheel before hitting the moon blade that attacked him. His eyes were full of gold stars, and his arms were sore. He couldn't help panicking secretly: "The carriage in front of him did not move, and the two people on the chariot did not take action. Where did these hidden weapons come from?"

"No, in the sky!"

Yang Bao woke up and looked up in horror. Hundreds of people appeared in the air. The first one was young and his face was cold, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, as if he didn't pay attention to anyone. In this team, except for him riding an unusually tall, two-horned black horse, all the others are snow-white war horses, and all kinds of armor emit colorful treasures, which do not look ordinary materials. The whole team is full of energy, like a heavenly soldier falling to the earth.

At the front of the team, next to the teenager, a charming girl in red armor flashed with blood in her eyes, and two moon blades came out, rubbing his temples and cutting off two hairs.

"You... who are you? How dare you attack the imperial army?" Yang Bao was so scared that he sweated coldly, but he pretended to be calm and shouted loudly.

"Are you also a big army of the imperial court?" A bright girl in snow-white and red armor scolded coldly, "Since it is an army of the imperial court, why don't you bow down when you see the king of China?"

"Huaxia...King?" Yang Bao's head is a little insufficient. The name of the Chinese king is now spread all over the country, louder than the emperor's name, but he didn't expect to meet here.

Xiang'er raised the golden medal arrow and said harshly, "The king of China was ordered by the emperor to restrain all the soldiers and horses in the country. Why don't you kill the enemy, but come to attack the innocent people?"

"Gold Medal Arrow... King of China, my God--"

As soon as he saw the complicated golden patterns on the arrow, Yang Bao's face turned pale. He fell to the ground with a kowtow, and his face sweated coldly: "At the end... Yang Bao, the deputy commander of the cavalry of Jiang Xucheng's guard, knocked on Huaxia... Wang!"

Zhou Yi frowned. Before he could speak, the curtain on the carriage had been opened, revealing a familiar beautiful face.

"Mother-in-law!" Zhou Yi gently put his feet and floated down from the black dragon beast, "Are you all right?"

"For your blessing, I haven't been hacked to death."

If anyone in the world dares to chop the king of China like this, it must be this lady. Mrs. Shangguan said, but her eyes floated back, and her expression was immediately a little unpremonished, "Why are there so many beautiful maids?"

"Weier, why are you thin again? And where is Xiao Du?" Mrs. Shangguan's eyes were still on the faces of the girls in front of her.

"Mrs. Shangguan, Xiaodu helped Pikachu forge the master of the government. He is very busy. How can he have time?" Ge Yuanxiang said with a smile.

"Is it?" Shangguan Fengyun, who had just poked out his head, smiled and said, "Can this boy also be in charge? Can he do it?"

"Father-in-law!" Zhou Yi said, "The invasion of foreign enemies didn't startle you, did you?"

"That's not so much, not to mention Master Diyu is here." Shangguan Fengyun smiled and said that the previous decadence was swept away.