

One is to use the sacred space of a powerful state, and the other is to withstand more magic. In games and animation, it is often used to release magic, summon monsters, space-time transfer, etc. In the eyes of the alchemist, the magic array is an array used to refine all kinds of things. The price of some magic arrays is magic, some magic arrays need material, and some magic arrays need to absorb vitality to refine. It is worth mentioning that even if it is an ordinary magic array, if the drawing method is different, the effect will be different.

Powerful spells need to be performed in a sacred space, and the most effective sacred space is the magic array.

The magic array uses elemental totem symbols to indicate that the original magic drawing appeared at an advanced summoning ceremony of ENABELL (1383 to 1494) and replaced the physical totem. IT IS RECORDED IN NUEABSEKAN, BUT THE FIRST RECORD OF MAGIC DRAWing IS IN THE BOOK OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE ELVES AGE. Because it is recorded in GNEADAUAN, the association concluded that the elves were the first to use the magic array. The magic array fixes the problem of uncertain names of elemental summoning magic and non-material summoning magic summoning, making the aggregation of elements faster and more accurate in specific summons. Another saying is that if the caster wants to release magic, he must let the magic in his body flow according to a certain rule, and the magic that the caster's body can withstand has a limit, but if he wants to carry out the flow outside the body, he can withstand more magic, so the magic array was born.

Edit the types of magic array

General magic arrays are divided into six categories: non-elementary (five-pointed star), elemental (hexagram), combination, decomposition, symbol and physical combination. Non-elemental: It is generally used for sacred magic or dark magic power gathering or summoning rituals, in which the drawing process often involves auxiliary methods such as prayer and sacrifice. Element category: It is generally used for the summoning of five types of elements [fire, water and earth soul (life)] and the gathering of power. In the process of drawing, it is extremely cautious and spiritual monograph, otherwise it is very easy to lead to reverse phagocation in the process of gathering high-concentration elements. Combination: It is generally used for complex combination ceremonies such as combination summoning and material and non-material conversion, as well as alchemy. This is one of the very dangerous drawings and must not be used without protective measures of protective magic. Decomposition class: It is generally a drawing used for a single high element aggregation or power recovery magic. Although it is very simple, there is also a counterattack. Symbol class: Generally, it is a stable auxiliary drawing used by sealing magic or space magic, which is basically a very lazy drawing, but if its power and control are not well taken underestimated, it will also lead to dangerous consequences. Physical combination: the highest level of drawing. It is often used when gathering a single element intensively and summoning the element master or the main god and demon. It is an extremely dangerous drawing, and its drawing process basically combines all the six points.

Common magic array


"Pakuman" refers to the lines with five front-end stars, which form star-shaped lines and intersect respectively. In Western white magic, it symbolizes that the magician stands between heaven and earth, with his head in the middle, raising his hands and standing on the ground with his feet. Similar to China's idea of "heaven and earth and man" and "the unity of heaven and man", that is, between heaven and earth, people can gather and condense the energy between heaven and earth and convert it into their own use. After the head and feet are turned upside down, it is the "inverted five-pointed star" used by "Black Magic"! The magicians regard this as the footprint of the devil and use it to summon the demon god, or to keep the demon god away from coming. Moreover, when King Solomon prayed to build a temple, the angel Ffael gave this Bindak ring to King Solomon as a force to suppress all demon gods (the so-called King Solomon's ring).


The six-pointed star is known as the "Star of David". In addition to becoming a symbol of Judaism, it has been engraved with symbols such as amulets since ancient times. In alchemy, it is regarded as a magical combination of the symbol of fire (upward triangle) and the symbol of water (inverted triangle).


In the West, 7 is considered a very magical number. It is regarded by occultism as a more complex star and a more powerful pattern. Information about the seven-pointed star: 1. It is difficult to draw the seven-pointed star accurately, because the seven-pointed star is an "unaverage but stable integration" 2. Seven-pointed star is divided into "positive seven-pointed star" and "reverse seven-pointed star" 3. There are also different opinions about the "Seven-pointed Magic Array" 4. The effect of the seven-pointed magic array is not much recorded, only that it can probably be used to summon. There are seven front-end stars, which are regarded by occultism as a more complex awn star and a more powerful pattern. In the West, 7 is considered a very magical number. God made man in 6 days and rested on the 7th day; human beings have 7 sins and 7 monarchs in hell; there are 7 seals, 7 lampstands, 7 horns and so on in the Bible Revelation. But the seven-pointed star is rarely seen in magic symbols. However, in occulty, the seven-pointed array exists, but this magic array is rumored to be difficult for human beings to manipulate. You can't use it for any purpose, because even if you can launch it, you don't know what will happen next. Therefore, no magician or warlock dares to use it, so the Seven Stars has become a taboo.

Tips for editing this paragraph to draw a magic array

An effective magic array must have a magic core (inner magic ring, basic spell, inner array map, which can not be drawn all but not without), outer array map (Mangxing), magic introduction (small circle on the star, runes), potential (the texture of the sun or moon or stars), prayer (using the momentum to pray to God), external demons Magic ring (weak text, magic text, fixed text), foreign magic text (magic attribute, level, god's name, magic system, type), auxiliary magic array (can not be) 1. Most of the outside of the magic array are round, because the circle represents a cycle to ensure that the magic will not be lost. 2. The magic circle in the circle is the magic circuit that ensures the transmission of magic. The more circuits, the more magic it consumes. 3. The spell of the magic array is an element that guarantees magic and provides something to protect and weaken the prayer. The more spells, the more powerful it is. 4. The magic array is made of divine powder, composed of holy flesh and tears of God, and is available in various churches. 5. People misunderstand the magic array and think that the greater the magic of the caster, the greater the magic power. However, in fact, the launch of the magic array does not require much magic. It exists to facilitate the magicians and can launch advanced magic with the body. The representative of (Angel Advent) was originally launched by 3000 chorus, but disappeared after the magic array. Weak, one person can complete it alone. Although the power has become smaller, it is still the top magic magicians who are used to replacing spells with spells in actual combat. A spell is used to superimpose and manipulate magic. Its power depends on the length. The longer the magic spell, the better the effect. The more detailed the magic content, the fewer loopholes, and the less likely it is to be interrupted by reverse chanting. However, it takes a long time for advanced magic to launch. In fact, the two are different and there are no advantages or disadvantages. Magic also depends on the magician's ability to add that spells are also formed to weaken the power of magic. Real magic does not require magic arrays and singing. You all misunderstood!

Common Magic Array


"Pakuman" refers to the lines with five front-end stars, which form star-shaped lines and intersect respectively. In Western white magic, it symbolizes that the magician stands between heaven and earth, with his head in the middle, raising his hands and standing on the ground with his feet. Similar to China's idea of "heaven and earth and man" and "the unity of heaven and man", that is, between heaven and earth, people can gather and condense the energy between heaven and earth and convert it into their own use. After the head and feet are turned upside down, it is the "inverted five-pointed star" used by "Black Magic"! The magicians regard this as the footprint of the devil and use it to summon the demon god, or to keep the demon god away from coming. Moreover, when King Solomon prayed to build a temple, the angel Ffael gave this Bindak ring to King Solomon as a force to suppress all demon gods (the so-called King Solomon's ring).


The six-pointed star is known as the "Star of David". In addition to becoming a symbol of Judaism, it has been engraved with symbols such as amulets since ancient times. In alchemy, it is regarded as a magical combination of the symbol of fire (upward triangle) and the symbol of water (inverted triangle).


In the West, 7 is considered a very magical number. It is regarded by occultism as a more complex star and a more powerful pattern. Information about the seven-pointed star: 1. It is difficult to draw the seven-pointed star accurately, because the seven-pointed star is an "unaverage but stable integration" 2. Seven-pointed star is divided into "positive seven-pointed star" and "reverse seven-pointed star" 3. There are also different opinions about the "Seven-pointed Magic Array" 4. The effect of the seven-pointed magic array is not much recorded, only that it can probably be used to summon. There are seven front-end stars, which are regarded by occultism as a more complex awn star and a more powerful pattern. In the West, 7 is considered a very magical number. God made man in 6 days and rested on the 7th day; human beings have 7 sins and 7 monarchs in hell; there are 7 seals, 7 lampstands, 7 horns and so on in the Bible Revelation. But the seven-pointed star is rarely seen in magic symbols. However, in occulty, the seven-pointed array exists, but this magic array is rumored to be difficult for human beings to manipulate. You can't use it for any purpose, because even if you can launch it, you don't know what will happen next. Therefore, no magician or warlock dares to use it, so the Seven Stars has become a taboo.

Tips for editing this paragraph to draw a magic array

An effective magic array must have a magic core (inner magic ring, basic spell, inner array map, which can not be drawn all but not without), outer array map (Mangxing), magic introduction (small circle on the star, runes), potential (the texture of the sun or moon or stars), prayer (using the momentum to pray to God), external demons Magic ring (weak text, magic text, fixed text), foreign magic text (magic attribute, level, god's name, magic system, type), auxiliary magic array (can not be) 1. Most of the outside of the magic array are round, because the circle represents a cycle to ensure that the magic will not be lost. 2. The magic circle in the circle is the magic circuit that ensures the transmission of magic. The more circuits, the more magic it consumes. 3. The spell of the magic array is an element that guarantees magic and provides something to protect and weaken the prayer. The more spells, the more powerful it is. 4. The magic array is made of divine powder, composed of holy flesh and tears of God, and is available in various churches. 5. People misunderstand the magic array and think that the greater the magic of the caster, the greater the magic power. However, in fact, the launch of the magic array does not require much magic. It exists to facilitate the magicians and can launch advanced magic with the body. The representative of (Angel Advent) was originally launched by 3000 chorus, but disappeared after the magic array. Weak, one person can complete it alone. Although the power has become smaller, it is still the top magic magicians who are used to replacing spells with spells in actual combat. A spell is used to superimpose and manipulate magic. Its power depends on the length. The longer the magic spell, the better the effect. The more detailed the magic content, the fewer loopholes, and the less likely it is to be interrupted by reverse chanting. However, it takes a long time for advanced magic to launch. In fact, the two are different and there are no advantages or disadvantages. Magic also depends on the magician's ability to add that spells are also formed to weaken the power of magic. Real magic does not require magic arrays and singing. You all misunderstood!

Edit the magic array in this animation

Magical array of magical girl Naye


Midchelda style is the most powerful magic style in the world at present. The magic array is the middle percent center of a circle, and the square rotates. Entering StrikerS, among the main characters, because other skill users have also increased, the number of appearances has also decreased. And the magic power of Midcherda's magic array is thousands or tens of thousands of times more powerful than other magic arrays, or even thousands or trillions of times! But the magic mentor also needs to have considerable magic, and the magic array will follow the magic of the magic mentor to upgrade! Although the magic array and the magic of the magic mentor are connected, the combat skills and power are also explosive, so the power of the Midcherda magic array is immeasurable! The main users are Naha Takamachi, Fitter Rosa Halawin, Diana Lansta, Kailo Lu Lucy, etc. BELKA (AncientBELKASystem)

is a magic system directly called "Belka-style" in A's. The magic array is the center of the triangle, and the badge of the sword cross rotates. There are quite a lot of users in the main edition of StrikerS, but the users of ancient Belka magic are becoming scarce. Therefore, in StrikerS02, the guardian knights of the wind go to the Holy King's Church for regular inspection (possibly because the guardian knights of the program are themselves ancient Belka-style magic products). According to Xiahe, it is to help preserve ancient Belka-style magic and combat skills. The users in the main chapter of StrikerS are: Eight Gods Wind, Linfus II, Hignam, Vita, Sharmalo, Zaphira, Karim Gracia, Verosa Aix, Akit, Jester? Glen Gates. In addition, Vivio is also likely to use the ancient Belka style. Modern Belka System (ModernBELKA System) began to appear from StrikerS. Based on Midcherda magic, it is a magic system reproduced by imitating ancient Belka magic. The magic array is the same as the ancient Belka style, and the badge of the sword cross is added to the triangle. The characteristics are almost the same as the ancient Belka style, with special emphasis on close combat. However, because it is based on the Midchelda style, even armed magic guides seem to be able to shell at close range. In addition, because it is a simulation technique, there are many magicians who use it with Midchelda magic in the case of good adaptability. Belka-style medium-to-air combat is very rare. In addition, there are almost no supporting systems such as the illusion system. It is simpler than the ancient Belka style. Therefore, when referring to the "Belka style" in StrikerS, it mostly refers to the modern Belka style. At present, the details such as when the system was created have not been mentioned at all. The users are Subaru-Middle Island, Elio Mondial, Galaxy-Middle Island, Shakh-Noeira, Lucia-Alpino. Summon the magic array

The square magic array, which is different from the Midchelda and Belka styles that have appeared up to A's, mainly appears in the place where the summons are summoned. Now the two people who use the summoning magic are Kailuo Lucy and Lucicia, so only two people who use this magic array are Kailuo Lucy and Lucicia. At that time, although the corresponding magic array was unfolded at the feet of the magician himself, the magic array was directly launched under his feet only when summoned under his feet (or around himself). The specific shape is to form 4 small circles into squares, which form two overlapping diamond-shaped complex shapes around the magic array in the center of the central. Kailuo uses the magic array when summoning magic. The magic array set in the middle & center is a Midchelda-style circular magic array, and the four corners are similar double-line circles. And Lucia's magic array, the middle & center is the same sword cross used in the Berka-style magic array, and the four corners also become a single-line circle. ※ In the A's comic version, when summoning the magic mentor to summon the red dragon, the usual Mead magic array is used, which may be because the detailed setting of summoning magic at that time has not yet taken shape. Inherent mode array (template)

The effect of the shape of the magic array that occurs when fighter men launch innate inherent skills. It is the same as the geometric shape around the Holy Crystal at the end of the animated theme song.

Magic Array of Magic Card Girl Sakura

Culored Magic Array

This is the magic array created by Kulored himself combined with the magic of the East and the West. ( Note 1) The sun is centered on and surrounded by three overlapping square frames. The moon wheel is located in the east and covers three runes and an edge. This magic array is in the magic card girl Sakura, which can be said to be one of the important symbols throughout. Users are: Kurorid, Korobelos, Yue, Zee Elio, Ruby Moon, Scinairu Sun, and all Kuro cards. Star Magic Array

This is the star magic array created by Sakura with her own power, referring to the magic array of Kurorid. ( Note 2) With the stars as the center, on the basis of the frame of the magic array of Klored, all the runes in the squares (changed to a straight line symbolize the starlight) have been removed, and the outer circle inscription has been changed to the zodiac sign. The moon is in the west and the sun is in the east, covering the two constellation symbols respectively. Users are: Kinomoto Sakura, all Sakura cards.

The magic array of the Li family

This magic array is the pattern on the compass used by Li Xiaolang. In the comic, the little wolf also sits on this magic array when he wants to track the owner of the coat. In addition, it also appears in the theatrical version of Hong Kong. It should be a magic array created by referring to the gossip map and the feng shui compass. The middle @ central is two instruments, followed by the compass scale from the middle to the outside, the four runes of "the earth", "water", "fire" and "wind" and the four regular script characters of spring, autumn and winter, the eight trigrams, (note 3) the four runes of "heaven", "the earth", "the universe" and the four corners of the east, west, north and south, and the moon in the corners of the four directions respectively. ( Note 4) Although it is a magic array, it is probably also a manifestation of clamp aunts' speculation about Chinese Taoists. Note 1: Although I think this is just a reasonable and beautiful pattern made up by the clamp aunts with a bunch of occult symbols... Note 2: Because it is purely combined with constellation symbols, it is much more decent in theory than the other two magic arrays, but it is also for this reason that it looks more than Clowed's magic array should be simple. Note 3: In this magic array, the position of earth, water, fire and wind runes does not match; there are two "kan" in the gossip [it is very likely to be the mistake of the painter.], if you look at the acquired gossip, the "kan" in the southeast should be "xun"; the corresponding error of land, water, fire and wind should be the earth against wind and fire to water, and if according to the acquired gossip To row, it should be the southeast wind, the southwest, the south fire and the north water [of course, if this is the case, it is impossible to maintain a good octagonal structure anyway]; the surrounding heaven and earth do not match the gossip. [ This is really full of flaws...] Note 4: Because in the world view of Magic Card Girl Sakura, the magic used by the Li family is under the jurisdiction of the moon.

The magic array of Yu-Gi-Oh! card

Card bag: Other Japanese names:マジシャンズ? サークル Chinese name: magic array rare and nobleness: gold character UR card type: trap trap type: ordinary effect: wizard monster attack declaration can only be launched. Choose a magician monster with an attack power below 2000 in their own card group, and each attack on the surface of their own field to indicate a special summoning.

The Alchemist of Steel

Although the alchemy in steelmaking originates from real alchemy, it is very different. Refining into an array is a very interesting setting. According to steelmaking, the basic power of forming a formation is the power of a circle. The circle represents the cycle of power. After writing the composition on it, the activation of power becomes possible. Knowing the flow and laws of power, you can deal with anything and create it after accepting and understanding these. This is alchemy. However, it is strange that these refining arrays are not a pattern corresponding to a refining effect. It is common for the same person to use the same refining array to play different roles, so that I can't distinguish the differences between each refining array with its role, and classify them with the difficulty and technical level of refining arrays. After that, I found that the effect was not bad.

The magic array in the grunt magic array

Grum is a kind of magic made of magic array. The so-called magic array uses the power of some patterns. In the story, most people think that purring is dark magic. Even the dark magic association thinks that Gulu is the strongest dark magic. So I regard Golia as a god. General light magic uses the power of angels, while dark magic uses the power of demons. But Gulu can use the power of angels and demons, so Gulu is a free magic. Gulu is neither darkness nor light, but the magic of the heart. It can turn the dreams and feelings in your heart into magic! In the scope of the magic array, summon the things in your heart... That's purring! Failure or becoming a demon is not a problem at all! It just reflects the heart!" -Dilida Gulu is based on the magic of failure, so only children can use it