New Century Swordsman

Chapter 2 Strength!

"Ling Yu, male, 20 years old, a martial artist on the eighth level, a senior apprentice of Shihua Martial Arts Museum in Shu City, has no monster virus in his body, and is allowed to pass safely!"

With this cold mechanical sound, Ling Yu rubbed her head and walked out of a room.

"That Mica beast is really fierce... However, he finally came back alive!"

Ling Yu tightened the huge backpack behind him, which is what he has achieved in the past month. Although it is not a superior monster part, if he finds a good buyer, he can also sell it at a good price.

"It seems that I can buy a good cigarette for Grandpa when I go home this month!"

At the thought of her grandfather in her hometown, Ling Yu couldn't help smiling slightly. Ling Yu, who lost his mother as a child, was raised by him with painstaking efforts. Although the two have no blood relationship, their feelings are no worse than that of any grandchildren.

Because the cost of public aircraft is relatively low, most of them are designed in the open air. If there is no mental illness such as fear of heights, you can overlook the whole city from the sky. It can be said that in addition to basic transportation, it also has some tourism functions.

Ling Yu has entered the martial arts school since she was ten years old. Every time she comes back from the city, she will sit in a corner and quietly look at the bustling city below--

"This is the city we need to protect!"

This is what his teacher often says, and it is also the truth that Ling Yu has always followed.

"However, the monsters are getting stronger and stronger now. Not only in terms of quantity, but also in the strength of individuals, they are much stronger than before.

Ling Yu rubbed her shoulder and thought silently. A few days ago, my right shoulder was stabbed by a poisonous worm. Although the antidote was used in time at that time, it seems that the toxicity has not been completely eliminated.

"It seems that I'm going to soak in that disgusting repair solution again after I go back..."

Ling Yu rubbed her shoulders, looked out of the window in a daze, and muttered with a disgusted face.

However, Ling Yu was in a daze, laughing for a while, looking disgusted for a while, and still talking to herself there. This scared a young female passenger sitting beside him and thought that he had met some madman for fear that Ling Yu would suddenly attack her.

She sat there like a stiff wood, and didn't even dare to move her eyes. It was not until Ling Yu left her with his huge bag on her back that she took a long breath.

Ling Yu naturally doesn't know about this matter. Even if he knows it, he won't care about such a trivial matter. With the familiar and passing martial arts students behind their backs, they walked into the teacher's office in their admiring eyes.

Many of them have entered the martial arts school with Ling Yu for a year, or even older, but they are still not qualified to leave the city alone, let alone bring back the booty like Ling Yu.

"Teacher! I'm back!"

Ling Yu's teacher Song Xin is an ordinary-looking man. Except for the ferocious scars on the face that spread from the eyebrows to the jaw, everything else is no different from ordinary middle-aged men.

Ling Yu has advised the teacher many times about this scar, but whenever this topic comes, he is always silent. Several times later, Ling Yu also understood that the teacher did not like this topic, and since then, she has not mentioned it again.

After carefully looked at Ling Yu from head to toe, Song Xin stood up and walked to Ling Yu. Because his right hand, which had been holding the sword full of cocoon for many years, he gently patted Ling Yu's left shoulder.

"Ah! Pain, pain, pain..." Ling Yu covered her shoulders and shouted uncontrollably.

Song Xin gently punched Ling Yu and turned his back and said, "Today, I began to double the training. I don't want to hear that you were shot that day... I can't afford to lose that man!"

Ling Yu's heart was reluctant, but he still agreed. His training was three times that of ordinary people, and now he has to double how he can make him worry, but he knows that the teacher does everything for his own good. If it hadn't been for the training that seemed to be exhausted to death, he would have died in the underground cave.

After saying this, Song Xin exhaled deeply, and the atmosphere of the room suddenly calmed down.

"Tell me how you've been outside these days?"

Ling Yu listened to the teacher's tone and understood that the teacher was no longer angry. With a smile, he opened the chair and sat down, and began to talk about what he had experienced in the past few days. From the beginning of the preparation to the subsequent underground cave battle, Song Xin has been listening to his words with a smile. After he finished speaking, he slowly stood up and poured a cup of tea and handed it to Ling Yu.

"What do you think of the strength of suburban monsters now?" The teacher asked.

Ling Yu pondered for a moment and then replied, "It's very strong. The overall strength is even one to 20% stronger than my last mission, and this is just a change that has taken place in less than two years."

"Yes, when I was a hunter, there were not many monsters in the suburbs except for a few dangerous areas marked by the government. But now as soon as you go out of the city, you will be attacked by monsters... Obviously, while human beings are evolving, they are also evolving - whether from the speed of reproduction or individual strength..."

The teacher took a sip of hot tea in his hand and continued for a moment: "360 years ago, the meteorite called 'divine punishment' came to the earth, completely changing the living environment of the earth. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes... I should be glad that we didn't live in that era, otherwise even my strength would not be able to withstand the power of nature.

In that year, human beings consumed all their resources and created two spaceships, so that nearly 100,000 people escaped this catastrophe. Now it seems incredible, can you imagine it? At that time, the earth had a population of 6 billion? If there were such a population now, the monsters in the world would have disappeared long ago!"

"Yes, * History, Volume 1. Incredible history and future... But compared with this 100,000 survivors from 6 billion, it's really cruel. Ling Yu sighed slightly, and every time she read this history, she was infected by the helplessness and pain contained in simple words.

"At the time of life and death, this is a choice that must be made, and these 100,000 people are the ancestors of us! But when they returned to the devastated earth, they found that this was no longer their familiar hometown - full of high-intensity radiation and horrible monsters. Almost one day, nearly 30% of 100,000 people died, and even nearly half of them died under this strong radiation.

Human... It's really too fragile... Whether it is the claws of monsters or the viruses they carry, unarmed humans are fatal. And under this crisis of survival, the first power was born - power! Those humans who survived high-intensity radiation have extraordinary power when they wake up. This is the evolution of the human body!

After that is the evolution of intelligence - scientists in human beings also really participated in the battle, and they were the first weapons. For the first time, the ability of instant zero generation machinery makes it not inferior in the battle between humans and monsters.

"And 40 years later, the combination of body and technology, martial arts was finally born, which is the origin of martial arts..." Ling Yu took over the teacher's words.

"That's right..." The teacher sighed and drank all the cold tea. Since the emergence of warriors, human beings have gradually gained the upper hand in the battle against monsters, especially after the emergence of the two peerless strong men, Mr. Reincarnation and Mr. Jack, have established the dominance of human beings. All the monsters were driven to the forest, and human beings became the masters of the land again. But..."

He glanced at Ling Yu and sat slowly in the chair.

"But the changes in the past ten years really worry me!"

"Ling Yu, your nerve response speed has been far faster than others since you were a child, and now it is very good to reach the eighth level in your early 20s. However, if you want to cure your eyes, you still have to work hard!"

Ling Yu touched the left eye hidden under the cloth belt, looked at the teacher's long words, and nodded silently. The strength of the new century is divided into three levels: heaven, earth and man, each of which is divided into nine levels. Ling Yu is at the eighth level of the human level. As for the two peerless strong men mentioned before, Jack, they are naturally the legendary heavenly level.

"Teacher, I understand! By the way, how is the New Year's prayer recently? Has he fainted because of overtraining in the past half month? Ling Yu said with a smile, and then opened her huge package.

"Pray for him... Oh, he went on a mission with Wen Hao. I guess he won't be back until a while. The teacher's face suddenly showed a trace of unusual tension, but Ling Yu didn't notice this detail. He was busy cleaning up the booty.

Qi Nian and Wen Hao are Ling Yu's two best friends in the martial arts school. The former is a roommate who has been together for ten years, and the latter is a comrade-in-arms who often goes on missions together. Qi Nian's real name is Zhang Qinian, a true genius. Even Mr. Song often marvels at the talent he has, and his strength is naturally one level higher than Ling Yu, and he is a strong man on the ninth level of human level.

After Ling Yu packed the package, she took out an object and handed it to the teacher. It turned out to be a half-meter-long fang, and the creature with such teeth is obviously not a good kind. However, it looks a little shabby, and it seems that it was not hunted by Ling Yu for a long time.

And it is true that this tooth was picked up by Ling Yu from the habitat of a monster. He knew that the teacher had always had the habit of collecting these strange things, so he picked it up by the way.

"The front teeth of the beast... I haven't seen anything like this for a long time. The teacher rubbed his teeth and suddenly seemed to remember something. He took out a metal box from his arms and threw it away.

Ling Yu took the box and tried to open it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the metal box halfway. He had no choice but to ask, "Teacher, what is this?"

"Don't worry, you can open it when you reach the ninth floor!" The teacher looked at Ling Yu, who blushed because of excessive force.

"Okay... Then if the teacher has nothing to do, I will go back!"

"Bang!" A big hand suddenly fell on his shoulder, and Ling Yu turned her head and looked at her teacher puzzledly.

"Did I tell you to go back? Starting from today, you are not allowed to leave the training room if you are not qualified!"

Ling Yu just wanted to refute, but before the words reached her mouth, she was also suffocated by the teacher's fierce eyes and nodded helplessly...


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