xing yu universe

Chapter 437 Shuhun Yuzhong

"Zhou Yi, what happened?" Bimeng felt Zhou Yi's sudden excitement and confusion, and couldn't help preaching spiritually.

She suddenly found that once she entered the state of a high-level spiritual practice, the psychological burden brought by her previous age suddenly eased, and she became as curious as a little girl.

"I just want to think about one thing about cultivation. When the black prison array is broken, I want to discuss Chen Xiu's matter with my sister, which may involve the secrets of Bichenzong. I don't know if it's okay?

"Of course." Bimang agreed without any hesitation, "Bichen and Huaxia will have a one-and-one relationship. For my younger brother, my sister has no secrets."

Speaking of this, Bimang suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little strange. If there was still a real body, he might have blushed. Even if she is a spiritual practice, her mood still has some fluctuations.

"Then let's make it! Now, I'll break the array first. The source of soul power here should be in the red light of the abyss directly below. Zhou Yi was anxious to deal with the crisis in front of him. Seeing that Bimian agreed, his spiritual knowledge was released, and he pulled out of the sea of souls and rushed to the flying soul slaves.

As he spoke, Zhou Yi raised his head, his black hair fluttered, and the space ball quietly emitted from his body, turning into countless fine and beautiful purple sparks. Within the space, countless transparent seals with a diameter of only half a finger long are slowly rotating along different tracks and at different speeds, driving the space inside, ripples.

"Receed!" Zhou Yi shouted, and not only did he twist the soul slave in the space ball as if he had been fixed, but also the soul slave in the whole cave slowed down. With his angry cry, the space ball was like a long whale absorbing water, inhaling countless soul slaves, compressed within a radius of only two or three meters, and constantly squeaking.

Zhou Yi was chanting something in his mouth. His hands were flat on his chest, and the center was a smaller and smaller sphere. Outside, there was a thin layer of condensed from the height of Mars. Through this layer of flame, you can see the spiritual body inside dancing and constantly squeaking.

"You are..." Bimung said in surprise. Zhou Yi did not close the soul passage between himself and Bimyo. Through his eyes, Bimun can see everything outside.

"The so-called soul pill is compressed with this array. I mastered the refining method of soul pills by learning the magic array. Zhou Yi said, "This thing is very good for you."

When Zhou Yi spoke, the sad screams had disappeared. He opened his hand and a light red crystal ball the size of a marble in the palm of his hand was spinning rapidly.

"This is the soul pill. In fact, it is a small space array, in which millions of spiritual soul slaves are concentrated, and you can slowly absorb it." Zhou Yi wiped the soul pills in his eyebrows and sank into the sea of souls.

Spiritual practitioners can absorb other spiritual practitioners to improve their energy, but they cannot be swallowed directly and must be compressed.

"Split in the air!" Zhou Yi shouted softly, and the two moon branches sent out at a speed that could not be distinguished at all. The interior of the Black Prison Mountain was full of light and shadow of crescents, as if thousands.

With the formation of the half-moon dragon soul, Zhou Yi's soul cultivation once again surpassed the energy cultivation, and it can enter the middle of the mortal saint. The number of uses of split chopping has also increased from 6 times to 9 times. As a high school breaker and breaker, Zhou Yi can also use it 7 times. As for the treasure of Queyu to reverse the space ball, it can be used 3 times in a row, once in about 3 seconds. 3 seconds, many things can be done, and Zhou Yi is still quite satisfied.

"Now, there is only the source of soul power in this abyss. Sister Biming, guess what the red light is?

At this time, the abyss, the bones have been exhausted, and there is only the red light in the distance, mysterious, and there is also a trace of warmth.

"Without the interference of the soul slave, I, and Chen Hong, all feel particularly comfortable and warm. And this feeling is brought by the red light. Could it be..." Bi Mun pondered for a moment and tried, "Is it Shuhunyu?"

"Yes, it should be Shuhunyu!" Zhou Yi laughed. In the record of the Golden Stone Classic, he was full of admiration and envy for Shu Hunyu, and his natural memory is still fresh.

"Shuhunyu!" Bi Meng's heart suddenly jumped and couldn't help exclaiming, "A comfortable soul jade, how can you stabilize tens of millions of spiritual bodies!" As long as it is the size of a nail cover, it is worth hundreds of cities in the mainland, which is absolutely priceless!"

"This comfortable soul jade is the real eye, supporting the operation of the six caves. No matter which cave foundation is destroyed, red light can be seen. However, I guess that there should be a magic array to protect the place where Shuhunyu is placed.

While talking, suddenly a wind blew from the top of the black prison. Zhou Yi's body shook and said in a low voice, "Someone is coming from afar!" He raised his eyebrows, and his spiritual knowledge had already spilled out, and then he found out clearly.

"Fongbu is dead, and there is a lot of movement here, which is very likely to be the confidant of the big Hari. It's not too late. Let's go down to the abyss and take Shuhunyu first!"

There is no energy fluctuation. Zhou Yi's body is like an arrow away from the string, shooting quickly into the place where the red light is emitted.

The area of red light expands instantly, but the peaks on both sides are pressed over and become narrower and narrower. This black prison abyss is like a deep well with a narrow bottom.

I have seen the energy ripples and the edges and corners of the jade. Zhou Yi suddenly found that no matter how he flew, he could not get close to half a step!

"The magic array of the refractive principle is a little higher than what I saw at the bottom of the sea last time." Muttered two sentences, his black hair was windless and automatic, and two curved moons with soft arcs rotated out of his body, emitting a magnificent purple halo. Outside the halo, a little particles float, with a little mystery.

Rumble - particles of light overflowing in an extremely elegant and beautiful posture, spreading layers of ripples outward, shaking the cave constantly, and gravel falling one after another.

Bang! With a soft sound, as the twisted space ball appeared again, the overflowing energy suddenly recovered. With Zhou Yi as the center, there was a strange suction in the whole cave. Countless stones, together with the soul energy stored in the red light, flew to Zhou Yi's side.

"In!" Zhou Yi's body is like a meteor, leaving a rippled space trajectory in the air, and then disappeared into the depths of red light. Looking down from the top of the cave, I could only see that the red light slowly disappeared, and the rest was motionless. I don't know where the wind came from, floating back and forth in the dark cave with a few traces of cold air.


With the sound of clothes and wind, two stars swept into the hole and suddenly stopped, revealing the figure. It was the two bodyguards sent by the chief bodyguard of Big Harai.

"Is this... still a soul training array?" Among them, the captain of the guard with a ptingy face lost his voice. I don't know if he has practiced any special skills, and his voice is very hoarse and unpleasant. "What about the member? Where's the soul slave inside!"

As he spoke, he suddenly saw the red-haired man next to him shrinking, and his face was a little twisted. He couldn't help laughing and saying, "Lao Kuang, you have never had such an expression of fear. How..."

Captain Mazi looked at Lao Kuang and kept staring down. He couldn't help smiling and looking down.

At a glance, he was so scared that he almost fell from mid-air, "Who...who destroyed the magic circle? How can there be such a deep abyss in Black Prison Mountain..." Similar things have never happened, and he was obviously scared.

Lao Kuang is still more calm: "Lord Fang Songbu and several deputy prison leaders have never left the black prison today. Now, there is no breath of them at all. We need to look for it carefully."

The soul slave has disappeared, and the space array has been destroyed. The array has stopped, and the six caves have been restored to their original positions, so the two can go in and out at will.

After repeated investigation, they found that only the caves were seriously damaged, especially the dark geography, and their spiritual knowledge could not find the edge.

"What should I do?" Both of them looked at each other with a little hesitation on their faces. There are many forbidden areas in the Shending Palace, and any wrong step is a place without burial. Maybe Lord Fang Songbu is in this abyss.

"I think it's better to report to Lord Du?" Mazi's bodyguard said.

Lao Kuang showed disdainful eyes: "You go back and report first. I'll go down to check it. Maybe Mr. Guan is below.

The bodyguard looked at Lao Kuang, and his face showed displeasure, but then looked at the abyss below. Obviously, fear prevailed and said coldly, "You'd better be careful. Maybe there are monsters in it that we don't know." With that, he took a gust of yellow wind and went straight away.

"Bah, coward! It's a shame to be tied with me as the captain of the bodyguard!" Lao Kuang took a breath on the back of Mazi's family, turned around and looked at the dark abyss: "I want to see what happened in this six layers of black prison! I came with the order of the big member. Even if the second member saw me rushing, he would not embarrass me much. If you are really lucky, get the soul pill..."

Thinking of this, his heart was even more itchy. When he thought about it, he pulled out a narrow-edged long knife, which was very similar to the long knife. A **-shaped bucket whirlpool rotated around the edge of the knife, and the pale yellow energy covered his whole body, and then carefully flew down.

Entering the bottom of the abyss, Zhou Yi immediately saw a crystal jade with a human head-sized and multi-edging shape suspended in mid-air. Although this jade is dark red, it looks very transparent, surrounded by countless fibers, and looks like rising smoke.

Next to Shuhunyu, there are 18 crystal drills suspended in a radial shape, emitting the same color of light, forming a light curtain with a diameter of about three meters. Inside the light curtain, there are looming charms floating up layer by layer, not in the boundless darkness.

Looking up, like a mirror, you can see the scene above the cave. A red-haired man is looking around with vigilant eyes, and his body is slowly suspended on the "mirror" formed by the space array.

"This feeling is so comfortable!" Bimen's voice sounded in Zhou Yi's mind.

"Come out, the injuries suffered in the soul refining array are the easiest to recover in Shuhunyu."

The hearts of the eyebrows sprayed with golden and green light, together with the ten Bichen Sect spiritual practitioners, turned into ten whirlwinds and stood on the spot in a blink of an eye. At the same time, Zhou Yi also opened the Baihou Ding and released Murong Ye and Qing Yun.

"Ah--" As soon as they came out, the two women exclaimed at the same time, and an extremely pleasant expression appeared on their faces.



Seeing Zhou Yi and Bi Mong, Murong Ye and Qing Yun shouted in surprise at the same time.

"President, what is this place?" Qing Yun looked at Zhou Yi doubtfully.

"This is in the spiritual cultivation treasure Shuhun jade. This soul jade is very precious, and it is embedded with a special space array and has an independent space. Don't say much, hurry up and practice well.

Seeing the two women sitting cross-legged according to their words, Zhou Yi slowly stood up, and his muscles were like clouds and flowing water, moving slowly. A blue, black, purple and white halo kept emanating from him, like fine yarn, like ripples, layer by layer, endless.

And the soul slaves of the Bichen Sect are also suspended around the soul jade, comfortably absorbing the energy of the jade and constantly improving their cultivation.

Everyone was immersed in the warmth and comfort brought by the soul jade. No one saw it. The Shu soul jade body suspended in the middle trembled slightly, and then it again, as if something was struggling in it...