xuan shou

Chapter 62 Polar Miracle, Encountering Crisis Again

*PS: Xiaoxi has something to do today. The chapter has not been updated in the afternoon. Now make up for it! Please forgive me...(*^__^*) hee hee...


A loud noise echoed under the polar ice, and the fine ice cubes shook off the iceberg that had not melted for thousands of years. There was a 'tick' sound. Under the iceberg, in a cave that has existed for many years, Tang Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Breakthrough - the realm of heaven!


Tang Feng let out a long roar, raised his hands to both sides, slowly closed on the top of his head, pressed down, and took a long breath. He exhaled a thick white fog from his mouth and stretched out lazily. He just stared around. Surrounded by hard ice, you can faintly see a vague figure of yourself on the ice wall. He stayed here for three months, but it was the first time he looked here. At that time, he had just woken up and was still studying his two broken Dantians. A vague and vague feeling enveloped him and was a precursor to breakthrough. He immediately entered the state of cultivation again.

Sure enough, it broke through the watershed of the warrior and entered the realm of heaven. Of course, gold coins and the wind are indispensable for this credit. If it weren't for the two genius treasures, he wouldn't know how much effort he would have to make to reach this level.


Tang Feng tilted his neck and made a series of fried beans.

Gently held the two sleeping little ones, Jifeng and gold coins, in his arms... and tried to climb up the curved path above his head. However, this ancient stubborn ice is more slippery than the oily road. After climbing less than half of the road, it fell down. On the way, the two little things, gold coins and the wind, were awakened. As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw Tang Feng in his arms and refused to come out, and shouted twice from time to time.

With a helpless smile, Sugar put the two little guys on the ground, causing them a burst of dissatisfaction. Gold coins even clenched their fists and waved in the air protesting.

"All right, all right. Baby, don't lose your temper. You are trapped here now. There are at least 10,000 meters deep here. I can only climb to about 5,000 meters at most now. What do you think I really can do now?


The gold coin shouted weakly, the whole person, oh no, the whole mouse collapsed. Crystal tears svolved in the sapphire-like eyes, so how wronged it is to be. They didn't do anything at all. Suddenly, the gold coin's eyes were shining and suddenly stood up.

"Jingjing..." shouted at Tang Feng and ran deep...

"Gold coin...gold..." Tang Feng shouted a few words and hurriedly followed.

Gradually caught up with the gold coins running in front of him, and the light became darker and darker. Fortunately, Tang Feng opened his eyes and looked at things like daylight in the dark. The surrounding space became more and more narrow, and finally Tang Feng had to squeeze in sideways. However, he was still stuck in the narrow hole. Through the hole, he could see a spacious space inside. However, he has now reached the extreme of his body squeezing, and his whole body can move slightly out of his legs, and he can't move at all. He had to step back...


The gold coin ran from the mouth of the cave to Tang Feng and shouted. The meaning was very clear that you could go out when you entered it.

Tang Feng hugged a helpless look, and the gold coin understood. It looked left and right, handed over the wind inside, and pointed fingers and feet again. The two eyes on the fat mouse turned cunningly and opened its mouth to hit the ice wall. The ice wall suddenly floated out of a burst of powder, like the fire extinguisher brush. And the wind on one side is also holding against the wall with small corners, leaving a piece of ice every time it hits.

The two small things, Jifeng and gold coins, opened the way in front, and Tang Feng slowly squeezed in. The closer to the moon, it felt a little strange. There was a heat wave floating in the air. There is actually heat in the ten-thousand-year ice cave. Is it true that things must be reversed?


After the unremitting efforts of the two little guys, Tang Feng finally squeezed in and fell down in the open space due to the unstable center of gravity. He stood up and looked at it and was stunned. The scene inside is very strange. If the expedition finds it, it must be the first spectacle that shocked the world. Far from his eyes is a naturally formed Taiji map. The most strange thing is that the Yinyu side is an ice marrow that will not condense for ten thousand years, while the Yangyu side is a karst that has not been cooled for ten thousand years, and the fish eyes of the Yin and Yang fish are two empty voids, as if they have been dug out. Weird, weird!

"Ice spirit original species! The original species of fire spirit!"

Tang Feng suddenly searched for the two extremely opposite primates of aura. Unexpectedly, he really didn't expect that two extremely restrained primates would coexist in this space. Intertwined into Taiji Turide yin and yang fish.

"If these two original species can be recovered, I don't know if they will break through again!"


As soon as Tang Feng's idea was born, the whole space began to be turbulent. Shaking until Tang Feng couldn't stand. The ice marrow and karst in the yin fish and the yang fish in front of them also began to bubble, suddenly emitting a red and blue aurora, which abruptly penetrated thousands of icebergs. The icebergs were like the blasted tall buildings, collapsing layer by layer.


"Gold coins, wind, fast..."

Gold coins and Jifeng also reflected. They hurriedly ran to the mouth of the cave, and Tang Feng also followed. As a result, before he ran to the mouth of the cave, the two little things, gold coins and Jifeng ran back, and there was a sound of collapse behind them. Tang Feng doesn't need to think about what's going on. It must have collapsed over there.

What to do, what to do!

The ice bamboo shoots on his head have fallen down. The ice bamboo shoots that have condensed for ten thousand years are sharper than the divine soldier, and Tang Feng dares not touch them. I could only dodge, but it didn't take long for the ice bamboo shoots to fall down piece by piece, and one of them couldn't avoid it and was scratched across the arm by a piece of ice bamboo shoot. A light red blood with a little golden light spewed out and fell in the middle of the Taiji map. The ice and fire Pisces was as violent as eating **.

Tang Feng narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly! Humph, die! Fight!"

picked up the gold coins and the wind, held them tightly in his arms, resisted them with his back, and jumped into the raging Taiji map. As soon as he touched the two pillars of aurora, he was stunned by the powerful impact.

Tang Feng is like a launched*, flying out of the orbit previously broken by the aurora at a very fast speed. He was thrown high in the air, and the iceberg below him collapsed in an instant, stirring up high waves! Covering the whole territory, at this time, the whole earth's ocean is roaring!