Blood God Laugh

Chapter 102 Wedding Preparation

Chapter 102, Wedding Preparation

"The wedding is the most grand, and the whole iron city will be full of red colors and banquets..." Feng Yang shouted at his request.

"I'm not in a hurry. The Iron City is too big and unstaffed!" Xiaowanzi shook the fat meat, "Besides, you have invited too many people. You will eat Tiecheng's storage for a year at a banquet, and you still eat and drink wildly for three days and nights. God, Tiecheng doesn't have to eat for ten years!"

"Not enough manpower? Then you can just lose weight!" Feng Yang despised Xiaowanzi's huge fat, "In addition, as long as you don't eat or drink, it's enough for Iron City to eat for eight years!"

"You, you are insulting. I'm going to strike!"

Strike? All right, I'll invite another smart!"

"slow! If you want to change someone, Iron City won't have to eat for 30 years!"

"Then did you pick it up?"

"I'll pick you up, you prodigal son!" Xiaowanzi angrily popped up the marshal's mansion.

"Oh, next is the distinguished Master Clad. When will the gem bed I ordered be completed?" Feng Yang's face is full of expectation.

"You have a good idea. It's five feet long and three feet wide. It's okay to sleep dozens of people. Are you laying the floor, and I don't see a gem..." Master Clad was speechless.

"Can't Iron City even take out this gem?"

"This point? So many gems can build a swimming pool!"

"Well, let's make the specifications smaller, one ten feet long and five feet wide. Gemstones, someone will send them!"

"When will it be delivered?"

"Two days later! When will it be finished?

"The materials are complete, only two days..."

"Good! Now it's a matter of welcoming relatives. Gold coins must be laid for me from the Palace of Mississippi City to the Marshal's Mansion, and..."

Every word of Fengyang is full of vulgar luxury, and the leaders of the wedding are completely numb. There is no trace of emotion and romance in this jeweled wedding.

In any case, this is the wedding of Feng Dashuai. Iron City temporarily suspended the endless construction, devoted himself to extravagance and waste, and unanimously agreed that gold is used to step on!


The women are all in Mississippi City, Lu'er, Lisha, Meixuan, Long Yingying, etc. From this perspective, this wedding is romantic and beautiful.

At this moment, Mississippi City is a passionate and red world. No matter what kind of vegetation, it is full of red flowers, which is of course a masterpiece of green.

Friel is responsible for the most beautiful wedding dress, the most touching dance, Meixuan directs the most wonderful vocal music, and Long Yingying prepares the most luxurious dowry.

But they have their own ideas.

Starting with the most beautiful wedding dress, Fulill also prepared one for herself. I don't know if her false name with Fengyang will eventually come true.

The most touching dance, demon women standing still are the most ** witches, but this time the beautiful sa sa sa have to be choreographed with purity to touch the heart.

The mermaid's voice is already the most beautiful vocal music. Meixuan wants to sing the love of the sea. The calm sea is boundless tenderness, the waves are the endless enthusiasm, and the waves are the infinite ** of the sea.

Even as the Dragon Emperor, Long Yingying is still obsessed with gold, silver and jewelry. The most luxurious dowry is actually for her to take advantage of the fire and enrich her own pockets. All the dragon clans have been captured by her.

And quiet Bai Yi, although the wedding was held for Vernina, she didn't mind and knitted the whitest wedding dress for herself and wore it for him.

Vernina is beautiful. Her soon-to-married daughter accompanies her father and mother. Although Mississippi City and Iron City are very close, marriage is ultimately a kind of separation and becomes the wife of another family!

Everything is being prepared in an orderly manner, and the soldiers of the Southern League are also on their way home one after another. After a three-year truce, there will definitely be many weddings and a new generation of children, perhaps the last generation.


Although the hundred races are in a truce, the bloody war has not completely stopped.

There was a dead silence in the mountains, and there was no sound of birds and beasts. A surviving gren rat drilled its head out of the tree hole and looked left and right, and its eyes were covered with blood.

The blood claws sent the rat to the mouth, sucking it very thoroughly, and the blood eyes are shining. In front of them are countless blood-catching people, human beings and aliens. This is the blood demon's military camp.

The demon array was broken, and nearly half of the blood demons were annihilated by hundreds of clans. Of course, the three blood elements were finally killed, but their number is still large and their strength is still strong.

The truce of the hundred races is the last thing the blood demons want to see. Several blood demons are plotting to disturb the current peace and provoke the war of the hundred races again, but a voice interrupted their conspiracy:

"Hahahaha, such a big plan, how can it not be witnessed by my Yang Er?"

"Is that you? Didn't you kill Feng Yang?"

The blood demon emperor stared, and Yang Er in front of him changed a lot. His deep eyes added a little more strangeness to him, and his slender body exuded a bloodthirsty desire.

"Did you see me killed with your own eyes?"

"Hahahaha, since you have escaped Feng Yang's capture, you must come to discuss how to regain the position of bloody handsome!"

"What's your strategy?"

"Join us, the bloody demon army from all directions is more practical than being a nominal commander of the southern region. Your ability is not weaker than Fengyang, and the Lord attaches great importance to you. If you nod, the Lord will give you infinite soul power. With our help, you will kill Fengyang!"

"Hahahaha, the nonsense is over, you can die!"

The blood wind hit, and the wind and blood array composed of more than a thousand bat wings and blood ghosts have besieged several blood demons. At the same time, the army of bleeding ghosts on all sides of the mountains and fought with the blood demon army.

"You deliberately delayed the time. Are you enslaved by Feng Yang?" The Blood Demon Emperor asked.

"Haha, haha..." Yang Er laughed wildly, "No one can enslave me Yang Er, but Feng Yang and I have been my brother. He is my eldest brother, and you are the betrothal gifts on his wedding day!"


Not only did Yang Er die, but Black Wind Maiqi did not die, and he regained his freedom, but he was not as free as Yang Er. He was forced by Feng Yang to make a contract and became Feng Yang's magic dragon mount.

And the magic dragon family needs to make a lifelong contract with a southern warrior who will never eat the master. These soldiers are called magic dragon warriors!

Now Black Wind Maiqi is very angry. He is not angry about becoming the mount of Fengyang, because his contract is time-limited, and freedom can be restored after the end of the war of extermination.

Everyone knows that the dragons love money. The reason why Black Wind Maiqi is very angry is that Feng Yang asked him to hand in 30,000 top gems, and all his treasures add up to less than 10,000.

So he could only plunder his descendants of the dragons, and every dragon cave was searched by him. Although these dragons are not old, none of them are poor. If the dragons hatch, it will take a hundred years.

Ten years of bloody battle, the dragons openly robbed and robbed. Each hole was full of gold, silver and jewelry, but the quality was not a little worse. They plundered all the dragon holes, and the superior gems were still less than 20,000.

With extreme heartache, Black Wind Maiqi turned into an old man in black and walked into the marshal's mansion.


The gobster king is a guest in the commander's mansion, and Fengyang is a good hospitality, because the gobsters are also famous for being stingy and born with thieves. It is not easy to take advantage of them.

"Dear Lord, the magic magnetic cannon you invented is really powerful. If it hadn't been for your help that day, I wouldn't have captured Yang Er so easily. It's really admirable!"

Feng Yang's words are a little sincere. The power of the magic magnetic cannon can be large or small. The larger the gun body, the stronger it is. If there is enough human and material resources, it can be as strong as divine power!

However, this power is neither magic nor magic power, not even magic array, and is not limited by the disaster of heavenly anger, because it is a natural force between heaven and earth.

When Iron City casts the Tongtian Tower, the gobump king accidentally found that steel emitted a large number of restless gold elements when it was extremely hot and melted, and friction and collided with each other to produce a special force similar to lightning.

The earth spirit king called this power the magic magnet power, and then secretly tested it for several years.

Accelerating the speed of steel melting with special catalysts, limiting the restless gold elements to a small sealed space, causing them to produce a strong magic force.

The powerful force has caused countless explosions, killing a large number of ground beers in the experiment, and the god of gods of war has been buried alive countless times.

After experiments, explosions, countless failures, it finally succeeded, stabilized the magic magnetic power, and gave birth to the magic magnetic cannon!

This is the greatest pride of the govous king, especially when he hears the praise of Feng Yang. He feels that he has a divine aura above his head. He is the great god of govities!

"Gaga-ga!" The proud laughter is so unpleasant, "Fireworks are prepared, the gosman drops bear all, the divine throne is born, the great gosman king, Mr. Nas on the tree, the god position, the god drops!"

"The god of the gods?" Fengyang looked at him strangely.

"Yes, the god of the god!" The goin king was excited and looked forward to Feng Yang's affirmative answer.

"The god..."

Fengyang is speechless. There is no goblin in the position of the gods. Moreover, the power of magic magnetism is the power of nature, not the evolution of rules, and it is not the master of the goblin king himself. How can he be a god?

"What's the matter?" The Ggod King is anxious.

"1, without this divine position, second, you don't have the power of any rules, and you can't accept the fusion of divine crystals at all."

As a god, you can never promise what you can't do, but Feng Yang knows the temperament of the gobster and has his own way to satisfy the gobster king.

"But I can unite with the two immortals and gods, tell the world, and make you shit on the goblin king tree as the goblin god. You don't have to wait for the throne to come to the world, you can do it now!"

"Are you serious?" The gobron king was surprised that what he wanted was not immortality, but just a name to satisfy his strong vanity.


So in this era of the fall of the gods, the first god rose!