xing yu universe

Chapter 388 Venom Sea Cuff Territory


Zhou Yi jumped into the sea, and the angry moon horse appeared in his ** in an instant. The soaring white fog firmly covered him and pulled out a long water line, almost lightning-like speed, and went straight south for more than 300 miles.

Oh! Oh!

Jiu Tao Yigui and Elizabeth entered the sea and suddenly rolled waves on the sea.

Zhou Yi looked back and saw that the two water lines followed her far away. The nearest one was Jiutao Yigui, about 3 kilometers away, followed by Elizabeth. She didn't know what kind of treasure she wore. Her head turned into a shark and split the waves, which was actually three points faster than Jiutao Yigui.

Three kilometers is a very short distance. Zhou Yi has felt the heavy energy of Jiutao Yigui and has locked half of his body.

The precious energy of Jiutao is heavy and qualitative, which makes Zhou Yi feel like falling into a lead block, which is extremely uncomfortable.

And now the twisting space ball can no longer be used. The power of this magic weapon is comparable to that of the divine star, and the consumption is very huge. Especially against the strongest people like Jiutao Yigui, most of Zhou Yi's energy was used at once.

Fortunately, it is the angry moon that is advancing through the waves, and Zhou Yi can constantly recover his strength. The crystal diamond was constantly melted into ** by the spiritual bead fire, and then inhaled into the skin meridians, and the soreness on the body suddenly eased a lot.

"Thief, you can't escape!"

A crisp roar came from behind. Zhou Yi looked back and couldn't help but be shocked to see that Elizabeth had exceeded the precious half of her body, with a delicate and gorgeous hand, burning a half-meter-high flame, separating the sea water, and rolling straight to Zhou Yi's back.

Humph! Zhou Yi's arms were like a spiritual snake, and the black moon knife mysteriously penetrated out of the ribs. With a bang, the spirit fell down, and the angry moon horse was not affected at all. He swooped into a dark trench.

Poison ginseng abyss?

Jiu Taoyi's eyes flashed, but a proud smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "Breaking into the poisonous ginseng abys, Zhou Yi must be dead this time!"

With his distracted efforts, the water flowed beside his ears, and Elizabeth had already passed by him and flew into the dark trench.

At this moment, in the dark abyss, a few cold stars suddenly lit up. Elizabeth in front of her snorted in pain, and a thorny shield stood in front of her.


The rain-like steel needle hit the shield, splashing a little steel dust, and the nine peaches couldn't help sinking.

Sprinkle a steel needle behind him, and Zhou Yi consumed a lot of energy. Hearing the painful hum of the woman behind him, he was happy and knew that the attack worked. He hurriedly urged the moon to anger and ran to a deeper and darker place.

The further down, Zhou Yi's heart became. It had been 20 minutes, and it was still dark. If it hadn't been for the purple flame of the angry moon shining on the dark mountain wall not far away, Zhou Yi would have fallen into hell.

"Zhou Yi, you despicable and shameless villain! You have destroyed my power, and my hope is to go to heaven and earth, and I will bring you to the ashes!" Far behind him, a voice of pain came, with infinite resentment.

Elizabe knew that the East China Sea was fiasco, the wind god fortress was destroyed, and the prestige and power of the royal family had been reduced to the freezing point. Originally, when the last queen died, most of the royal cronies left the royal family and defected to the Light God Religion. Now the weapons of mass destruction she relied on have become fragments. Even if she goes back, I'm afraid she will become a puppet.

It's better to completely eliminate this person who destroyed himself! Therefore, she did not hesitate to stay in the continuous Risang of earthquakes and volcanoes, and contacted Jiutao Yigui, the strong man of Risang, and the jade broken alliance he formed to ambush and kill Zhou Yi. But I didn't expect that I was run away by Zhou Yi in the end!

No, this bastard is in front of him. He will never run away!

Of course, Zhou Yi didn't know that Elizabeth would change so many ideas, but he felt that this woman was really a little unreasonable.

Following the mountain wall, he didn't know how many turns he had turned. He felt that there was a glimmer of light in front of him. His spiritual consciousness hurriedly swept out and found that it was actually an ancient teleportation array suspended in the sea. Outside the array were overgrown seaweed, floating quietly and didn't know where to lead.

is already a dead end, and you must go up to continue to the seabed. Zhou Yi observed the surrounding scene, looked up at the heavy sea water, and thought to myself, "This magic array is a typical point-to-point transmission magic array. I don't know where it leads to?"

Looking back, Elizabeth split the sea like flying, but Jiutao Yigui lost its trace.

Zhou Yi flew into the transmission array and let the mysterious white light cover him. She smiled and waved her hand to the roaring Elizabeth.

At the same time, he also saw clearly that there were two shallow scars on Elizabeth's face, which slightly destroyed the originally perfect and delicate face, and the transformed shark head had long disappeared, which seemed to be due to his steel needle.

Zhou Yi waved his hand and smiled like pouring a ladle of boiling water into the boiling oil pan. Elizabeth was almost crazy and didn't want to think about it. Two gorgeous spirits took action at the same time and cut off Zhou Yi's smiling face.

With a soft sound, Zhou Yi's figure disappeared in the white light, and then two exquisite hand axes were also wrapped in white light, followed by Zhou Yi.

"Ah! My artifact!" Elizabeth stamped her feet angrily and flew into the transmission array.

The darkness in front of him lit up again. Zhou Yi felt a dark red dazzling in front of him and couldn't help squinting slightly.

Coral house? What came into view were dozens of "people" who looked like sea cucumbers!

The whole sea cucumber should be sausage-shaped, with a dark brown back and a lighter abdomen color. There are 20 tentacles and a row of rounded warts on the back, but obviously these are not.

These sea cucumbers are upright in the sea. The tentacles are condensed into legs, and the upper end of the abdomen presents human facial features. In addition to a row of dark infrared in the center, the rest of the warts are black and brown. Two tentacles are also stretched out at the upper end of the ginseng body, each with round holes, spewing sweet smell. The sea cucumbers wandering around still hold shining weapons.

"Venom sea cucumber! One of the three ethnic groups in the East China Sea! Why did you break into their territory? Aolan couldn't help saying.

Zhou Yi saw the scene in front of him clearly and couldn't help sweating coldly. Looking around me, it seems that I am in a tall coral palace, and there are two sea cucumbers with shining long guns next to the transmission array.

When the two saw Zhou Yi appearing in the transmission array, they couldn't help growing their mouths in surprise. After being stunned for a while, there was a grunting sound in their throats. Four dark red warts behind them lit up from top to bottom, and the long gun brought up a splash and quickly stabbed Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi saw the long gun attack and just wanted to avoid it, but he didn't expect that two flaming hand axes rushed out of the array like lightning and landed accurately on the heads of the two ginseng people. With two soft noises and almost no obstacles, the two were cut in half.

At the moment when Ling Ye fell, a beautiful figure rolled out of the transmission array and grabbed them in his hand without looking anywhere. His beautiful eyes just stared at Zhou Yi and screamed, "Bastard, I have to kill you today!"

There are more than 100 entrances in the Venom Sea cucumber territory, but the exit is only in the two Poison Palaces.

Elizabe didn't care and didn't see where it was. As she spoke, she summoned the energy armor. The spirit in her hand drew a perfect arc and cut straight to Zhou Yi's neck.

"Don't fight!" Zhou Yi shouted loudly, and the Wufen Xuanyue knife attacked. With a crisp sound, the dragon royal soldiers collapsed a gap.

"Ah!" Zhou Yi grinned sadly, casually put the Xuanyue knife into the Rongjie, flew over the heads of several sea cucumbers, and circled to the other side of the transmission array.

"It's human! Humans have broken into the Haishen Palace!"

"Kill them quickly!"

The Haishen Palace is not only an outlet for the sea cucumbers to the outside world, but also a place for religious sacrifices. The two sea shrines are in charge of two palace owners, each with four guards, thousands of guards and guards.

For hundreds of years, except for the Risang people holding transaction tokens, no one has dared to break in so bluntly, so the guards are confused and don't know what to do. However, when they saw that the two came up and started to fight, regardless of where it was, they understood for a moment and immediately shouted and asked their companions to move closer to this side.


The more Elizabeth looked at Zhou Yi's smiling face, the more angry she became. The ring in her hand flew back, which was another sharp trajectory. Zhou Yi was not in a hurry and turned around. When it was not allowed to go out, he pressed it on the surface of the axe. In the soft sound, his body was shaken back two steps by the surging energy, and Lingyue also changed its direction and flew to the transmission array not far away.

Elizabeth was shocked. If her artifact travels back and loses it at the bottom of the sea, it will be troublesome! After all, according to her current cultivation, the artifact can only recognize the master with blood and cannot be refined.

When she jumped up to grab the spirit, something unexpected happened. The white light of the teleport array flashed, and a sea cucumber appeared in the array. Before they understood what was going on, the two axes flew one after another--

After Zhou Yi's press and turn, although Lingyue's strength was much smaller, it was really too sharp, and the sea cucumber man did not know that the frequent transmission array would have a handle artifact waiting for him, watching the hand axe fly closer and closer with flames, poof! The coral crown was nailed to the top of his head. Before he could understand, the other handle also arrived. This time, he was not given another chance to go straight through the gap, clicked, and split half of his head. The sea cucumber man showed an incredible expression on his face, and then fell back with a bang and fell out of the transmission array. Then, the white light flashed one after another in the transmission array, and a group of sea cucumbers appeared.

Among this group of people, the most conspicuous is a human, with a cold face and pale skin, wearing a pair of silver glasses, wearing a pure white robe, and five earthy yellow beads embroidered on the left chest of the robe. Behind him stood two servants with dark skin but embroidered with three earthy beads on his left chest.

Seeing that she killed the sea cucumber, Elizabeth's face changed slightly, several back flips, and flexibly fell into the sea cucumber crowd, which immediately aroused the exclamation of the surrounding sea cucumbers.

"Prince, prince! What's wrong with you? The old and trembling voice sounded, and a puffy sea cucumber man bent down and stared at the body on the ground with a shocked look on his face.

Who is it? Who killed the prince? Who is it?" Behind the old sea cucumbers were two tall sea cucumbers. When they spoke, the warts behind them were full of light, and a surging energy with a fishy smell rapidly expanded out.

"It's her! It's this woman!" The guards' eyes immediately turned to Elizabeth.

Flame flowers flow on the surface of Elizabeth's energy armor, colorful, and eye-catching in the sea. They can't be ignored. In an instant, they became the focus of the sea cucumber palace.

"How can humans come in?" A wrinkle appeared on the forehead of the old sea cucumber. It seemed that he frowned, and a sharp roar sounded in the hall, "Where is the guard envoy? Hurry up and arrest this hateful human being and interrogate him!"

"Yes!" The deafening sound was sounding at the same time, and four figures came like lightning. It was the guard of the sea cucumber palace.

The structure of the sea cucumber palace is very simple. The central part of the octagonal coral building is directly above the hall. The hall is about 500 square meters. The center is the transmission array. The guard seems to pass directly through the coral wall, and nine warts behind it are lit up. The venom tube above the head swings quickly and adjusts the direction--

Wo! Oh!

The sound of the sharp weapon draining water water sounded in Elizabeth's eardrums, and then there was a strong fishy smell, which was about to chop and bleed her nasal cavity. Take a closer look, it is a pure black inch long needle, lined up in a "kill" word, front and right, covering all her figure inside.