New Century Swordsman

Chapter 3 First Duel - Guwu VS Technology!

Ling Yu practiced in the training room for more than half a month, and in this half month, she completed all the training projects requested by the teacher one by one. But even so, the teacher still didn't let him go out for half a step, and the doubts in Ling Yu's heart were increasing day by day. Finally, one day--

"Ren Siyu!"

Ling Yu frowned and called the girl who was about to leave. The girl has long hair up to her waist, and her height of 1.7 meters is very tall even among martial artists. A relatively loose practice suit can't hide her hot figure. But it doesn't match this hot figure, but she has a pleasant baby face and a beautiful face.

Because of her careless or natural personality, she is the only female friend of Ling Yu in the martial arts school. However, friends have been around for a long time, and there is no gender difference. After nearly ten years together, Ling Yu has not regarded her as a woman for a long time.

However, today's Ren Siyu looks a little abnormal, and his expression is full of uneasiness after being called by Ling Yu.

"What, what's the matter?"

Ling Yu threw the long sword in her hand and strode over and asked, "What's going on?" I have been in this training room for nearly half a month. In half a month, the teacher confiscated my watch in the name of peace of mind cultivation and did not allow me to communicate with the outside world. Yesterday, all my training tasks were completed and still did not let me go out. In addition, they have been on a mission for so long, and they should have come back a long time ago. Why have they never come to see me... Are you hiding something from me? You must know, right?!"

Ren Siyu has never seen Ling Yu like this, and he was already a little guilty. He was so scared that he was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to say. But when Ling Yu saw her such nervous and embarrassed appearance, she completely affirmed her previous thoughts, and the uneasiness in her heart was stronger.

"I really don't know what you're talking about..."

Ren Siyu's eyes shook around, but he didn't dare to meet Ling Yu's four eyes. Ling Yu sighed deeply and had no choice but to stretch out her hands and gently turn her head over.

"Your lying skills are still so bad..."

** The right eye outside looked helplessly at the girl in front of her. She stopped struggling under Ling Yu's gaze. Her bright big eyes looked at Ling Yu, and her white little face couldn't help blushing slightly in Ling Yu's palm.

"Okay... I tell you, but you must not be impulsive... Mr. Song specially told me not to tell you..."

Ten minutes later, Ling Yu rushed out of the training room with a long sword, her face full of evil spirits, but her mind kept echoing Ren Siyu's words before...

"A month ago, shortly after you went out on a mission, Qi Nian and Wen Hao were attacked by a group of people. Do you know Qiao Kun, who is one grade higher than us? On the day of the accident, I clearly saw him and a group of people at the crime scene, and they were still seriously injured. Later, I went to the martial arts school to apply for punishment for them, but they said that due to the destruction of the surveillance video, they could not start an investigation at all..."

Is it the so-called 'harmony is precious' again? The trick of power!"

Ling Yu naturally recognizes Qiao Kun, who is a senior son of the martial arts school. Because there is an uncle who loves him, who is domineering in the martial arts school all day long, and indeed has some strength, no matter who mentions his name, he will be a little afraid in his heart. However, there are really a few people in the huge martial arts hall who are not afraid of him at all.

That's the three people, Qi Nian, Wen Hao and Ling Yu... Or you need to add a Ren Siyu. The three of them are absolutely top in the martial arts school, and Qi Nian has no opponent in the martial arts school. Therefore, Qiao Kun dares not take action to pray for the New Year no matter how arrogant he is, but this time...

"Is it because I'm not here?"

Indeed, with the strength of the three of them, they can be fearless of any power in the martial arts hall, but Ling Yu often goes out on missions and gives the other party a opportunity to take advantage of it. In addition, because of his handsome face, Qiao Kun's fate in the martial arts school is scary. Although Qiao Kun doesn't say anything, he has always been worried about it.

While running, Ling Yu took out a black object from her waist bag behind her - a signal shielding device. This palm-big thing can shield all electromagnetic signals within 100 meters, making the monitoring device completely useless.

Ling Yu forgot that this thing was obtained from the monster's nest and originally wanted to sell it, but because the price of second-hand goods was too low, Ling Yu simply kept it by herself. Unexpectedly, it really played a role now.

"Joe Kun... Hurt my friend, I want you to pay for it with blood!"

When Ling Yu thought that his two best friends were still lying in the repair solution, the anger in his heart could not be extinguished, and his footsteps changed a little faster, and he disappeared into the corridor in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, Ren Siyu in the training room woke up from the previous panic, opened his combat watch, and told Mr. Song Xin the whole thing. The teacher did not blame Ren Siyu after hearing it. After all, he can hide it for a while and can't hide it for a lifetime. Ling Yu will know this kind of thing sooner or later.

"You go there first, and I'll be there later!"

Ren Siyu answered and hurriedly got up and chased the traces left by Ling Yu...



There was a crisp sound between the swords, and Ling Yu pushed it to the distance.

How's it going? It feels good to be retrograde!" The speaker is a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. If you look at his appearance, you can't see that he is a villain who did such an act. But as the saying goes, he is not good-looking. This young man is Qiao Kun who attacked the two before!

He threw a thin man in his hand to the ground and slowly pulled out two short knives from his waist.

Ling Yu suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, which gradually calmed down the stirring internal force, but even so, his eyes still did not shake at all and stared at Qiao Kun.

Why did Ling Yu suddenly get injured and go against the truth? This started a few seconds ago.

When Ling Yu found Qiao Kun with a long sword, he was walking with a thin man. Ling Yu vaguely remembered that man, who was one of Qiao Kun's followers, named Qiu Fei. The three understood everything in an instant. As the saying goes, the enemy was particularly jealous when they met - Ling Yu rushed over without lifting the sword, and the long sword seemed to turn into a long dragon to stab Qiao Kun.

But he didn't expect Qiao Kun to see that this sword came to be fierce, but a simple move seemed to block all his way. In a hurry, he actually mentioned Qiu Fei beside him to stand in front of him.

How could Ling Yu think that he would use his companion as a shield? He didn't react for a moment. When he saw it clearly, the tip of the sword was only a few inches away from Qiu Fei's chest. At this time, it was too late to change direction again. Ling Yu had to forcibly take back the sword. The change between this one-off was not so easy. The Zhenqi immediately retrograde and suffered a lot of internal injuries before he could fight with Ling Yu.

Qiao Kun stared at Ling Yu and said with a ferocious smile, "Isn't it good to go against the truth? Haha! Just use your method to attack me. The one above is a monitoring shielding device, right? Humph! I didn't expect you to get this kind of thing, which is convenient for me to take action!"

Ling Yu glanced at Qiu Fei, who was paralyzed on the ground, and then looked at Qiao Kun with a ferocious smile.

"His strength is recorded as the late seventh level. According to reason, I can completely defeat him, and it seems that there is no group of his 'friends' here... But why do I always feel a little uneasy?

Shake his head to eliminate the superfluous thoughts in his mind, turned his hand back and held the sword, and rushed over. Qiao Kun sneered, holding a knife in the backhand to block the front of the door, and the other hand was holding a knife straight ahead and running over in a strange posture.

The two were more than ten meters apart at the previous moment, and the next second they had bumped into each other fiercely. Ling Yu cut with a sword, and before waiting for other changes, Qiao Kun's other short sword stabbed with a dark wind from a secret angle.

"The 37th muscle of the left shoulder, the left arm fluctuates slightly, and the other knife... Here!"

Although it is invisible, the unique sword training in the past ten years has turned this calculation into instinct. The body reacted autonomously and turned around to avoid the knife and elbowed Qiao Kun's jaw. Suddenly, the sound of broken bones sounded in Ling Yu's ear.

The two separated again in several rounds, with minor injuries. Ling Yu glanced at the wound on her body, estimated the remaining time, and gritted her teeth and rushed over again. Suddenly, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart suddenly increased. With his powerful nerve response speed, he quickly bowed his pace according to his intuition to avoid this sudden attack.

Wait for the attack to pass, a loud noise came. Ling Yu stared at Qiao Kun's object - the electromagnetic high-risk gun!

"Have you forgotten the three precepts of martial arts? How can a warrior use hot weapons!" Ling Yu roared angrily.

A warrior is a profession that relies on challenging limits again and again to gain strength. The use of hot weapons is simply a betrayal and insult to the identity of a warrior. Except for the military, few warriors will use hot weapons, because using them means giving up their status as warriors.

Joe Kun sneered, without any explanation, and continued to shoot one shot at a time. In the face of this sudden change, Ling Yu was embarrassed to avoid it, and this kind of bullet could not be hit. Otherwise, it will change the cell structure at the moment of entering the body and produce great destructive power. It can be said that the hand breaks the hand and the leg breaks the leg.

If it hadn't been for Ling Yu's sword training, which had great requirements for reaction speed and muscle prediction, she had been familiar with this kind of avoidance and induction training for ten years. At this moment, Ling Yu had already been killed.

"This doesn't work. Now this state is too physical and must be close, but the other party is also a warrior. The closer it is, the more likely it is to be hit... Do you want to give up this time?"

Ling Yu once again flipped up and down to avoid the shooting, and a feeling of powerlessness gradually emerged, and the action due to lack of physical strength has gradually begun to take shape.

How can Qiao Kun be willing to let go of such a good opportunity! Blood flashed. When Ling Yu reacted, most of his left arm had been smashed, leaving only a small piece of his shoulder.

The next moment, the severe pain spread all over the body from the wound. Ling Yu gritted her teeth to resist the desire of coma and immediately dodged and slid sideways to avoid the attack.

Qiao Kun walked slowly, stepped on Ling Yu's broken arm and said sarcastically, "Aren't you crazy! Don't you and Zhang Qinian think you are invincible in the world? I'm right here, you come here! Haha! A group of self-righteous guys, go to hell!"

He said that later, his eyes were covered with blood, and his whole body looked extremely crazy.

Bean-sized sweat is densely covering Ling Yu's forehead. The amount of intense exercise and excessive bleeding have made his consciousness begin to look a little blurred. If it hadn't been for the peaceful internal force in his body that had provided him with a little warmth and strength, he would have lost consciousness at this moment.

"No, I have to go back. If I don't leave, I may not have a chance to leave later!"

After holding the idea of leaving, Ling Yu immediately raised an internal force, and suddenly the slow speed suddenly increased again, and his body swayed left and right to move irregularly.

Qiao Kun also saw Ling Yu's intention. After several shots, he did not achieve any results. He roared angrily, "Are you a loser? Can you just run away? Come and fight with me if you have the ability! Qiu Fei, you bastard, why don't you stop him quickly and pretend to be dead here!"

Qiu Fei, who was previously regarded as a human shield by Qiao Kun, listened to Qiao Kun's roar and saw him turning to his muzzle. He got up from the ground in horror and rushed to Ling Yu with seven points of resentment and three points of fear.

But Ling Yu has no extra energy to fight with him at this moment. A gun behind him alone has consumed all his mind. Looking at Qiu Fei getting closer and closer, a sense of despair began to emerge.

"Did I die in the hands of a madman like this?"

Ling Yu was reluctant to think about it. He blocked the oncoming knife, followed by a pain in his right leg, and his body involuntarily fell down and fell to the ground fiercely.

Qiao Kun immediately caught up with Ling Yu, kicked him away, hit the wall fiercely, and put his foot on his chest before Ling Yu landed to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Facing the treatment as if it were a plaything, Ling Yu endured everything without saying a word. He stared at Qiao Kun indifferently, as if he was the one who was being beaten. Qiao Kun felt the contempt in his eyes and punched Ling Yu in the stomach angrily.


He received this fierce punch unprepared, and even Ling Yu's hard body couldn't stand it. He instinctively bowed up, and Qiao Kun slowly raised the gun with a sinister smile.

At this time, Qiu Fei, who was beside him, suddenly rushed over and said in horror, "Brother Qiao! You, do you really want to kill him? Killing is not a problem that can be solved by self-criticism! Although your uncle Qiao Zhiyong has some power in the martial arts school, he kills..."

At this moment, Qiao Kun is completely crazy, and his whole body looks extremely strange and horrible. He stared at Qiu Fei with red eyes and shouted viciously at Qiu Fei, "Get out of here if you don't want to die!" After drinking Qiu Fei, he turned his head and looked at Ling Yu, who had gradually begun to fall into a coma, and the ferocious smile on his face became more exaggerated.

And the index finger has been put on the trigger...


If you are comfortable to see, please collect it. Your encouragement is my greatest motivation~~~