xing yu universe

Chapter 426 Queen vs. Hall

It is also colorful, and the heavenly object is the color of the five elements. Elizabeth is a divine flame. As soon as it appears, there is a gust of wind and clouds at the junction of the sky.

Zhou Yi guessed that according to Elizabeth's temper, he would definitely attack Tiangong's giant book head-on, but he didn't expect that he was extremely sharp and gorgeous. According to what he said, he was attacking the word "Heaven" of Tiangong Kaiwu with lightning.

Boom! With a loud noise, Zhou Yi felt the soft and simple breath again. Under Elizabeth's attack, he showed surprise, mixed with a little hope.

Hope? Zhou Yi had a trace of enlightenment in his heart and hurriedly said to Elizabeth, "Just attack these four fonts, don't worry about anything else!"

"I'll take care of it!" Elizabeth hummed angrly and replied that this guy was very sinister, his vision was accurate, and what he said should be reliable, so Elizabeth's face was disdainful, but he resolutely implemented Zhou Yi's opinion in action.

Zhou Yi clearly saw that as Tiangong Kaiwu was attacked, Hall's body, which was in absolute advantage, shook, and the compressed space trembled and shattered. Of course, this kind of fragmentation is invisible. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a few whirlwinds.

Xiahou Ninger and Ximen were forgiven, and they didn't have time to see what happened in the sky. They jumped back 20 or 30 meters and gasped.

Ximenzhi also got a glimpse of the holy land. Xiahou Ning'er had broken through to the peak of the road and was a strong man, but she didn't expect that she was almost restrained by Hall's move. The two looked at each other and looked very solemn.

Looking at Hall again, his lips were tightly squeezed, his fat body trembled slightly with anger, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. He knew that his treasure was under attack, which was too important to him. Without it, there would be no strength to match the rank and compete with Fang Songbu. However, if he doesn't kill or capture Simon and his wife alive quickly, he can't bear the anger of Da Halai.

"Block them!" Hall roared at the remaining Snow Lion team, and then shot into the sky like a cannonball. He wanted to see who was so bold that he dared to be wild in Gu Xuan Snowfield and his territory.

God's fire and spirit flame!

Hall's eyes condensed, and the burning breath came to his face. Of course, this could not stop him. With one move, the fat hand separated the flame, revealing the axe inside.

"Which saint is under?" At this time, Hall did not dare to be careless, but his cry was full of anger.

Boom! The gorgeous spirit attacked again and bombarded the word "sky" again, swinging a layer of colorful light waves.

"Despicable and shameless rats, stop it!" Hall saw that the other party had no strong demeanor at all. He filled his chest with anger, put his hands together like a lotus, and his body suddenly blurred and integrated into the ancient book. Then, the trembling body of the ancient book shook, paused for a moment, and suddenly turned an angle. The page of the book unfolded an angle towards Elizabeth, and the dazzling light shot straight down. The gorgeous spirit met the colorful light and suddenly stood still, forming an extremely fantastic scene between heaven and earth.

In Zhou Yi's view, this scene is magnificent and amazing, but Elizabeth feels very uncomfortable. The soft and honest mood seemed to be suppressed, and a gloomy force arose spontaneously. In the colorful light, gold, wood, water, fire and earth rotate according to certain rules, and the mixed energy actually produces a force of space clamping. She tries her best and can't move at all.

"Elizabeth won't be able to beat Hall, right?" Zhou Yi thought while silently running Chenli. In fact, he asked Elizabeth to take action, which was to test Hall's idea. Once Elizabeth is wrong, he will take action immediately.

"How could this happen? If you are suppressed by this guy, won't you be laughed at by this bastard Xie Dui again? Somehow, at a critical moment, Elizabeth's immortal appearance appeared in Xie Dui's mind again. Her heart was secretly hated, and her desire for victory was stronger. She suddenly bit the tip of her tongue: "Flame burns!"

The already extremely hot temperature suddenly doubled, and the surrounding energy began to burn, and the blazing fire went straight to the sky, surrounding the ancient books. A remnant shadow of an axe was emitted from the body of Elizabeth's Holy Land, transforming her appearance. Her body was long and wearing colorful armor, and the two pieces were made of pure fire. The axe composed of flames, majestic as a goddess, went down to the earth, against the colorful light, and pierced into the pages of ancient books, and then suddenly burst.

Bang! In Zhou Yi's ear wheel, he heard an extremely dull sound, like two * colliding in mid-air, and the more gorgeous brilliance could brighten people's eyes. In fact, someone has been involved in the energy turbulence, screaming repeatedly, with low cultivation, and their bodies being squeezed and deformed, and died on the spot.

You Er, You Er and You San were also affected and completely lost their combat effectiveness, especially in a coma.

The dazzling light only lasted for two seconds, and Zhou Yi saw the center of the explosion. The two figures spit blood at the same time and quickly retreated back. One was Elizabeth, who recovered his original body and held the gorgeous spirit, and the other was Hall. He looked a little embarrassed. In backwards, he hurriedly put away the ancient book and then fell into shape. , made a straight turn and headed northwest.

"Where to go!" Elizabeth has suffered repeated setbacks recently and finally felt that the fight was smooth. How could he escape calmly? She scolded and chased after her.

"Hey!" Zhou Yi was far away. After shouting, he knew that he couldn't hold her. He couldn't help muttering secretly. Big brainless chest is brainless. Obviously, the other party did not show defeat, so he was not afraid of what he would do?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly chased after him. Looking down, I saw the Ximen Zhi couple looking up at the sky and were a little stunned. Whether as Xie Dui or Ximen Yulong, he was a little embarrassed in the face of these two. Now that he had been rescued successfully, he didn't say much and flew away with Elizabeth.

Zhou Yi was puzzled, on the one hand, because the direction of Hall's escape was the black prison, which made him a little more vigilant. On the other hand, when the "flaming body" was emitted, the two emotions in the ancient book collided. Elizabeth's authorities were fascinated, but Zhou Yi could faintly detect that Hall was not so much attacked by Elizabeth, but by the soft and honest emotions of the ancient book.

What's in the ancient books? What traps did Hall prepare? No matter which one is the problem, it makes Zhou Yi very curious.

Anyway, there was a queen in front of the thunder, and Zhou Yi didn't care about it and followed behind to see what was going on.

"What a powerful flame - who is this woman and how can she save us?" Xiahou Ninger could not see at all that she was over 40 years old, and her face was as beautiful as a girl, but the deep and mature eyes exposed her age. Even if the years can't change the appearance, it will change the amorous feelings of the eyebrows and eyes. Obviously, Ximen Yulong's beauty is more like his mother.

"Anyway, I finally got my life back. Do you want to see Meng Yu and others..."

"No. Our whereabouts have been targeted by Big Hari. If Meng Yu and others are captured, the meat cheese will not be guaranteed. Let's follow up and have a look." Zhou Yi passed by the sky. Although he was in the turbulence, Ximen Zhi and his wife still felt it and immediately made a decision.

The Bensa Mountains are one of the main mountains in the valley, stretching for hundreds of miles and converging with the Laya Mountains at the junction of the Inca Empire in midsummer. In Zhou Yi's impression, it has a vast area, but it is not too high and dangerous.

And a dangerous peak appeared in front of him. Specifically, it is a slender canyon with two sword-like peaks standing side by side, and the opposite side is extremely smooth, allowing only one person to pass through.

If you extend your vision a little further, you will find the magic of this peak. In the east, there is a metallic light and countless red mountains and stones; in the west, there are lush trees and mountain spring waterfalls, which have been flowing into the mountain stream. Among them, the mystery contains five elements, which makes Zhou Yi slightly stunned.

The two figures in front have flashed into the valley quickly, as fast as lightning. At this time, the two peaks moved faster, like clapping the palms of mosquitoes, making a loud noise. The rocks rolled down, and countless trees broke and quickly closed inward.

"Damn it!" Zhou Yi couldn't help swearing and suddenly accelerated. It was already like a remnant. Before closing, he squeezed between the two peaks. Suddenly dark in front of his eyes, he immediately noticed a glimmer of light in the distance, and two people entangled with this light as *.

Starting the array consumed almost all of Hall's energy. He had rushed out of the canyon, but was pulled back by Elizabeth's flame line. Of course, he was unwilling to accompany the fate of burial and struggled hard.

In such a big array of heaven and earth, the pressure around is suffocating. Elizabeth hates it very much. Of course, she will not let Hall go. Even if she dies, she has to pull a cushion. But it's this little delay, and the last chance is fleeting.

"Why don't you go!" His movements were so fast that he finished all the movements before the sound reached Elizabeth's ears.

Zhou Yi waved his palm like a knife and cut off the entanglement between Elizabeth and Hall. As for whether to cut off Hall's legs or feet, he could not care. Then, without hesitation, he hugged Elizabeth's soft waist tightly. Ao Xue's heart had no reservation and swarmed out and wrapped the two together.

All this has just been completed, and only the continuous roar has been heard, and the two peaks have been completely closed together.

A holy strong man can split a mountain and cut off a river with a high-level weapon. But this does not mean that the power of a mountain can't kill him, and the energy of a river can't break him. Especially when these peaks and rivers have formed a whole of energy that can be recycled. The magic array can improve the power of energy geometrically.

And now Zhou Yi bears the power of the magic array that gathers the energy of heaven and earth, which is more than ten times and a hundred times stronger than one of two peaks. At the moment when the darkness hit, he felt that his body was crushed and broken into thousands of pieces, scattered into the boundless universe. Immediately, he lost consciousness.