xing yu universe

Chapter 502 Temple Tour 2

It hurts! Painful and heartfelt pain!

At the beginning, Zhou Yi wanted to use this small wind layer to test his strength. When chasing his sleeves, the wind layer of the sky left a deep impression on him! As soon as I rushed in, I felt a physical breakdown. He wants to know how this small wind layer is compared with the big wind layer?

I didn't expect that the feeling was almost exactly the same. The difference is that when we reached nearly one-third this time, we had the unsustainable feeling at that time. However, compared with that day, my cultivation has made another leap!

If you make an evaluation, this so-called small wind layer is almost comparable to the big wind layer in the sky! Reaching out and touching it, his body was wet and smelling, and it was actually blood!

Looking at the true saint of Yuanzhong, the true saint of the underworld and the true saint of the wind that entered after him, the protective light of the body is like a substance, shrouded in armor of different colors of gold, black and blue, and ice and fire can not invade at all. And Nian Sa, unexpectedly, is under the protection of Yuan Zhongzhensheng's glory, and it seems to be fine. And Qi Weilun is also next to the true saint of the underworld.

And I also have a purple-blue protective light, but I can't resist the attack of the wind!

In terms of cultivation, he believes that he has reached the peak of the sub-saint. If he fights, the true saint may not be able to defeat him. However, in front of the rules set by God, it only depends on absolute energy cultivation, not on your means.

A mass of light flew close, but it was Bo Li and Bimian wrapped in the light of the divine sword. Bimian shouted, "Zhou Yi, don't be strong, use the sword quickly! Who knows what happened after entering!"

Zhou Yi nodded, and the rose sword was displayed. The light suddenly covered his whole body, and the severe pain disappeared in an instant. He suddenly felt a burst of comfort, and the speed of travel suddenly accelerated.

About half an hour later, the power of the wind layer slowly weakened and disappeared, and a hazy white fog appeared in front of him.


Standing on the edge of the white fog and about to enter, everyone encountered a problem. Those white fogs look uncertain and combine extremely loosely, but they are as hard as walls and can't be pushed away!

"Is this white fog actually energy? But why doesn't it overflow? Only by standing here can you feel it!" Bo Li couldn't help marveling.

"Yes, this fog-like thing is very similar to the energy of a practitioners. How can it be so abundant and solid?" Elizabeth said.

Everyone felt the same way. The true saint of the underworld said, "Under the Yuanzhong crown, you have crossed the small wind layer, but do you know what is in this white fog?"

Yuan Zhong Zhensheng's face also showed doubt: "I have been to Kuanyuan Valley three times and crossed the small wind layer twice, but I have never seen any white fog. In the past, it was a valley about ten miles wide, with red mountains and rocks, ordinary. So I never came here again. This white fog is really strange!"

"So, the appearance of this white fog must be related to the Past Life Temple. We have arrived here, and there is no reason to retreat. With our cultivation, it will be fine! Let's go!" The true saint of the underworld said proudly and held his head high first.

The crowd didn't say much. Zhou Yi reminded the two daughters, Delisa and Elizabeth, to be careful, and went in with everyone.

The white fog-like energy cannot be waved by hand at all, just like a loose surface structure, but with a hard wall, they can only burst out protective armor and forcibly push a road.

"This is not the internal energy of Zifu during the Xingqi period, but a state structure of energy!"

Zhou Yi's spirit moved slightly, and the heart of the proud snow covered its whole body like a spring. It seemed to feel the fluctuation of chaotic energy. The white fog-like energy also slowly rotated around Zhou Yi's body.

"Well, its energy structure is almost the same as that of Ao Xue's Heart... However, the degree of analysis is not as good as the chaotic elemental energy, and the particles still seem to be too big, which is greater than the difference between PM2.5 and PM10..." Zhou Yi walked while sensing the change of white fog energy around his body, a slight tornado. Always wandering beside him and constantly blending with the heart of Ao Xue.

Others are not as easy as Zhou Yi. Every step they take is extremely heavy, with shocking clouds, angry rain, and thoughts. The protective light has been greatly released, so they barely squeezed out a road.

There was nothing but white fog in the white fog. After walking so hard for more than an hour, there was a faint crackling arc sound in front of me.

"Finally, something interesting has come!" Qi Weilun was protected by the true saint of the underworld, but he didn't know how to restrain him at all and laughed loudly.

"Little wheel, don't go over, be careful!"


As soon as his words fell, a huge electric arc, like a dragon going to sea, rushed over fiercely. In this hard white fog, the microwheel had no time to avoid it. Between the lightning and stones, a huge axe was pulled out of his body and stood in front of him at the moment when the arc entered the body--


The huge axe was broken like a vase. After the arc entered Qi Weilun's body, it quickly swam across the whole body, followed by a continuous sound of "papa". Qi Weiqi's body exploded like a firecracker, and flesh and blood flew across, and even a white fog area where he was located trembled.


With a sad and extreme roar, a colorful figure, wrapped in a dark cyan Taoist golden elixir, rushed out of the smashed body.

However, the energy of the white fog was too strong. After the figure came out, it was hit by the white fog a few times, became extremely transparent and almost disappeared. At this moment, a stronger explosion sounded--


Neidan was automatically broken under the threat of the colored shadow, but the energy did not leak out. He just wandered around the whole body of the colored figure, making him barely stand in the white fog, and then slowly became clear, and finally condensed into the appearance of a micro-wheel.

"Ring!" The true saint of the underworld couldn't calm down. He waved his sleeve, and a cyan fog spewed out, covering the soul of Qi Weilun and putting it into the big sleeve.

Bo Li shook his head and sighed, "Such a strong cultivation has been lost. It seems that Qi Weilun has to re-cultivate from spiritual cultivation."

"It seems that the relationship between Qi Weilun and the true saint of the underworld is quite close?" Zhou Yi couldn't help gossiping.

"It's his youngest son." Bo Li said something and accelerated his speed. Zhou Yi was shocked and opened his mouth, but did not ask again.

"What a powerful electric... arc... Even if he is a holy strong man, he will die with a blow!" Elizabeth muttered.

Everyone was silent, but at the same time, everyone's face was extremely excited.

The more dangerous it is, the more precious the treasure inside it is. Death? The saint is at the top of the world. Which one didn't break through the nine deaths? Fear of death, this state of mind alone can't break through the sub-saint and break down the barriers of space!

Therefore, although everyone was shocked by the power of the arc, they did not lose the confidence to move forward. Instead, their mood rose even higher.

"It seems that it is not enough to use the energy of the Holy Land alone. We must use the Holy Body!"

The true saint of the underworld did not dare to be big, and the dark cyan light suddenly released, and then suddenly shrank into a white dot. This white dot struggled to draw east and west in the fog, building a simple human frame structure. Finally, with a "bang", it turned into a 3-meter-high giant, filled with a dark cyan fog, and on the ribs, a pair of wings slowly stretched out to form an overall blade, which looked quite qualitative. Sense.

Ah? The true holy body, or the shape of a bird man? Zhou Yi couldn't help muttering.

"Haha, Brother Ming, this is your strongest combat form. With such a large area of force, be careful that the arc will only be split by you!" The true saint of the wind laughed.

The True Saint of the Underworld just snorted coldly and did not answer.

Crackle, crackle!

Continue to go deep, there are more and more curved arcs, and the roots are as thick as the mouth of a bowl. I don't know where they will come out and where they will flow.


Bishop Guangming retreated with his woman's figure, and a winding arc came from his left, quickly passed through his original position and hit the woman's body fiercely!


The woman obviously just broke through the holy level and didn't even have time to scream. Her body was directly shattered. An inner elixir slipped around the air a few times, "Puff", which was crushed into pieces by the energy of the white fog, and soon melted into the boundless white fog.

"Hina! Hina!" Bishop Guangming shouted and almost fainted with heartache.

"It's Saint Hina!" Elizabeth's face changed and she sighed secretly.

Qi Weilun and Hina, two lessons, this time no one dares to be careless: the inner armor can't withstand this arc at all!


Bo Li took the lead. After a dazzling white light, his holy land appeared, a long sword shining with soft brilliance, and a grand singing sound seemed to come from heaven, making people feel holy and great.

People have gradually turned into the Holy Land.

Boom! Rumble!

After walking for more than an hour, the white fog not only flashed with an electric arc, but also had countless thunder columns wrapping the energy of the flame. Each thunder column had a bucket of water, which was clear and earth, and there was no sign of it when it was split.


A red flame thunder bombarded the blue sword formed by Nian. Zhensheng could not protect it. Countless small thunder beads "bang" sprinkled 2 meters of square, and turned into nothingness under the pressure of white fog.


A long crack appeared in the middle of the blue sword, and a burst of sadness fell to the ground and turned into the original body of Nian Sa.

"Brother Nian Sa!" Bo Li exclaimed and helped Nian Sa up.

"Okay... Awesome Thunder! Poo-sss!" Nian Sa spit out another mouthful of blood, hurriedly took out a blue pill and swallowed it. His face was also a little better, and he looked at Bo Li with a complicated face.


Another red flame thunder hit, Zhou Yi's body cleverly turned a few times in the white fog, flashing out more than ten distances, and the thunder fell into the air.

"Zhou Yi, be careful!" Elizabeth and Delisa exclaimed at the same time and held him.

"It's okay, you still care about me, hehe!" Zhou Yi smiled cheeklessly, and the two women threw him away with a bang at the same time. Di Lisa's face was obviously better.

"Be careful, something is flying again!"

However, they immediately didn't have time to be surprised, because with this array of power enough to crush everyone, there were seven or eight treasures of various colors, attacking everyone together.

Boom! Whoo-

For a while, the white fog was like boiling water, which shook fiercely. From time to time, the red flame thunder fell, the dragon and electric snake that occasionally rushed by, coupled with the long sword that circled and flew with infinite power, squeezed everyone and spit blood.

"The white fog of energy can't be refined and absorbed. The falling thunder, the surrounding lightning, the flying sword..."

Zhou Yi's mind flashed, where would such a scene appear?