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Chapter 144 Underestimated the rebels

Xuanyuanhong finally cheered up and was ready to do a lot of work. In the past few days, I am also satisfied with my achievements. Although his emperor only ordered these things, and then all the people below did it. But this leader is like this. No matter who made his performance, as long as it is his own order, even if he has not taken any action on this matter, in the end, he will do it well and his own merit. As for the people who work below, it is to give some material rewards. Fame and so on always belong to the leader.

For many years, I finally got a merit. I felt that the position of the emperor has finally made some value. Of course, Xuanyuanhong's heart is very excited. How can he allow others to say something bad for his achievements? Therefore, he still didn't listen to Chen Shangshu finish his words, so he couldn't stand it and wanted to be punished.

That Chen Shangshu is really wronged. It's really unlucky to just want to report something and lose your official position. Seeing that the emperor wanted to give his official position and let himself return to his hometown, Chen Shangshu howled for a while, and Xuanyuanhong also ignored it and was still immersed in his achievements.

Liu Taishi stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to play."

"If Aiqing wants to say something about the expedition of our Western Camp, don't say anything. I have made up my mind, and I will set off tomorrow to calm down the chaos. Xuanyuan Hongduan is ambitious, just like the one who has just ascended the throne. It's also that I haven't done a serious job for many years. Nowadays, if there is anything to do, it also inspires the masculinity in him.

"In response to the emperor, what Weichen wants to say is not about the Western Camp army. Weichen has no objection to the date of the emperor's expedition. What Weichen wants to say is about Lord Chen. Liu Taishi Dao.

Xuanyuanhong looked at Chen Shangshu and said to Liu Taishi, "This man speaks nonsense without thinking. This is said in my hall, in my army of the Western Camp, which is going to go on an expedition, and it is not the morale of my army! How can such a person be the secretary of the Ministry of War? Wang Aiqing, I don't know how you, the head of hundreds of officials, look at people and use people!?"

When Wang Ye saw that Chen Shangshu was unlucky, he was involved in himself and scolded the unlucky man in his heart. He quickly bent down and said, "I have poor supervision and have lost my duty. Please convict the emperor."

Xuanyuanhong waved his hand and said, "Forget it. You have done a good job in what I gave you this time, and I haven't rewarded you. How can I convidict you now? If so, it won't chill my subjects. Just pay more attention in the future."

"I suffer from benevolence. My Minister, thank you very much, your Majesty.

Chen Shangshu was not promoted by Wang Ye, but by Liu Taishi. That is to say, Chen Shangshu is not a member of Wang Ye's side, not a member of Wang Ye. Liu Taishi said something to save him at this time, which also explained the location of Chen Shangshu.

The Liu Taishi said again, "Go back to the emperor. Although what Lord Chen said was inappropriate, it did not mean what the emperor thought. Chen Shangshu's words have not been finished. It's not too late to ask Lord Chen to finish his words.

"Do you mean what you said, or did I wrong it before? Am I still wrong?" Xuanyuanhong is the same as the general emperor and the same leader. They are all unwilling to admit that they are wrong, even if they are really wrong. This is not their own fault, but other people's reasons.

Liu Taishi quickly said, "How could Weichen mean this? Your Majesty, you are the son of heaven. Of course, you can't be wrong. Weichen means that you haven't finished listening to Chen Shangshu's words. It's not too late for you to make a final determination. To talk to the royals, you have to be careful. One word is wrong. It may make you move your head and head in a different place. You should not only follow his meaning, but also let him understand the meaning of it. It really requires both a bear's paw and a fish. Therefore, it is true that accompanying a king is like a tiger.

"Then I will listen to him finish his words. If you still don't satisfy me after saying that, then don't blame me for being ruthless. You don't have to say anything." Xuanyuanhong said to the trembling Chen Shangshu who was kneeling on the ground, "If you have anything to say, go on."

Chen Shangshu got the emperor's words and dared not raise his head and said, "Go back to the emperor's words. Weichen did not want to let the emperor's army not go to the coastal state to calm down the chaos. But Weichen just got it this morning, 800 miles to expedite the military situation. It came from Naluo River. According to the military situation, the rebels in Luwang City, after recruiting a large number of exiles in Amnesty State, the whole rebel army grew a lot. He has left Amnesty State and went to Nagucheng.

Xuanyuanhong was shocked when he heard the words, "What!? The rebels acted so fast!? In the military situation, it has been said that how many exiles have joined the rebel ranks. How long did the rebels go to Gucheng!? What's the situation in Gucheng!? The defenders of Gucheng defended Gucheng!?"

As an emperor, even if he is usually mediocre, he is addicted to wine and sex, and ignores the government. But I don't dare to be careless about this issue related to the change of owner. After all, this country is your own, so you can have this condition and play with this capital. At this time, Xuanyuanhong was the stupid appearance before the great reform. After a series of questions, he looked like a famous man who did his best for national affairs.

The civil and military officials in the hall were also shocked after listening to Chen Shangshu's report. Suddenly, the voice of talking about things spread in the hall.

After listening to the emperor's series of questions, Chen Shangshu also knew the emperor's mood at this moment. For the sake of his own future and destiny, he did not dare to neglect it. He quickly replied: "Gry back to the emperor. In the military situation, it was only said that three or five exiles had joined the rebels, but they did not say how many people. It has been two days since the rebels went to Gucheng. The defenders of Gucheng are not the opponents of this rebel at all. They have been beaten back to Gucheng by the rebels. Now the situation in Gucheng is that it has been surrounded by the rebels. The remaining defenders of Gucheng are all surrounded in the city. The rebels may attack Gucheng at any time.

As soon as Chen Shangshu's words came out, the civil and military officials in the hall were all in an uproar. The officials of the Xuanyuan court also knew that the rebel incident was very serious, but they did not expect it to be so serious. A few days ago, Amnesty State was captured, and now it is about to take Gucheng. You should know that this Shizhou and Gucheng are in the eastern coastal areas of the Xuanyuan Empire, but they are big cities. In order to prevent the invasion of small overseas countries, there are also many defenders. But I didn't expect that the rebels were so powerful that they would soon take down the two big cities in a few days.

It is also when there is no defense that this amnesty state city has been taken down. After all, the rebellion of this rebel army was unknown and reprehivable before. However, within a few days, the aunt city was besieged again and may be taken down at any time. The people of this aunt city are all in water and fire. It can be seen that this rebellion is very serious. It's not as simple as previously expected.

Xuanyuanhong was also written by Chen Shangshu. The report was shocked. He thought that the rebels were still in the amnesty state at most, after all, the rebellion had not happened for a few days. Moreover, the number of rebels will not be very large. At most, it is just the defenders who were originally placed in Amnesty State, but they did not expect that there would be so many exiles to join the rebels. The strength of the rebels has increased a lot.

At this moment, Xuanyuanhong is confident in himself, and the confidence of the army that is about to go out has decreased a lot. Originally, in Xuanyuanhong's view, his Wang Shiyi was right. Those rebels may have surrendered without fighting. But now after listening to Chen Shangshu's report, it's not like this at all. The number of rebels is about to exceed the number of their Western battalions that will go on an expedition tomorrow. Moreover, the war is still so brave, and they are all fearless. In just a few days, they took down their two big cities.