Blood God Laugh

Chapter 103 Welcome, Real Body Welcome

Chapter 103, separate to welcome guests, real body to welcome

The Iron City is a group of natural peaks, reflecting the unique black light of steel, an unshakable earth, and an unconquerable power of heaven.

But today, all the peaks are covered with fiery ribbons and red balls.


Of course, it is not joy. This is an 800-mile peak of blood and fire, which is as domineering as blood and burning as enthusiasm as fire.

There are nine main gates in the north and nine main gates in the east of the iron city. Eighteen gates welcome guests, and there are endless visitors.

For good, Fengyang does have the skill of splitting. The 18 splits of the Blood Hall of the Shuai Mansion have been revived, all dressed in big red robes, with joy and prestige, just divided into 18 main gates on the northeast.

"The Protoss come to congratulate!"

Headed by Jin Chiya, the other four departments went to the god king. Of course, Jin Jiantian, Kong Xi and Chen Aier also arrived.

"The Protoss celebrated his marriage. Today, he saw the power of the Iron City, and he was indeed the first hero city in the mainland!" Jin Chi Cliff sighed.

"Haha, no matter how good my iron city is, it is also an immovable iron pimple. How can it be compared with the five elements of the divine city?"

A modest question, Feng Yang received another praise, "The five elements of the mainland is suspended in the air, and the five elements of the sky array are connected to the sky, and the bottom can escape from the earth. That is the real first divine city of the continent!"

"The blood handsome is modest. The divine gift is the five elements of the heavenly array. I will join hands with the four god kings to laid the five elements of the iron city. Although it can't reach the five elements of heaven, it also has three points and five elements of divine power!"

"Good! Sure enough, it's a big gift!"

Feng Yang was overjoyed and ordered loudly, "Wang eight salutes, welcome the Protos! Please!"

The Protoss can be greeted by eight salutes, which is extremely expensive as a guest, and Jin Chiya is very satisfied.


The gift of welcoming guests in the Iron City, three sounds as guests, six sounds as guests, and eight sounds as guests are extremely expensive.

The guests of the five rings are the guests of the host family, that is, the Southern Alliance is the gift of the five rings, and the supreme honor of the nine rings of the Lord. Today, the only team can enjoy the gift of nine rings.

"The immortals come to congratulate you!"

"I just heard you boast about the five elements of the heavenly city of the Protoss, and my fairy island is not weak. On the sea and the sky, it is ethereal with the wind, and the spirit of immortals can be pregnant with ordinary grass!"

Today's jade fairy clothes are dressed, and the red veil is light, floating. Chen Yun is also dressed in a dress, and the spirit is extraordinary. All the immortals are like immortals coming down to the earth.

"Immortal Emperor, Silver Snow Jade!"

"Immortal Emperor, Chen Yun!"

"Congratulations on the bloody marshal's wedding!" All the immortals speak with one voice.

"Hahahaha, Yuer, when did you learn to be so polite? What about the cow's nose?"

"Today is the day of your wedding. Naturally, you can't lose your etiquette. Niu Zulao has some insights on the road to communication, and the opportunity is rare, so you can't come. I hope you can understand!"

"It's really uncomfortable to talk to you like this. It doesn't matter whether the cow's nose comes or not. The gift will be done. The handwriting of the immortal clan will not be smaller than the Protoss, otherwise I can only sing a six-sounding salute!"

"You...!" Yuer was angry and tore off her disguise. "Okay, Fengyang, do you think you are handsome in the southern region now?"

"Ah, Yuer, you finally come to your senses!" Feng Yangru was relieved, "You just dreamed of talking, which made me very worried."

"You are despicable and shameless!"

Yuer completely recovered her nature and threw away a fairy bag. "This is ten thousand immortal species gathered with aura. I believe your three wives and four concubines will like it, dead men, and they don't welcome you!"

"Hahahaha, ten thousand immortal species are enough to open up a fairy island. It's a good gift, and it's really a great gift!" Feng Yang's villain was proud, "Quickly sing eight salutes and welcome the immortals!"

"Hmm, a profit-oriented villain!" Despising Fengyang, Yuer led the immortals into the city.


I received a lot of luxury gifts, and of course, there are also those who can't afford luxury gifts. The brigade came with chariots and horses, and the famous gift officials shouted, "Tiemu Kingdom is here to congratulate you!"

"King of Tiemu Kingdom, Tie Yuwen, Queen and Zhang Qian, congratulate the bloody handsome wedding!" Tie Yuwen's face was a little embarrassed, while Zhang Qian's face was full of anger.

"Ah, how did Brother Tie quarrel with his sister-in-law?" Feng Yang has doubts.

"You just quarreled!" Zhang Qian said angrily, "You vampire, Tiemu Kingdom has been blackmailed. This is the last batch of Tiemu Kingdom. Since then, Tiemu Kingdom has changed its name to Guangmu Kingdom!"

"Vampire? The name is very good, very suitable for someone!" Feng Yang Yunwei asked again for a while, "When did I blackmail Tiemu Kingdom?"

"Fifteen years ago!" Zhang Qian was about to scream.

"No way!" Feng Yang was shocked, "The ten thousand gold coins and Tiemu Kingdom have not been paid off yet?"

"Gan back your head!" Zhang Qian was about to cry, "Your stand-in Yang Er was unreasonable and forcibly plundered. There are hundreds of towers in the Iron City that are built of iron wood. Not only the Iron Wood Kingdom, but also other countries are also plundered. Otherwise, there is no such power of your Iron City today. He is a vampire!"

"Well, I think so. This title is very suitable for him. In the future, he will be called vampire lord!" Feng Yang proudly arranged the title for Yang Er, "But he has been taught a lesson by me. Of course, this 81-city of Tiecheng also has a city of Tiemu Kingdom, which is completely autonomous and can be handed over after my marriage."

"Real autonomy?" Tie Yuwen was happy. The Ironwood Kingdom was already nominal, and this king was far less majestic than the lord of the Iron City.

"Complete autonomy!"

Feng Yang is very serious, "Each country in the Southern League has a city, but your Tiemu country should not be abandoned. If the battle of extinction is passed safely, the real treasure is enough for your Tiemu country to reproduce its majesty!"

"This is the secret of my Tiemu Kingdom. No one knows except the kings of all dynasties. How do you know?" Tie Yuwen asked in shock, with a wary face.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't think about that thing, and I can remind you that iron wood is born from water and soil, the body of gold and wood, the five elements seem to lack fire, but Vajra melts in the fire and also in the fire, Mo Bai... Forget it, just understand!"

"What are you talking about, what treasure, and what does it have to do with Mo Bai?" Zhang Qian was a little anxious.

"It's okay. I just want to say that Mo Bai has found a good relationship, hahahaha!" Feng Yang was afraid that the world would not be chaotic and deliberately provoked the complex relationship of several people.

Is that right? I haven't seen him for a long time..."

"Wong the gift of the family, welcome to Tiemu!"


18 bodies welcomed guests at various gates, and the Southern Alliance came together. The two races of immortals and gods came to congratulate, and many of the hundreds of clans also came to congratulate. At this time, Fengyang Zhen had arrived at the city of Mississippi.

Looking back on the way, Feng Yang really did what he said. A golden road of gold coins was paved all the way, and the welcoming team was even more exaggerated. Eight hundred gold armored warriors, even the horses were covered with gold!

Besides, the welcoming music team is wearing a big red wedding dress, but the loudspeaker is gold, and the gongs and drums are gold, which is really vulgar.

Fengyang's mount is even more vulgar. The black-horned Xuanniu wears purple and gold armor and pulls a gem wedding car. It is pearly and extremely luxurious. As the groom, he wears a red robe and is wrapped in a golden dragon.

"The general of Tiecheng came to welcome his family. Why don't you open the door quickly!" The ceremonial officer shouted at the gate.

"The princess has an order. If the general Jin Dao comes, please Jin Dao to return!" The guard responded harshly.

"Hahaha, this is a good sentence. I will return home, but after welcoming the princess, I will open the door, otherwise I will grab the marriage!" Feng Yang is fierce.

"The princess has an order. If the marshal insists on robbing the marriage, then..." The guard was frightened by Feng Yang.

"How about it?" Feng Yang is even more fierce.

"Open the door!" The guard is soft.

"Hahahaha, it's really knowledgeable, reward!" Feng Yang is overjoyed.

The ceremonial officer threw a space ring at the tower, and the general's reward was of course generous.

"Okay, let's go and grab the kiss!"

"slow down!"

After receiving the gift, the guard became strong again. "The princess has an order, so she has to enter alone and spread the golden road at the ceremony door to the royal palace without any skill!"

"What!" Feng Yang was stunned. If so, didn't he become a loose gold boy?

"If the general does not obey, the princess will not marry!"

"From! Bring the gold!"

Fengyang rode and spread the Golden Light Avenue in person. It is easy to do it outside the ceremony gate. As soon as you enter the ceremony gate, the wind Yang is full of people. The whole road is full of people and the water can't be drained. How can this Golden Light Avenue be paved?

"Make way for me!"

No one wavered. Feng Yang was about to face each other in anger and forcibly opened the way. The sea of people said in unison: "The princess has an order. If the commander is strong, the princess will not marry!"

"Then please exalt it!" Feng Yang lost his temper.

"Please raise your feet!" Lift a foot, spread a lot of gold, and move forward slowly like a turtle.

"Please lift your feet!" Feng Yang has hated the gold coins in his hand.


The wind and Yang slowly paved the golden road in the beautiful city of Mississippi with birds, flowers and flowers, but the sun outside the city is scorching. The sun is several times bigger than before, like hanging on the head.

The waiting welcome team was hot, sweating profusely, and suffering from white water.

At this time, dozens of ceremonial women came out of the ceremony door, wearing a fluttering colorful yarn, holding agar jade liquid, splitting flowers and brushing willows and Lingbo, which is as beautiful as a dream.

Beauty jade cup, the welcoming team can have a heroic posture, how can they resist?

If you meet sweet rain in the fierce sandbar, you will drink one after another. The agar will be cool and transparent, and the jade liquid will be frozen. One by one, your hearts and souls will be captured. The more you follow the beauty, the farther you will be, and the whole army will be destroyed.

Look at the huge hot sun, which suddenly shrank. There is still a normal day after the scorching sun. The shrinking scorching sun turns into a human form and falls into a fool.

"Sister, I want to drink too!"

"Drink your head, you will be enchanted, right?" Blonde beauty, Long Yingying stared at Jinguang Avenue with golden eyes, "Come and collect this golden road with me. This gem wedding car is also mine!"

"What a good baby!" Holding the wedding car and drooling, Long Yingying fantasized, "If Brother Feng marries me with the Golden Avenue and the gem wedding car, I will definitely agree!"

"Oh?" The person who came was Lisha. It was the demon woman who just took away from the brigade. "You don't want to marry your brother Feng, are you? If you have gems and come with thousands of precious descendants, will you marry or not?"

"You talk nonsense!" Long Yingying was angry, "If you want to marry Brother Feng!"

"Gig..." Lisha covered her mouth and smiled, "The people who want to marry him are in line. I don't know what year and month it's your turn. I think the stupid two are good, and I won't grab the treasure with you. Let's do it!"

"I don't want the royal sister, I want Ziyi!"

Before Long Yingying had time to refute, the fool had already strengthened his position, but she was so angry that she suddenly turned into a dragon and swallowed the whole gem wedding car.