Blood God Laugh

Chapter 69 Escape from the Ice

Chapter 69, Escape from the Ice

There is no snow in the north of the far north, and the endless extreme cold air surrounds the world. The ice is harder than steel. The ice surface, ice wall, and even the iceberg reflect the vague figure of Fengyang and his party.

The cold air blowing from time to time made several people tremble. Even if they ate the ice-hearted silkworm, it was not very useful here. Their noses were ice red, and there were drops of nasal ice crystals, making their fingers stiff!

"Is there really anyone living in this damn place?" Yuer asked in a trembling voice. She is a cold-blooded animal with the blood of the snake mythical beast, and now she wants to find a warm nest to hibernate!

"Shh~!" The storm whispered, "Don't wake up the ice giant, otherwise it will be troublesome!"

Where is it? Where is it? Why didn't I see it!" Feng Yang, who realized the power of ice and snow, was not afraid of the cold. Hearing this, the ice and snow giant became excited again and deliberately shouted loudly for fear that the world would not be chaotic!

"You..." The storm was so angry that I really wanted to become an ice giant and slap him to death.

A few days ago, I was suppressed under the iceberg. After coming out, I chased Fengyang for a long time and couldn't catch up with it for a long time, because the wind Yang, which integrates the three series of wind, snow and thunder, is as slippery like a loach in the snow, and the storm can only be stopped.

It was because the storm couldn't help him, and Fengyang had to take an inch and fight against the storm everywhere, which made Jin Jiantian secretly take a breath and finally got rid of the first target!


Perhaps to prove their existence, the ice trembled, and countless small ice cubes collapsed not far away, and there was a loud voice:

"Who dares to break into the forbidden land of God!"

"Damn, the ice giant is really so big!" Feng Yang oiled the soles of his feet and pulled Bai Yi to escape!

"Ah hungry~~~!" The storm made a thick rage. It was Fengyang who caused the trouble, and it was Fengyang who fled the fastest!

Chen Yun was originally a very calm person. No matter who saw it, he would feel particularly safe, but after following Yang for a long time, no matter how heavy he was, he was brought alive a little. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned into a tiger and ran away with Yuer!

After the broken ice fell off, the true face of the iceberg finally appeared. The six-foot-high figure made people look up, and the huge fist unfolded as a big bed for several people!


With one foot, he shook away the broken ice under his giant feet. His ice-blue eyes despised the storm and others. In his eyes, there were only a few people under his feet!

Kong Xi opened his eyes and reached out to hold the shocked Aier and quickly retreated. Jin Jiantian also fled, leaving only the storm alone to face the huge enemy!

"Where are you going? Don't run around!!!" The storm screamed. If you don't run away, you can still stay and reason. Isn't this escape obvious that you are a thief?

Sure enough, seeing Feng Yang and others fleeing, the ice and snow giant immediately became furious. The extremely cold power flowed in the ice-clear body. With a roar, an endless cold current shook out of the ice body and sealed the world!

Fengyang's body in the escape suddenly stopped and maintained the posture of escaping. Bai Yi, who was still holding it in his arms, was instantly attacked like ice. Kong Xi and the three people who escaped the slowest were only frozen in the ice!


The thin ice sheet shook down, and Feng Yang, who regained his freedom, continued to escape without saying a word. The ice giant just made him know that he was definitely no match!

The only thing that was not frozen into the ice was the storm, and shouted nervously, "Lord Shenwei and so on. We are ordered by the goddess to lead the Son of God to the temple without any disrespect!"

"Where is the Son of God?" The loud voice of the ice giant asked with infinite majesty, "Since you came with the Son of God, why did you escape?"

"This..." The storm paused a little.

"I can't tell the reason, but I'm a thief, die!" The ice giant looked up to the sky and sang for a long time, like the sound of birds and beasts spreading far away. The still icebergs trembled, the ice stones fell off, and the whole clan revived!

"My God, why are there so many ice and snow beasts!"

Fengyang, who was running away, was so scared that he shouted "wow". Looking around, the icebergs in the north rarely trembled. While it would take some time for the giant to recover, he rushed north!

The storm waved its hand and crushed the ice stone of the three people in Jin Jiantian and shouted, "Run north, and you will be safe when you get to the temple!"

"Where to escape--!" The ice giant stepped on his feet and smashed his huge fist into the storm!


The ice land is like a water wave, overturning a layer of ice to the eight directions. This is an iceland harder than steel, which shows the powerful violence of the ice giant!

The storm flew back with the raised ice waves, and shouted at the same time, "Ice and snow magic, ice prisoners!"

Four ice walls were raised around the ice giant to trap him, and the storm also fled quickly. A snow giant is not terrible. The terrible thing is that as long as it is delayed for a while, there will be ten, and then there will be 100. If you don't escape, even the world will be smashed into meat cakes!

"The thief dares to use the ice and snow magic in front of my god's guardian family, break it for me!!!"

The extremely cold rushed, and the four ice walls were instantly assimilated into a cold current. Even for a short time, they couldn't hold back the ice and snow giants. They chased after them as soon as they stepped on their feet. The speed was terrible, and such a huge body ran like the wind!

The storm repeatedly avoids the trampling of giant feet with an ice shield, but it is difficult to get rid of it anyway. If the chasing person changes to another one, even the dragon fairy will not want to chase him in this ice!

A giant resuscitated, and the first thing he did when he woke up was a roar, shocking all the extreme cold air inhaled into his body in his sleep.

The three people who ran behind Jin Jiantian were once again sealed by ice cubes. If they hadn't eaten the ice-hearted silkworm, they would have been seriously injured even if they didn't die!

The fierce golden sword spirit shone with tens of golden light and cracked the ice. The rolling fire spewed out of the crack, and the ice melted. The three people of Jin Jiantian had just escaped from the ice. After the storm, they also dragged dozens of ice giants up and shouted as they ran:

"Go quickly--!"

There is no need for storm reminders. Jin Jiantian directly turned into a golden sword and flew away with Kong Xi and Ai'er. The speed was a little faster than the flash of Fengyang!

"Bah, these bastards can run more than one!"

The storm scolded with hatred. As a strong man in the boundary, he certainly runs faster than them, but the problem is that his ice and snow attributes are not very useful at the feet of the ice giant. Now he can't even borrow an ice wall. The ice land has been completely controlled by the ice giant!

"Lord, if we run away like this, they will be all right!" Bai Yi asked worriedly, and his long hair was blown tightly to Feng Yang's chest by the cold air, and his exposed ears were red.

"Hey, don't worry, they don't die so easily!"

"Lord, you did it on purpose!"

"Hey, Sister Yi still knows me. The damn fat man chased me dozens of times that day, and there are tens of thousands of miles to go. This time it's time to revenge!"

Feng Yang laughed and continued to run north, all of which he deliberately provoked to revenge on the storm.


The storm was also deliberately stepped on. The huge foot stepped on the edge of the ice field, giving him infinite help, and an ice ball soared away!


The sound of the rapid space scratching saw a huge slap on the ice ball, but the ice ball instantly turned into an ice cone, penetrated most of the palm, and continued to fly away!


The roar of the ice giant, the cold current in the body surges, and the void in the palm is filled. They are not flesh-blooded life, but pure ice element bodies, just like the ice element elves in the elf forest, but one is huge and the other is miniature!


A huge iceberg rose from the ground and blocked the ice cone. The storm was so anxious that it scolded its mother and shouted, "Ice and snow magic, the ice wind cone!"

The blue light appeared outside the ice cone, and the bone-white wind blade splashed out in the space. The iceberg, which was stronger than steel, was penetrated by the fierce cone, but the ice cone still had time to come out from the other side. The iceberg suddenly fell and collapsed back under the ice!

The dozen ice and snow giants chased after them patted the ice with both hands at the same time. The extremely cold air quickly covered the ice surface like water. The cracks caused by the pulling up and collapse of the iceberg immediately became new, and the motionless green wind ice cone was sealed under the transparent ice land!

trapped the storm, the ice giant left a few people to guard, and the others chased Feng Yang and others. The ice trembled thousands of miles, playing a vast chase!

The ice giant's running on the ice ground seems to have a shrinking effect. The golden sword sky, which originally incarnated as a sword body, took Kong Xi and Ai'er to distance away from the ice and snow giant, but now in addition to the north, seven or eight giants are surrounded from the other three sides!

"Jiantian is rushing over, and they are surrounded!" Kong Xi shouted.

His sad heart fire has no effect on the pure elemental ice giant, and the fire magic is not very effective, and in this far north, the ice giant has endless extreme cold, almost undefeated.

The body of the sword roared, overlapping a heavy sword shadow, and the sound of the sword chant contained the sound of the golden sword sky, "The art of the golden god, the sword shadow is infinite!" Countless swords are everywhere, and the real body is difficult to distinguish!

The ice and snow giant doesn't use magic very much. In addition to the extremely cold air, it is the huge fist and foot. The cold current of each punch and foot can freeze several sword shadows!

The countless ice bodies are preserved with the shining gold of sword shadows, shining the ice body like gold crystals, so magnificent and gorgeous that it seems to last forever!

The sword shadow still escaped dozens of times, and the ice giant chased separately, which proved that they were a little brainless and thought that their real bodies must be in the escaped sword shadow!

As soon as they left, countless sword shadows in the bright ice body shook gently. It was not difficult to break the ice body, because the ice giant did not expect to seal the body of the sword body so easily, so the cold current was not strong.


The sword body slowly came out, and the golden sword returned to the humanoid body. The golden light of the sword tail behind him dissipated, and Kong Xi and Ai'er also appeared.

"What a danger!" Kong Xi exclaimed, "Take risks with the noumenon, Jin Chan is out of the shell, Jiantian, you are much more cunning!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hide your breath, that damn fake woman will really cause trouble!" Jin Jiantian gritted his teeth with hatred, "I think he did it on purpose again!"

"Hmm~!" Kong Xi nodded, "From the speed of his escape reaction, it was indeed premeditated. Ai'er attached a layer of ice and snow to us, and we slowly slipped out!"