New Century Swordsman

Chapter 42 Raid! ( ~)

"Ling Yu! Communication blocking can last another 52 seconds!"

"Bitch! I'll fight with you!"

"Long-range shooter, suppress it!"

"Stefan! You fucking..."

"Ling Yu, go!"

"Brother Lianjian!..."


"Let us old guys complete the dreams of young people for you!"

"Dream... I can't hold on anymore..."

A broken robot, with a long flame jet behind it, flew at an incredible speed. One of its arms was torn off in the previous battle, emitting electric light. Ling Yu's consciousness has gradually begun to blur, and her body is grasped by a huge metal arm. Three of the five fingers on the palm of his hand were gone, simply dragging against the palm of his hand.

Most of the thick alloy outer wall of the cockpit was exposed, and Ling Bo in the cockpit was also seriously injured. Although the wound had been briefly treated, it was still bleeding. This is the product of Stephen's brutal blow. Although he also paid the corresponding price, after all, he is the strength of the fourth level of the earth, and he is a boxer with good health. This kind of injury is only a minor injury for him.

Although her body was in pain and some parts had lost consciousness, her hands were still firmly placed on the control panel, and her fingers quickly entered the control command. The military behind her continued to chase, but the speed was not equal to the mecha she was driving. Even Stephen's fourth-level strength can't catch up. Although part of the reason is due to injury, the strength of the mecha made by the Zhang family can also be seen from the side.

Ling Bo bit his lips to resist the weakness of his body. Silky blood remained along her pink lips and dripped along her white neck on her combat uniform.

"Complete failure of the battle, calculation error! Unexpectedly... He must be treated quickly now, or he will die tonight!"

According to the previous plan, everything has opportunities. However, something unexpected happened in the battle, reversing everything...

half an hour ago.

Under the action of the monitoring device, the military's aircraft is invisible in the eyes of Ling Yu and others. I don't know what material the pure black body is made of, and there is no light overflow. Coupled with the huge body, it gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

"Zhaoyu, can your mechanical team beat that guy down?"

Ling Yu looked at the sky as if it could completely block the sky, and her heart was slightly weak. The combat effectiveness of warriors before reaching the ground level is still too weak for this scientific and technological power, while those of the same level are different. They can control it at will, but the level of control is different.

Zhaoyu took off the eyepiece and said with a smile, "It has been arranged for a long time. Although this E-level metal is difficult to destroy, it is not impossible. It's difficult not to hurt the people inside, which can only reduce the power of the explosion. No, hey..." He continued with a bad laugh: "... I will give them a surprise."

After hearing this, Ling Yu turned around and looked into the distance. Qi Nian sent a total of 21 people to follow him, and even one of them was a strong man who had handed Ling Yu a cigarette to the joint construction before. The biochemical man on the second floor is as powerful as Mr. Song Xin. Because Stephen's main purpose was to catch Ling Yu, and in order to prevent emergencies, he arranged him beside Ling Yu.

Just as Ling Yu was stunned, the distant sky suddenly shone brightly without warning, and it took four or five seconds before there was a violent and dull explosion sound.

"It worked!" Zhaoyu nodded to Ling Yu and Lianjian.

"Good! Then you stay and continue to block each other's communication, and I'll meet the front." Lian Jian had jumped on a single aircraft and was about to leave, but he was grabbed by Ling Yu by the shoulder.

Lianjian stared at Ling Yu's eyelids for a moment, turned his head and said, "Young master, before leaving, I specially told me not to..."

"What do you think I am? My partner may be in that thing. You asked me to wait here because I'm afraid of death?" Ling Yu roared in a low voice.

After a moment of silence, Lianjian said, "Zhaoyu, make another aircraft."

After a while, the two arrived at the place where the explosion occurred. The huge aircraft was forced to land on the ground due to engine damage and received a fierce attack as soon as it landed. If it hadn't been for the fear that there might be people they wanted to save in the aircraft, the aircraft would have been dismantled long ago. It was also because of this that the military was rectified after a brief panic and began to fight against the people of the prayer family in an orderly manner.

Lianjian turned over and jumped down with a roar, and the endless firelight surrounded him in an instant. The next moment, he had entered an elemental state, and his whole person had become a fireman. With a wave of his big hand, countless flames dragged their long tails and hit the soldiers with hot temperatures.

Those soldiers were stunned by this sudden change, and many people were glued to the dazzling flame and turned into a fireman before they could react. Listening to their tragic roar, although Ling Yu couldn't bear it, she couldn't help thinking so much now that she was on the battlefield.

"I can't feel Stephen's power fluctuation. Go to the spaceship to find your friends!" Lianjian turned his head and shouted at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu nodded, and his feet were suddenly windy. He took strange steps to avoid the soldiers' bullets and penetrated into the military's aircraft from a destroyed hole.

"Don't move!"

Ling Yu was greeted by a black hole in the muzzle, and the gunman should be a large officer from his clothes.

Facing the electromagnetic high-risk gun with a six mm diameter, Ling Yu calmed down in an instant. While raising his hands, he stared into each other's eyes.

"Throw the sword to the ground!"

Ling Yu slowly pulled out her sword, let go, and the sword quickly fell to the ground.

"It's now!"

When the other party's eyes were involuntarily attracted by the sword, Ling Yu immediately bent down and raised her hand and pointed the muzzle of the gun elsewhere. At the same time, the other hand picked up and fell in half of the sword, and the powerful rotation of her wrist brought a cold light in the dark aircraft.


The officer in black covered one eye and fell to the ground. Ling Yu's long sword had fallen on his neck when he reacted.

"Ask you a few questions, and if you are telling the truth, I will let you go. If it's a lie..." Ling Yu brought the sword closer to one point.

"Good, good! I say everything!" The officer seemed to be stunned and said in a panic with his eyes covered.

Five minutes later, Ling Yu took the officer all the way to the huge alloy door unimpeded.

"That's it."


Who is this officer? Can anyone guess?