Medical official path

Chapter 64 Step by Step Killing

Half an hour later, Du Yufeng and Jiang Liang arrived by car. They asked the traffic police who handled the case at the scene, and then came to Zhang Yang and Qin Qing. Du Yufeng smiled bitterly and said, "What's the matter? I didn't even see the license plate clearly?"

Zhang Yang said angrily, "There is no license plate number at all. What do I think?" This coop is full of fire today. Mobile phone fast reading: à.1κ. O text version first release

Jiang Liang sighed and said, "There are a lot of trucks brought to this. There are unlicensed ones, and some brands are blocked by dust. It's not so easy to check. Fortunately, neither you nor the county magistrate Qin were injured! It's also a great blessing in misfortune.

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and said, "I found out who did it. I have to skin him." He was really angry. If he hadn't taken care of Qin Qing just now, he would have rushed to break the driver's body.

Jiang Liang said, "Zhang Yang, are you sure that this is a deliberate murder?"

Before Zhang Yang answered, Qin Qing suddenly said, "Maybe it's just an ordinary car accident!" The truck driver is just a hit-and-run.

Zhang Yang looked at her in astonishment, but. Soon he understood that Qin Qing was going to give up. Was she afraid because of the car accident just now? Looking at Qin Qing's pale and begraceful face, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that it would be a good thing if she could let go. With the deepening of this matter, he found that there were more and more dark scenes and more dangers in it. Qin Qing's tender shoulders may not be able to withstand such pressure.

Jiang Liang whispered, "I'll take you back!"

Zhang Yang nodded, since Qin Qing was no longer. If he wants to continue to pursue it, there is no need for him to get entangled in this matter. Zhang Yang did not know that the car accident did not scare Qin Qing, but strengthened her determination to find out the truth behind the matter.

After Qin Qing returned to the Pearl Hotel, she passed by. After careful consideration, he decided to report the situation to Xu Changde. After hearing this, Xu Changde couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Although he wanted the matter to be calmed down as soon as possible, he did not expect that things to develop to such a certain point. He was silent for a while and whispered, "Qin Qing, the working group and Have you talked yet?"

"I haven't gone to see them yet!"

"Return to Jiangcheng immediately. This is the end of this matter. Don't continue to intervene. Let's go down!"

Xu Changde's attitude shocked Qin Qing. She said angrily, "Secretary Xu,. My personal safety is nothing, but according to the corpse-burner, he obviously cremated thirteen corpses, but it was indeed three. How could this matter be unclear? What about those ten lives? What about their families?

Xu Changde couldn't help feeling a burst of disappointment, and Qin Qing's sense of justice was undoubtedly. He appreciates it, but as a cadre promoted by himself, the impulse and sense of justice shown at this critical moment have destroyed her reason to the greatest extent. As a cadre, the most important thing is the overall view. You must take care of the interests of all aspects, and you must not let your emotions influence you. Judging, Xu Changde felt that it was necessary to remind Qin Qing to pull back from the cliff. It was not a good thing for anyone to go on like this. His tone was still not in a hurry and said, "Qin Qing, we Communists should pay attention to seeking truth from facts. Before the matter is clearly investigated, we can't easily make a conclusion. Dare to make such a concealment? Do you think our working group will turn a blind eye? Do you think none of our cadres dare to tell the truth with a sense of justice? Qin Qing, you have just arrived in Chunyang, and you don't know the situation yet. You can't make a conclusion by your own judgment, which is easy to cause mistakes at work. Well, you don't have to worry about this matter. The working group has taken over. Return to Jiangcheng as soon as possible and wait for the organizational arrangement. Xu Changde's words were tactful enough, but he had made up his mind that this time he must let Qin Qing taste a little price for his stubbornness.

Qin Qing listened to the phone. The busy voice showed an extremely lost expression on his face. Xu Changde's attitude was clear, and he would not support himself. The solution to deal with the mine disaster this time has almost become a foreminable. He wanted to continue to investigate unless he bypassed Xu Changde, but Qin Qing understood that this was completely impossible.

The first meeting with the investigation team was extremely depressing and serious. What Qin Qing didn't expect was that Zhang Yang was also heard by the police. It was Tian Bin who came to Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang never had a good impression of Tian Bin. He looked at Tian Bin coldly and said, "What's wrong with Tian's team looking for me?"

Tian Bin looked around at Zhang Yang's office in the China Merchants Office, pulled away the seat opposite him and sat down. Another policewoman in charge of recording sat aside.

Zhang Yang suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. Tian Bin came to the door and put on the posture of a trial prisoner. Was it for the purpose of beating the four local ruffian by himself? Normally, no, since Tian Qinglong has promised to deal with himself, he should not go back on his words.

Tian Bin whispered, "Where were you between 11:00 and 11:30 last night?"

Zhang Yang thought for a moment. At that time, he had come back from the crematorium and should have slept in the room of the Pearl Hotel. He answered truthfully.

Tian Bin said with a calm face, "Did you go to the crematorium dormitory from 8:00 to 8:20 last night, Zheng Xingwu's house?"

Zhang Yang was stunned. Although he had been to Lao Zheng's house, he didn't know that Lao Zheng was called Zheng Xingwu. Unexpectedly, this matter reached Tian Bin's ears so quickly. Zhang Yang nodded: "Yes!" There was nothing to hide about this matter. On the way back last night, there was an incident in which a truck tried to murder them. His jeep was also completely reimbursed. That night, the police went to file a case for him.

Tian Bin continued: "There was a car accident at about 9:00 last night. According to the case record at that time, after dealing with the car accident, Jiang Liang sent you back to the Mingzhu Hotel." Although he did not mention Qin Qing's name, you have already told Zhang Yang that he has investigated it clearly.

Zhang Yang nodded. What Tian Bin said was the truth.

Tian Bin's tone became more and more severe: "You said you would stay in the hotel from eleven o'clock. Who can prove it for you?"

Zhang Yang looked at him strangely: "I said Tian Brigade, I went to bed after taking a shower. I slept alone and didn't go out at night. If you don't believe it, you can ask the front desk!" He felt extremely about Tian Bin. As long as he appeared in front of him, he was against him.

Tian Bin had investigated the front desk before, but he knew more about his flamboyant skills. If he wanted to go out, there was no need to go through the main door. He looked at Zhang Yang coldly and said, "That means you don't have a witness!"

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment. He suddenly thought of Qin Qing, but he and Qin Qing did not meet during this period. Besides, he didn't want Qin Qing to stand up and let others talk. Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "No one proved that I slept here alone last night!" What? Is there a problem?"

Tian Bin said in a solemn voice: "At 11 o'clock last night, there was a fire in the crematorium dormitory. Zheng Xingwu was burned to death. Someone reported that a man and a woman went to Zheng Xingwu's house before, and someone recognized you. At that time, you rushed into Zheng Xingwu's room. According to the neighbors Later, we heard Zheng Xingwu's screams, so we suspected that this matter had something to do with you.

Only then did Zhang Yang realize the seriousness of the matter. Who is paralyzed? He actually set up such a trap to mess with me. Do I have to murder the corpse burner? Besides, even if I want to hurt him, why should I use such rubbish means? Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Tian Bin, you have made it clear. Do you suspect that I have something to do with this arson case?"

Tian Bin looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, it's not my suspicion, it's the evidence here. I admit that we really don't get along well with each other, but I won't do anything framed. I might as well remind you that you are the most suspicious one now. You'd better not leave here before this

Zhang Yang roared angrily, "Where were you after 11 o'clock last night? Why don't you doubt yourself?"

"I can prove myself, how about you? Can you make it clear why you went to Zheng Xingwu? What's your motivation?" Tian Bin's voice also became louder.

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Do you want to throw dirty water on me? Well, I'd like to see if there is any justice in the world!"


After receiving the investigation of the working group, Qin Qing also accepted the investigation of the police. When she heard the arson in Zheng Xingwu's house and Zheng Xingwu was burned to death, her heart completely sank to the bottom of the valley. It has been proved that a pair of invisible eyes were peeping at their every move in the dark, making The hidden dangers that could happen were cleared in advance. Qin Qing's belief was still firm, but the hope in front of her was burst like a bubble one. The arson case did not involve her, because Qin Qing had a witness. At 11:15 that night, she once called the front desk service, and the telephone records could also show that she I had a call with Xu Changde, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, in the room, and any of them can be used as proof that she is not present.

After Qin Qing finished answering, he couldn't help thinking of Zhang Yang. Will this matter bring trouble to Zhang Yang? The answer is obviously yes.

Tian Bin looked at Qin Qing sympathetically. After all, he had been with the beautiful secretary of the League Municipal Party Committee in Jiangcheng in the past. In private, he also greatly appreciated and envied her. What he appreciated was the beauty and envied her career. From Qin Qing, Tian Bin saw the cold-blooded and ruthlessness of the officialdom for a Qin Qing completely went from heaven to hell. No wonder the old man reminded him more than once that politics is really a high-risk profession. No matter what position you climb to, as long as you make a careless move, you will lose everything, and all the previous efforts may be put to nothing. Judging from Tian Bin's current situation, Qin Qing, the newly appointed county magistrate, is bound to face the fate of being taken. As for whether her municipal party secretary can keep it, it is still unknown. Although Tian Bin's political understanding is not high, he can also feel that the reason why Qin Qing fell to the current situation is related to her unwise pursuit of the mine accident. As a criminal policeman, Tian Bin can also see that the mine disaster did not claim that only three miners were martyred. When he maintained order at the scene that day, he at least saw Ten families. . Although Tian Bin was disgusted with Zhang Yang, he analyzed the attack that day from a fair perspective. It should be premeditated. Someone directed the attack behind his back. As for the arson case that happened last night, he did not believe that it would be done by Zhang Yang. After all, Zhang Yang lacks the motive to kill Zheng Xingwu. Zheng Xingwu is exactly the burner responsible for incining the bodies of the miners. It is not difficult to figure out the reason for the killing. He must have some evidence that can be related to the mine accident.

At this moment, Qin Qing was concerned about Zhang Yang. She asked softly, "Tian Bin, can you tell me how Zhang Yang is now?"

Tian Bin hesitated for a moment and said, "In this arson case, Zhang Yang has a lot of suspicion, and we have now controlled him."

"He won't do this!"

Tian Bin smiled bitterly and said, "Secretary Qin, there are some things you should understand. As policemen, we should pay attention to evidence in everything. From all kinds of signs, Zhang Yang can't escape the suspicion. He said that he stayed alone in the room between 11:00 and 11:30 last night, and no one can prove this to him."

Tian Bin motioned the policewoman to get up and prepare to leave.

Qin Qing bit his lip hard and made an extremely difficult decision in an instant: "He lied!"

Tian Bin stopped.

Qin Qing said in a firm voice, "He has been in my room since 11:00 last night and didn't leave until after two o'clock."

Tian Bin was stunned. A man stayed in a lonely woman's room for so long. Does anyone know what this means? He thought Qin Qing was lying, but when he saw Qin Qing's shy expression and shy eyes, he seemed to realize something in his heart. He still reminded, "Secretary Qin, do you know the consequences of these words?"

Qin Qing raised his head: "I know that he is afraid of affecting my reputation, but I can't help but say about it!"

The policewoman in charge of recording was so surprised that she almost dropped the pen and file. Tian Bin coughed in a low voice: "Writ it down and write down every word Secretary Qin said." He has realized that Qin Qing's evidence offerings will set off an uproar in Chunyang and even the whole Jiangcheng*.