
Chapter 1 The Cultivation

The sun has been half dyed red by the desert before it shines. The air is still filled with water vapor and dust is difficult to overflow, but the sound of horseshoes has been shaking the ground, and small stones have also boiling.

Obviously, this is not caused by one or two horses. A team of horses is running towards here. At least there are hundreds of people in the horse team, which should surprise the people passing by, but the people here are not as surprised as they imagined.

In front is the desert, and here is still the Gobi. Maybe the poor and difficult environment has not surprised the locals, or they have gotten used to such things.

This is a small market. In fact, it is just some small stalls. Because people often enter the desert in front of them, such a small market has been formed. Most people who want to enter the desert will stay here for a while. After all, once they enter the desert, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be enough food and water, so Naturally, this huge horse team will also stop and take a rest.

"Xiao Er, drink wine, feed the horses, and prepare enough water for the uncles." A stabbing man jumped off the horse and roared. The man was strong, with a nine-ring serrated knife on his back, with a murderous face, a hairless top on his neck, and a purple marble necklace hanging around his neck. The marbles were purple and black and glowed cold. This big man must be practicing this marble.

People who cultivate the truth have their own things to cultivate, and will always put many things of themselves in the mortal world on this artifact. This artifact has no fixed definition. Everything can become a magic weapon for practitioners to practice. Of course, the magic weapon is only the lowest level. The artifacts cultivated by the true people are at a low level. Advanced division is divided into magic weapons, spiritual weapons and artifacts. Among them, the artifact is the rarest one, which is rare in the world.

The second tavern not far away hastily came up to greet the horse. Ordinary people usually do not have conflicts with practitioners, and practitioners rarely appear among ordinary people, usually relying on mountains, wilderness and other places to practice Taoism.

This tavern is very small, but it is already large in the local area, but it doesn't seem to be able to entertain hundreds of horse teams, but this horse team is very well-behaved. Although it is strong, it is not difficult, but dozens of people enter the tavern and sit down.

In the distance, there is a four-horse sedan chair in the heavy patrol of the horse team. The sedan chair is well-made. The railings are inlaid with emerald and surrounded by a golden silk tent in the middle, making it difficult for people to see who is in the sedan chair. They can only faintly watch a meditating person sitting in it, and occasionally there is a halo through the silk tent. Come on, this man is in the middle of this horse team, and there are many servants to protect him.

The shopkeeper of the tavern was a rare old man. Seeing the horse team staying here, he also hurried out to welcome guests. Dozens of people came in under the attendant, and the others were waiting outside.

Dozens of people sat in the pub, and the shopkeeper hurriedly ordered the children to drink and tea.

In fact, there are only two children in the pub. In addition to the shopkeeper, there is also a young grandson. This team of people have been busy with the tavern. The second child and the shopkeeper came out to greet and bring wine.

At this time, a man dressed like a bitter farmer stood up and said, "Big brother said that you are not allowed to drink today, but everyone forgot?"

With that, the man in his forties went to the shopkeeper and said, "Shopkeeper, just prepare enough food for us. Just order some tea now." With that, he turned around and said to his people, "The eldest brother attaches great importance to this action. As long as you get the head of the old man Shidie, you can drink as much wine as you want, but today, let's drink tea for the time being."

It's time to go up. In addition to the two sophomores who are still greeting at the front desk, the shopkeeper has hurriedly led his grandson to *.

The little grandson looked at the shopkeeper's sweaty face and asked curiously, "Grandpa, what's wrong? Why are you so nervous? Are those people outside bad people?

Hearing the little grandson's words, the shopkeeper became more nervous, hurriedly covered the little grandson's mouth, and then pulled aside and said, "My little baby, keep quiet. These people can't afford to provoke them. Don't let them hear it."

"Why?" Children are childlike.

The shopkeeper looked outside and said to his grandson, "Since 20 years ago, a so-called old stone butterfly came to the desert, it has become quiet here. Grandpa and I have seen many strange people because of this. If I'm not mistaken, the big man with a piercing arm is the reddala stone blade, and the man like a farmer It must be Miaocheng's poisonous dragon sand corner.

The little grandson didn't know who these people were, and asked with a puzzled face, "Grandpa, are these people awesome?"

"Oh, my little boy, keep your voice quiet. It's not good to be heard behind the people behind their back..." Before the shopkeeper finished his words, the so-called Miaocheng poisonous dragon slowly came in, and then held his little grandson in his arms. The shopkeeper did not dare to stop it, and there was no chance to stop it. His face suddenly turned pale. He knew that this sand corner was a well-known poison master and would not be soft on children. So he hurriedly begged, "Uncle, spare my life, uncle, the child is still young."

Shajiao looked at the shopkeeper, and then suddenly smiled and said, "Old man, you think too much. How can my Shajiao be sorry for a child? I just want to ask you something."

"Your Excellency, you say."

"I just listened to you, as if you knew about the old man Shidie, right?" Sha Jiao's eyes became sharp. Who knew what he would do back at this time?

The shopkeeper naturally said something and hurriedly answered, "Yes, yes, I only know a little about the old man Shidie."

"So, do you know any shortcuts to Shalanju?"

"Small, I only know that Sha Lanju is the residence of the old man Shidie, and I only know that this place is in an oasis in the desert in front of me, and I don't know anything else."

Shajiao's eyes softened again, and then teased the little grandson in his hand with his fingers, and then said with a smile, "Children, here, this is the money for tea. Hold it tightly." With that, Shajiao slowly put the little grandson on the ground, and then smiled at the shopkeeper and said, "Thank you for your tea. Let's go first."

Sha Jiao turned around and left. The little grandson was still childish and made a grimace and said, "Bad guy."

When the shopkeeper heard the little grandson say this word, he hurried forward to stop it. The little grandson did not understand why Grandpa was very afraid of this bad guy, and the shopkeeper only cared about whether the grandson was okay. After checking it, he was relieved and sighed and said, "Luckily."

"What's lucky? Here, grandpa, this is the tea money given by that man. With that, the little grandson handed over the money given by Shajiao to the shopkeeper. Obviously, the little hand of the child could not wrap the whole silver. He opened his hand and saw that it was actually a golden ingot, which far exceeded all their consumption here. The shopkeeper hurried out to talk about giving more money, but he was stunned and only looked at the sky. A winged man slowly came to the pub. Just as the man came down, there were strange changes on the ground, as if a huge pangolin was shuttling underground. Suddenly, a short man came out of the ground. Both of them knelt on one knee in front of the sedan chair, as if they were telling something. The cabinet is far away, and I can't hear what it is talking about, but such a scene is enough to amaze the people present.

I don't know what the two said, but suddenly there was a sound of laughter from the sedan chair, which was full of anger, as if it had been made by a long-standing enemy, which made people feel cold. After laughing, a slender hand stretched out the gauze of the sedan chair and waved it gently, and then the two strange people looked at each other again. The same appearance and slowly went away, and then the team hurriedly got up and set off. The people of the small market dodged and quietly watched the horse team go away. When the shopkeeper reacted, the convoy had already gone away.

The shopkeeper slowly looked at the golden ingot in his hand and suddenly found that there were two words engraved on the golden ingot - Cuiyin. He didn't know what the old shopkeeper thought of at this moment, but only heard him look at the distance and exclaim: "It's going to be a big deal again."