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Chapter 145 The Great Army Expedition

People are always like this. The greater the hope for one thing, the greater the disappointment that comes with it. Therefore, someone said that before doing everything, don't keep big expectations for this matter, just treat it with a normal heart. At this moment, Xuanyuanhong deeply understood this. Of course, even if he has such a feeling in his heart, he will not think of such a truth.

Xuanyuanhong was silent for a moment and said to the officials in the hall, "Your love, what do you want to say about this rebel's attack on Gucheng?"

Seeing the emperor asking questions, the officials of this hall also stopped in the discussion. As the head of the hundred officials, of course, he will be the first to stand up and speak at this time. Wang Ye bent down and said to Xuanyuanhong, "I will return to the emperor. Weichen thought that everything in the Western Camp Army had been dealt with. All the expedition matters are also ready. Your Majesty, you will also set out for the army tomorrow. Since everything is set, it is not appropriate to change it, otherwise it will hurt morale. Since the rebels of Luwangcheng have already hit Gucheng, the emperor will order this army to go straight to Gucheng tomorrow. First, the main force of the rebels was all there, just to calm the chaos, and secondly, it was able to save the lives of the people and soldiers of the city. Two birds with one stone, and not the best?"

"What Aiqing said is indeed reasonable. It's not that I didn't think I should do this. However, listening to this military situation, the number of rebels was as many as 50,000 to 60,000. They were all the defenders previously arranged by the imperial court in Amnesty. They were all regular troops of our court. Combat effectiveness, weapons and so on are no worse than that of the Western Camp. And now there are 40,000 to 50,000 exiles who have joined the rebels. Now there are more than 100,000 rebels, and they are extremely brave in fighting. I'm worried that the Western Camp army will set out to calm the chaos tomorrow. I don't know if I can beat the rebels. Xuanyuanhong was ambitious before, but he hated the army of the Western Camp. Now he went to the coastal amnesty state to destroy the rebels in one fell swoop. Let yourself achieve a great career, so that future people will not say that they are a faint king when they mention themselves.

After listening to Xuanyuanhong's words, Liu Taishi said, "I will return to the emperor. Weichen thought that although the rebels were large and fought bravely, they were not irresistible.

That's what Xuanyuanhong wants to hear at this moment, which is the kind of words that can solve the problem and enable him to achieve great career. So he quickly asked, "What's wrong with Aiqing?"

"When I return to the emperor, there is no clever plan for Weichen. I, the king of the Xuanyuan court, don't need a plan to calm down the rebels. Your Majesty, think about it, although the number of rebels is large, half of them are composed of the exiles. These exiles can't eat enough, and they are as orderly and powerful as a regular army when fighting. Some of them are just a brute force, and there is no way to say. The rebels are powerful, and it is impossible to train these peasants who only knew before to face the loess into the regular army in just a few days. So although the number of rebels seems to be more than us, it is not enough to compare. Liu Taishi Dao.

This analysis of Liu Taishi's words is very reasonable. Not only is Xuanyuan Hong satisfied, but also his sworn in Wang Ye feel very good.

"Ain addition. Our court sent troops to calm the chaos. That's just right. Lu Wangcheng rebelled, and he was a traitor. Since ancient times, evil has been invincible. Our teacher has become famous. On this morale, we have defeated the rebel. After saying some familiar words with those exiles who joined the rebels and promising to surrender without killing, Weichen dared to assert that there would be a large number of exiles returning to our side. In Weichen's opinion, those exiles joined the rebels because they didn't have enough to eat. In order to survive, they joined the rebels. If we promise to surrender and not kill, we will stay if we are willing to stay. If we don't want to, we will go home by ourselves. Don't worry about the rebels and collapse? Liu Taishi is full of confidence. But what is said is indeed practical.

Xuanyuanhong laughed after listening to Liu Taishi's analysis. He clapped his hands repeatedly and said, "Liu Taishi is worthy of being a capable minister of our Xuanyuan empire. I was still afraid of the rebels just now. Now that I have heard what Master Liu said, the fear in my heart has gone completely. Now it seems that this rebel is just a tiger made of white paper. It looks fierce, but in fact it can't stand the beating. That's it! Tomorrow, the army will set off and go to that aunt's city to calm the chaos!"

Wang Ye came forward and said, "The emperor said that the rebels were like paper tigers, but they were good. The rebels had just started and did not encounter any substantial obstruction. A momentum was unstoppable. So we can't be careless either. As the saying goes: proud soldiers will be defeated. You have to be careful not to underestimate the rebel. After all, although half of the rebels are exiles, there are also half of our Xuanyuan court, the original army. This power should not be underestimated.

"Wang Aiqing's words are also reasonable. I am not afraid of the rebels, but I will not easily underestimate the rebels. However, no matter how powerful the rebels are, my royal division will definitely be able to flatten the rebels. Although Xuanyuan Hong said so, his eyes and tone still looked disdainful. Wang Ye also sighed in his heart, wishing that the emperor would not easily underestimate the rebels as he had just said.

But Wang Ye's worries are also superfluous. After all, it was Miao Dang, the general of Fuguo, and it was not Xuanyuan Hong's personal expedition. What Wang Ye is afraid of is Xuanyuanhong's funny personality. I'm afraid that Xuanyuanhong can't stand in this fallen imperial city and wants to point out what's ahead. If this is the case, then this chaotic thing will be very bad.

"You should get up, too. I won't be guilty of you." Xuanyuanhong said to Chen Shangshu, who was kneeling on the ground.

Poor Chen Shangshu, although he is not very old, is also the year of Huajia. I wanted to report a military situation, but I was trained by the impatient emperor and almost lost my life and official position. If it hadn't been for the rescue of Master Liu, this old bone would have been here today.

"Thank you, Emperor." After saying thank you, old man Chen stood up tremblingly, with a cold sweat on his head, and did not dare to wipe it off. He returned to the queue of officials.

At this time, Xuanyuanhong has dealt with the matters of the expedition of the Western Camp army, and the time of the expedition of the army has also been set, which is full of high spirits, just like his own expedition. On the dragon chair, he said to the civil and military officials below, "Since this matter has been decided, there is no need for the nobles to say more. At three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, in front of Huayang Gate, I will personally send the army to the expedition. All Aiqing also wants to go together and send Wang Shi of Xuanyuan's court to go on an expedition, and look forward to their triumph!"

"I will abide by the order. The king of our court must be invincible, invincible, and return triumphantly!" The civil and military officials below all knelt down.

Xuanyuanhong left the hall with a smile on his face and full of confidence. The eunuch on one side said, "The tide is low!"

The next morning, the large and small officials of the Xuanyuan court surrounded the emperor's elder Xuanyuanhong in front of the Huayang Gate. Solemnly saw off the soldiers of the Western Camp army who went out to fight the chaos. Of course. In addition to this civil and military officials and members of the royal family, many ordinary people are also watching there. These people are basically watching the bustle, and few of them come to see off the army. However, in the hearts of the people, they also hope that the soldiers of the Western Camp can calm the chaos. After all, they don't want to see the chaos in the world and the war everywhere. In the end, no matter who became the emperor, it was still these ordinary people who suffered.