Medical official path

Chapter 290 Sneak Up ~ Chapter 290 Sneak Down

The person mentioned by Dong Meilin is Adams, the godfather of little Peter. She asked her husband to teach her. Peter visited Adams together. He opened a cafe in London, which ostensibly operated. In fact, his cafe is the most frequent place for Irish independence activists.

Adams lives in the boathouse next to the cafe. Because Chen Meilin has been there before, she found the place smoothly with Zhang Yang. The mosquitoes went to report the matter to the embassy according to Zhang Yang's instructions.

When Zhang Yang and Chen Meilin arrived at the boathouse, it was already five o'clock in the morning, although they had not slept all night. Chen Meilin's spirit is very good. On the contrary, Zhang Yang looks a little pale because of a gunshot wound and blood loss.

It was a little misty in the morning in London, the lights were on in the houseboat, and a short old man was wearing a grass-green jacket. I was sitting in front of the houseboat, quietly looking at the eastern sky.

Chen Meilin pointed to the old man's slightly rickeback and said, "He is Adams!"

Zhang Yang pushed the door and walked towards Adams. Adams reacted very keenly and immediately noticed the appearance of Zhang Yang, and his deep eyes looked at Zhang Yang. He saw Chen Meilin following Zhang Yang. Some people were stunned and said, "Marchell, are you coming to me? Where's Peter?"

Zhang Yang said to Chen Meilin, "Tell him my intention and let him honestly hand over that Brown to me, otherwise, I won't remember what it means to respect the old and love the young!"

Chen Meilin went to Adams and relayed Zhang Yang's words to him.

Adams laughed, and his body was filled with a pungent smell of tobacco. He slowly stood up and came to Zhang Yang: "You kidnapped little Peter, and now their father and son have been controlled by the police. Although I am the godfather of little Peter. But I have nothing to do with their affairs!"

After listening to Chen Meilin, Zhang Yang whispered, "You Irish have nothing to do with my independence, but you want to use the relationship between China and Britain, but I can't ignore it, because you have threatened the interests of other countries. If you know Brown's whereabouts, tell me as soon as possible and don't push things to the point where they can't be cleaned up.

Adams looked at Zhang Yang, and an expression of helplessness appeared on his face: "I think you're looking for the wrong person!"

Zhang Yang roared, "Do you think you can use this matter to threaten the British government? Your actions will only be condemned by the international community, and will only prompt the British government to make up its mind about you and be tougher in your affairs!"

Adams smiled indifferently and said, "Young man. The most complicated thing in the world is politics. I agree with you, but it does not mean that others think like you and me. What you said about Brown is not only an Irish independence fanatic, but also his spirit is almost paranoid. Once this kind of person determines something, it is difficult to change!" Adams paused and said, "Follow the news more. Maybe you will get something unexpected!" After saying this, he returned to the seat, when a red sun was slowly rising from the horizon. The eastern sky was dyed red.

Chen Meilin noticed that there were newspapers beside Adams. She walked over and picked up the newspaper. Zhang Yang couldn't read the English newspaper and looked at her in a stun. Chen Meilin returned to the car and found two seemingly related news from the newspaper. The first is the news of Vice Premier Wen and his wife in Greenwich Mean Time this morning. Another appeal of the Irish rebel leader, General Hart, nicknamed a murderer general, was rejected. The British sentenced him to 30 years in prison.

Chen Meilin told the content of the two pieces of news to Zhang Yang, and then said, "Adams is obviously implying something. Is Brown's action directly related to General Hart this time?"

Zhang Yang looked at the photo of Hart in the newspaper, tore it off and put it in the car: "I don't care what he wants to do. As long as he dares to be unfavorable to us Chinese, I will let him taste regret."

Mosquitoes were waiting for them at McDonald's at the corner of Horn Street. According to the agreement with Zhang Yang, he went to the embassy in the United Kingdom to respond to the relevant parties on this matter. The embassy also said that it would pay attention to it. At the same time, it also told him that there would be agents in China, and the The couple should be safe during their visit to the UK.

Mosquitoes ate hamburgers and said vaguely, "Chinese officials are so bureaucrats everywhere. They don't believe me at all. Nine times out of ten, they think I'm a psychopath." He handed Zhang Yang a mobile phone that he had just bought from the Internet: "Take it and use it!"

When Chen Meilin went to McDonald's to buy fast food with a pair of long legs, Zhang Yang made a phone call to the delegation. Now the investment delegation to Europe has still not left London. Zhang Yang contacted Zhang Ruirong, and he is in a dilemma. He must contact the senior management of Guoan, and the most convenient way is through Zhang Ruirong.

Zhang Ruirong did not let Zhang Yang die. Immediately contacted her aunt Zhang Bijun. Zhang Bijun called Zhang Yang according to the number she provided.

Zhang Yang made a brief report on what happened to Zhang Bijun. Zhang Bijun whispered, "Zhang Yang, this matter belongs to the ten bureaus. I will immediately report the situation to the ten bureaus and let them deal with it. As for Vice Premier Wen, I will also inform them as soon as possible. Let them strengthen security precautions. From now on, you give up all actions, and I will arrange for you to return to China in advance.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but be angry when he heard her words: "What do you mean? Let me leave it alone?"

Zhang Bijun said calmly, "It's not that you don't care, but that you are not suitable to get involved in this matter. If you continue to investigate, you will only expose yourself, and even affect all members of our national security in Europe, so far. You have done a good job. You should remember that you belong to the fourth bureau. Our division of labor is quite clear, and the tenth bureau will not be happy for us to intervene in their affairs. Zhang Yang roared, "Ten of the nightingears have disappeared, and there is still no news. Don't tell me that I won't know anything about the tenth game! Now the only people who really care about her name are me and one of the ten games. The lowest-level intelligence officers, is this how you treat your own people? Kick her away if something happens?"

Zhang Bijun still patiently advised: "Zhang Yang. Any action should be restricted by the system. If we do whatever we want, then... the organization is disciplined, and I will report the ten bureaus of the nightingal matter and let them take action. Get her out!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not just about what you say. Now that the Irish are dropping bombs everywhere, you leaders will only say to strengthen security precautions. If you really have a facelift, it's too late to regret it."

Zhang Bijun was finally a little angry by this man's attitude: "Zhang Yang, you don't understand what you want me to say. I will try my best to deal with this matter. We should have a holistic view of doing things, and we can't affect the interests of the whole organization because of personal likes and

Zhang Yang shouted at the microphone: "Go***Organizational interests, I'll tell you clearly now that I won't do it. From now on, I will have nothing to do with your national security. Everything I do has nothing to do with you!" After saying that, he hung up the phone and saw the mosquito staring at himself. He shouted angrily, "What the hell are you looking at?"

The mosquito protested in a low voice, "I'm not at the bottom of the ten innings!"

Zhang Bijun was also disfigured by publicity. She went to Xing Chaohui with a cavity of anger. Although she is half a level lower than Xing Chaohui in her position. But Xing Chaohui respected her for everything. After Xie Chaohui figured out what was going on, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "I said Zhang Jue, you still don't know the temper of this man. No one can stop what he decided."

Zhang Bijun said angrily, "I really don't understand why you got this kind of person into Guoan!"

Xie Chaohui said, "You can always praise him, but I think this is right! It's really unkind to do things in the tenth game. Nightingade used to be my subordinate. It didn't take long for her to transfer to the tenth game. At the beginning, I really couldn't bear to let her go!"

Zhang Bijun said, "The nightingiobler is really excellent. If you think about her disappearance for so long, it is impossible to be unaware of it in ten games!"

Xie Chaohui sneered and said, "Qu Shaoyang is very cold-blooded. I think he is going to give up the nightinge!"

Zhang Bijun said, "Put aside the nightingio. Is the safety of Vice Premier Wen and his wife just like this?

Xing Chaohui said, "It's not that they haven't done anything. There is no nightingiole, and the action is still continuing!"

Zhang Bijun said, "Zhang Yang is likely to give us a big basket this time!"

Xie Chaohui smiled and said, "Zhang Yang is very capable, but he is a little too affectionate about women. I think he is interested in the nightingiole. This boy can do anything for women!"

Zhang Bijun said a fair word for Zhang Yang: "Not only that, Vice Premier Wen and his wife are his godfather and godmothers. Of course, he has to take care of their safety." Thinking of this layer, Zhang Bijun's anger has subsided, and it is not unreasonable for Zhang Yang to be angry against himself. If you care, you will be confused. This incident is related to his relatives. No wonder he is so excited.

Xie Chaohui said, "I will report this matter to you!"

Zhuo Bijun said, "What should we do?"

Xie Chaohui said, "Let's take a look at it step by step. If you can afford it, we will help with it. If he can't afford it, he can only look at his own creation!" After saying that, he said, "Vice Premier Wen's schedule in the UK should be able to be found!"

Zhang Bijun was a little surprised and said, "Of course, what can you do?"

Xie Chaohui said, "Tell Zhang Yang after checking it out!"

Zhang Bijun immediately understood that Xie Chaohui wanted to help Zhang Yang in this way.


After Mr. and Mrs. Wen Guoquan arrived in the morning, they were warmly welcomed by the British Deputy Prime Minister and the Embassy in the United Kingdom. Everything went well. After the meeting between Wen Guoquan and the British Prime Minister in the afternoon, they continued to discuss the relationship between the two countries with some British government officials. Luo Huining, the wife of the Visit, this is a charity hospital.

When Luo Huining got off at the parking lot of St. John's Hospital. The medical staff of St. John's Hospital made a special trip to greet them, and there were many onlookers beside them. Luo Huining smiled and waved her hand. At this time, she heard a familiar voice in the crowd shouting, "Gama!"

Luo Huining was slightly stunned. Although she knew in advance that Zhang Yang would accompany Jiangcheng to Europe to visit the investment group in Europe, she did not expect to meet Zhang Yang here. Luo Huining followed the voice, but saw Zhang Yang standing in the crowd and waving to her desperately.

Luo Huining walked towards Zhang Yang with a smile. Two British bodyguards hurried forward and reminded Luo Huining to keep a distance from the isolation belt.

Luo Huining frowned. The British security measures were unprecedentedly strict this time, which made Luo Huining feel a little uncomfortable. She said to Li Wei beside her, "Go and see what's wrong with Zhang Yang!"

Li Wei nodded and came to England this time. He was mainly responsible for the safety of the vice premier's wife. He came to Zhang Yang and smiled, "I didn't expect to meet you here." Zhang Yang said briefly that someone was going to use Vice Premier Wen and his wife's visit to create trouble. Li Wei said, "Don't worry, we have received a notice from the national security department. We have taken sufficient security measures this time, and the British side has also given the highest level of preparedness measures, which should be safe."

Zhang Yang nodded and met Luo Huining in the distance. Luo Huining waved to him with a smile and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back to China!" She came with a political mission this time. Obviously, it is not suitable to catch up with the god son.

Zhang Yang reported with a smile and saw Luo Huining walk into St. John's Hospital.

Li Wei returned to Luo Huining and whispered, "Madam, Zhang Yang is here to inform us to pay attention to safety. He said that the Irish Revolutionary Army will be against us."

Luo Huining's eyebrows were slightly frowned. She really couldn't figure out what was going on between the Irish Revolutionary Army and the Chinese government. She whispered: Be careful, how could Zhang Yang know these things?"

Li Wei said, "He should have something to do with Guoan."

Luo Huining did not continue to ask, but followed the hospital into the elevator. What she was going to visit was the pediatric ward, located in the hospital. The number displayed on the elevator kept changing. When she drove to the building, the elevator suddenly fell into darkness. Everyone was stunned. Li Wei protected Luo Huining at the first time. What's going on?

Chen Meilin stood beside Zhang Yang and looked at Luo Huining curiously. It was the first time she had seen the wife of the Vice Premier.

Zhang Yang has always been wary of Chen Meilin. Although she saved her, Chen Meilin always regarded herself as an enemy who killed her father and killed her father! Qiubushan knows when this girl will give herself a black gun.

Just as the crowd was about to leave, there was a loud noise in the parking lot. A van exploded. The powerful explosion smashed the van to pieces. The surrounding cars were also shaken by the shock wave of the explosion and flew into the air. Several passers-by who could not escape were knocked to the ground.

Many people at the scene lost their balance and fell to the ground because of the strong vibration of the ground. Chen Meilin fell on Zhang Yang's shoulder. If Zhang Yang hadn't held her in time, she would have fallen to the ground.

The explosion here is not over yet. The second explosion at the gate of the ward building was triggered. The hall collapsed and blocked the gate at the entrance. The scene was full of smoke and dust, and the screams were mixed with painful coughs.

Zhang Yang looked at the ward building in horror, and everything was still happening.

The chain explosion of St. John's Hospital was quickly fed back to the British government. The civil and state power is participating in the state negotiations, and also heard about the St. John's explosion. The life and death of the wife who is visiting the hospital is now uncertain.

While comforting Wen Guoquan, the British side made a promise that they would do their best to ensure the safety of Luo Huining and his entourage. In fact, this kind of guarantee is that the British side has no confidence. At this time, the explosion made the British lose face. They had heard that the Irish Revolutionary Army would take action before, so they have taken sufficient security measures. The key protection object is, of course, the civil power, but they did not expect that they were eventually exploited by others. The target was the wife Luo Huining.

Although Luo Huining is far less important than the civil and state power. But if there is any mistake, the international influence is almost the same. If a foreign senior official visits the UK and something goes wrong, it will definitely damage the international image of the UK. The British have been advocating how powerful they are in anti-terrorism all day long, and now it is equivalent to being slapped loudly.

The Irish Republican Army claimed responsibility for the series of bombings almost immediately. They proposed that the British government release General Hart within three hours, otherwise it would detonate the ward building and raze the whole ward building to the ground.

This is not only about all the patients at St. John's Hospital, but also about Luo Huining, the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister, and the accompanying staff, including some officials of the British government. Things are quite tricky, and a little improper handling will lead to unimaginable consequences.

The special police rushed to the scene of the explosion in St. John's Hospital as soon as possible and began to evacuate the crowd. Zhang Yang and Chen Meilin are also among the evacuations. Chen Meilin was so scared by the series of explosions that her face turned pale. She whispered to Zhang Yang, "It's a big trouble. I don't know if Mrs. Wen is all right? Because everything happened so suddenly, she even temporarily put down her hatred for publicity.

Zhang Yang's face was solemn. Luo Huining was his godmother. He cared more about Luo Huining's safety than others. Zhang Yang forcibly suppressed the idea of rushing in after exiting the warning line.

Zhang Yang came to the fast food restaurant opposite the hospital. The news is being broadcast live on the TV in the store, through which you can keep abreast of the situation.

Chen Meilin watched the news attentively. She translated the content of the news to Zhang Yang. Judging from the current news, the purpose of the bandits is to save General Hart. Luo Huining should not be in danger for the time being. However, Luo Huining was not mentioned in the news. It seems that the British government still wants to cover this matter for the time being and try to avoid causing greater impact.

The siren is roaring outside, and the police force is still strengthening.

Zhang Yang looked at the police car outside, gritted his teeth and said, "What did these loser do earlier? Now the accident has come out one by one, which is even more useless than the domestic public security!"

Chen Meilin stared at him fiercely. She thought of her father, who was an excellent police officer.

Zhang Yang asked for a cup of orange juice and a beef burger. Next, he had to take action. Before the explosion, he was extremely uneasy, but after the explosion. Instead, Zhang Yang calmed down.

Chen Meilin looked at Zhang Yang in surprise: "How can you eat it?"

Zhang Yang said while eating the hamburger, "If I don't fill my stomach, how can I save people?"

Chen Meilin looked at the police lane that shuttled back and forth outside: "There are so many police here, it's impossible to let you in!"

Zhang Yang said, "I have one. Habit. I never believe in the police. It's like this in China. It's still like this when I come here!" He drank the orange juice in one breath and said to Chen Meilin, "Let's break up here. Mrs. Wen is my godmother. I can't watch her fall into danger and leave. This has nothing to do with you. Get out of here as soon as possible!"

Chen Meilin shook her head and said, "I won't leave. Although I'm not a patriot, this matter involves the honorable property of our country. As a Chinese citizen, I should help contribute. You don't know English, you can use me!"

Zhang Yang thought for a moment and finally nodded the table: "Okay, you can follow. Don't blame me for any danger!"

"I'm an adult, and of course I will be responsible for my actions!"

After Zhang Yang and Chen Meilin filled their stomachs, they walked out of the fast food restaurant, and the atmosphere outside became more and more tense. The police have surrounded the ward building of St. John's Hospital, but they dare not act rashly. I'm afraid that my own actions will anger the gangsters and cause an explosion!

Zhang Yang soon found that it was the right decision to let Chen Meilin stay. Chen Meilin took him to the nearby library and pulled out the architectural structure of St. John's Hospital from the computer. Chen Meilin pointed to one of the places and said, "There are underground pipes here." It should be beyond the control of the police. We can sneak into St. John's Hospital from here.

Chapter 290 Infiltration (Part 2)

Chen Yang carefully looked at the structure of the underground pipeline from the world-loving guide pointed out by Chen Meilin to the bottom of the ward building of St. John's Hospital. He nodded and said, "We don't have much time to act immediately."

Chen Meilin printed out the structure diagram and drove to the entrance of the underground pipeline with Zhang Yang. However, the underground pipeline is located at the junction of the two main streets. It's really troublesome to sneak in calmly in full view of the public.

Zhang Daguan's eagerness is undoubtedly a group. He stopped the Land Rover, took the gum explosive from his arms, folded it and threw it into the car window, and quickly left the scene with Chen Meilin. As soon as they fled to a safe place, the chewing gum explosive exploded. Then it caused the explosion of the Land Rover car, and the smoke and dust filled the sky. For a while, the crossroads were in chaos. Because of the sudden explosion, many cars suddenly braked and caused the rear-end collision of the vehicle. Almost everyone's attention was attracted to the scene of the explosion.

A large truck stopped above the sewer. Zhang Yang and Chen Meilin took advantage of the chaos to get into the bottom of the truck and remove the iron cover of the underground pipe. Chen Meilin took the lead in climbing down the escalator. Zhang Yang also drilled into the waterway to cover the iron cover again.

As soon as Chen Meilin fell to the ground, she felt that she had stepped on something soft and screamed in horror. She turned around and threw herself into her arms. The official Zhang turned off the hand lamp and saw that the ground was full of mice. He frowned and grabbed a mouse that was climbing over Chen Meilin's head and threw it aside. Suddenly, the flesh and blood were blurred. He said in a low voice, "Run with me!" They took Chen Meilin's cold little hand and ran along the waterway.

The waterway under London is extremely spacious and exaggerated. In the past, they used to see the scene of driving trucks in the sewer in foreign movies. Although the waterway they are now in is not so exaggerated, there should be no problem for small cars driving in it.

Chen Meilin followed Zhang Yang tremblingly through the wet section of the road. She always closed her eyes. Until I couldn't hear the squeak of the mouse. Just now, she was relieved and saw that she was holding her father's enemy's hand tightly. Chen Meilin hurriedly shook it away.

Zhang Yang smiled indifferently and said, "I saved your life again!"

Chen Meilin. One more sound.

Zhang Yang shone on the front with a flashlight. According to the structure chart, they turned left at the first fork in front of them and said, "There is something I still don't understand. Why do you think of me as your father's enemy? How do you know when I come to Europe to investigate? Chen Meilin said, "If you don't know, don't do it yourself!"

Zhang Yang said, "You don't know the truth. Your father was involved in the corruption case of Mayor Li Guozheng in order to help Li Guozheng hide the fact of the crime. ( Eight degrees.) He kidnapped Qin Qing, the then head of Chunyang County. He died in an argument with Li Haohui, although I was present. But I didn't kill him! You can investigate the file of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau!" Zhang Yang deliberately lied about this matter, but he was not afraid of taking on this responsibility. He just couldn't bear to see Chen Meilin live in hatred forever. Hatred is not a good thing for anyone. Whether in the past or now, Zhang Yang has seen too many precedents that he can't extricate himself from being immersed in hatred and eventually going to destruction. Although Chen Xiangyi deserves it, Chen Meilin is innocent. Zhang Yang still remembers Chen Xiangyi's words before his death and said that he did not hurt Qin Let Zhang Yang not hurt his family.

At the beginning, Chen Meilin hated Zhang Yang to the bone, but since Zhang Yang rescued her from the cold water of the Thames, Chen Meilin's hatred for him has diluted some of her behavior that she has been with Zhang Yang since last night has changed many of her views. At least she has thought that Zhang Yang is very open. . Unconsciously, Chen Meilin has been shaken. Is it really like what Zhang Yang said? His father did not die in his hands, but deliberately instigated by others.

After her father's death, Chen Meilin was immersed in grief for a long time. She never thought about whether what her father had done was right or wrong. What she just said made her start to think about this matter. The matter she had been avoiding. The case of Li Guozheng's corruption had long been settled. She didn't know the relationship between her In order to help Li Guozheng destroy the evidence and risked to violate the law, then his father was doomed to have no good ending.

Zhang Yang calculated the distance they walked according to the handheld device given to him by the mosquito. Compared with the printed structure diagram, now they should have gone to the front of the pipe under St. John's Hospital and there is a fork again. Zhang Yang stopped. Look at the structure chart with Chen Meilin.

Chen Meilin outlined the structure diagram with her finger. He whispered, "Let's take this route. You can go directly to the parking lot downstairs of the ward!"

Zhang Yang nodded and suddenly made a silent gesture. His ear strength was extremely keen to hear the messy footsteps not far away. Although the footsteps were slight, he still heard them.

Chen Meilin didn't hear anything. Looking at Zhang Yang in surprise, he whispered, "There are still people in the pipeline!"

Zhang Yang didn't hear it wrong. At this time, a six-person British special team sneaked into the downstairs of St. John's ward from the pipe. As soon as they moved the manhole cover above, it exploded.

The whole underground pipe shook violently. Chen Meilin hit Zhang Yang's body heavily. This time, the gunshot wound that happened to hit Zhang Yang's left shoulder. Zhang Yang snorted with pain. Fortunately, the explosion completely covered up his voice.

The flame filled the whole underground pipe like a giant dragon and flew to them. Zhang Yang pressed Chen Meilin on the ground and immersed the two people's bodies into the sewage. The flame gushed out against the water and then quickly closed.

When they straightened up from under the water, Chen Meilin coughed violently and was also stimulated by the smell of thick gunpowder smoke. He whispered, "Are you all right?"

Chen Meilin shook her head.

The two of them walked forward carefully. Not long after I left, I saw about four bodies that had been blown up on the ground. However, judging from the broken limbs and broken arms at the scene, there should be more than so many people. He squatted down and took off the submachine gun from a corpse. Chen Meilin also took down a gun and picked up five grenades.

Chen Meilin has no longer walked in front of her since she had a gun in her hand. On the surface, she looks very careless. In fact, she is very thoughtful. Chen Meilin whispered, "Why don't you lead the way ahead? Are you afraid that I will give you a black gun?

Zhang Yang smiled and said: Be careful to sail for ten thousand years! It's not a bad thing to doubt everything!" What he said was relaxed, but he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. Luo Huining, the godmother, was still under the control of the gangster. Chen Meilin seemed to temporarily put down her hatred for him. Who knows what this girl thought? I'm afraid it's difficult to resolve the hatred of killing my father with just a few words.

The air was full of the smell of scorching corpses. The two came to the place where they had just exploded and collapsed, but there was also a hole above to accommodate a person's body. Zhang Yang took the lead in climbing up to the top to make sure that there was no ambush before he signaled Chen Meiling with a flashlight. Let her follow up.

When Chen Meilin came up, the explosion with a walkie-talkie in her hand just now did not damage the rapid voice from Chuanjing. Chen Meilin listened to it for a while and looked up in a low voice! In the building, he proposed to the British government to send General Hart to the helicopter within an hour. The ward building will be blown up.

Zhang Yang frowned: "Did you say where Mrs. Wen is?"

Chen Meilin shook her head.

Zhang Yang took out the building plan of St. John's Hospital. They should be at the bottom floor of St. John's Hospital, which is full of pipes. According to the building map, they walked to the safe exit. When passing through the front pipe, Zhang Yang paused and made a downward movement with his left hand. He motioned Chen Meilin to stop and then he continued to walk forward.

A wrench roared at the back of Zhang Yang's head and grabbed the arm like lightning and fell to the back of the attacker to the ground. Chen Meilin quickly followed and used a submachine gun against the attacker's head.

The one who attacked them was a middle-aged man in overalls. He opened his arms to make a surrender-like blue eyes full of fear and said in a trembling voice: "Don't kill me" I'm a plumber

Chen Meilin put her finger on the trigger: "Who sent you?"

Zhang Yang grabbed the middle-aged man's badge and pulled it off. He compared his photo and whispered, "That's right, it should be the staff!"

Chen Meilin said, "How many terrorists are there in the hospital?"

The middle-aged man said in a trembling voice, "I don't know! I hid here after the explosion. I heard the news that if anyone dared to enter the hospital. There will be an explosion, so I have been hiding in the office. The explosion in the public room just led me out

Zhang Yang said, "Ask him where the elevator is?"

Chen Meilin relayed his words to the plumber.

The plumber said, "All the power is out. If you want to go up, you have to climb the stairs!" He suddenly remembered another thing: "Well, the VIP just entered from Elevator No. 3!"

Chen Meilin said, "Take us there." The plumber nodded and took the two of them to the underground parking lot. From the ground floor to the underground parking lot, there was no elevator. The underground pipeline was complicated. Without the guidance of this plumber, it would be really difficult for them to find a place.

The plumber who came to the entrance of the underground parking lot said that he did not dare to continue to lead the way. He said in a trembling voice, "Go up. Turn right and you can see the elevator. I can only send it here

Zhang Yang nodded and didn't want to embarrass him. He and Chen Meilin entered the underground parking lot.

Seeing that Chen Meilin turned on the walkie-talkie again, she could get some news from the police's control.

The British police still haven't given up trying to keep in touch with the special forces on the walkie-talkie. Chen Meilin looked at Zhang Yang and was asking for Zhang Yang's opinion on whether to communicate with the British police. Zhang Yang shook his head. He had no confidence in the ability of the British. This time he wanted to save Luo Huining with his own strength.

Because they are afraid that their actions will be detected by gangsters. So they paid attention to the camera in the underground parking lot. In any case, you can't get around the surveillance of the camera lens near the No. 3 elevator. Zhang Yang pulled out his saber and aimed at the camera and threw it over. With his martial arts, he can hit the target like a flying needle, not to mention such a large saber.

I think it's a rare and common thing in Zhang Yang. But in Chen Meilin's opinion, the saber accurately hit the camera and smashed the camera. Zhang Yang rushed out and picked up the saber on the ground and inserted it into the sheath again.

Chen Meilin was afraid that the sound of the camera breaking would attract the enemy, but such a movement did not seem to attract any attention. She followed Zhang Yang's footsteps and came to the No. 3 elevator entrance and inserted a saber into the gap of the elevator door. After prying open the gap, use the power of both arms to open the elevator door.

A cry for help echoed in the channel and said to Chen Meilin, "Wait here for me to hide Jiang carefully. I'll go up and have a look!"

Chen Meilin nodded.

Zhang Yang entered the elevator passage and used the gecko wall technique to climb up. Zhang Daguan walked high along the straight wall. If Chen Meilin saw this scene, he would have thought it was a ghost.

In the monitoring room of the ward building, a man in hospital overalls sat quietly there lying at his feet with two bodies bleeding all over the ground. His eyes stared at the screen on the right. The real-time scene in the No. 3 elevator channel is displayed on the screen. He installed an infrared camera in the No. 3 elevator channel in advance. Although the impact is not clear, he can still see that someone is approaching the elevator quickly and frowning tightly. It is really incredible. How can a person walk against the wall so quickly? He stroked his chin covered with white stubble and whispered, "Do you want to die? Complete you!"

Zhang Yang has crawled to the seventh floor. Suddenly, he saw a faint red light shining close to the wall and suddenly realized that it was not good. He let go of his hands and fell down. At the same time, a bomb close to the elevator passage was detonated. The shock wave and flame caused by the explosion are secondary. The cement around the bomb was blown up. Countless cement blocks fell from the sky. If ordinary people couldn't avoid the cement blocks falling all over the sky, they would be smashed to death.

Explain that the European expedition is not an octopus deliberately injecting water, but a plot that was settled a long time ago. In fact, when I first met a nightingle, I sketched this plot. First, it is to eliminate the estrangement with the Wen family. Second, it is to go further with the nightingio. Once the It proves that the majority of readers still like to watch the disputes over the rights of officialdom in mainland China. In the future, they will notice this point after the European investigation is written according to the calculation. Return to the right path immediately. I hope you don't have to be in a hurry. Since you have written it, you have to ensure the integrity of the story. There is another reason why the octopus wrote about the European expedition. At the time of the downturn, I didn't write the level I should have, but now the octopus feels that the writing state has come back. It won't be long before it will take long for him to re-enter the best state. Today, everyone gives a lot of support to the octopus on the monthly ticket.

On the second day of October, the octopus called for a double monthly ticket. Not only for the ranking, but also for the sake of face if we can go back to the top 15 today. The number of words to be updated tomorrow is the starting point, which is what most authors often say! Look at my performance, everyone! Octopus will update to prove that your monthly ticket is worth voting for me!