Medical official path

Chapter 730 Counterattack on

Another reporter said, "Mr. Liao, do you know the consequences of publishing false reports? This will discredit your resume and may ruin your future in the press from now on!", Liang Dongping said, "I admit, I used to care too much about my work, and someone hinted to me that as long as I follow his words, he will give me special care, and I will soon be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper." Anyway, it's torn off the face." Liang Dongping crossed his heart and risked it today.

The scene was in an uproar. At this time, someone asked, "Mr. Li, as far as I know, you have had a conflict with Director Zhang, and you hit him with a car at the door of the Southeast Daily." I don't know if there is this?"

Liang Dongping was stunned when asked, or Zhang Yang stood up. He smiled and said, "This journalist, please make it clear. What kind of car did Mr. Liang hit me down with?" The reporter said, "Bicycle!"

The scene burst into laughter.

Zhang Yang also smiled. He stood up, bypassed the speaker's platform, and took two steps forward: "Look, everyone, do I look like a person who can be hit by a bicycle?" Zhang Daguan is strong, Liang Dongping is thin and polite, and can be seen by anyone with long eyes.

The reporter continued to ask, "As far as I know, many people saw it when you were knocked down" and there was a [police] who sent you to Baisha District People's Hospital together."

Zhang Yang is still smiling, but he already knows in his heart that this reporter is probably sent by Li Tongyu.

Zhang Yang said, "What other questions do you have?" The reporter said, "Mr. Li, you just came out of the Baisha District Public Security Bureau in the afternoon. What are you going to do in the branch? Was he called to assist in the investigation because of the injury to Director Zhang? "What's so serious? I heard that Director Zhang was sterilized because you hit the lower body. May I ask if this matter is true!"

Liang Dongping didn't know how to answer, so he looked at Zhang Yang for help.

Zhang Daguan pointed to the reporter and said, "Your father has just been sterilized!"

Everyone was stunned. This guy was too arrogant. In front of so many reporters, he actually scolded people. The reporter was scolded until he blushed and didn't wait for him to fight back." Zhang Yang said, "Which unit are you from? In the press so much news media, this is a personal attack. Who do you think is sterilized? Your father just sterilized!" "Why are you scolding people?" Zhang Yang said, "Swearing you, I'm still beating you. Is there an unscrupulous reporter like you? I'm healthy. I don't know how normal it is physically or psychologically. You actually attacked me viciously. I'm not married yet. Do you know how harmful it is to me to say such words? This is a personal attack. I'm going to sue you for defamation!"

"I'm...I heard," the reporter was scared by the momentum of Zhang Daguan.

"Don't fart here if there is no factual basis. Don't blame me for scolding here. I'm a young man. He said I was sterilized in front of so many media reporters. Do you think this guy should be beaten? Why don't you go home and ask your father about this kind of question?

The reporter blushed when he was scolded by Zhang Yang. He coughed and asked questions.

Zhang Yang said, "I advise all the reporters here to make news, don't just think about how to attract the attention of others, respect the facts, and everything should be based on the facts." Don't talk nonsense!"

That night, the provincial TV broadcasted a special program "A Report on the Conscience of a Reporter!" Li Tongyu, the president of Southeast Daily, sat quietly in front of the TV and watched the news. When he listened to Liang Dongping's apology statement, he picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. Liang Dongping He imagined that his bones were softer, and under the intimidation of Zhang Yang, he completely gave up his original persistence, and now he has completely fallen to Zhang Yang's camp.

In this way, the next report is no longer necessary to be published. Li Tongyu found himself ignoring the role of Li Dongping. "Although the report was written under his hint, the author is Li Dongping." Zhang Yang asked Li Dongping to deny that this report is still very convincing. This move is called the holy base salary." Li Tongyu ignited With a cigarette, he really couldn't figure out how Liang Dongping changed so completely. This one disappointed him too much.

The ringtone interrupted his meditation." Li Tongyu picked up the phone and said, "Hey!"

"Sexort, it's me!"

"Song Huaiming!" Li Tongyu's voice was extremely low.

Song Huaiming said, "If possible, I hope to meet you."

Li Tongyu said, "Is that necessary?" Song Huaiming said, "Yes!"

"Well, I'll visit you at the governor's office banquet at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Song Huaiming didn't expect him to agree so readily. He whispered, "Okay, I will be waiting for you on time!"

When Song Huaiming called, Zhang Yang was at his home and came to Dongjiang. Zhang Yang's first visit was not Song Huaiming. Because Song Huaiming was his future father-in-law, the incident captured by Southeast Daily was not suitable for Song Huaiming to intervene, although the fundamental reason for Li Tongyu's targeting Zhang Yang was He has his own method and his own means. Although it is not open and aboveboard enough, in the end, he also achieved the desired effect.

Zhang Yang came to visit Song Huaiming's home after Liang Dongping publicly apologized, and the gift was also tea.

After re-arranged the marriage contract with Chu Yanran, in the eyes of Song Huaiming and Liu Yuying, "Zhang Yang is his own family. Liu Yuying personally cooked a few dishes and asked their son-in-law to drink a few cups.

Zhang Yang didn't know that Song Huaiming called Li Tongyu, and respectfully accompanied Song Huaiming for two glasses of wine.

Song Huaiming said, "The matter of Southeast Daily is well handled!"

In Zhang Yang's impression, Song Huaiming has never praised himself like this. He smiled and said, "I caused the trouble. Of course I have to be responsible." Song Huaiming said, "I'd better try my best to do things in the future. Don't be caught by some people with ulterior motives." Song Huaiming did not blame Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I will be careful in the future.

Song Huaiming picked up the wine glass and touched him and drank it. It seemed to be careless and said, "I heard that you are in the hospital. Is your health all right?" Of course, Zhang's official would not think that his future father-in-law asked this unintentionally. Although Song Huaiming usually doesn't talk much, he never says irrelevant nonsense. He must have heard some rumors. It seems **The thing that the survival rate is zero has been broadcasted." Zhang Yang has no choice but to do so. He has also thought about it. He will go through the discharge procedures tomorrow and then review it again. This time, the result must show that the survival rate is 100%, otherwise how can he look up and see people in the future? Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you also believe the rumors outside "Uncle Song"?"

Song Huaiming smiled. Of course, it's not easy for him to continue to ask. "But looking at Zhang Yang's fierce appearance, there should be no physiological defects. Besides, he is a magic doctor himself. Even if there is any problem, he will definitely be cured.

Zhang Yang changed the topic and said, "Uncle Song, have you contacted Yanran recently?"

Speaking of Yanran, Song Huaiming couldn't help smiling: "She called twice!" In the past, it was unimaginable for his daughter to take the initiative to call herself, and all this was thanks to his father-in-law Chu Zhennan. Thinking of what happened in Jinghai some time ago, Song Huaiming couldn't help thinking of Li Tongyu again. He was not afraid of Li Tongyu. "But Li Tongyu's recent The price harms the people around him. In Jinghai, he wants to destroy the father-daughter relationship that has just been repaired between him and his daughter. Recently, he used news reports to attack Zhang Yang. Song Huaiming realized that he must stop his crazy behavior as soon as possible and could not let him continue to hurt the people around him.

Zhang Yang said, "The consortium has encountered some problems, and Yanran may have to stay in the United States for a while."

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "I hope she can deal with the matter as soon as possible. I suggest to her that there are many opportunities for its development in China." It should be considered to return to China for development." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I don't ask about her business. I don't understand and have the right to speak."

Song Huaiming laughed.

Liu Yuying came over with her son Song Gengxin in her arms and said with great interest, "What are you two talking about so happily?"

Song Huaiming said, "We are talking about Yanran."

Liu Yuying gave her son to Song Huaiming and got up to make milk powder for him.

Zhang Yang leaned over and stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Geng's new chubby face, saying that my little nose was small enough.

Song Huaiming hugged his son with a kind face. He said to Zhang Yang, "Look, who does Gengxin look like more?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I think I'm more like Aunt Liu."

Liu Yuying came back with a smile: "I said my son is like me! But the two eyebrows are especially like you, and the ears are also like you!"

Song Huaiming said, "Xiao Gengxin hasn't seen his sister yet!" Liu Yuying took her son from Song Huaiming's arms, stuffed the bottle into his mouth, pointed to Zhang Yang and said, "Xiao Xin, see clearly, this is your future brother-in-law!" After saying that, Zhang was a little embarrassed.

Song Huaiming looked at his son, and the happiness in his heart was beyond words. He whispered, "The happiest thing in the world is the joy of family. Come back from work every day." Seeing their mother and son, I had no worries."

Zhang Yang nodded: "When Yanran comes back from the United States, you will be happier."

Song Huaiming nodded with a smile. What he was most looking forward to was this day.

Liu Yuying said, "Zhang Yang, when will you and Yanran get married? You are not young anymore." Get married quickly and have a baby."

The rare official Zhang blushed: "What... Yanran and I are still young"

"It's good to be young. If we wait for this year's period, we won't have so much energy to take care of our children!",