xing yu universe

Chapter 427 On Mount Laya

Zhou Yi's consciousness was sober, and his instinctive reaction was to hold the objects around him tightly. Faintly, you can hear the wind outside and the voices of men and women.

"Go, go, the mountain is going to collapse..."

"Brother, look, there are still two people buried in it! Ah!"

"What the hell is your name?"

"Ah! This is not Xie Dui, not..."

"Stop shouting, hurry up. You must have heard the movement here!"

"But these two children are too tight! OK, OK, hurry up, go south, go south! Let's go to Laya Hot Spring..."

The sound of the wind faintly spread the voice to Zhou Yi's ears. He tried his best to wake up, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Yi first heard a soft sigh and felt that his face was touched by a pair of slippery and warm hands, and then the woman gasped. All this gave him an unspeakable comfort.

I haven't felt it for a long time. The life in the previous life, after several years of grinding and killing, is like a distant dream. Sometimes, he feels that he is living on this continent and just has a dream about life on earth. However, he still can't forget his parents. The thought of losing their son, he would be heartbroken and unable to breathe.

Tang Ying stayed in the Chinese Association, and Xiaolong Nizi's cultivation is far from his level. Although he can no longer warm Rose with the heart of Ao Xue, it also consumes a lot of energy to treat the little dragon in the space of Ao Xue's heart. After all, that's Xueji's heart, and you can't let it down. In addition, he has been injured. If he has cultivated the body of the Dragon Emperor and the cultivation of the double saint, I'm afraid he will be flattened on the spot.

Once again, I felt the warmth that I had not seen for a long time. Then he opened his eyes to see who it was.

A beautiful face looks only 27 or 8 years old, beautiful, with soft light in her eyes, staring at her face carefully. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was shocked, but then he was ecstatic. He hugged Zhou Yi and burst into tears: "Longer, are you awake?"

Suddenly hugged by a mature beautiful woman, Zhou Yi was stunned for a moment, but was surprised to find that his bloodline was not boiling, and he didn't even have any beautiful idea. The smell on her body is fresh and elegant, especially good, which also makes Zhou Yi's mind clear up quickly. Isn't this Ximenzhi's wife Xiahou Ninger, the mother of her own world?

Zhou Yi grinned and spoke, only to find that his throat was dry: "You" He wanted to say that you were Mrs. Simon, but he never said it. For some reason, he was soft and didn't want this woman to be hurt. Moreover, he knew clearly that if he called out the word "Mrs. Simon", she would be sad. But if you call her mother, you will feel a little uncomfortable.

"You are seriously injured, don't talk nonsense, lie down and drink some water..." Xia Houninger patted Zhou Yi on the shoulder and said softly.

Zhou Yi found that there were about 20 square meters in a crystal clear jade cave, and the top of the cave was uneven, showing lavender. Not far from his bed, there was a small hot spring with slightly hot steam. And here, there should be a small moisture isolation array, which is soft and dry without any discomfort. All kinds of living utensils in the cave are very simple, giving people a quiet and leisurely feeling.

Xiahou Ninger took a wooden spoon, carefully handed the water to Zhou Yi's mouth, and could drink it with a slight bow. When swallowing the water, Zhou Yi could clearly see the faint blue veins on the back of her slender hands. After feeding the water, Xiahou Ninger carefully wiped off the water stains from the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, with a focused expression. Zhou Yi's heart was hot, his eyes were a little astringent, and he wanted to cry.

No matter how many confidants you have, you can't replace the greatest and most intimate woman in the world, your mother.

"How's it going? Is it better? I've checked your body, and it's okay. Xiahou Ninger's eyes obviously had many questions, but she did not ask, but gently said Zhou Yi's body.

"Much better." Zhou Yi nodded. This is the first thing he said to Xiahou Ninger. When he said this, he obviously saw the beautiful woman's eyes dim, but then smiled, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

"Not too hungry." Zhou Yi shook his head.

"It's better to eat something. I'll go and cook some porridge." Xiahou Ning'er said and walked to the entrance of the cave. Then the light, Zhou Yi could see that there seemed to be a jade cave, in which there was also a person lying.

Zhou Yi shook his head and subconsciously touched his face. His body suddenly shook, and he didn't know when he would fall off. So, she saw my appearance, and she recognized me as her son..." Zhou Yi was stunned.

Do you recognize them? If you recognize it, how should you explain your behavior? If you don't recognize it, what should you say? Saying that you come from the earth, the soul is no longer Ximen Yulong?

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still any longer. He slowly got up, but felt that Zifu was sour and suddenly fell softly **.

Zhou Yi was shocked and hurried into spiritual consciousness, but found that there were two more strands of water energy in his body and was repairing his internal injury little by little. These two energies are very pure, and it can even be said that this is the essence of the two strong men.

The essence is the purest energy. If ordinary energy is simply output, the outputter may be tired, but there is not much negative impact. Jingyuan is different. As long as it is output, it will inevitably affect the stability of the meridians and Zifu. If the output is too much, it will even reduce the repair. If you are not a close relative, Chen Xiu will rarely use Jingyuan to heal people's wounds.

Zhou Yi has accepted Xueji's life essence. At this moment, he has accepted the pure essence of Ximen Zhi and his wife. Not only has the internal injury recovered, but most of the Aoxue's heart has also recovered, but he has been lying for a long time. After drinking some water, he quickly recovered his strength.

"Brother, how are you?" Aolan's voice sounded in his mind.

"Much better. What the hell is going on? Did the two of them save me?

"Hmm. Unexpectedly, Hall used Tiangong to open things to attract such a big array of heaven and earth. If the power of this array reaches ten times, not to mention your brother, even if you are a true saint who can break through the space barrier, you have to peel off the skin if you don't die.

"Is it so powerful?" Zhou Yi muttered, "Its grand style is quite similar to that of the dragon clan, but its fineness does not seem to be favored by the dragon clan." He is not the first time to come to Chenxiu Continent. Now his status is high, and some secrets of the human magic array have also been searched.

"Tut, brother, the knowledge of the magic array is very good. Sure enough, it's not the former Chu brother..." Xiao Nizi's mouth is still as neat as ever. "This big array actually comes from Xu Shoudao himself. It was after building this array that he was heartless and killed by his enemies, and his soul was helplessly integrated into the heavenly work. This book was also obtained by the enemy, which lasted for a long time and fell into the hands of Hall.

"However, I heard that he consumed too much mental strength because of this work..." Zhou Yi couldn't help but refute Xiaolong Nizi's proud and kind attitude.

"Cut, will you play yourself to death because of the refining?" Xiaolong Nizi sneered, "Do you know or do I know?" In fact, this is what Elder Xu Shoudao told me himself!" After saying that, before Zhou Yi returned, the red light in the room flashed, and Ao Lan's figure appeared in front of Zhou Yi.

The girl with long hair in a golden shawl smiles, with a blue forehead, a red skirt, a slender rose scepter in her right hand and a thick ancient book in her right hand. This shape, which became a typical image of the saint of the Chinese Society in later generations, has been spread and talked about by the people of Zhongxia. Of course, the Charles Empire will also secretly release the wind, saying that the saint is actually a native of Charles, but Zhongxia, as the most powerful country in Chenxiu Continent, ignores it at all.

Zhou Yi did not have this kind of consciousness. When he saw the book in Xiaolong Nizi's hand, his eyes widened: "Why is it in your hand? What about Hall? What the hell is going on?"

"Your counterattack seriously injured Hall. Of course, he can't resist the squeezing and has already been smashed to pieces. Even you, if it weren't for Xu Shoudao, you might have been killed by the array.

"Xu Shoudao... Is he still alive?" Zhou Yi knew that the little girl was not alarmist. He is indeed very high in cultivation, and he also has the heart to protect himself. But who is Xu Shoudao, the true saint at the absolute peak of the mainland? How can they not have the ultimate means?

Ao Lan slowly shook his head: "He used his last strength to help you resolve part of the big force, entrusted this book to me, and then merged with this ancient book."

"Did he give you this book?"

"Yes, he said that this book is different from all treasures, but it matches my talent instinct. Only I can make good use of this book. He also said that this book can not only protect himself, but also benefit the people.

"Yes, Elder Xu is right. Sister, you should make good use of this book. Zhou Yidao.

"Do you still need to say that?" Aolan curled her lips and listened. The sound of footsteps outside the cave came and hurriedly said, "I won't say more. Xiahou Ninger came over. She can save you. Do you recognize them? It's all up to you!" With that, a red light disappeared.

At this time, Xiahou Ninger came in, holding a bronze and wood carved tray, two blue and white porcelain bowls on the plate, a bowl of sausage cucumber fried rice, and a bowl of golden chicken soup with a strong aroma. She went into the hole and looked up and immediately saw Zhou Yi sitting up straight on the couch. Straight, beautiful, straight, slightly scattered black hair, smooth forehead, eyes under the forehead, as clear as a lake, reflection of her figure. For many years, when he was a child, he always bowed his head pitifully, always made mud, always tremble when he saw himself, and always glanced at the crowd around him with dull eyes... This silly child, how much she wanted him to get better soon. In order to heal him, she and her husband went all over the world. Almost all the savings... Is this your son? How did he get better? How can you become a prominent powerful in Zhongxia? Why did it suddenly appear in Guxuan Snowfield?