xing yu universe

Chapter 451 Three Saints

"Ximen Zhi and his wife of the Frost War League?" When Curry saw this scene, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes and showed some surprise, "What a strange thing! It is said that these two are the parents of Zhou Yi, the king of China. If the two of them are caught and humiliated, I would like to see what else the Chinese emperor can be proud of!"

With that, his legs flashed, and the man had already soared up and rushed to meet Xiahou Ninger, who rushed to the front. "Master Fanduo, hooked the master, don't worry! Today, with my three saints, Ximen Zhi and his wife, who only stepped into the holy land in half a step, can't escape!"

"Hahaha!" Curry called the god. He was as short and fat as a bucket, but he was wearing a white tights. His whole body was fleshy, and his face was full of meat folds when he smiled. "I'm not very interested in Ximen Zhi and his wife, but she is the girl with big breasts* and strong. It's really my heart. After catching it, I don't want anything else, I want her!"

Looking at the raised orchid fingers when the hook came to speak, everyone was cold. But everyone also knows that this guy is especially good at mending female practitioners. What he wants is their Yuanyin spirit, high cultivation and ruthless methods, so he dares not offend easily. This time, Ajarro, the commander-in-chief of the Inca Empire, invited him here. I don't know how many Zhongxia people will be unlucky.

"Hey hey, to be honest, half a month after the capture of Bensa City, female practitioners have collected a lot, but there is no best like this! Especially the old fox, who can't hold on, can't attack for a while. When his holy palace is broken, there will definitely be more beautiful women!" He licked his lips and thought he was cruel and handsome, but he almost made everyone spit out the overnight meal.

At this time, on the Bensa Tower, the Three Saints rose into the air and surrounded the West Gate to the couple and Qingyou.

"Brother!" Looking at the scene in front of her, Xiahou Ninger bit her lip and said in a low voice, "The situation is not good..."

"So what?" Ximenzhi sneered, "With Qingyou's help, the meat cheese has been put in the right place and will soon be sent back to the Chinese meeting. As long as Long'er is saved, Zhongxia has hope. Are we still afraid of death? When he confronted Da Halai, he had already died countless times!"

Ximenzhi laughed and pointed to the three saints of Inca with two mace in his hand: "Just these things, you still want to occupy my midsummer! Your flesh and blood will eventually rot on this land and become the nourishment of our crops!"

"Ninger, burn life, the combination of two lions!"

Ximenzhi's words made Zhou Yi feel depressed and knew that he couldn't wait any longer. He hurriedly said, "Yuewei, how about you deal with the hook-in? I'll deal with those two. How about Xiang'er going to save my parents?"

"Brother Zhou Yi, you are a little underestimated..." Yue Wei smiled and then said to Xiang'er, "That's the future parents-in-law, but you should be careful to serve!"

I didn't expect Yuewei, who had always been gentle, to say such a thing. She was so nervous that she couldn't help blushing and didn't know what to do.

"Do it!" Zhou Yi nodded with a smile. The enemy can still be so calm, which shows that Yuewei is bound to win this battle.

"Haha, do you still have to resist in the end?" He sneered, "Look at my artifact, Xuanyang Mask!" He threw his hand and then made a series of complicated fingerprints, a bronze color, and a semicircular cover covered with runes on the surface, quickly rose into the air, and then sprinkled a firelight, firmly covering the three and two lions in it.

"Man's killing, female's capture, hey hey hey!" This sentence is not a master at all. As soon as he clenched his fists, the space in the Xuanyang mask also twisted. The three suddenly felt that their breathing was stagnant, and it was very difficult to move.

"Two brothers, if you don't do anything, when will you wait!" He shouted loudly.

Curry and Fan Duo were already ready to go. Seeing that the hook hit, they immediately roared. Curry's feet were covered with dark blue scales in a blink of an eye. They looked like a first dragon, but they had a crocodile-like horizontal lines, filled with a cold beast atmosphere. And Fan Duo had a spear burning with flames in his hand, with a sense of anger, and rushed straight to the top of Ximen's head.

coincidentally, both Fan Duo and Curry took Ximen Zhi as the key targets of attack.

After all, the two king blue lions, whose teeth are small, seem to have been injured before, and their breath is a little sluggish. Although they roar loudly and spit out electric flashing ice bombs from their mouths, their attack power is not strong.

"The Frost War League has also killed many Incas. Today, it is a blood debt and a blood debt!" Hooking ** smiled, his hands were like holding a heavy barbell, pressing down little by little, but made the three people in the space unable to move.

At this critical moment, there was a sharp roar in the sky. The three Inca saints couldn't help looking up, but they were so scared that they almost shouted. I saw a beautiful ice girl with cold eyes and blue hair flying over her buttocks. The brightly colored bone wings unfolded, and the wind under the wings was full of surging dark energy. A wide sword in her hand appeared in the air.

"This is..." He didn't react for a while, and Fan Duo's eyes were quick-mouthed and he had already shouted out: "Be careful with the master! This is Emperor You, the strongman of the Middle Xia Empire..."

Before the words fell, Yuewei had raised the blue yin and yang world, aimed at the dome of the Xuanyang mask, cut it down hard, and then disappeared. Chen Li also seemed to fall into the silence, giving people a strange feeling.

"It's not that easy to break my artifact!" The energy fluctuation of Yue Weifansheng's peak changed Goulian's face, but he had confidence in his Xuanyang mask. His eyes suddenly condensed, and more violent energy poured into it. With a soaring sound, it began to burn red flames, and the surrounding temperature immediately rose at a geometric rate.

The moon's bone wings fan open, and it seems to be idle in the energy turbulence. I don't know when the yin and yang blue world has taken back under the jade arm. A space crack two meters long and three fingers wide, floated lightly on the Xuanyang mask.

Bang! The sound was very soft, and the energy turbulence around was like finding a venting mouth. It rumbled in, and the space above the tower also shook. Only the sound of clicked and clicked continuously. The tower was about to collapse.

"Go, go!" Some people with low cultivation were immediately panicked. The people watching the battle on the tower jumped out one after another, some were trampled down, some stepped into the air, and the scene was in chaos.

The Xuanyang mask did not seem to be affected at all. It still covered the west gate to the three people, and in the flames rising, the three lions were sluggish, obviously unable to support it.

"Humph, is my Xuanyang mask so easy to break? What Emperor You, I think it's in vain..."

Before the proud words were finished, I heard a crack. Compared with the sound of falling from the cracks in the space, the sound was particularly crisp and pleasant. The bronze surface of the Xuanyang mask was like porcelain that had been hammered, and countless cracks appeared.

"Don't..." The interconnected roar had not yet landed. With a crackling sound of Xuanyang, it turned into countless fragments and shot out, together with the array flames, also scattered on all sides, causing a raging fire on the tower.

"Emperor You! My Inca Empire has no grievances and no grudge against you. The opponents are nothing more than the Central Xia court. What does it have to do with you? If you quit here, I can give you half of Bensa!"

"Who said that Emperor You had nothing to do with the Zhongxia court?" The lazy voice sounded in his ear, and only that tone made Fan Duo's pupils shrink.

He once practiced in China and heard of Zhou Yi's name. What's more, there are many image crystals about Zhou Yi.

Fan Duo did not answer, roared, directly with the instrument, and turned out of the holy land, but there were as many as 30 short spears with the thickness of goose eggs and burning fire on the surface, and a mass of metal light sliding up and down, and the energy surged and shot at Zhou Yi's body.

Zhou Yi came here with the intention of saving people. There was no time to grind with him. He did not hesitate to use the treasure of theque field. The space ball suddenly expanded with purple flames, and the strong holy weapon short spear couldn't help but stop in the space ball. Three seconds! Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, and the moon god halberd trembled, and the two crescent moons floated down and crossed the space--

Break the air!

Bang, bang, bang! The short spear burst one after another. After a few seconds, Fan Duo had been beaten back to its original shape. His whole body was dripping with blood, and his body retreated in a roar. There was only half of the sacred weapon spear in his hand, revealing the steel stubble and broken magic array inside.

Zhou Yi did not hesitate to see that Fan Duo was repulsed and his body flashed. He had attacked another saint close to him, the crocodile green foot library!

Fan Duo was retreating, and his eyes were shining. At this time, the Xuanyang mask had just broken. He suddenly found that he had retreated to Xia Hou Ninger'er's side. He couldn't help biting his teeth, and he was evil to the edge of courage. He shook the remaining spear in his hand and fiercely pierced into the quietness of the bitterness of resisting energy turbulence.

"It's really hard to die!" A crisp and beautiful female voice came from the void. Fan Duo only saw a red electric light flashing, and he didn't even see the figure clearly. He found that he was suddenly thrown up, his eyes crossed the burning tower, and the panicked people, and then he saw his headless body falling heavily from mid-air.

A beautiful woman with light green hair, bronze skin and extremely hot figure appeared in the void. Before she arrived, she had emitted surging energy and wrapped Ximen to the couple: "uncle, aunt, let's go!"

"Big head, you, you--" When she approached, Qingyou recognized her, and couldn't help but be surprised by the fragrance with a very different appearance.

"This is not the place to talk. Go!" Xiang'er has always done things neatly and without dragging water. She wrapped up the three people who had been seriously injured. They had lost their presence in the sky before the Inca could understand.

The Xuanyang mask was broken, Fan Duo was repelled, and then beheaded by Xianger. Zhou Yi rushed to the crocodile green foot library. Xianger took the west gate to the three people to disappear. It was almost two minutes. The rabbit rose and fell, and the three cooperated so tacitly!