xing yu universe

Chapter 390 Elizabeth was captured

"If they enter the wandering mountain, they will not be able to leave for a while. As long as they are covered with sea cucumber venom, they will inevitably be able to drive them out. Even if they are strong human beings, they do not have the ability to completely expel your talent.

"It's nine peaches and one precious!" Zhou Yi's eyelids jumped, and the crystal trembled sharply because of the venom. He had to admit that what Jiutao Yigui said was very reasonable. If the poison in himself is forcibly eliminated by energy, it will certainly not be effective in ten days and a half months.

"What should they do if their venom is so powerful that they need a large amount of diffuse infiltration now?" Even Zhou Yi's son was calm and calm, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Staring at the opposite coral cliff and thinking about countermeasures, he stared at it for a long time. He felt a flower in front of him. The place with the smell of divine fire seemed to be far away from him, but he did not seem to move. Then he used his spirit to explore the surrounding pattern. He couldn't help but move his heart and lost his voice and said, "It turns out that these reefs are moving secretly! Isn't this the 'strange door lock key array' of the dragon clan?

The strange door lock key array is a medium array in the dragon array, with a total of 54 movable areas, which looks like a hexagonal Rubik's Cube.

"It's really a strange door lock key array! There are many solutions to this array, but I don't know how to move these reefs, otherwise they can definitely turn out of the channel.

Seeing the environment, Zhou Yi looked at the fading divine fire again and thought to himself, "It seems that Jane is still recovering energy. Now the sea cucumbers are searching and arresting. If I don't take measures, I will be poisoned by these ugly guys. Miss Jane, I'm really sorry. I can only take you as a shield!"

Thinking of this, he smiled badly, first puffed up his energy, forced the toxic hydraulic pressure, and then took out a small hammer from the realm. Zhou Yi originally planned to use stones, but he thought that "Janna" was also the cultivation of the saint, and there was an artifact in his hand. The boundary arrangement was by no means so simple, so he used a sacred treasure of the dragon clan.

Wow! Zhou Yi's hand shook, and the small hammer fell to the ground like a meteor, bringing a rapid airflow. With a bang, it heavily bombarded the place where the gorgeous divine fire smelled. The coral stone splashed out everywhere, revealing a small hole. How far the huge sound came with the water wave.

With the appearance of the small hole, like a volcanic eruption, Elizabeth's colorful divine fire breath suddenly strengthened a lot.

And just as the little hammer broke Elizabeth's prohibition, Zhou Yi's chaotic energy particles were all over his body, completely restraining his breath. Not to mention, he made the Moon God halberd only one meter long, easily broke through the internal coral stone and went to the depths of the mountain.

"Big Elder, that woman is here!" A slender sea cucumber shouted first, and at this time, the elder, the third elder and the fifth elder already felt a strong breath, and the twelve warts flashed a frightening light and quickly surrounded Elizabeth in the middle.

"What are you doing?"

Although Elizabeth has a divine fire artifact, after all, in the sea, the energy has not been fully recovered, and the toxic liquid is in the meridians. Seeing the sea cucumbers surrounding her, she knew that it was useless to run. She gently gathered her hair floating in the water with her fingers, and her beautiful eyes turned to Jiutao Yigui and said, "Mr. Jiutao, I have Risang Zhou Yi, the common enemy, is also an ally. Can you explain it to me? I didn't kill the sea cucumber yesterday on purpose, but because of Zhou Yi! All these sins should be counted on Zhou Yi's bastard!"

Thinking of the shocking hammer just now, Elizabeth thought about it with her heels and knew who did it. The anger in her chest became more and more intense, constantly burning her nerves, but she had to resist.

Looking at Elizabeth's beautiful blue-black face, Jiutaoyi secretly said that it was a pity, but he spread out his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you are my ally, but long live the sea cucumber king is also my ally. What's more, you killed the only son of the sea cucumber king. You'd better talk to the sea cucumber king in person!"

"Do you want to catch me alive?" Elizabeth looked cold.

"Of course!" The elder said with a gloomy face, "Are you going to be obedient or stubborn? At the bottom of the South China Sea, no one can leave alive if he offends me!"

"Do you know who I am?" Elizabeth's face also sank, "If you don't let me go, be ready to bear the anger of the Charles Empire!"

The elder frowned when he heard this. Jiutao Yigui understood what he meant and said, "She is the queen of the Charles Empire today, Elizabeth!"

Queen of the Charles Empire, Elizabeth!

Hearing this, the elder's eyes did not even blink, but it made Zhou Yi's heart suddenly shrink.

At this time, he was deeply in the flowing mountain, but he still heard Jiutao Yigui's words. Contacting Elizabeth's performance in the East China Sea gambling game, his heart suddenly seemed to blow away a layer of mist.

"No wonder even Prince Charles wants her to act! However, how could she be a miserer by herself as the queen? Are you really so confident in your own strength?"

"I don't care what king or emperor you are, as long as you are the enemy of the sea cucumber king! Tie her up! Be careful not to make it too ugly. Your Majesty only likes beautiful human women.

The cold words spit out from the elder's mouth, and the overwhelming killing venom needles were like locusts in summer, concentrated on Elizabeth a little, with a strong fishy smell.

"How dare you!"

Elizabeth screamed, and the fiery flames spewed out one by one from the artifact armor, dense like a sphere bursting outward. Suddenly, the sea water was instantly boiled and evaporated, forming a hollow annular container. In the hot temperature, countless poison needles were evaporated, but the "killing" array of the three elders was roasted by the flames. Although it was much thinner, it still firmly collided with Elizabeth.

Bang! Where the flame burst, the shadow of the axe and the poison needle were broken at the same time. ** The water splashed everywhere. Although the venom dissipated, the spicy and fishy smell came to her nose. Elizabeth felt that her breathing was suffocating and her body jumped back quickly. However, at this time, the residual poison in her body invaded her mind and purple mansion along the meridians, which made her feel her whole body burning, her limbs were numb, and her movements were big. For deformation.

The coral mountain slowly moved around and the fight unfolded in the valley. Zhou Yi saw that he had successfully drove Elizabeth into the cage and was not in a hurry to escape. He carefully let go of his spiritual knowledge and observed the situation above.

At this time, he saw clearly that the sea cucumbers surrounding Zhou Yi did not lead the blades, but spread the four twisted tentacles, like powerful ropes and extremely flexible drills, flying flexibly in the sea and constantly entangling Elizabeth.

Ling Ye turned slightly on Elizabeth's wrist, and the sharp axe blade cut more than a dozen tentacles, but with the dark blood, it was a thicker venom that splashed on her body and made a sneer sound. At this time, there were more and more venoms inside and outside her body, covering up dozens of meters, causing her body to become more and more dull.

"Don't move!"

With a contemptuous shout, the elder's tentacles, which were twice as thick as the sea cucumbers, suddenly stretched out from the oblique thorns and wrapped around Elizabeth's wrists. The strong shock made her unable to hold the hand axe. The two spirits rolled out and were put into her body by the gorgeous spiritual flame armor.

Elizabe felt that her wrist was bitten by a python. Even if there was a protective light, the venom kept pouring in along the meridians. A good beauty's skin color was like a night fork, and even her long golden hair turned green, and her eyes were dim.

With the last trace of clarity of the spiritual platform, Elizabeth's slender legs kicked forward and her body rushed back to break free, but she didn't expect that the elder's tentacles, which seemed to be "legs", also flew up, wrapped her ankles, and then went out. Elizabeth was like a "big" word supported in the water, which looked really indecent.

However, Elizabeth couldn't say anything at this time. Her whole face was purple than eggplant. She had already fainted and dripping green** along the seven orifices, which made Zhou Yi such a nervous guy a little scared.

"Long live the sea cucumber king, I told her not to kill her!" Jiutao Yigui reminded, "Moreover, we haven't found any trace of Zhou Yi yet!"

"She can't die!" The elder saw that he had successfully caught Elizabeth, and his face was even more arrogant. He glanced at his subordinates, "That human can't escape!" Keep looking for me!"

Hearing the fierce voice of the elder, Zhou Yi felt cold on his back and pumped his body into the mountain belly again, which was not stingy with chaotic energy, forming a thick shielding boundary.

This is not that he is timid, but through Elizabeth's struggle just now, he found that the venom of these sea cucumbers is too powerful, and after invading the venom meridians, it directly attacks the crystal, which can only be suppressed and cannot be eliminated. Once you stop suppressing your work, your whole body will immediately sting, and then be numb, and finally become a mummified corpse.

If Elizabeth can avoid poison, even if the three elders join hands, I'm afraid they can't beat her.

After thinking about this link, Zhou Yi naturally refused to come out, but tried his best to suppress the venom in the mountain, and took out the treasures he had collected for many years in his face world one by one to see which one of which detoxification effect was better...

"I didn't find anyone? How is this possible?" The elder raised his eyebrows, looked at the three elders and five elders, and gave up spiritual exploration.

"It seems that we can only cover the infiltration method with venom." Three elders.

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid this woman can't stand it!" A sea cucumber shouted.

The elder looked up and Elizabeth, who was firmly bound by her tentacles, began to turn her eyes up, and the light of protecting her body gradually faded away. If there is no treatment, water pressure alone can directly slap her to death.

"What a weak human being!" The elder snorted coldly, "I don't understand that Zhou Yi can't get out of the range of moving mountains. The fifth brother led people here to search. My third brother and I will give this woman to Long Live first."

"Yes!" The five elders bowed and flew away with their men, but the elders and three elders took the silent Elizabeth and flew to the sea cucumber palace deep in the mountains.

When the sea cucumbers searched, Zhou Yi took back his spiritual knowledge and just covered himself thickly and devoted himself to driving away the venom in his body. Naturally, he did not know that they had returned to the palace.

After more than two hours of efforts, in addition to strong suppression, Zhou Yi basically gave up using his own energy to exorcise poison. The venom in the meridians is like a reduced version of sea cucumbers, in which it bursts. Even if the whole body ignites a blazing fire, it will not burn constantly.

"Let's try the elixir!"

The poison-repelling elixir, he first took out the "Grass Return Pill", "Biling Dan" and "Easy Pill" for herself, but the effect was not obvious.

"Dragon elixir doesn't work. What else can we do? I didn't expect this ugly sea cucumber man to be so powerful!" The amount of venom in the meridians increased at a geometric level. Although it was suppressed by himself, his feet had begun to numb and unconscious. Zhou Yi had never encountered such a situation. Sweat beads oozed out of his face, and his fingers looking for things trembled slightly.

"What?" His fingertips cooled and touched something. Zhou Yi clearly felt that the venom suppressed by himself was like a frightened beast and shrank back.

"It's the 'cold courage' sent by time!" Zhou Yi took out the object, and a layer of soft white light suddenly flashed in the hole. His whole body was particularly cool, and the fission of the venom in his body suddenly stopped.

"It's a treasure born in the far north. Because of the hurry, I forgot to give this thing to Mingxiang. This time, it really took advantage of her. I can't say, I have to make up for her after getting out. Zhou Yi was ecstatic and brought the cold dew to his body. The cool feeling was more obvious, but the venom only stopped the division and increased, but there was no sign of escaping from the body.

"Can't be expelled?" Zhou Yi frowned, took out the knife "Tianshan Snow" and turned his fingers flexibly. He had carved a hole on it and wanted to put it on his chest with silk thread.

Zhou Yixin took out the Xuanling silk and wanted to extract a silk thread, but he didn't expect that the venom in his body trembled again, and the light flashed in his mind: "This Xuanling silk is the treasure that I was transformed when I traveled through time. I don't know what kind of the shoes and underwear that Yuewei could not recognize at the beginning? Will it have a detoxifying effect?"