Medical official path

Chapter 388 Secret Calculation on

Hailan looked at the sanitary napkin in Zhang Yang's hand: "What a coincidence!"

Zhang Yang said, "Why didn't you come over and say hello to me?"

Hai Lanxin said that I was going to surprise you. Unexpectedly, you surprised me first. She whispered, "Wang Zhun called me. He is very dissatisfied with the host. If I have time to help, I happen to have a special topic in the capital. Come here first to help save the scene!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I really love me!" Hailan glanced at him and was obviously curious about the bag of sanitary napkins in his hand.

When Zhang Daguan accompanied Hailan to the Bailu Hotel, he brazenly explained, "What... Xinyan... is here..." This man was a pun.

Hailan couldn't help laughing, but she felt uncomfortable with a smile and whispered, "Wow! Just in time, you can arrange to live together for us!" Zhang Yang thought that Hailan didn't understand what he meant, and said, "She's here!" Hailan blushed and said, "Can you say less to be afraid of death?"

Mr. Zhang felt that this matter was really embarrassed. He really couldn't explain it clearly. He gave the sanitary napkin to Hailan and gave her the door card of the room: "Well, I have to go back to the office quickly. You two will talk first, and I'll come back later!"

Looking at Zhang Yang, who fled in a hurry, Hailan was quite helpless. She had known about Zhang Yang's affection for a long time, but Hailan did not have any jealousy because of this. She and Zhang Yang have experienced too many life-and-death separation between life and death. Hailan can take everything lightly. The only thing that can It's enough to know each other. Hailan has nothing else to ask for. She knows the real reason for Zhang Yang's escape. Hailan opened the door and heard He Xinyin say, "Why did you go there for so long?"

He Xinyan didn't expect that Hailan would come in from outside the door. She screamed in fear, and then her pretty face turned red. It was as hot as a fire. Then she lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong and whispered, "Sister Hailan!"

Hailan smiled gently, gave He Xinyan what Zhang Yang entrusted her to bring back, and whispered, "That bad boy became a deserter!"

He Xinyan took the sanitary napkin and fled to the bathroom. After she changed her clothes, she came out. Hailan had already made the coffee and handed her a cup. The woman's psychology was extremely subtle. In fact, they all understood the relationship between each other and Zhang Yang, but this layer of paper has never been punctured. In the past, If nothing happens and they don't know each other, they are now on the surface.

He Xinyan took a sip of the coffee and whispered, "When did Sister Lianlan arrive?"

"Just now, when I went to the supermarket to ask for directions, I met Zhang Yang shopping!"

He Xinyan smiled shyly: "I didn't know you were coming!"

Hailan squeezed. Coffee, then Wang Zhun asked her to come to save the scene and whispered, "We are all here to volunteer for him."

He Xinyan bit the cherry lip and nodded. Her eyes met Hailan. They both understood each other's psychology, and their faces were a little red. The embarrassment in her heart eventually turned into a helpless Furong. Zhang Daguan is sitting in Chang Lingfeng's principal's office at this moment.

Chang Lingfeng looked at him strangely. The man suddenly ran to his office, as if there was nothing to do. He sat there holding the newspaper. From his eyes, he could see that he did not read the newspaper, but was distracted.

Chang Lingfeng said, "The economic and trade fair is about to begin. You seem to be very leisurely!"

Zhang Yang smiled and still covered his face with the newspaper: "I'm the one who controls the overall situation. If the direction is set, I have nothing to do. What should I do? Don't you still have you?"

Chang Lingfeng said, "The program of our No. 1 Middle School is ready. It's very sensational. The teachers who watched it first have shed tears."

Zhang Yang said, "That's what I want." His phone rang, and Zhang Yang answered the phone, but Liang Yan invited him to watch the rehearsal. Zhang Yang said that he was busy and had no time! After closing the phone, Zhang Yang suddenly asked, "I said Ling Feng, how are you and Xiao Zhang?"

Chang Lingfeng didn't expect him to suddenly ask this question. He was stunned and said, "What's wrong? And walk over like that!" Zhang Yang said, "To tell me the truth, is there anyone else in your heart besides Xiao Zhang?"

Chang Lingfeng looked at him strangely: "I said what's wrong with you today? Ask some strange questions!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm asking you, you answer me!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "There used to be, but now my heart has already faded. You know, Shi 1 can dilute everything. Zhang Yang said, "That is to say, you like the new and hate the old!"

Chang Lingfeng was about to argue, but he heard the man say, "Why do you think I am so affectionate? I like the new and never get tired of the old. I'm so good to every girl, and I can't give up on anyone. I'm so kind and infatuated!"

Chang Lingfeng just drank a mouthful of tea and sprayed it all out. He coughed for a long time before he recovered. He pointed to Zhang Yang and said, "I said, Mr. Mayor, we don't bring such a harmful person. I was almost choked to death by you! Be kind and don't show off like this!"

Zhang Guanren sighed, "You don't understand my realm, and no one in the world can understand!" His words are true, but unfortunately no one will believe them.

Chang Lingfeng vaguely guessed that Zhang Yang's annoyance was related to the recent arrival of his confidant, but Chang Lingfeng still had some understanding of Zhang Yang. The biggest disadvantage of this person is that he can coax. In the things that others can't cope with, he is comfortable to do, and the trouble is temporary.

Zhang Yang has been very busy recently. Even if he doesn't go to the rehearsal site, he still has something to find him.

Mayor Sun Dongqiang held a mayor's meeting in the afternoon. After receiving the notice, Zhang Yang had to give up the idea of leisure here at Chang Lingfeng and returned to the municipal government.

Sun Dongqiang's meeting is also related to the Economic and Trade Fair. Several major events have happened in Fengze recently, but almost all of these things have nothing to do with him. Sun Dongqiang found himself very excluded. Compared with the late publicity, the speed of his integration into the Fengze system is obviously much slower. Let's talk about anything else. In this economic and trade fair alone, Zhang Yang has taken advantage of this prosperous era and successfully attracted everyone's attention. If the economy and trade are successful, the boy's political position in Fengze will become stable from now on.

The joint beating of Shen Qinghua and Chen Qinian made Sun Dongqiang realize that he was not popular in Fengze. In the past, his principle was to keep a low profile and spend these two years as smoothly as possible, but now it seems that his low profile has turned into cowardice and inaction in the eyes of others, which makes Sun Dongqiang angry and He was annoyed that this economic and trade fair had completely abandoned him. He thought that Zhang Yang was using means to consciously isolate himself.

He can't let the situation continue to develop like this. Shen Qinghua is not interested in him. Because of this, even the executive vice mayor Chen Jianian dares to openly challenge his authority. Now Zhang Yang is quietly rising. As the mayor of Fengze City, his power is constantly being weakened. At the same time, the image begins to become more and more blurred, how sad it is.

Sun Dongqiang must make some changes. He wants to reverse the increasingly embarrassing situation a few days ago. He wants everyone to know that Fengze also has a mayor. In addition to Shen Qinghua, another person with the right to speak should be him.

After all the mayors arrived, Sun Dongqiang said, "Let's gather everyone here today to learn about the preparations for the Fengze Summer Economic and Trade Fair, and deploy our next drought relief policy."

Several deputy mayors did not say anything. Since Chen Jianian, the executive vice mayor, openly confronted Sun Dongqiang at the Standing Committee, the contradictions between them have been made public. Chen Jianian has been in Fengze for many years and has a certain prestige. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

When Sun Dongqiang saw that no one answered, he smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, please talk about the preparation of the Economic and Trade Conference first!"

Zhang Yang said, "The Summer Economic and Trade Conference is proceeding in a tense and orderly manner according to the instructions of the leaders!" Such a sentence is equivalent to reporting the whole situation.

Sun Dongqiang originally thought that he still had the following, but after listening to this sentence, it was gone. The worker's work report was too simple. Sun Dongqiang was so angry, but he did not show it on the surface. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, are there any difficulties in the actual work?"

Zhang Yang said, "There is no difficulty. It's a big deal. I can overcome it!" This sentence completely blocked Sun Dongqiang's words.

Sun Dongqiang was a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "This economic and trade fair is very important to Fengze. I hope every leader present will mention the spirit of "work together to do a good job in this economic and trade event!" Zhang Yang's most annoying thing is that others sing high-profile and pull official accents. Sun Dongqiang is obviously a strong man in this field.

Sun Dongqiang has figured out one thing now. Don't you want to exclude me? If you want to isolate me, there is no door. The more so, the more I have to ask. I'm the mayor of Fengze. If I really want to intervene, none of you can stop me. He changed his words and mentioned the bursting of the water pipe on Fuguo Road two days ago. Sun Dongqiang said, "Lao Jin, is there any

Jin Lei said, "The main water supply pipe of Fuguo Road is being completely replaced, and it is expected to be completed within 20 days. The water cut-off construction will be placed at night, so as not to affect the lives of the masses as much as possible." Sun Dongqiang said, "I asked about the processing result!"

Jin Lei was stunned for a moment before he understood what Sun Dongqiang meant. He subconsciously glanced at Chen Jianian, the executive vice mayor, and then whispered, "The driver who caused the accident has been detained, and the relevant person responsible for the pipeline maintenance of the water plant has also been suspended."

Sun Dongqiang said, "There is something I don't understand. There is a traffic post at the intersection of Fuguo Road. At that time, it was on the duty of the traffic police. Why can a heavy truck drive into Fuguo Road openly? What did the traffic police on duty do? Can't he see such a big car? I also heard that there was more than one truck passing from Fuguo Road at that time. Now that something has happened, is it fair to push all the past to the driver?

Jin Lei didn't say anything. Sun Dongqiang's words are very directional. In fact, everyone knows that this water pipe burst is not only the reason for Fang Datong, the driver who caused the accident, but if this matter needs to be investigated to the end, it is difficult for the municipal government, road administration, water supply In the final analysis, he, the deputy mayor, has the greatest responsibility. Jin Lei has always lacked the courage to be independent and the courage to undertake. Sun Dongqiang's questioning makes him a little at a loss. At this time, he can't help looking at Chen Jianian.

Chen Jiannian certainly felt Jin Lei's eyes. He knew that Jin Lei was asking him for help. After the head-on conflict between him and Sun Dongqiang, Chen Jianian undoubtedly added a lot of weight to many people's minds. Chen Jianian said, "Mayor Sun is right. We leading cadres should first review ourselves. I There are still a lot of shortcomings in our work!" His words are very vague, but they are very clever. Didn't you, Sun Dongqiang, hold him accountable? Everyone has a responsibility, and no one can clean it up.

Sun Dongqiang said, "In a word, during this summer economic trade fair, leaders and guests gathered. We must show them the best side of Fengze, so that everyone can be full of faith in the future of Fengze

Zhang Yang said, "Our theme is to attract investment and the other is disaster relief. We only show the good side to others, as if it is different from our original purpose. What we see is the best side. Who still supports us?" In a word, Sun Dongqiang choked enough.

Sun Dongqiang said, "Show all the shortcomings to others, and you will definitely scare the investors away!"

Zhang Yang added: "In my opinion, we should show the most real side of Fengze to the leaders and guests, so that they can see the development prospects of Fengze. At the same time, they also realize the difficulties we are currently facing. Although there are difficulties, after all, it is temporary. I believe that any investor who really has a long-term vision I will never be dejected because of this temporary difficulty!"

Executive Vice Mayor Chen Jianian took the lead in applauding, and the rest of the deputy mayors also followed Mei Zhaozhang one by one. H