Blood God Laugh

Chapter 12 Thirty Thousand Graves

Chapter 12 30,000 Graves

The search scope of the demon bird has expanded, and a bird song keeps ringing, conveying the message. Fengyang stands on the original mountain eagle!

Tushan Eagle was very dissatisfied with Fengyang. After flying with him for so long, he didn't get any benefits, and even the last 40,000 coalition didn't grab one!

The beast tide is so terrible that it can't run, and there are too many places for humans to dare to go. They can only watch the monsters below share a big meal in the sky, but they are hungry!

The sound of 'rumbling' came, and Feng Yang took out a little dry food from the space ring and handed it to the Tushan Eagle, but the Tushan Eagle shouted more dissatisfiedly and didn't look at the dry food handed over by Feng Yang!

Fengyang took back the dry food and stuffed it directly into his mouth. The poor Tushan Eagle was about to cry angrily! Hungry!

"Birds, did you hear the birds sing?" A soldier asked, and then the soldiers heard the birds from the sky!

A demon bird found the team in the desert, and other demon birds were attracted. After a while, dozens of birds flew from all directions. The team below thought it was a demon bird attack and raised their weapons to prepare for the battle!

On the demon bird, the voice of the clan came. Only then did the team in the desert find that there were people on dozens of demon birds, and they were the style Rida warriors. They cheered and were finally saved!

Fengyang and more than a dozen clans went down the birds. The seriously injured and exhausted soldiers were first to be carried back to the tribe by the demon bird, while the others continued to walk along the sand, waiting for the next round of rescue!

After taking over the soldier in Fenglong's hand, Feng Yang cried with joy, "Dad, you scared me to death. I promised my mother and grandparents to take you and Lingzi to see them!"

Seeing Feng Yang bringing so many demon birds, Fenglong was also relieved, but as soon as he was relieved, his weakness immediately hit his brain and almost fainted. Feng Yang quickly freed a hand to help Fenglong!

"Mountain God Department, Ping Moyuan, blood debt, you must kill them all and avenge the people!" Feng Long said weakly.

"Dad, they are all dead, and none of them have been let go. The revenge has been revenged, and their tribe will be eaten by the small tribes around them without the protection of soldiers!" Feng Yang replied.

Then, Feng Yang told Fenglong and the chief what happened, but the destruction of the two coalition forces did not bring joy to everyone. Tens of thousands of people died and half of Style Rida was destroyed. The grief and sadness can't be healed by killing many people!

More than 50 demon birds came back and forth again and again. When they came, they also brought some food, drinking water and medicine. They flew back and forth nearly 100 times before finally brought back all the soldiers!

Finally, a demon bird was as tired as a dead bird and crawled in the Style Rida tribe. The clan brought a lot of meat to repay them. Fengyang also felt embarrassed and let the little girl take out a bottle of dragon rock milk and enjoy a drop of it one by one!

A bottle of Longyan is about 60 drops. He got two drops of Tushan Eagle and shouted excitedly. He looked at the small bottle in Feng Yang's hand and kept screaming. Finally, he ran to Feng Yang and rubbed him with a bird's head!

Feng Yang looked at the humanized Tushan Eagle speechlessly, helplessly, and the last few drops were also rewarded to it!

The effect of Longyan milk on monsters and beasts is dozens of times that of human beings, just like the effect of the eternal fairy grass on human beings is far stronger than that of monsters and monsters. Maybe a drop or two can make them break through!

Even the girl who is a little golden dragon is so coveted by the dragon rock milk that she knows that it is precious to monsters!

In this battle, there were 30,000 soldiers in Style Rida, and in the end, there were only more than 7,000 left, and nearly half of them were seriously injured. Nearly 10,000 ordinary people also died. 33,000 people caught up with almost half of the population of Style Rida, most of whom were still strong soldiers. Such sad casualties made the wailing of the whole tribe continue to rise and down. !

In the south of the style of Rida, there is a huge cemetery, more than 30,000 graves, and many empty graves, because the sand has devoured thousands of people, and many soldiers can't even find their bones and are swallowed by the demons and monsters of the coalition!

Forty thousand people wear filial piety and howl. No one can withstand this sadness, and no one can be infected by this huge grief!

50,000 reinforcements in Sirida also salute the highest etiquette to more than 30,000 graves. Whether they are more than 20,000 dead soldiers or 7,000 alive, they are all warriors, real warriors, warriors who fight to the death for their relatives!

Feng Yang, kneeling in front of a grave, sobbed. Behind him, Xiaowanzi, Mo Fei, Fuer and others were also crying. This is Li Tairan's grave, a brother and best friend from childhood!

Li Tairan died in the battle, Li Jiangran was seriously injured and in a coma, and Fuer was also blind. In addition, Xiaowanzi and Mo Fei, who rushed to report the news, these five people were Feng Yang's best friends and the strongest best friends. In this way, they died, were injured, and blind. Feng Yang had no choice but blame himself!

If I could go to Sirida five days later, the ethnic warriors of Rida would not have suffered such heavy casualties!

If you can wait for a while for your wedding with Verina............

Feng Yang knew that it was unfair to involve Vernina, but he really couldn't forgive himself and couldn't continue the wedding!

He has to revenge first and vent the blood hatred in his heart first!

Yes, my mother's hatred, the blood demon emperor Yan Wuxuan, and 1,000 blood demons, all want to be killed, all!!!


The fallen soldiers and clans have been buried, and the living clans have begun to rebuild the broken-style Rida tribe. Cilida left 10,000 soldiers to help build and temporarily guard, and the remaining 40,000 soldiers have returned to Mississippi City.

The city wall, Feng Yang wanted to build a wall in Style. Dayan City induced the fourth prince. Feng Yang got more than 300,000 gold coins in the space ring of the fourth prince, plus his own 200,000 gold coins, and took a total of 500,000 gold coins to let the chief build a wall for Style Rida. At least there must be a wall on both sides of the northeast. Protect!

With the protection of the city wall, the two 60,000 coalition forces can't be killed at all. Therefore, in order to prevent Style Rida from facing the crisis again, Feng Yang is determined to build Style Rida into a steel city, so that there is not enough money to make money slowly. It is easy to make money with Feng Yang's strength!

War tree spirit, yes, Fengyang also wants war tree spirit, demon bird and magic bird, as well as a powerful heavenly monster guard and so on. As long as it can make the clan strong and protected, Fengyang wants something, and must let the style Rida, from now on, no longer be threatened!

Demon birds and heavenly monsters, there is a little golden dragon. As long as you give up the price, you can still be invited out from the mountains to be a moat. In fact, the mountain eagle and several demon birds that day have already relied on their style!

The ** power of dragon rock milk on monsters is really too great. In the words of the little girl, if you give each beast a drop of dragon rock milk every two months, they are willing to stay to death in style!

So, Fengyang really invited 20 heavenly monsters and 20 prefecture-level high-level demon birds in the Nanling Mountains at the cost of 10 drops of dragon rock milk per beast every year!

The price of a total of 400 drops of Longyan milk every year is the stock of two and a half months in Longyan Cave, and even the little girl is in pain. She has long regarded Fengyang's Longyan as already been there!

It is not an ordinary difficulty to get the war tree spirit in the elves. First of all, it is necessary to get the friendliness of the elves, and then make a great contribution to the elves, or help it is possible!

Just like Mississippi City, it has become one of the guardian cities of the elf forest, but the style Rida does not border the elf forest at all! But you can consider the dwarves first!

As for money, Fengyang already has a plan, which is the treasury of the Blood Demon City!