
Chapter 169: That's-

"Isn't he the father of your childhood sweetheart? How could you accept this fact so quickly?"

Yan Yixi once asked him this, but he just said that he was much more sensible when he was a child than when he grew up. Although she didn't understand, she didn't ask.

The night detective needs to prepare a lot of things, but the hair circle is in hand, smooth and worry-free - Yan Yixi once wanted the special equipment here, and asked if it can be used in the human world, but unfortunately, I don't know why the human world can't be used, but in fact, the demon world can give full play to all the power of the person, but it will be limited in the human world. This can It can be the difference between the demon world and the human world before.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, two black shadows ran on the roofs of different heights, and finally stopped on the roof of an inn.

The uncle's house was quiet, and even the patrol guards were not seen. I heard that the uncle did not marry, so the big uncle lived with a group of slaves by himself, and this place has also become a place where friends gather when they have time. Anyway, many houses are big.

"How to find it?" Yan Yixi asked.

Mo Weisheng took out a hand-painted drawing, which detailed the route of the uncle's house, the name of each house, the existence of residents and other information.

"Wow... did you sort it out?" Yan Yixi took over the drawings in surprise and marveled at his ability to do things.

"There must be a night detective." Mo Weisheng's expression of 'this is common sense'.

She curled her lips, carefully checked the drawings and pointed to somewhere: "Is there still a dungeon in the uncle's house?"

"Privately built, no one else knows." Mo Weisheng said again, "Let's sneak in here first. If Pingdie is not here, we will find a way to find other places."

"Yes." After remembering the route, she put it into the space hair circle. She jumped into the uncle's house with Mo Weisheng with a little nervousness.

It's a little uneasy. The uncle's house seems to be unimpeded all the way. If Mo Weisheng is not sure that there is a long breath of a slave sleeping, she will think that she has been ambushed - I guess he is too cautious. My uncle will not believe that he is so bold at night. After all, in the face of him, his legs are soft and hard. It looks like it can't fall down.

The location of the dungeon is in the innermost part, and it happens to be connected to the main house. Many big trees are planted around it, and the flower garden has been repaired. In this scenery like the back garden, behind the huge rockery is the entrance of the dungeon. When you enter, there are organs. No wonder no one found it.

The two quietly slipped to the side hall of the main house, and then slipped from the side hall to the back garden. Without two steps, they heard a faint gasp from the attic.

Yan Yixi didn't understand at first, but only understood after hearing a high moan - I'm going, it's still fighting at night at three o'clock in the morning?

Mo Weisheng glanced at her with a smile. Yan Yixi immediately pretended to be pure and blinked. She didn't know anything!

"Let's go, it's just the right time." Mo Weisheng pinched her and walked to the garden.

She stuck out her tongue and ran behind him.

After a while, the two walked to the rockery. After groping for a long time, they found that the carving on the rockery was a mechanical opening. After trying to twist, the rockery suddenly silently sank, and then moved to the left to hide. In front of them was a dark passage.

"Do you want a flashlight?" Yan Yixi turned his head and asked.

"It's a snake, but you still don't need it." Mo Weisheng pulled her to dodge in, and waited for the rockery gate to close silently before continuing to say, "The dungeon should be on guard."

The channel was not very long. A small space with torches on the wall soon appeared in front of it, where there was a whole row of bookshelves and some experimental utensils, and there was a pot of green things in the empty place.

This is not like a dungeon at all... Yan Yixi looked around doubtfully. There were three channels extending in the small space. The hole of the passage was deeply sunken by the nails. Under the illumination of the torch, the blood on the ground was obvious.

Mo Weisheng made a gesture to her, and then pointed to the first channel. Yan Yixi nodded... The two immediately walked to the first channel.

As soon as she entered the passage, she was immediately stunned by the openness in front of her - the passageway was a long corridor, which was completely full of speech and echoes. There were many cages built below, in which there were strange animals and even some huge plants, and above was a dome with a huge statue. The luminescent body of the crystal.

"That's a rare luminous crystal." Mo Weisheng pointed to the crystal and said silently.

"Isn't it expensive?" Yan Yixi also asked silently.

"There is a price but no market." Mo Weisheng's face was a little ironic. He was crowned as a 'kind king like civilian life', and he would also come to this kind of rare glowing crystal that even had only two or three in the palace.

The two did not go down the stairs, but stood on it and took a look and was ready to leave... There are animals and plants here, and the butterfly should not be here.

As soon as they came out of the first channel, they suddenly heard the noise from far to near. Yan Yixi was shocked. Before she could react, Mo Weisheng had pulled her to hide behind a bookshelf.

"How long will it take to succeed? Didn't you say that it would be done in a week? It's been two weeks now!"

"Hey, you talk! Are you deaf?!"

"Don't be excited. He doesn't know much about lingua franca. You know it. Let's wait for his answer."


Yan Yixi looked through the cracks in the bookshelf and found that three people came out of the third channel, and one of the three was a very handsome man. His ears were still sharp black and gray ears, but the evil smell on his body did not make people feel good, while the other two dressed ordinary clothes and seemed to be national to what they said. My uncle does the same thing.

Mo Weisheng wrote the word "Dark Elf" in the palm of her hand, as if she knew that she would be puzzled.

The dark elf held a bottle of test tube, which contained some sticky green** rice, and after he put the test tube, he said word by word in astringent passage: "Again, give it to me, two days."

"You said two days ago!" The grumpy man was a strong black man, who was impatient at this time.

"This time, really, it's two days." The black elf didn't care about his attitude and continued.

Another short man stopped the black man and said, "Give him another two days. Anyway, the Lord blames him, and it's none of our business."

"It's none of our business! Feeding them every day is enough for me to work! Can't you let them have the strength to eat? It always makes me unable to live for a day!"

The short man was also a little annoyed. He said strangely, "It's okay for you to feed. I'm cleaning up the excrement. Why don't we change it?"

The strong black man scratched his hair and had a stiff and soft attitude: "I'm bored... If I had known that I wouldn't take the initiative to take this job, I might as well go to war with them."

The dwarf man snorted and stopped pursuing, and then told the dark elves to do something, and then the two left the dungeon.

The dark elves played with a lot of things with Mo Weisheng and Yan Yixi with their backs, and finally poured a few bottles into the jar. The green ** suddenly mixed with a little dark color, becoming more like the deadly poison in the cartoon.

"Perfect..." The black elf muttered to himself, looked at the medicine tank for a while and suddenly jumped, shouted something and ran into the third channel.

At this time, the two immediately rushed into the second channel. The second channel was the same as the first channel, but there was an extra pool of black hot soup that was rolling.

"The third channel is close to people, right?" Yan Yixi and Mo Weisheng climbed to the top of the stone wall of the passage, and she asked.

"We need to find an opportunity to enter the third channel." Mo Weisheng hugged her firmly and figured out how to bypass the dark elves and enter the third channel.

But I didn't expect that the opportunity would come so soon.

Climbing to the top of the stone wall was what Mo Weisheng came up with temporarily. Unexpectedly, he happened to find that the dark elves rushed in and ran to the bottom of the stairs without looking back, and the two immediately landed lightly and quickly flashed into the third channel.

"Wow... almost scared me to death." Yan Yixi repeatedly sighed for good luck and didn't find that Mo Weisheng's face was a little cold.

Under the third channel is still a dense cage, but the difference is that several cement columns are derived from the mid-air, and many iron cages are hung on it. The highest row is just in line with the line of sight - and in the cage, there are indeed people imprisoned.

Various races.

This layout reminds Yan Yixi of the bird cages in the market. There are rows of birds for sale, but these are living and intelligent lives, some lying and some squatting, but without exception, their minds are a little vague.

Going down the crisscrossed stairs, she found that the cage on the ground was imprisoned by male elves, and they were almost naked **, surrounded by a small fig leaf. What surprised her was not this, but that the elves were covered with pimples, and there were green pus on the pimples, which looked fiercely. It gives people goose bumps.

"Are these light elves?" Yan Yixi asked when he saw that their ears were pure white.

"It should be a prisoner of war, obviously what they are doing to experiment with." Mo Weisheng frowned slightly. The light elves have always been friends with major forces, and even the exorcisms are no exception. Although the court has always wanted to make the light elves their own people, it has been fruitless because of the queen's strength, and then they have maintained friendship.

At this time, the footsteps belonging to the dark elves sounded again. Mo Weisheng immediately pulled Yan Yixi to the dead corner under the stairs to hide. Just after a few seconds, the dark elves hurried out of the cage of the light elves and took some instruments to play with the light elves on the edge.

The elf roared in pain, but could not stop the dark elf's behavior. After a long time, the dark elf walked away with a sticky green test tube.

The bright elf seemed to be different from other debilitious states. He slowly sat up. His white body was covered with blood, and there was a sticky green**. He gritted his teeth and stabbed his arm, and his swaying body suddenly stabilized a little.

Yan Yixi looked at him and suddenly felt a burst of pain in his heart - how could that figure be so familiar?

When she was at a loss, Mo Weisheng suddenly tightened her hand. She turned her head and saw his eyes calmly: "That's--"

Shu Si.