Medical official path

Chapter 65 Covering the Sky with One Hand

"Is that true?" Xu Changde, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, held the teacup and couldn't help trembling. The hot tea splashed a little and fell on the back of his hand, burning pain. Easy reading on mobile phone: α. Organize

Liu Jin, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, nodded and said, "Qin Qing has admitted that she was with Zhang Yang last night."

Xu Changde slowly put the teacup on his desk, stood up and slowly walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. This office building is the joint office of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Xu Changde's office is in Room 5 on the ninth floor. From the perspective of feng shui, the meaning of the Ninth Five- Down, and he is the king of this city. Even if there is only one day in this position, no one can shake his position on this day. Qin Qing is a cadre promoted by him, not only because of his appreciation of Qin Qing's working ability, but also because he wants to use Qin Qing to cause a kind of psychological pressure on Li Guozheng. One day in Jiangcheng, he will make Li Guozheng feel uncomfortable for a day. Although Qin Qing encountered such a problem at the beginning of spring, and although she At the beginning, she was about to be pushed out to take responsibility, but Xu Changde only blamed this matter on her bad luck, but such a thing happened between Qin Qing and Zhang Yang, which was obviously extremely unfavorable to the future of a female cadre.

Liu Jin whispered, "And since she went to Chunyang, she and Zhang Yang have always lived in the Pearl Hotel. On the surface, it is the next room, but in fact..." The meaning of Liu Jin's words is self-evident. Everyone pushed the wall, and he lost the opportunity to add a fire.

Xu Changde was silent for a long time before he said, "Childish, how can you risk your career and future for a little man?" He went back to his desk and picked up the phone. He just pressed the two numbers and put them down again. He said to Liu Jin, "Pause all her duties and let her have a long vacation."

Liu Jin nodded.

What Xu Changde really cares about is not. What happened to Qin Qing is what Li Guozheng will think now. He firmly believes that Li Guozheng is hiding in the dark and secretly watching his jokes at this time. Isn't Secretary Xu awesome? Didn't you disgust me by promoting Qin Qing? Now you lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot.


In fact, it's not just Li Guozheng who thinks so. All the cadres in Hujiang City are secretly watching Secretary Xu's jokes. In the eyes of many people, the reason why the secretary of the League Municipal Party Committee can get such a promotion has something to do with her outstanding beauty. No matter what wisdom Qin Qing has, once it is put together with her beauty, others will unconsciously ignore her wisdom.

Qin Qing stayed at the Pearl Hotel all day. As the secretary of the League Municipal Party Committee, she knows what kind of consequences she will bring. At dusk, the door was gently knocked, and Zhang Yang's low voice sounded: "Qin Qing, it's me, Zhang Yang!"

Qin Qing opened the door. For only one day, she lost a lot of weight and was haggard. Many, looking at Qin Qing's pale and begraceful face, Zhang Yang didn't know what to say. He whispered, "You don't have to do this!"

Qin Qingqing smiled faintly: "Now that I have stood up and taken the responsibility,. I don't care about taking on one more thing.

Zhang Yang suppressed his inner emotion and whispered, "I'll take you to dinner!"

Qin Qing shook his head and said, "I don't want to go out with you. I don't want to hear it. Other people's gossip.

"It's already full of wind. Rain, why do you care about gossip!" Zhang Yang reached out and grabbed Qin Qing's arm: "I won't watch you torture yourself. Don't worry, everything will pass!"

Qin Qing looked at Zhang Yang's hot eyes and found a strong courage and confidence from it. This confidence made her feel warm and gave her a sense of trust. She finally nodded.

During dinner, Zhang Yang's mobile phone finally rang after a day of silence. Everyone knew that Zhang Yang was in trouble now, and no one would take the initiative to find him. Zhang Yang looked at the number, and it was actually called by Chu Yanran.

He answered the phone and walked out of the door.

Chu Yanran smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, I'm back. Isn't it a surprise!"

Zhang Yang's recent mood can't be described as a surprise. He is very depressed and cowardly. Since he came to this era, he has never suffered such cowardice. He responded in a low voice.

Chu Yanran was keenly aware of his wrong mood: "What's wrong with you? There is not even a welcome sign. It's so sad!"

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Dear, I've been having a lot of trouble recently. If you have something to do, let's talk about it later!"

"What are you talking about? I'm driving from Jingshan to Heishanzi!"

Thinking of Chu Yanran's delicate appearance, Zhang Yang's heart was warm, and at the same time he felt a little guilty. He should not bring the mood of work to life. He whispered, "I'm in Chunyang, or you can come to me directly at the Mingzhu Hotel."

"Okay, Zhang Yang, don't take anything to heart. I'm here!"

A sincere sentence warmed Zhang Yang's heart. He suddenly realized that the women around him always cared about him most, and only her love for herself was not mixed with any other elements.

Hang up the phone and go back to the restaurant. Seeing that the bowls and chopsticks in front of Qin Qing are still still unmoved, Zhang Yang added a bowl of soup for her. He smiled and said, "Sister Qing, eat more or less. I believe that there are no insurmountable ditches and hurdles in the

Qin Qing sighed softly and said, "What I care about is not my official position, but thinking, is there any justice and human heart in the world? So many people have died, but everyone is covering up the truth for their own interests. Have they ever thought that the dead will not be able to close their eyes under the nine springs? Have they ever thought about how painful the relatives of the deceased are?

Zhang Yang shook his head disdainfully: "The relatives of the deceased have received compensation. If they don't want to shut up, how can this matter develop into the current situation? Therefore, everyone is realistic, and even relatives will seal up for money. How can others want to uphold justice?"

Qin Qing was speechless. She had guessed that the reason why the families of the deceased remained silent collectively must have received a lot of compensation. It is already a fact that the person died. Even if this matter is made a big deal, their relatives will not survive. Once they figure it out, it is not difficult to imagine why they will protect it. Be silent. Qin Qing felt an unprecedented sense of frustration. This matter has reached a tacit understanding from top to bottom. Everyone has compromised in front of interests, and all justice and justice have been thrown aside. Qin Qing thought of Xu Changde's past teachings in his ear. In the officialdom, he should not go against the trend. It is unreasonable to be in the hands of anyone. If he wants to compete with most people with his own strength, it seems that in the end, it is just a dream.

Under Zhang Yang's advice, Qin Qing ate a small bowl of porridge. Now that things have developed to the worst, there is nothing to worry about. She is ready to step down from all her positions. As for the final destination, it is no longer within her control.


Chu Yanran arrived at the Pearl Hotel an hour later. Zhang Yang had just finished taking a shower. He was wearing only a pair of boxer trousers underneath and a scarf drooped around her neck. When Chu Yanran saw him like this, her beautiful face couldn't help blushing and said, "You are so demeanorless. You came out bare

Zhang Yang looked aggrieved: "When will I be naked? You want to see it, but I'm not satisfied with you!"

Only then did Chu Yanran notice many bruises on Zhang Yang's body. She immediately forgot her shyness and said with concern, "What's going on? Why are there so many wounds on your body? Who hit you?"

Zhang Yang invited her into the room and wanted to wear clothes, but Chu Yanran took out a blue horizontal T-shirt from the paper bag in her hand: "I brought this one from Shenzhen!"

Zhang Yang was not polite to her. He changed into a T-shirt, and Chu Yanran threw him a pair of light gray casual trousers.

Zhang Yang smiled as he dressed, "You are so kind to me. You don't want to chase me, do you?"

Chu Yanran stared at him and said, "Look at your turtle, I feel sorry for you!" His mouth is shabby and flamboyant, but his heart is extremely warm and useful.

Zhang Yang put on his shoes and socks and said, "Although I'm a little rustic, you don't care about everything. We're also half a catty. Let's make do with it."

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Chu Yanran shook her head and said, "I don't eat. I've gained some weight recently and I'm losing weight!"

Zhang Yang came to her and looked up and down: "I don't think you're fat! Why don't you let me weigh it!" He stretched out his arms and made a hug. Chu Yanran smiled and slapped him on the hand: "Get out of here, pervert!"

"Knowing that I am a pervert, you still come all the way to sacrifice yourself!"

"Who sacrificed himself? I'm supervising you, the big bad guy, don't make mistakes, so that you don't have to disturb social security and harm good women..."

The door was suddenly knocked gently. Unexpectedly, it was Qin Qing who came over. She didn't expect that there would be a girl in the room. She smiled apologetically and said, "So you have friends, so I won't bother you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Sister Qing, come in and sit down. She is not an outsider. Let me introduce her to you."

Both Qin Qing and Chu Yanran were surprised at each other's beauty. Qin Qing's expression was calm and calm, but Chu Yanran felt a little strange in her heart. Qin Qing's temperament and appearance are excellent, which makes Chu Yanran have an inexplicable sense of crisis.

After listening to Zhang Yang's introduction, Qin Qing took the initiative to extend his hand to Chu Yanran: "Hello, I'm Qin Qing!"

"I'm Chu Yanran!" Chu Yanran shook hands with Qin Qing politely and whispered, "Miss Qin is so beautiful!"

Qin Qing smiled and said, "Miss Chu, you're welcome. You can be beautiful." When she realized that she was not disturbing Zhang Yang and Qin Qing, she whispered, "Zhang Yang, I just came here to tell you that the city will inform me to return to Jiangcheng tomorrow, and I will start early in the morning."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I'll take you there!"

Qin Qing shook his head: "No, I'll go with the investigation team."

After Qin Qing left, Chu Yanran grabbed Zhang Yang's ear: "Stinky boy, I think you are so honest. I'm too lazy to call me. It turns out that I have been guarding a beautiful woman here."

Zhang Yang begged for mercy and said, "Are you mistaken? He is the new county magistrate of Chunyang, and I am her temporary assistant."

Chu Yanran let go of his ear and slapped him on the back of the head with some hatred: "What's wrong with the county magistrate? The county magistrate is also a woman!"

Zhang Yang looked at Chu Yanran with an angry look and couldn't help laughing: "I said girl, what kind of jealous are you eating? Who are you to me? First, it's not my wife, and second, it's not my girlfriend. Are you a little lenient?

Chu Yanran said unsistantly, "I'm worried that you will harm others, Comrade Zhang Yang. As a cadre who has been educated by the Party and the state for many years, can you put away your pervert's face and don't harm the flowers and plants that our country is not much in the first place?"

"If you say so, just go to my own palace. It's a hundred, so that I don't have to go out to harm people."

Chu Yanran bit her lip and said, "It's really a good way!"

"I said, Comrade Chu Yanran, every part of my body not only belongs to one person, but also belongs to the Party and the country. I want to use my limited body to devote myself to infinite service to the people. I want to use my limited physical resources to create wealth for the society as much as possible."

Chu Yanran looked at Zhang Yang in a daze, worked hard for a while, and came up with a sentence: "You are so shameless!"

Zhang Yang's understanding of the current situation is no less than that of Qin Qing. Unlike Qin Qing's acquiescence to the real situation, Zhang Yang is a person who is unwilling to fail. Although on the surface, everything may be cut off by the opponents behind the scenes, Zhang Yang knows that there is still a chance.

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yang asked Chu Yanran to drive herself to the County People's Hospital. He had inquired clearly in advance that all the four people injured by him at the scene of the mine accident that day were all hospitalized in the orthopedic department.

Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran came to the orthopedic ward together. Zhang Yang used to stay here. It can be said that he was familiar with the road. He asked Chu Yanran to cover him. While no one was paying attention, he slipped to the doctor's office and got a white coat. Chu Yanran looked a little nervous. When she saw Then he was a little relieved. Not to mention that the man really looked like a doctor in a white coat. Zhang Yang noticed that a famous policeman was smoking outside the ward and whispered to Chu Yanran, "You go and lead him away!"