
Chapter 170: Treatment

How can it be...

Her heart was full of disbelievable, but Mo Weisheng told herself with his calm eyes that he was.

How can the scarred body in front of him be a child? He should have lived in the bright forest with a faint and shy smile as he left last time. His existence is sunshine and blue genius. However, he stayed in a cage and was tortured as an experimental question.

... Shu Si stabilized his body, but he couldn't stop the gradually blurred mind. He tried to stab himself many times in exchange for a moment of his mind to come up with a way to escape, but in the iron cage, when he was drugged, he could not open the chain with the crystal nucleus at all.

He grabbed the iron and vaguely felt that someone was staring at him - maybe the dark elf who was always ecstatic or cursed... However, this feeling was not malicious, not the eyes staring at the object. Since he was a child, he became the captain of the light guard, and he could clearly distinguish these.

He turned his head with effort. At that moment, he thought he had hallucinations, but the queen told them that with the protection of the elves, they would not be attacked by any evil illusions, so--

"Yixi, my lord?"

The murmur is extremely fragile, and it seems that a gust of wind can blow away.

When Yan Yixi really looked at Shangshusi's glass-like eyes, her heart really hurt as if she had been stabbed.

That's right. He is the child who stubbornly calls himself Lord Yixi. He is a shy smile when he makes fun of him! How could it be locked up here and carried out a miserable living experiment by the dark elves? How can they bear it?!

Yan Yixi really hated it at that moment and almost wanted to destroy the whole dungeon! The Tin Shang knife seemed to feel that her calm mood began to surge, and she trembled slightly in her body with excitement, and in an instant, Yan Yixi's eyes were stained with scarlet color.

Mo Weisheng frowned and quickly injected a stream of energy into her body, so that this energy could smooth out the exciting healing energy. At the same time, he immediately condensed an invisible boundary and hugged Yan Yixi, and suddenly they disappeared under the dead corner of the stairs.

At the same time, some incomprehensible shouts sounded, and a familiar voice also sounded in the back: "How can it be murderous?"

There were two figures on the corridor, one was a dark elf and the other was Wu Xuanhao. He was wearing a robe casually. His belt was just loose and loose, and his hair was wet. Obviously, he looked like he had just taken a shower.

The dark elf's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly saw Shusi, who was still conscious. He immediately shouted, picked up a piece of iron and threw it into the cage. Fortunately, the head was not good, and the bullet fell outside when it hit the cage.

"Okay, just give him a dose of fierce medicine. Don't kill him." Wu Xuanhao said lightly, stopping him from throwing him with something bigger and faster.

The dark elves muttered something, took out a bottle of medicine, rudely grabbed Shusi's hair, and suddenly poured it into his mouth. Those light yellow ** flowed with the chin. I don't know if the potions were not right. When the light yellow potion touched the pus, it actually burned slightly and emitted a Some small sizzling sounds.

"Quick, get up and boil water." Mei Huo turned his head and said to a patrol night team.


The water boiled quickly, but the hot water touched Shusi and made him a little painful. His mind was not clear, and the pain was still there, but even if the corners of his eyebrows couldn't help **, he still sat quietly and did not wave away the servant who helped him clean up the wound, like a child.

After taking a shower, Yan Yixi healed him. No one spoke in the room, only the pure white healing energy was bright. Under these healing energies, the wounds and knife marks were quickly repaired, and the green pustules were still there.

"A while ago, I heard that there was an accident in the Bright Forest. I thought he was fine, but I didn't expect..." Meihuo suddenly said after Yan Yixi's treatment.

"I think the same way." Yan Yixi couldn't help sighing: "I don't know how many days we have been locked up. When we sneaked in, those people said that they didn't even have the strength to eat. They were so impatient that they didn't know how long he was hungry."

Yan Yixi told her about her uncle in detail, and said that no Pingdie was found there. I don't know if she was transferred to another place, and she had to ask Shusi about this matter.

"Are you talking about your uncle?" After asking back, Meihuo said again. He closed his eyes and looked like it was really like this.

"Do you also have doubts about your uncle?" Yan Yixi saw that the subtle expression on her face was the same as Mo Weisheng's.

Mei Huo smiled, as if he said to himself, "Father and daughter are the same. How can they not know?"

Yan Yixi was surprised to hear this sentence. As soon as she wanted to ask, she changed the topic: "Uncle colluded with the dark elves. What makes me curious is how the dark queen can be persuaded."

"It doesn't seem to be persuasive, just like the original leader."

Yan Yixi's unintentional words seemed to wake up the charm. She narrowed her eyes and suddenly said, "Maybe he is from the Dark Elf family... I used to wonder why my uncle was so ordinary, and why was my daughter so beautiful..."

"But they don't have sharp ears."

"This potion can be covered up." Meihuo waved his hand: "Don't talk about them, I'm not in the mood."

Mo Weisheng quickly brought people in. A middle-aged man was pitifully carried in by him in one hand, and even Lord Mo repeated several times before he said it.

Yan Yixi poured a cup of hot water for the poor doctor. After drinking it in one gulp, he softened a little: "Lord Mo, can you be gentler when you visit the shop next time?"

Mo Weisheng glanced at him, and the doctor immediately sat upright and began to check the abstules, but after a while, he looked clear and shook his head: "I haven't seen this method of detoxification with the human body for a long time. Fortunately, my ancestors still retained the method of detoxification"

"How much can be better?" Mei Huo asked, and her tone was a little respectful.

"You can wake up in three or four days. It will take more than ten days to be completely good." The doctor scratched his face and took out the paper and brush from his arms and wrote.

Yan Yixi moved to Mo Weisheng and asked softly, "Did you catch a doctor casually?"

"He is still a little famous in the demon world."

It's still a little famous... Yan Yixi's silent black line, casually seeing a doctor can pull out the words 'the solution retained by the ancestors'. How is it 'a little' famous...

It was unexpected that Shusi could be cured so quickly, but it was difficult to have such a good famous doctor's treatment. The doctor took a breath after writing the pharmacy.

"He was poisoned at such a young age. If it hadn't been for my treatment, he would have died in less than five days. Which conscience takes people to refine poison..." The doctor shook his head and said, and began to pack up the medicine box and prepare to leave.

"Thank you." Mo Weisheng took out a demon card and handed it to him. The doctor hummed his pocket with satisfaction and walked outside when it was almost bright.

Sure enough, the fee will be very expensive... And it is equivalent to a 'night clinic', Yan Yixi thought silently.