Blood God Laugh

Chapter 30 Battle of Flames - Three Headed Men

Chapter 30, Battle of Fire - Three Bareheaded Men (Ask for some red tickets, give a dime as a reward, give some motivation! In addition, the prequel has not been updated yet, and there is another update today!)

Five flame wolves protect the wolf cubs tightly behind them. With a stroke of the wolf's claws, a fireball flew out, and the surrounding trees ignited a fire, which helped the flame wolf condense the fire element!

The three magicians of the demon hunting team, each with their own commander, launched a magic bombardment with the five wolves to cover the attack of the five warriors!

After a duel with Vice Dean Kong, Feng Yang also had a certain understanding of fire magic. The fireballs that flew over were as far away as possible. He picked them up with softness with his sword face and soon rushed to the Wolf King!

The wolf king patted his left paw, a wolf paw-shaped flame patted out, and his right paw drew forward to the ground, and a big rolling fireball rolled towards the wind!

Fengyang scolded. Why is this wolf king so treacherous? He can still attack up and down. The distance is too close to dodge. The sword blocked the flame claws caught on the front, and the rolling fireball on the ground exploded!

"Bang!" With a sound, Feng Yang retreated seven or eight steps in a row, spit out a mouthful of mud, and was shaken back to the original position!

The results of other people are not good. The magic storage of Warcraft is several times more than that of human magicians of the same level. If this group of wolves just shoot fireballs, they may not run out of magic for half a day!

Feng Yang really wants to ask Vernina to be the anger of the ice god, but there is a wolf cub, and the magicians on their side dare not magnify the range at all!

Feng Yang gritted his teeth, broke out with all his strength, and resisted the explosion of the fireball. He would never retreat. At worst, he didn't want a little hair that had just grown up. He would be a bald handsome man again!

Feng Yang slowly came forward against the exploding fireballs one by one. The stupid two didn't want their hair when they saw the situation. The other three didn't have such a senseless dedication!

Seeing that the pressure on the Wolf King's side increased, several wolves also threw a few fireballs and a few flame claws from time to time, making Feng Yang look like a fire element man with flames all over his body.

The three fire wolves slowly condensed in front of the Wolf King. Isn't this the summoning magic of the seven-level magic element man?

It's just that the elemental man has been replaced by the elemental wolf. So it seems that this flame wolf king has reached the strength of the first level!

Fengyang finally approached. With terrible strength and physical strength on the sword, he cut a newly formed elemental wolf, and then shook it crazily in the body of the elemental wolf and directly strangled one of them!

With the help of the magic of the broken elemental wolf, the other two quickly condensed successfully and rushed to the wind!

Fengyang was entangled by two elemental wolves, and the wolf king freed his hand and rushed directly to the three people who cast magic on the periphery!

The three magic systems of ice, water and fire bombarded the Wolf King. These three were not jealous. Just now, there was a wolf cub behind the Wolf King and dared not cast too much magic. Fortunately, the Wolf King took the initiative to rush out, just in line with the wishes of the three of them!

Verina and Chen Aier joined hands with a water scale dragon composed of ice blades and hit the Wolf King. This combination of magic is much better than the single ice dragon or water dragon!

The running wolf king stopped quickly, and the dragon of water scales brought a strong sense of danger to it. With a roar, a fire wolf similar to the elemental wolf left the body, went straight to the water dragon and collided head-on!

The powerful explosion, with a large amount of white fog, covered the sight of both sides. Even Vernina's side shot a lot of flying ice blades, but several people had already prepared, and Zhou Zhazha and Zhang Qian all blocked it!

A huge fireball of Kong Xi then burst into the white fog, and even the water mist ignited the fire, and the heat wave was burning!

The sight gradually became clear, and the Wolf King was covered with small wounds. Obviously, it was the explosion just now, and he was injured by the ice blade outside the water scale dragon!

The sword patted the claw of the elemental wolf, and the other one rushed at the same time. Fengyang's other hand turned into scales, defended it with one hand, and grabbed the physical wolf's claws. The scaled hands were burned out of burning. The sword cut off the wolf's limbs, and biologically tore off the physical wolf's claws and threw them into the distance. "Boom!" Wolf's claws exploded!

Soon, Feng Yang used such a tough way to solve one elemental wolf, and the other was also in danger!

The fool roared, against an oncoming fireball, cut off a wolf's claw with a big knife, but was burned out half of the hair of his head and made a final fight with the injured flame wolf!

Mo Bai's clothes have been burned, but the hair on his head is well protected. Orion does not touch the flame wolf at all. His image is intact. He is already handsome for love, and he has been perfunctory in tasks and keeps igniting!

The Wolf King had countless wounds, and suddenly, "Wow!" The ground roared wildly!

The four wolves behind also roared. They saw the burning trees around them extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all the firelight gathered towards the five wolves. Even Kong Xi's fireballs went uncontrollably towards the Wolf King and was swallowed by the Wolf King.

The momentum of the five wolves increased in an instant, and a thick flame suddenly burned on its body, which seemed to be covered with a fiery wolf armor. The flame wolf with a broken claw condensed one claw with magic!

When Kong Xi saw this, he shouted in horror, "Kill the Wolf King, they are burning the source!"

After saying that, Kong Xi retreated quickly, because his fire magic was useless, and then cast fire magic to add fuel to the Flame Wolf King!

The five wolves no longer cast magic, but condensed flames to fight with everyone. Silly Er and Mo Bai each stopped two flame wolves, and Orion quickly rushed back to support for love!

Fengyang defeated the last elemental wolf and quickly chased the wolf king!

The burning wolf king is terrible. The two series of magic of ice and water that flew on it actually melted at a touch, making the flame on its surface burn more intense and the fire more powerful!

The Wolf King rushed on, and Zhou Zhazha and Zhang Qian blocked the head-on shot of the Wolf King. The two retreated and tenaciously flew up again to stop the Wolf King and protect Vernina and Chen Aier behind them!

"Love, run!" Kong Xi shouted in the distance, and Chen Aier and Vernina quickly retreated and scattered and fled.

"Roar!!!" The Flame Wolf King roared and fiercely patted Zhou Zhazha and Zhang Qian away. The two women spit blood and retreated, locking Chen Aier. The Wolf King pulled the Naruto and was about to catch up!

The two women of Zhou Zhazha rushed on again and directly hugged the wolf's leg. The flame ignited their clothes, and the fire burned their delicate skin. Regardless of sacrifice, they only delayed a little time to let Chen Aier run further and let Feng Yang and others come up to support!

I don't know why the Wolf King wants to chase Chen Aier. Maybe it's the water-squalled dragon. Let it get angry and let it burn the source crazily. If you don't chase Chen Aier, you will chase Verina!

With a sound of fire, a fire wolf-shaped resistance to the flame outside the wolf king exploded, and the two people with their legs flew more than ten meters. The two women were burned black and spit blood repeatedly!

The Wolf King was relieved and continued to chase Chen Aier, and it was approaching in an instant!

Fengyang finally caught up with the Wolf King, cut it with a sword, and cut it on the tail of the Wolf King!

Unexpectedly, the Wolf King rushed crazily again and rushed straight to Chen Aier a few meters ahead. A water dragon hit it, but it did not affect the Wolf King's attack at all. Chen Aier was so scared that she put her hands together, blocked her face, and screamed!

The wolf's claws are about to be patted on Chen Aier. With the fragile body of the magician, this beat is about to dissipate the beauty of a great disaster for the country and the people!

At this critical moment, a figure flew obliquely and stood in front of Chen Aier!

The wolf's claws hit the figure, and Chen Aier was knocked down behind him and flew more than ten meters away!

The wind Yang in the rear caught up again and jumped directly on the wolf's back. The sword inserted into the wolf's neck. The wolf king's head turned away, and the sword inserted three points from the side of the neck!


Wolf King was in pain and fell down. With Fengyang on his back, he rolled up on the ground and wanted to break free from Fengyang!

Feng Yangqiang endured the flames all over the wolf king and brought him the pain of burning. He punched the wolf's head crazily, and then the wolf rolled and touched it intimately!

Chen Aier was hit. Because the magician was weak, she also spit out a mouthful of blood, but immediately got up and rushed to the figure being photographed.

Orion and others saw that the Wolf King was dragged by Feng Yang and rushed back to support first, and they couldn't resist. Silly Er and Mo Bai, who had already asked for help!

The power brought by burning the source came and went fiercely. The flame on the five wolves slowly weakened, and the four flame wolves were attacked and killed by everyone!

When everyone came to support Fengyang, the fight here just ended!

The wolf's head was half bloody and blown up, but Feng Yang was pressed under the body of the Wolf King. Everyone thought that Feng Yang was seriously injured and was about to remove the wolf corpse to get him out...

Feng Yang shouted in horror, "Don't come here, don't come over, turn around!" Don't peek!!!"

At this time, everyone noticed that Fengyang showed his bare feet from under the wolf and dared to be burned into **!

Zhou Zhazha and Zhang Qian recovered and looked down at their chest.

"Ah!!!" Both of them screamed, and most of their chests exploded. Fortunately, it was dark. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it!

With her hands covering her chest, the two women also found a place to change their clothes!

Feng Yang took advantage of everyone to turn around, quickly pushed away the wolf corpse, took out a set of clothes and put it on. This time, he was not only bald, but his whole body was hairy and clean.

Although the skin also has many serious burns, the good is that it is protected by dark scales and does not hurt flesh and blood!

Chen Aier came over with a bleeding face for love. The figure who sacrificed his life to save beauty just now was for love!

For love, one wolf claw was slapped in the chest by the wolf king, and the other wolf claw scratched the handsome face horizontally. There were three scars from the right face to the left face, which was completely broken @

However, Wuyuan has a good magician who can heal wounds that are not particularly serious without leaving traces!

But I was quite happy for love. With the help and care of Chen Aier, I showed a strange excitement on the face of love. Everyone thought that that face and the cat face were really similar. In the future, give a nickname for love, let's call it Cat Face for Love!

No one blamed Kong Xi, who was the first to escape. At that time, he only stayed and gave the Wolf King one more goal.

The fool turned into a bald head, and Mo Bai was not much better, and there was still a big dropout left in the middle. It happened to be a baby hair, with the baby face, coupled with a tall and strong body, the devil doll that lived up to its reputation!

The body of the five wolves was disposed of, but unfortunately the magic crystal is gone, because the origin of the burning of the five wolves is the magic crystal!

It was getting dark. Everyone took eight cute wolves and quickly withdrew from the Yuanmoling Mountains. Except for Vernina and Kong Xi, everyone was injured. It was very dangerous not to retreat to the periphery quickly!

When it was about to reach the periphery, a team of demon hunters rushed back, and many people were also injured all over!

However, when they saw that Feng Yang had two hairless heads and only a pinch of baby hair left on his head, they couldn't help laughing wildly and even forgot the pain on his body!

In the end, Cao Wujiao saw that Feng Yang and the three of them were also laughing wildly. Finally, they stopped, but their bodies still twitched and twitched, obviously hurt their muscles with laughter!

The wolf king is really lethal. He is dead, and he also wants to make the image of Feng Yang and others laugh and hurt others!

At night, tents were set up outside the Yuanmoling Mountains. Fengyang and several people burned bear paws around the bonfire and burned the wolf claws. Several wolf cubs also fell asleep around the edge of the bonfire. Kong Xi will be responsible for the care of the wolf cubs!

They were seriously injured for love, and Zhou Zhazha and Zhang Qian were also seriously injured by the Wolf King. The other men are very strong, and this injury will not affect their strength!

However, Feng Yang still decided to rest for two days to recover from his injuries. They had a total of four days in the Yuanmoling, and they could enter the mountain again on the last day, plus six days back and forth, which is just ten days.

Anyway, in the battle of the Flame Wolf King, their experience task was basically completed!

On the fourth day, many teams stopped going into the mountain and stayed quietly waiting for the end of the last day.

In the two days of Feng Yang and others resting from their wounds, I saw some demon hunting teams supporting seriously injured teammates when they came back, and even carried the bodies of their teammates, which made many demon hunting teams feel sad at the same time. What if their own team died?

Such a scene also made Feng Yang, who led the team, also feel very stressed. That day, the flame wolf king's last attack, if he hadn't used his own body in time for love to block Chen Aier, maybe Feng Yang and the others would have come back carrying Chen Aier's body that day!

But Fengyang is not the one who conceded defeat so easily. After soliciting everyone's opinions, he led the team into the Yuanmoling Mountains again!

There is no big problem with the injury of love, and others have basically recovered to the peak and even improved!

Fengyang was much more careful this time and resolutely stopped provoking monsters and monsters living in groups or above the sky level!

The hunting in the past few days has reduced the number of monsters and monsters in the shallow depths. Everyone soon reached the depths and surrounded a red cloud leopard!

Red cloud leopard, a ground-level eighth-order monster, is not very strong in physical strength and defense, but extremely fast, strong attack power, very difficult to lock magic, and easy to jump on a big tree to escape!

Feng Yang asked the three magicians to be on alert on the periphery, and the red cloud leopard immediately forced them down with magic as soon as they went up the tree!

Fengyang, Orion and Mo Bai are the main attackers, and Silly Er and the magicians who protect love, Zhou Zha and Zhang Qian intercepted the ground breakthrough of the red cloud leopard!

The big sword blocked the leopard's leopard's claw raid. Feng Yang turned around and kicked the side of the leopard's chest. The leopard actually took the help and quickly rushed to a big tree next to it!

The two balls of fire and water immediately collided on the tree, bursting with a large amount of steam. The speed of the red cloud leopard stopped, and several ice blades hit the leopard's leg!

The red cloud leopard slipped and fell down. Orion rose up and inserted a sharp knife into the leopard's leg, and a leopard leg was inserted three points by a sharp knife!

But at the same time, another leopard's paw also patted Orion's shoulder and arm, and Orion turned over and fell down.

Mo Bai was on the other side and cut the leopard's waist with a stick!

The red cloud leopard fell to the ground, rolled a few big circles, and the wind Yang sword followed!

Dodging to avoid the sword chopping, but the leopard's leg was injured, the leopard's waist was painful, and the original agility of the red cloud leopard became much slower!

The red cloud leopard stabilized its body. A leopard pounced on the wind and Yang's sword. The leopard's teeth actually held against the tip of the sword. Once again, a fewflips and broke through the perimeter!

The light sword in Zhou Zhazha's hand shook, and the light magic made the surface of the light sword. The white light flashed violently, and the leopard's eye needle closed. Zhou Zha's light sword stabbed another leopard leg!

Orion caught up, hit it directly with his body, and hit the red cloud leopard back to Mo Bai's stick head.

When Zhou Zha saw Orion bump into the handsome appearance of the red cloud leopard, he began to be obsessed again, "Brother Ao, you are so handsome!"

Mo Bai is not polite, and he is a super stuffy stick to the flying red cloud leopard!

The red cloud leopard was smashed on the ground and immediately turned up again, with severe pain all over and roaring in pain!

The attack power of Feng Yang and others is the ninth level at the prefecture level. Even though the monster's defense is strong, it can't withstand such a blow, and its defense is not very strong!

Constricting his body, the red cloud leopard ran vigorously, and a fast food shocked Mo Bai back a few steps. Then the leopard opened its mouth and bit Mo Bai again!

Mo Bai had no time to dodge. A fierce doll hit the leopard's mouth directly, and the long stick in his hand hit the leopard's abdomen at the same time!

As soon as the red cloud leopard was pushed back, Feng Yang waved his sword and cut it. The leopard's waist was weak, and the big sword entered the body for three points!

Orion met with the same sharp knife and inserted the leopard's leg again. The red cloud leopard roared and shook his body wildly, forcing Fengyang and Orion back at the same time!

Mo Bai also screamed, and saw a small blood hole on the forehead of the leopard's mouth just above his head. This time, the devil doll even matched the blood horns!

The red cloud leopard was severely damaged in the waist and completely lost the advantage of speed. The three people rushed up, and the bloody devil doll on their foreheads was even more cruel and fierce. They beat around the red cloud leopard. Zhou Zha and Zhang Qian quickly joined in, and the five people stepped on it like this!

When Chen Aier saw this, she shouted, "This is too cruel, too much, too enjoyable, I like it so much, I want to come too!"

After saying that, he rushed over, and Vernina and others were also driven. In this way, the poor red cloud leopard was trampled to death by ten people!

The ten-person team vented happily and comfortably. A demon hunting team that happened to pass by was shocked when they saw this. These people dared to be a little too fierce!

The cooperation of ten people is becoming more and more tacit, and the challenges of the eighth level are too small. Feng Yang and others decided to go deeper and find a nine-level monster or warcraft to practice!

The team went deep into Xuyuan and heard the sound of fighting. If they dared to go so deeply, in addition to their own team, it should be the top 1, 2 and 3 teams at the prefecture level. Feng Yang and others couldn't help touching and watching!