xing yu universe

Chapter 436 The Law of Attacking the Moon, Soul Queyu

Golden dragon, kingfisher!

The image of the giant dragon in golden light, the green little kingfisher, gushed out of Zhou Yi's eyebrows at the same time, to destroy the withered and rotten momentum and rushed to the soul slaves.

Although the power of the soul is different from the real energy, it is interrelated and interdependent. For example, sunshine itself has no emotion, but the warm feeling makes people feel comfortable and happy.

Due to the condensation of the green soul half moon, the soul method of the golden feather kingfisher has evolved, and the green soul dragon chopping has also entered the second stage: double-click of the soul.

The golden dragon is the embodiment of enthusiasm, excitement and other enterprising emotions in the soul. It is fierce, violent and full of combat effectiveness. As long as its huge body is swept away, thousands of soul slaves will turn into ashes. The kingfisher is the embodiment of calmness, calmness and other emotions in the soul. Like a fierce assassin, the sharp bird's beak emits a needle-like tingling, constantly shooting, and every thorn makes the hiss of a soul slave stop abruptly.

"Ah?" Before Bimian understood, he and his only nine disciples were admitted to an extremely warm and comfortable place.

A green island with brilliant Phnom Penh. The island was full of green trees and flowing water, and the fatigue after the fierce battle was suddenly swept away.

As soon as Bimeng woke up from his surprise, he felt a wisp of emotion. This emotion is excited, kind, and a little sad.

"President, is that you?"

Bimeng closed her eyes and absorbed the strong soul power of the island while talking to this emotion.

"Songlord, this is the sea of my soul." Zhou Yi's voice sounded in Bimyo's mind.

"Ah, what a lot of soul power, how can this... be possible? Unexpectedly, there is a prototype of the soul realm!" Bimeng exclaimed.

"What did you say?" The talker is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. Zhou Yi was a little ignorant of the changes in his body. Hearing Bimian's words, he seemed to have caught something key and hurriedly asked.

"President, your soul already has the prototype of theque field!" Bimeng sighed.

Isn't the sphere the energy of a field? Do you also have a soul?"

"Of course there is." There was a look of yearning and admiration on Bimeng's face. "In the past, when I practiced wind energy, my soul power also increased, but I didn't know what was going on. However, once you become a spiritualist, you will understand many things. Although the power of the soul is different from real energy, it is also a kind of energy. If it is refined to the peak, it can produce aque field. However, I never thought that it was impossible for an ordinary human to cultivate the stars without the method of divine practice!"

"Does the suzerain know what's going on in the star domain?"

The Golden Stone Classic is not a secret book, but a secret book. Therefore, the description of the Starque domain is very simple, but it only records the refining method of the treasures of theque domain. Therefore, in Zhou Yi's view, the star domain is just a skill of spatial energy control. However, now listening to Biming, it doesn't seem to be the same.

"I've heard the master talk about the starque field. When breaking through the space barrier, she did not cultivate to the point of starry. However, she told me that the Starque domain is a sign to break through the true saint and enter the divine level.

"Enter the divine level!" Zhou Yi sighed, "As long as you cultivate the starry region, can you become a god?"

"I don't know that." Bi Miao shook her head with a smile. At this time, her expression was very vivid, no different from normal human beings. The beauty has a unique flavor.

"Master doesn't know how to practice the Starque domain. However, she told me the feeling of entering the star realm. This feeling is like stepping into another world. The only master of this world is the practitioners of the Star Land. That's how I feel now, but it's not strong. Maybe this is the prototype of the starque field.

"Your master doesn't know how to practice the starque field, and how can he know the feeling of entering the starque field?" Zhou Yi wondered.

"That's what the master said. And the master also heard her master mention it. In fact, Zongzhong does not pay attention to the star area. After all, this is a level that no one can reach.

"It seems that the mystery of this starry area has to be slowly thought out by me." Zhou Yi's mood has some bitter smiles.

" According to the president's intelligence, maybe he can really create ordinary miracles, and he can get the stars at the holy level." Bimao.

"The patriarch Bimong will also tell jokes." Zhou Yi said, "In this battle, the disciples of Bichenzong have lost too much, which makes me really uneasy."

It's okay that Zhou Yi didn't mention it. As soon as he said these words, he immediately felt that Bimeng's heart was sinking, and the endless sadness rose. He hurriedly said, "Although everyone has sacrificed a lot, the remaining disciples of the Bichen Sect are all the best spiritual practitioners, and may hit the level of holy spiritual practitioners in a short period of time. . Bimong suzerain, haven't you reached the peak of the second-order holy spiritual practice? As long as you cultivate yourself on this soul island, you will be able to do your best!"

A little smile appeared on his pale face: "The president has a heart. You have great kindness to my sect, even if we are crushed to pieces, it is not a pity.

"Lord Bimong, can you not be so polite?" Zhou Yi was really not used to speaking so politely and politely. He said with a wry smile, "Lord Bimyo, we are good friends now. You are a few years older than me. If you don't mind, I'll call you Sister Bimang.

After becoming a spiritual practice, the blue appearance has experienced a process from horrible to hazy and beautiful. Now, she is already a spiritualist in the middle of the sanctity, no different from a real human woman, and can change her appearance at will. She condensed her soul power into a long green skirt, her long hair fell from her shoulders, and her slender waist was unbearable. She looked like an innocent girl. It is only with a smile and hands and feet to show the elegant demeanor of a mature woman.

"I can't ask for it, good brother." Feeling Zhou Yi's sincere mood, a warm current surged up in Bimian's chest. If she still had tears, I'm afraid she would have burst into tears.

"Good! Then I swear as my younger brother that I will maintain the bloodline of Bichen. Before I lose my life, Sister Bimeng and the nine sisters must be unscathed and happy.

"Ah?" Chen Hong's character is more lively than Chen Yu's. She couldn't help saying, "Uncle Guan called his sister and nine sisters. Isn't that a mess?"

"Shen Hong, it's hard to talk nonsense!" Although he secretly complained about Zhou Yi's nonsense, Bimian didn't want to destroy the warm atmosphere, but just stared at Chen Hong. Chen Hong stuck out his tongue and dared not speak.

Zhou Yi smiled and his spiritual knowledge was taken back. After all, they are still in the black prison, and the sea of soul slaves is constantly surrounded. However, Zhou Yi's energy realm has undergone a qualitative change, and the power of the soul has also increased significantly. These soul slaves also feel afraid and become very careful.

Zhou Yi snorted coldly, and the wind blew up his long hair. Under the momentum of Chaoyuan, the end of his hair was light pale, which looked a little more mysterious and elegant.

"Break the air!"

The strong energy tremor made the moon branch break away from the halberd again and rotate in the air. The space in an area was completely broken, and the transparent seal also turned into a dotted chip and slowly disappeared in the air.

The advanced state of broken empty chopping, breaking empty chopping, and split empty chopping.

Broken air chopping is actually the overlapping use of split air chopping, which consumes more energy and requires more proficiency. However, breaking air chopping, inspired by Yuewei's Jialan yin and yang world, is a very fast offensive move. Zhou Yi understood these two moves in the long-term use of the Moon God halberd. As for the effect, it needs to be tested in actual combat.

Pang-With the launch of the broken air chopping, the charm broke, and the slight sound of firecrackers sounded. Zhou Yi felt a shock, and there was a violent shaking space ripple beside him, followed by a loud noise. The strong impact made Zhou Yi's chest hurt, and he flew back more than ten meters to stabilize his body.

The dust dispersed, and Zhou Yi, with a green light, completely blocked the endless soul slave five meters away. And in front of him, a red hole has been broken.

This is the neighboring cave! Through the hole, you can see the soul slave flying and screaming in it, and the long black whip throws out layers of fog, boundless and boundless.

Zhou Yi looked at the strange scene and couldn't help but move: "These five space arrays can only be used to transmit spiritual bodies. If I can understand the mystery of its operation..."

Thinking of this, he turned his body, and the emerald soul light covered his whole body and passed through the sea of soul slaves, like a flame passing through the window paper, and easily came to another space array.

Zhou Yi carefully detected the slowly rotating transparent seal. Looking back on the record of the Golden Stone Classic, the warm and pure white particles emanated from Zhou Yi's body, covering the transparent seal little by little, as if to accumulate every drop of its mystery.

At the moment when the chaotic element could penetrate, Zhou Yi felt that the puzzling operation of the seal suddenly disappeared, leaving only straight starlight, forming a slowly changing figure.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yi was stunned and then understood, "This is the inner mystery of the space array!" Chaos Yuanneng, there is such a wonderful use!"

Zhou Yi was overjoyed and hurriedly remembered the changes in the starlight graphics. With the mysteriousness of the space, he also entered a deeper understanding of energy, and also became confused.

This magic array seems to have darkly changed. This change can be remembered quickly, but when exploring the principle followed by the magic array, it is a little confusing. It's like learning mathematics, remembering formulas and using algorithms, but it's still not clear why 1+1=2.

"Is it the reason why I don't know much about Chenfa?"

Zhou Yi tried to calm down and couldn't help thinking of what Aoxue had said before teaching him the method of moon practice.

"In ordinary days, it is enough for me to teach you the method of attacking the moon. The method of understanding the moon does not seem to be necessary."

Now it seems that the "attack" of the law of attacking the moon is not the attack, but the attack and inheritance. It means to follow the moon's energy and follow the trend. Aoxue is not good at words, cold and difficult to approach. If she doesn't explain, Zhou Yi dares not ask more. Now that I think about absorbing the moon energy, I have always only taken crystals as the guide and the law as the moment. Although the entry is fast, it is not clear why the moon exists and why it exists in this way.

"The method of attacking the moon is to teach people to practice, so the method of understanding the moon must be to really understand the true meaning of energy!"

To understand this ring, Zhou Yi seemed to see another world wafering to him. But there is something in that world that makes him confused and itchy.