New Century Swordsman

Chapter 41 Young People's Dream (~)

"Pray for the New Year, you... Did you contact your home?" Ling Yu asked the prayer around him.

He drove a single combat aircraft and moved with Qi Nian and others. Although Ling Yu has no research on the aircraft, it can be inferred from its high price just from its appearance, plus the huge robot behind him. Ling Yu has also learned something about the relationship between Qi Nian and his family through so many years, all of which are clearly the power of his family.

Qi Nian didn't say anything for a long time. Ling Yu saw that he was no longer reluctant. She turned her head and drove the aircraft carefully, paying attention to the dangers around her. As long as he is still in Elimir, there is nothing safe for Ling Yu. You won't know at all that bullets will come from that corner, and you don't know whether you have entered the field of biochemical power at this moment.

They are going to old James to pick up Ren Siyu. Only when this partner is safe can they take part of the initiative in their own hands. Whether they go or continue to fight, they have confidence in their hearts.

"However, I need to kiss her... It always feels weird..."

Ling Yu thought silently, and her heart couldn't help but feel a little weak.

At this moment, in addition to Ling Yu and the three others, there are also silver-white robots following them. The huge appearance gives people a very reassuring feeling. At that time, Ling Yu couldn't control his body, but he saw it clearly. Obviously, this driver who has never appeared is also a strong man.

The four of them surprisingly did not encounter any battle and came to old James's store very quietly. Now in the middle of the night, the whole road is quiet and scary, and the silky autumn is accompanied by a silent cold, which makes Ling Yu shiver involuntarily.

Yes, the house has been hollowed out, and there is no living person in it.

Ling Yu's face was gloomy and looked silently from room to room. Even though she knew that the two of them should have been taken away, it was still a mechanical repetition.

"It's a trace of the military." The speaker is a young beautiful woman with short white hair, thin lips and sharp nose, which shows her cold-eyed personality. Obviously, she is the strong man who drives the silver-white robot!

She took a look at Ling Yu and continued, "About five minutes ago, a total of 278 people entered this room. There is no trace of fighting, and it is obviously an overwhelming force.

As soon as Ling Yu heard the military, her head buzzed and fell into the hands of the military, which was no different from being sentenced to death. He frowned and thought about the way to save it.

Qinian glanced at Ling Yu with a dignified face, and then glanced at the helpless Wen Hao. After thinking for a moment, he said coldly.

"Wait! When they show their flaws, they will save her!"

The escape of the group after

is too long, and the author will no longer talk about it here. Time passed very slowly in waiting. Xiu and Ren Siyu were in the hands of the military, which made Ling Yu extremely uneasy. After eight days in a hurry, I finally waited for the so-called opportunity.

"Colonera, I hope you can complete this task perfectly." Elimir's governor said earnestly. Since what happened before, the middle-aged governor has aged a lot and has a little white hair on his temples.

Stephen didn't look at him, but looked straight out of the window, and his eyes were the place where he fought before. He was silent for a moment, opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "I hope the people in the center don't have too many small movements this time." He felt uncomfortable as long as he thought that countless innocent civilians had died before, and the originator of this incident had fled under the order of the central government.

Facing Stephen, who is higher than himself, the governor doesn't know what to say. If you talk about what happened last time, he is also an accomplice. He walked to him, patted him gently on the shoulder and said, "I will do my best this time. If I were a governor, I will protect this city..."

The black colonel didn't say anything, nodded fiercely, put on his military cap and walked out of the office.

After agreement, the military decided to transport Ren Siyu and Xiuxiu to the central government today. Once they are sent to the central prison, there is no need to talk about everything. The combat effectiveness of the central government is not challenged by the few little ghosts who have not even reached the level.

"That means tonight is the only chance?" Ling Yu looked at the map projected in mid-air and asked.

Qi Nian nodded and pointed to the map and said, "There are three roads to the center, passing through Mick Canyon, Sano Plain, and Binduo Wasteland. Now the news is that the military will leave these three roads, so Ling Yu and Wen Hao, the three of us must not take part of them to guard these three places and wait for them. Ling Bo, you are on standby at any time in the central position. As long as you find Stephen on any side, you will immediately rush to help. This operation must be decided quickly and leave immediately after saving people, otherwise the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be to us. Is everyone clear?"

Ling Yu and others nodded silently as they listened to the battle deployment of Qi Nian. This was the first time they took the initiative to fight against the military, and no one had any confidence in their hearts.

Three points depend on people, seven points depend on the sky...

It's really a fucking feeling!

Everyone thought silently, and time passed silently.


Ling Yu chose a battlefield with many scenes of wasteland, full of endless deserts and a little gravel and dead wood. Ling Yu smelled the sand in the air and turned his head to look at a young armorer beside him.

He is the person brought by Qi Nian. This time, Elimir brought more than 80 people in Qi Nian. What's more shocking is that these people are extremely powerful in terms of combat effectiveness and auxiliary ability. For the unshowing weapon beside Ling Yu alone, his ability is to block the other party's communication system on a large scale. With his strength, he can completely make the other party blind in the night. Although the military can't turn a blind eye to this, the time of the battle is very short. It can be said that a momentary battle, seizing the opportunity in this moment is equivalent to holding victory in hand.

"Can you calculate their location?" Ling Yu asked the armored man named Zhaoyu.

He nodded and said, "Military aircraft are made of special materials and cannot detect any energy reaction. However, I have had the experience of fighting with the military before, and many detection devices have been installed on the way they pass by. According to their position and speed, there is still about an hour left.

"An hour? Then you can rest for a while." A low and thick male voice came from behind.

is a man with a hairy beard, and his eyes look bright in the dark night. He popped up a cigarette and handed it to Ling Yu. Ling Yu took it silently and silently lit it in his mouth. The spicy smell of tobacco stimulated his throat, and Ling Yu, who smoked for the first time, suddenly couldn't stand the stimulation and coughed violently.

The man laughed and patted Ling Yu on the back and said, "Don't be so nervous! It's just a battle."

It took a long time for Ling Yu to recover. After such a thing, the tension in her heart was much less.

"Ling Yu, right? My name is Lianjian." He stretched out a big hand full of scars and patted Ling Yu on the shoulder and looked at the distant sky. His voice was full of power.

"Let us old guys complete the dreams of young people for you!"


For the previous chapter, please collect it~~~~~