Blood God Laugh

Chapter 31 Nine Poisonous Scorpion - News comes

Chapter 31, Nine poisonous scorpions - the news came (friends who read the book give some red tickets and comments. In addition, the prequel will be completed this month, and the second part will start in the south next month)

A demon hunting team composed entirely of martial artists is besieging a huge black scorpion. The scorpion is three meters tall, and the scorpion tail is four meters long. It keeps pricking at the attacking warriors, but no one dares to touch the scorpion tail!

On the periphery, there was a wound on his left arm with black blood, which was tightly tied from his armpit with a cloth. His face was blue, obviously very poisonous, and he was meditating and poisoned!

Kong Xi told everyone that this is a mutant monster called Jiuyou Poison Scorpion. Because there are no bones and veins in the body, there is no demon power, only physical power!

But the nine poisonous scorpion, which has only physical strength, has also reached the second level, and the strong shell defense outside the body is no worse than that of ordinary three or four levels of scale monsters!

The most powerful scorpion is the scorpion tail. The attack power is powerful, not to mention being stabbed, it is very poisonous!

The person meditated on the periphery should have been unfortunately stabbed. If that arm is not treated in time, it will probably be useless!

Moreover, Jiuyou poisonous scorpion can also spit poison fog in its mouth. If you accidentally inhale it into your body, you will immediately feel dizzy and your movements will become extremely dull!

The nine people besieged were powerful, and the lowest had the eighth-level strength. Unfortunately, the sword was cut on the scorpion shell, which could only splash a string of sparks!

A man is very fierce. A long gun can leave a white mark on the scorpion shell with every blow, which obviously understands the increase in strength!

The scorpion's tail was changed to a thorn. A warrior was accidentally slapped on the chest by the scorpion's tail. The warrior immediately fell out a few heels and bleed from the corners of his mouth!

A pair of big pliers of the poisonous scorpion, like a pair of giant hammers, smashed the weapon of a martial artist and sprayed a poisonous fog in his mouth, which was just inhaled by the warrior!

The warrior withdrew a few steps awkwardly, his expression stagnated, and several people around him quickly helped him stop the scorpion pliers that hit again!

After a while, the martial artist woke up, shook his head, slapped his chest, and spit out a mouthful of black blood!

In addition to the people who lost their combat effectiveness, several other people have been injured. With their strength, they can't break through the defense of this nine poisonous scorpion. If they continue to fight, it will be a waste of strength, and there may be serious casualties!

When the demon hunting team was about to give up, the gunman found the existence of Feng Yang and others and shouted:

"Can the students over there deal with this poisonous scorpion and get equal share!"

Feng Yang replied loudly, "We don't want to die. The turtle shell can't be broken!"

The gunman shouted again, "Do you have a fire magician? This poisonous scorpion has no demonic power and is extremely poor fire resistance. If there is the assistance of fire magic, we can break its defense!"

Feng Yang asked Kong Xi if it was true, and Kong Xi nodded!

Feng Yang shouted again, "Give me the demon elixir, and you want the rest!"

The man with a gun replied loudly, "There is only one poison elixir in the body of Jiuyou poisonous scorpion, which has no effect on the warriors. We need to detoxify our teammates, otherwise we will leave long ago, and we won't spend it here with this iron shell!"

Kong Xi said to Feng Yang, "We took the scorpion tail. That thing is highly poisonous and does not need to be practiced. It is a quasi-gold weapon, and its value is higher than the first-level demon elixir!"

Feng Yang nodded, took the team out and said, "We want the scorpion tail. We have three magicians, ice, water and fire!"

The man with a gun laughed and said, "Okay, burn it with fire magic first, and then freeze the shell with ice and water, so that we can break the iron shell with our strength!"

The transaction between the two sides was concluded, and a seven-level ice magic crystal appeared in Vernina's hand, singing the anger of the ice god. A fire ring slowly formed in front of Kong Xi, and Chen Aier was also ready to start magic!

Feng Yang and Mo Bai came forward, and the rest stayed to protect the three magicians.

As soon as Feng Yang came up, he saw a warrior sprayed by the poisonous fog. His expression was dizzy. The big pliers of the poisonous scorpion were about to click the other party. Feng Yang just knocked the other party away, and the big sword blocked the big tongs coming from coming!

The warrior was hit and woke up. He also quickly slapped him on the chest and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

The wind Yang's sword was wildly cut, and the sparks were everywhere. He only used his physical strength. Sure enough, he couldn't even cut out the traces. Even if he tried his best, it was impossible to break the defense of this nine poisonous scorpion!

"Okay, everyone, be careful and get out of the way!" Kong Xi shouted.

In the ring of fire, a small firebird quickly flew out, and hundreds of them flew out in a blink of an eye, quickly covering the whole body of the nine poisonous scorpion!

The poisonous scorpion hissed and hit left and right, but the firebird stuck to the iron shell and couldn't shake it down. More firebirds continued to fly!

The poisonous scorpion went crazy and went directly towards Kong Xi. The people intercepted on the way were knocked away one by one, but a huge water dragon rushed to the scorpion in time!

The water dragon is compatible with the firebird and bursts into hot water vapor. The black iron shell, which was about to be burned red, suddenly turned red!

The huge ice fell, blocking the way of the nine poisonous scorpions. The poisonous scorpion hit the ice, but the second piece fell on the head, and then smashed more and more!

The poisonous scorpion was buried by huge ice, and the three magicians took the opportunity to retreat and sang magic again in the distance!

The warriors picked up the ice and changed from extremely hot to extremely cold, making the nine poisonous scorpion temporarily unable to move. All attacks were cut off the poisonous scorpion's brain, and the iron shell in the brain was cut into many cracks in a while!

The poisonous scorpion's double pliers struggled to lift the sword that blocked the cut. A big pliers were smashed by the crazy crowd, revealing the white pliers inside. Fortunately, the fool didn't rush up, or he would eat meat again!

The poisonous scorpion finally slowed down, shook away the ice around it, and the strength of the poisonous scorpion that lost a big forceps was greatly reduced, and fled in horror!

Everyone was shocked. After fighting for so long, they finally saw hope. The warriors work together to stop it. The powerful blow made the poisonous scorpion's collision break through and stop. It's not so easy to escape!

The poisonous scorpion kept hissing, and the ice and fire just now made its body deeply traumatized!

Eight scorpion legs tightened, big pliers protect the brain, and the nine poisonous scorpion actually gave up the attack?

The warriors didn't think so much. They surrounded the group and cut with swords and knives!

Suddenly, a burst of poisonous fog spewed out from the eight legs of the abdomen of the poisonous scorpion. In an instant, many people were poisoned. The poisonous scorpion immediately stood up, turned its body, and the scorpion's tail shook a ring, sweeping away a circle of poisoned warriors!

Feng Yang also inhaled a little, but his physical strength was also very strong, and his immunity was also very strong. He shook his head and caught up with three unpoisoned warriors who were about to catch up with the poisonous scorpion ready to escape!

Firebirds flew again and quickly climbed up the whole body of Jiuyou poisonous scorpion again. The poisonous scorpion was frightened, flames, and rushed out like crazy. All three warriors were knocked away!

Feng Yang shouted, the two forces broke out, and with a full blow, the sword was cut on the scorpion's head full of cracks, and it was deeply embedded!

The speed of the poisonous scorpion was stopped. The intact big pliers hit the chest of the stroke. The wind Yang flew out like a gust of wind and hit a big tree, shaking down the leaves all over the sky!

The other poisoned warriors finally woke up and took off their wounds and wrapped around the poisonous scorpion again. Feng Yang rubbed the painful chest. The sword was still embedded in the scorpion's head and pulled out a dagger from his waist. "Roar!!!" With a painful and angry roar, he rushed up again!

The firebird finally crawled all over the body of the poisonous scorpion again. Vernina did not show the forgiveness of the ice god this time, but joined hands with Chen Aier again.

A huge water ball, with a terrible ice blade rotating inside, fell on the head of the poisonous scorpion, and the warriors quickly dodged!

The water ball covered the nine poisonous scorpion. This time, the ice blade water ball was really powerful, directly extinguishing the firebird. The heat wave rushed to the sky. Hundreds of ice blades cut on the poisonous scorpion. The water vapor dissipated, and the poisoned scorpion was covered with a thin layer of ice, and it could not move!

Orion, who protected the three magicians, shouted, and with the stupid second class, they also rushed up together. 17 people killed Jiuyou poisonous scorpions, an authentic group fight!

This time, before the poisonous scorpion recovered, it was blown up on the head and finally solved it!

The poisoned warriors sat down cross-legged and quickly forced out the remaining poison in their bodies. Chen Aier and Ver Nina used water healing magic to simply heal everyone!

Feng Yang picked up his big sword, ran behind the poisonous scorpion, and began to pick up the tail of the scorpion. Everyone was speechless. Why is this so unrich?

In the end, the two demon hunting groups also met each other. The other's demon hunting groups were all students of the prefecture-level Class 2, but the gunman was not the captain, but the unlucky guy whose arm was poisoned!

When they passed by, they were attacked by the Jiuyou poisonous scorpion that came out of the inside for food. The captain was stabbed in the left arm by the scorpion's tail in order to save people. Later, everyone besieged the Jiuyou poisonous scorpion and wanted to detoxify the captain!

The whole demon hunting team was injured. Except for three people in good condition, the rest can be said to be seriously injured.

In such a state, if they meet another nine-level monster, or a warcraft, they will be in danger, so they will follow Fengyang and others back to the periphery of the mountains!

When the body of Jiuyou Poison Scorpion was dragged back by everyone, the students exclaimed. This was the first sky-level monster to be killed in this experience. Several perverted demon hunting teams of Sky-level Warcraft killed several, but they all suffered heavy casualties!

Fengyang's team is also rich in harvest, with eight wolf cubs, a scorpion tail of nine poisonous scorpions, and a pile of animal skin and animal tendons.

Feng Yang and Silly Er took the scorpion tail, and each of the other eight people were divided into a wolf cub. Other materials, everyone left a little of what they needed, and the rest was sold to the martial arts academy, and then each person was given nearly 500 gold coins. It can be seen that demon hunting is indeed very profitable, and of course, they also need strength!

This experience is also over, with nearly 2,300 people participating, more than 500 people seriously injured, 25 people seriously disabled, 38 deaths and countless minor injuries!

The students returned to the Martial Arts Academy and had another five-day collective holiday. This experience, whether it is pain, experience, etc., needs a little time to recover, accept and absorb!


Returning to Dayan City, Feng Yang immediately went to the martial arts store stronghold of the Sifang mercenary regiment. Unfortunately, the two enemy princes still had no movement and could not find a chance to do it at all.

Feng Yang used the scorpion tail and exchanged two silver-level knives and a lot of messy small items with the Sifang mercenary regiment. One of the silver-level knives was given to Silly Er, so that Silly Er finally turned into a bird gun into a cannon. Of course, there is no bird gun in the world, but the cannon...

Finally, Feng Yang and Silly Er walked into the gambling arena and began five consecutive days of devil training.

The two bald men fought one after another in a crazy way in the gambling arena. Fengyang fought 62 games in five days, won all and won the name of a bald god general!

Two 49 stupid games, only lost once, and won the name of a bald demon general!

Later, Orion saw it and signed up for 10 games and won all. Because he has been wearing a black veil on the stage, he got the name Black-faced Demon King!


Almost two months passed in a blink of an eye. Fengyang's five people studied in the martial arts academy for four months. After experience and gambling in the magic practice of the martial arts field, everyone's strength has made a great breakthrough!

Fengyang's physical strength and strength have reached 5,000 jin, double-level 9th level, comprehensive strength ordinary heavenly level 5th level, 10,000 jin attack power!

Silly's physical strength no longer increases, but its strength has exceeded 4,500 jin, plus 1800 jin of physical strength, comprehensive strength, reaching the first-level strength!

Unfortunately, Feng Yang and Silly II still did not realize the increase in strength.

Orion also broke through the eighth-order magic before February, and realized that the magic increase rate was also 0.2 times. With 1,000 pounds of physical strength, it also had the attack power of the first level!

Vernina is still the seventh-order magic, but the use and cooperation of magic have been greatly improved!

Not to mention the little girl Long Yingying, she is a genius in the Jin people-level class. She can learn everything. The old magician Jin Duoduo's beard has been pulled out by the little girl, and she still has to let the little girl ride as a cow!

Finally, the news came from the Sifang mercenary regiment. Feng Yang immediately called all the stupid second people and found the vice president Kong Xiang!

There is nothing we can do. The martial arts academy will have a two days off, and Feng Yang must go out immediately, so he first asked the bishops of each class to receive the leave note, but in the end, it still needs the approval of the sloppy vice president Kong!

As the vice dean, Kong Xiang manages the entry and exit, food and accommodation of students, such as enrollment, dropout, accommodation, going out to ask for leave, etc., so Feng Yang and others have to face again, the enemy who was burned last time!

In the vice dean's room, Kong Xiang was still lying on a Taishi chair. The last burnt hair had grown out. With his eyes closed, the Taishi chair shook and ignored Fengyang and others in front of him!

"Well, Vice President Kong, we are here to ask for leave!"

Feng Yang asked that Kong Xiang continued to pretend to be dead and ignored it!

"Grandpa Kong, we specially want to go out to sell you gifts, very expensive and heavy gifts, specially used to apologize to you!" The little girl coaxed.

"Bah! Does it take three months to apologize? You want to buy me a wig! A group of little bastards didn't know how to respect the old man at all, which made me afraid to see people for more than a month!

If you want to go out, you can compensate me for my mental loss first, and then give me one of your little wolves, and then add a leave fee of 1,000 gold coins a day for each person!"

Kong Xiang will not let go of this good opportunity and blackmail Feng Yang fiercely!

"Bah! I don't want a little wolf door. I want to go to your grandson! Five people have a total of 1,000 gold coins a day!"

Feng Yang replied, and it's time to bargain again!

"5,000, no one will be released!"



"2 thousand!"


3 thousand! See you in the dean's office again!'

"5, well, deal! Haha, give me the money!" Kong Xiang's treachery was succeeding and laughed.

Feng Yang gritted his teeth and couldn't wait to burn the old guy's new hair again!

After leaving the two-day leave fee, Feng Yang took the people away. Before leaving, he learned Kong Xiang's tune and shouted, "Old man, wait, I will come back!"

Kong Xiang also replied in a loud voice, "Slow back and play for two more days. At that time, 100 gold coins will be late for an hour, and I will come to you to collect it!"

Feng Yang first took people to the martial arts store stronghold of Sifangyou mercenaries. After learning more about the situation, he bought some special items and then took them away!


The next day, a large group of royal guards in the imperial city, wearing a golden sweatshirt, wearing a gold-rimmed round hat, riding on a tall horse, and thousands of people headed for the North Imperial Gate!

The person in charge is even more powerful. ** What he rides is a red-blooded dragon horse that is much taller than an ordinary war horse. It is said that it has a trace of dragon blood and a veritable king of horses!

On the back of the dragon horse, a man wearing a golden dragon pattern king robe is the second prince of the Great Yan Empire, Yan Wuxuan!

Yan Wuxuan, 38 years old, his biological mother is the sister of the patriarch of the Limos family, that is, the sister of Li Dagui, the leader of the left prime minister, but as soon as Yan Wuxuan was born, his biological mother died of blood!

Therefore, in the government of the Dayan Dynasty, the faction supporting the second prince was led by Li Dagui!

This time, the second prince led the team to welcome the eldest princess of the Holy Demon Empire, and the team will wait at the Yinggui Pavilion more than 100 miles east of Dayan City!

There is a welcoming pavilion on all sides of Dayan City, which is specially used to wait and welcome important messengers!

According to the intelligence, the eldest princess of the Holy Demon Empire is named Zhou Zhizhi. She is 24 years old and the eldest daughter of the emperor of the Holy Demon Empire. She is not only shy of the moon, but also a light magician, above the sixth level of magic!

Princess the Holy Demon, this time she came to the Dayan Empire to make peace. Zhou Zhizhi will choose one of the four princes and marry the two countries!

And the faction led by Li Dagui just won this mission for the second prince!

Welcome the team and walked all the way to the road separated from the shopping area and the trading area. The crowds and horses gave way one after another, and thousands of people pulled out a long one, and the beginning and tail were separated by a whole distance!

When they were about to leave the North Imperial Gate, several horses in the crowd were suddenly shocked and out of control. They suddenly pulled the carriage behind them and rushed to the tail of the welcoming team. Several imperial guards at the tail quickly got off their horses and controlled the carriage!