Blood God Laugh

Chapter 70 Ice and Snow Temple

Chapter 70, Ice and Snow Temple

The north of the far north is a forbidden place for mortal life. Tens of miles of ice and snow, ordinary people would be frozen to ice sculptures in an instant. If it hadn't been for the embrace of Fengyang, Bai Yi would have been unable to hold on long ago.

His arms are so warm, warming Bai Yi's heart and looking up at his side face slightly. The woman's feeling is the most **, especially looking at her beloved man. She has found some resolute outline. It has been three months since he came out of the Miao nationality, and he has grown up a lot!

Feng Yang in running is like a girl. Originally, he liked to dress up as a girl when he was reborn, but his domineering spirit has begun to appear. In her eyes, he gradually coincided with the demon man in the blood world. She knew that he was a blood element.

Maybe it is the seal of the Lord God. Looking back on the imperial knife that fixed the cliff, when he pulled out the imperial sword, it was the time when the cliff reappeared, and also when the Miao clan regained freedom. Maybe the condition is that he awakened the blood element body!

Bai Yi's idea is infinitely close to the truth. She has incomparable admiration for the demon man in the blood world, and she has endless love for the current Fengyang. But when Feng Yang awakens the blood element body, is he Fengyang or a demon man?

Bai Yi's incomparable contradiction, because she knows that he is not his own, and he shoulders the responsibility of the world. Maybe when he wakes up, it will be when he loses him!

Half of the day since the escape, and the shaking of the ice is getting more and more violent, warning the fleeing Fengyang and Chenyun. The ice and snow giant is behind them. With their escape speed, it is already thousands of miles, and the northern pole should not be far ahead!


Life war tiger howled, and the ten earth tigers evolved, trying to delay the terrible shrinking step of the ice giant with its arm as a car.

Because of the cold in the far north and the warmth on the tiger's back, Yuer has fallen asleep, and her body is slightly twisted, tightly entangling Chen Yun's tiger's back. The thick earth and strong breath of life make her sleep soundly, and the power of nightmare dreams is wrapped outside her body!

Ten earth tigers were instantly frozen into ice sculptures. With a huge foot, the ice body collapsed. The splashed ice is still sealed with tiger heads and tiger claws, which are lifelike. You can see the extreme cold hegemony, and even the shape of magic can be sealed forever!

"Yang Feng, take Yuer first. I'll stay and stop them for a while!" Chen Yunhu shouted, and it was really difficult for him to do anything with the ice and snow giant behind his back.

"Are you full? They can't be beaten to death. I don't want to come back to save you. If Yuer wakes up and can't see you, it must be more terrible than these big people!"

Feng Yang looked back at the chasing giant, his body stopped, stepped on the ground dozens of times, and then continued to run away. The chasing giant suddenly raised an ice wall under his feet and could borrow the power of ice under their control, which was obviously beyond the giant's expectation.


The ice giant was collectively knocked down by the ice wall, and the heavy sound of collapse made the ice tremble a little numb. In the roar of the ice giant, Feng Yang once again opened the distance with a smile.

The top of the pointed tower appears in the field of vision, which looks similar to the Snow God Heavenly Palace. The further north you go, the more shocked the hearts of several people. They do know the Snow God Heavenly Palace, or the Snow God Heavenly Palace is actually a miniature ice and snow temple!

Legend has it that the goddess of ice and snow is the most harshest goddess. One eye can freeze thousands of miles and make people feel cold. The ice and snow temple in front of us is the best proof, a temple formed by icebergs!

"My mother, it's so cold, what a cold temple!"

Fengyang is trembling and excited. Of course, he does not feel really cold, but the pressure given by the temple is a severe cold. Anyone with disrespect will be frozen!

The Yingshen Cliff is more than 3,000 feet high and is regarded as the highest peak in the continent of the Wan Dynasty. Because of its divine power, it is also known as the peak of heaven, but the Wanzhang ice peak in front of it completely hides the glory of the Yingshen Cliff!

The height of ten thousand feet is 165 miles. Except for the steep spire, the whole temple is a relatively uniform pyramid. That is to say, the bottom of the tower occupies 160 miles, which is definitely the most magnificent building of God on the continent!

The Chen Yunhu turned into a tiger with respect and slightly lowered the arrogant tiger's head, otherwise it would be difficult to resist the cold power of the temple!

Looking back, the ice giant has stopped a huge foot a hundred miles away from the temple and turned into a giant ice sculpture in place. With a cold current, icebergs stand one after another.

One of the icebergs, or a small piece of ice on the shoulder of the ice giant, fell off and rolled into a hundred miles like a puck. Then the puck stretched out four feet, making Fengyang and others think that a little giant chased in, but when the ice ball stood up, an image of a fat man appeared!

"Ah, it's finally here. It's really comfortable. I'm sitting on the ice giant. How about you? Are you tired of running?"

"You fat man, why didn't you be trampled to death!"

Looking at the proud face of the storm, Feng Yang didn't fight in a place. He wanted to punish him, but he didn't expect that he would still come by car, but they ran hard for a day!

"Hmm, boy, my external incarnation is still sealed under the ice, which is 30% of my strength. I will calculate your account with you later. You'd better leave some strength to face the test of the temple!"

"What test?" Feng Yang asked that before he came, the storm did not tell him that he would have to be tested when he entered the temple.

"I don't know what the test is. You will know if you try it yourself!" The storm returned irresponsibly.

Bai Yi came down from Fengyang's arms and was obviously more humane than others. He looked around and asked, "Where are the children?"

"Yes, where are the bald spirits?" Feng Yang glared at the fat man and seriously accused him, "Aren't they with you? Where did you leave them?"

Bai Yi's face was already frozen red. Hearing Feng Yang's shameless and bucking accusations, she added a three-point blush to her face.

"You little rabbit, this is not your fault. They were caught by the ice giant and ate them frozen into popsicles. Go to the ice giant's stomach and save them!"

"Oh, if you are eaten, just eat it. You can live the same life without them. Maybe there are treasures in the temple, and you can share them less!"

"Puff!!!" Several other people really want to spray blood, have seen cold-blooded people, and have never seen such a ruthless and unintentional cold-blooded and extremely selfish person as Feng Yang!

Feng Yang shrugged his shoulders and his mouth, "What's wrong? If you are worried, go back and save it. I didn't stop you!"

"No, we're coming. We can't die. Baby, we'll take half of it!" Another few ice balls rolled down from the shoulders of the iceberg giant, and the three golden swords were intact!

"Well, I know you're not dead. The lives of bitches are generally very hard!"

"You--well, you won!" Jin Jiantian was furious and immediately closed his heart, because the pressure of the temple was too heavy, and he must offset the cold power with wholehearted respect!

"Ah?" Feng Yang was stunned. He didn't expect Jin Jiantian's temper to suddenly become so good. "It's so boring, fat man, how can you enter this ice and snow temple?"

"I don't know!" The storm simply replied forcefully, "Only when I was selected as the heir, the current God brought me here once. At that time, I was young and I couldn't remember it clearly!"

"Bah!" Feng Yang despised, "Ghosts believe, not to say pull down, I'll find my own way!"

The whole picture of the ice and snow temple is in front of us, but the actual distance is still a hundred miles. This hundred miles of wind Yang walked carefully. Since the storm said there was a test, there was a certain danger and had to be prevented. As a result, there was no danger all the way to the temple!

"Fat, didn't you say there was a test?"

"I didn't say it was outside!"

"Then why didn't you say it just now!"

"You are very serious and careful when exploring the way. I can't bear to disturb you!"

"You fat man, you are so big and round, and your heart is as small as a needle!"

"The eye of the needle can hurt people!"

"Bah!" Feng Yang stopped talking and observed the appearance of the temple. They didn't find a door all the way, and they didn't see it on the stacked towers in turn, so he asked:

"Fat, where is the entrance?"

"I don't know!"

"I don't know this or that. What did you bring us here?" Feng Yang questioned.

"I don't know!" The storm is still so firm and answers questions, "Only you can open the door of the temple here!"

"Forget it, I ask you for nothing, a fool who grows fat but doesn't grow a brain!" After scolding, Feng Yang also raised his chin provocatively, knowing what the storm did not dare to take him under the temple!

"Go to the door, this should be the first test!" The storm smiled and was in a good mood.

"Look for it!"

I touched a path along the ice wall of the tower of the temple, which is a solid billion... Hundreds of ice years, and then stepping on the ice land under your feet, the temple and this ice land should be integrated. Looking back at the icebergs turned into ice giants hundreds of miles away, Feng Yang concluded:

"There is no door. We have come in. The first floor is this hundred miles of ice!"


As soon as the words fell, the ice shook. Feng Yang quickly retreated and slowly raised an iceberg not far from the tower. At first, he couldn't see anything. After the iceberg emerged ten feet from the ice, he was shocked to see the real face of the iceberg. He was the ice giant, a giant ice giant!

The 30-foot ice body is full of cold power, which is of course small compared with the Wanzhang Temple, but the figure of Fengyang and others is equally small compared with giants.

The giant skull lowered and looked at the wind Yang Longyin and said:

"I am the ice and snow god, the guardian god of the temple, and I accept your challenge!"

"Wait, when did I challenge you?" Feng Yang asked in shock.

"Defeat this general, and you can open the door of the real temple!"

"You claim to be a god general. How can I fight with you!" Fengyang is not a person who can't measure himself. Even if he incarnates a dragon body, he will be held as a little loach by the giant in front of him**!