Blood God Laugh

Chapter 13 Attack on Blood City 1

Chapter 13 Attack on Blood Demon City 1

When the Style Rida tribe faced the danger of extinction, the Blood Demon City also faced the first siege of Emperor Yanwu's 800,000 army!

Blood Demon City, the original Dayan City, changed its name to Blood Demon City after World War I!

Emperor Yanwu led 400,000 troops, attacked the north gates of the Blood Demon City, and the North Marshal led 200,000 soldiers, and attacked the south gates of the Blood Demon City. On the east and west sides, there was a 100,000 army to carry out a sting attack!

With 800,000 troops, it is impractical to attack the Blood Demon City, which is garrisoned by 600,000 troops. The grain storage of the Blood Demon City can also support the military and civilians in the Blood Demon City for two years!

And Emperor Yanwu just wanted to consume the energy and city defense equipment of the blood demon army, while waiting for the arrival of Fengyang to implement the plan agreed with him at the beginning!

In the imperial hall of the Blood Demon City, a blood demon will report, "Your Majesty, Emperor Yanwu personally commanded 400,000 troops, attacked the north gate of the city, and the Marshal of Dayan North led 200,000 troops, attacked the south gate of the city, east and west gates, 100,000 troops each!"

"Hahahaha! He finally couldn't help it? I thought he wanted to besiege the city for two years and let the Blood Demon City break itself! It seems that he is also afraid of taking advantage of the Tongtian Empire!"

The Blood Demon Emperor analyzed, "Master, what is the situation of the people sent to the Ironwood Kingdom, and when will your colleagues in the Tongtian Empire take action?"

The blood demon replied, "It will be foolproof to have two colleagues and 1,000 blood demon guards to help the second prince of Tiemu Kingdom!"

"Through secret contact, two colleagues have successfully controlled a team of Tiemu Kingdom, but the training of the blood-domen still needs some blood and time. I believe that in only three months, they will be able to control all the troops of the Tiemu Kingdom!"

"At that time, support the second prince, lead the 300,000 iron army of Tiemu Kingdom, and enter from the rear of Emperor Yanwu. Your Majesty, you will lead the blood demon army to respond and kill out of the city!"

"I will definitely be able to kill him and escape. When Emperor Yanwu fled back to Yantian City, he believed that the colleagues of the Tongtian Empire had already succeeded in anti-government and led the Tongtian army to wait in Yantian City!"

"Before, there was a Tongtian army to block it, and then our blood demon army and iron army chased and killed them. Emperor Yanwu was difficult to fly. At that time, the three armies will unite and enter the Holy Demon Empire. This south is your world!"

"So, we just need to stick to the gate and defend the Blood Demon City in March! Unfortunately, the royal family members of the Holy Demon Empire are all light magicians, and the undeadling maneuver will be exposed as soon as we get close to our colleagues, otherwise, we can save a lot of trouble!"

The Blood Demon Emperor laughed and said, "Master, why are you so virtuous? If all the royal families can control it, how can you bleed? Without bleeding, how can you open the blood seal and let the divine throne come to the world? Since it's all for bleeding, why don't you kill it directly! Hahahaha!"

The blood demon shouted, "Your Majesty is wise!"

At the north gate of the Blood Demon City, thousands of huge siege chariots slowly pushed down the city, and tens of thousands of soldiers pushed and carried various siege equipment behind the chariot.

At the end, there are two larger siege towers, which are the same height as the 30-meter-high wall of the Blood Demon City. On the siege tower, there is a hundred magicians and more than a dozen heavenly strong men protected!

The situation of the south gate of the Blood Demon City is basically the same, and the east and west gates are just deterred by some siege chariots, and even the siege tower has not been launched!

In the Dayan Empire, eachshuai team will have a 100-person magician group, while only three commanders of the Blood Demon Army are regular configurations. The last three commanders are forcibly supplemented, and there is no magician group at all!

Therefore, although the blood demon army has six commanders, there are only three hundred-person magicians. Two-thirds of the 100 magicians of the handsome team are only human-level magicians, far less powerful than the royal magicians composed of all prefecture-level magicians!

Emperor Yanwu has 5 royal 100-person magicians and 7 handsome 100-person magicians, so compared with the magicians, the blood demon army is pitifully weak!

The Royal Magicians Group, originally had more than 430 people, but nearly 70 magic teachers who escaped from the martial arts academy also temporarily added the Royal Magicians Group, and just formed the 5th Royal 100 Magicians with more than 30 people!

This fifth royal magician group has 42 heavenly magicians, which is one of the last trump cards of Emperor Yanwu. It will never be used easily until the end!

The chariot has been pushed to the bottom of the city and entered the attack range of the Blood Devil City. A huge crossbow arrow shot down from the tower like ten thousand beasts!

Each giant arrow has a penetration power of 3,000 catties, which is just an ordinary warrior pulling the bow. If it is a giant arrow that integrates strength, the penetration power will be stronger!

Dayan soldiers all buried their bodies and hid behind the chariot. In an instant, the huge chariot was shot into a giant hedgehog!

The chariot couldn't stop all the crossbows, one after another, rubbed the side of the car and shot the Dayan warrior hiding behind!

A giant crossbow penetrated three or five warriors, and then continued to penetrate deeply into the ground. If it was a plane shot, even ten warriors could penetrate it!

The catapve on the Blood Devil City also began to be powerful. The big stone ignited, and thousands of flints hit the ground like meteors, pulling the tail of fire and hitting the chariot and hitting the soldiers behind the car!

Dayan warriors braved the huge arrow rain, braved the firestones from the sky, and finally advanced to the siege distance. One stone after another, also put on the oil-burning stones and threw them on the tower!

One giant crossbow after another also pulled away the thick bow string and put on the iron-wrapped crossbow. However, it was not shot at the tower, but into the wall. The giant arrows with terrible penetration and deep ** into the wall!

After inserting a certain number, the giant crossbow raised the arrow slightly and shot it into the higher wall. After a certain number, the soldiers lifted the giant crossbow to a high platform, and the high-upholstered crossbow shot it to the higher wall again!

In this way, it will push up slowly. In the end, you can pile up the high platform to the height of the siege tower and shoot directly against the blood demon army on the tower!

A large number of soldiers carried ladders and boards, rushed out from behind the chariot, and erected the ladder on the huge arrows inserted into the wall, while the boards were laid flat on two similar and flat arrows!

Then climbed up the board, raised another layer of arrows, set up a ladder, and spread the board one layer higher, so that layer after layer went to the wall, and set up a siege staircase!

The blood demon warrior who defended the city poured hot oil and water down the city building, set fire to the huge arrows inserted into the wall, and the ladders, tiled boards, and big stones were also constantly thrown!

The Dayan warrior who took the stairs downstairs either was burned by the oil and water, or was ignited by the oil and water on his body, screamed on the ground to extinguish the fire, or was directly hit by a big stone and his head was broken!

Under the city, the catapling car kept throwing flint on the tower, and a flint hit the tower. A blood demon warrior who controlled the giant crossbow continued to burn and ignited the giant crossbow!

Several blood demon warriors quickly came forward to put out the fire, but another flint flew and hit these blood demon warriors who put out the fire. They could no longer care about the burning crossbow. They all rolled to the ground and put out the fire for themselves first!

The hundred-person magicians group on the two siege towers were also divided into several groups and exerted powerful fusion magic. A more than ten-meter-long flame bird took shape, roared loudly and rushed to the tower, lighting an oil pan on the tower!

The fast-burning oil pan had a huge explosion, and the fire oil was everywhere, and the flame bird was not only safe, but also more powerful. It turned around and rushed to the blood demon warriors around. A large number of blood demon warriors rushed around with the fire on their bodies and screamed!

Three heavenly blood magic guards came, and one of them grabbed a burning warrior. His blood bit the soldier's neck and sucked the blood dry. The warrior who became a human was still burning fire and was thrown aside. In a while, he was burned into humanoid ashes!

The blood demon powerfully protected the body, and the three heavenly blood demon guards took action at the same time, working together to stop the flame bird that kept killing and set fire, and the blood-colored power kept cutting out one after another!

The magician who controlled the flame bird did not fight with the blood magic guard at all. The flame bird took off, bypassed the blood magic guard, continued to fly all the way and set fire, and lit an oil pan again. The huge explosion replenished the flame bird! The blood magic guard can only chase after running!

Finally, several heavenly blood magic guards came to surround the flame bird, with strong blood magic power and blood color, so that the firepower of the flame bird was quickly lost!

With a loud sound again, the flame bird directly exploded, and the blood demon guards avoided it one after another. The explosive power was ten times stronger than the oil pot, and more than a dozen giant crossbows were clicked, killing a large number of blood demon warriors!

Thousands of chariots have driven to the bottom of the city. Under the cover of the magicians and catapults on the two siege towers in the rear, a large number of soldiers also drilled out of the chariots, holding ladders and boards. In an instant, the team of ladders became powerful, and some soldiers even climbed to half of the city!

Arrow feathers poured down from the tower like a rainstorm, and a large number of firefighters under the tower were fearless. They raised the boards, held the arrow feathers and firestones on their heads, and continued to build the siege stairs!