xuan shou

Chapter 61 If you don't die, you will be blessed

The ice lotus flower eaten by gold coins for Tang Feng is a ten-thousand-year-old ice marrow. For ordinary people, it is a natural material that can live and die. For practitioners of water spirit and ice spirit roots, it is a rare treasure. However, it is hopeless and poisonous to the practitioners of the fire root! Unfortunately, Tang Feng is not only the root of fire, but also not low grade. What will happen to this kind of 'poison' fed by gold coins? It still depends on his creation!

After watching Tang Feng eat the essence of Tiancai, his body kept twitching and the blood kept coming out, the gold coins were anxious. The wind stares at gold coins with eyes that can kill people...



Looking at Jifeng staring at the cannibal eyes and getting closer to himself step by step, the gold coin hurriedly pointed to Tang Feng. Then, he blocked Tang Feng's mouth and nose with his young body. Tang Feng stopped spraying blood, and the stained blood on the gold coin actually emitted a cold smoke. Suddenly, a blood arrow appeared in Tang Feng's ears! Touching the ice next to it, it made a hole in the ice that had been frozen for many years!

"Jingbei...Jingbei! ..."

The gold coins hurried to the cave, followed by a strong wind. Er... They don't care about Tang Feng's life or death!

Tang Feng's consciousness has not dissipated, but he has been severely damaged and can't recover. He could feel the anxiety of gold coins and the wind. Later, the two little guys went out for a long time and fed a piece of extremely cold stuff into his mouth. As a result, as soon as the thing came in, it went straight to Dantian! Di Yao is so angry that he can't resist it! The white cold current is like a broken bamboo. Along the way, the blood becomes squeezed and breaks through when it encounters a blockage.

From the time it came in to now, in just more than ten seconds, Tang Feng's 380 blocked veins were abruptly opened! This is a great joy for practitioners! However, Tang Feng doesn't think so. Because when the wind aura joined the imperial army, the cold current was blocked. As a result, the blocked cold current is even more crazy. Constantly destroying Tang Feng's veins and flesh! It caused Tang Feng to spray blood!

At this time, Tang Feng's body is several times more miserable than the old monk who was about to die! It's terrible... Seeing that the cold current was about to enter the heart, Diyao Zhenqi suddenly made a 180-degree turn and rushed to Ren Du's second pulse - Zhenqi countercurrent!

The true qi of the human body starts from Dantian and passes through the cultivated acupuncture points in order. Generally speaking, the last stop of Zhenqi is the two veins of Rendu, which is called the bridge between heaven and earth. However, Di Yaozhen jumped over the wall and began to operate uncontrollably with the second vein of Rendu as the starting point. For practitioners, this situation is to go crazy, the light one's martial arts is completely useless, and the heavy one's body explodes and dies.

Di Yao's true anger suppressed the wind spirit and the cold current. The two hostile true airflows actually became allies and fought against the crazy emperor Yao's true air together! However, for a moment, the upper and lower Dantian actually made a crisp sound! It collapsed!

Dantian was broken, bringing Tang Feng the first pain since the emperor devouring his heart! Deep into the soul! Without the aura of the base and the true spirit of Diyao, it became more crazy! They rushed to the same target, the only base in the body - Zhongdantian, and their hearts.

Tang Feng's body is in chaos again, and three completely different true qi are competing for a stronghold. The scuffle began... Now, these three true spirits have all lost their backing, so whoever can hold on to the end can get this only stronghold.

Di Yao, who just lost his temper, consumed too much and was beaten back by the other two strands of Zhenqi! Only the last spark was left... And at this critical moment, the gold coins and the wind came back! A heat wave warmed Tang Feng's body, and Di Yao was really excited! It attracted a severe blow...

Suddenly, a hot wave rushed into Tang Feng's body, and the aura of Emperor Yao's true qi and fire occupied the only stronghold in less than half an hour. However, it ignores the most important thing! That's the energy that is in charge of Tang Feng's heart!

I saw a cyan bead the size of a thumb, rotating at high speed, absorbing all the energy around it! The cyan beads that devoured all the rebellion, slowly turned golden, and then emitted a soft energy to repair the damaged veins in Tang Feng's body...

I don't know how long it took, layers of dirt oozed from all Tang Feng's breath outlets and gradually wrapped it into a cocoon... The cobweb-shaped scar on his face gradually disappeared. That handsome face returned to Tang Feng...



With the sound of the heartbeat, the cocoon wrapped in that layer of dirt bulges and shrinks...

At this time, Tang Feng's body has regained its former calm, and all the damage has been repaired. However, there is a very cruel reality that all his upper and lower Dantians have been destroyed! There is no longer any more practice of these two Dantians. But Zhongdantian, who can practice, has become extremely strong! It is in charge of the three major energy sources of essence and spirit, and these three true gases have also mutated. There are fire attributes, wind attributes, and rare ice attributes in it, but they can merge with each other and fight! Flow along the blood in the veins, moistening the mind, condensing qi, and accumulating sperm. The disadvantages and benefits coexist. The advantage is that Tang Feng can control the true spirit of these three attributes at will, and as long as he concentrates on one place, he can benefit the three. The disadvantage is that Tang Feng can't know the consequences of his own, nor does not know how to practice. The road ahead is completely unknown. This road was created by himself. He is the first, as the first, without the opinions of his predecessors, dangerous and bumpy!

The first thing Tang Feng woke up was to explore his body and shook his head helplessly! He stroked the gold coins and the wind: "I don't blame you. If it weren't for you, I would have died!"

Indeed, Tang Feng was severely injured, and the magical heart should have been rescued immediately. However, due to the low temperature here, even Tang Feng deliberately runs, his heart will not beat! If it goes on like this, Tang Feng's spirit will eventually disperse, and even Daluo Jinxian can't help!


The gold coin arched into Tang Feng's arms guiltily, and so did the wind.

Seeing the guilty look of the two little guys, Tang Feng looked up to the sky and laughed: "Haha! If I always follow the path of my predecessors, I will reach the peak of my predecessors at most! But I'm going my own way now! I want all future people to follow my practice method! Humph, no matter how strong your physique is, your internal organs are always the most vulnerable! Now, I mainly practice the internal organs! Let later people know that only those who are strong inside can be strong outside!"