Medical official path

Is it okay?

Chapter 400 Dust Sett

Four months later, Ding Xiaoyou returned to Binhai from the island vacation. Xiaoyan is four or five months old and looks quite cute. The first thing to do when he comes back is to secretly take his parents to the island. For his parents, he owes too much that need to be remedied. Now it's time to realize it.

Xu Tianer's mood slowly improved. Under the comfort of everyone, she gradually became stronger and decided to return to the singing world again, which is good news for almost everyone.

Tang Yang opened the phone and asked him jokingly, whether he had applied for Arab nationality, otherwise what would he do with his group of wives? This is really a sweet worry. Ding Xiaoyou smiled and did not answer.

"If I have time, I'll come to you for a drink. Maybe it's time to say goodbye!" Tang Yang was a little melancholy on the phone. This life is really strange. When he is occupied by hatred, he lives with a firm goal. When everything no longer becomes a problem, he is at a loss and has troubles. What should he do next?

After three or four months of rectification, the business has slowly entered the right track, and its employees are also trying their best to have a bright future. In time, the future is bound to be boundless, which is almost no longer necessary for Ding Xiaoyou to worry about.

"Xu Fangge's stand-in turned out to be Yuan Ce. Can you think of it?" Ding Xiaoyou said with a wry smile. Even he didn't expect that the star who entered tomorrow in the same year as him, the tiger tooth Yuan Ce, and Yuan Ce, who was on the top of the draft competition, his loyalty and trust in Bai Wuhen have never been cut off. He didn't believe that Bai Wuhen was dead at all, and he didn't believe that he was dead.

Tang Yang was slightly stunned and was relieved: "What's ridiculous is Xie Qiusi. Can't she even tell the difference between 40 and 20 years old? No wonder such a stupid woman.

Ding Xiaoyou was silent. Xie Qiusi was dead, and he really didn't want to comment on her again. I don't want to mention the positive and negative ones again. I just want all this to disappear with that unbearable history.

After an appointment with Tang Yang for a drink, Ding Xiaoyou remembered something. He still remembered that he still owed Gao Lin a Lamborghini! Now this little witch has entered the star of tomorrow and has been seen by the star scouts. Everything is in a good direction. The car had come from Italian goods. Ding Xiaoyou called Zhongdu and asked the person in charge there to pick it up and sent it to the little witch, saying that it was a gift from Brother Ruogu.

Thinking of the old friends in Zhongdu, Ding Xiaoyou couldn't help but feel homesick. He was so homesick that he took out his mobile phone. Searching for the past one by one, the first thing that comes to mind is Kexin.

I called, but my heart answered, and the voice was still so soft and calm, as if it had been two years. With a flick of her finger, her tone was still so kind and natural, which made Ding Xiaoyou feel familiar, but out of reach. After a slightly embarrassed silence, Ding Xiaoyou said, "Sister Kexin, close..." How about it? He can hardly remember how to communicate with Kexin. Now he has lost the ability to communicate with her.

Calm and calm: "I heard that Mr. Xu has been doing good deeds. He went up to the floor and looked like it. It's already too cold, isn't it? Do you remember the song I sang to you?"

"Of course I remember." Ding Xiaoyou sighed with emotion. That's one of the two songs that impressed my generation. Whenever I indulge in reality, I always use Sister Kexin's song. As well as the church's bells and prayers as a wake-up call, although it is not as good as being a stick, it can at least let me not get lost too far..." When Ding Xiaoyou talks to Kexin, he always feels that he is subliming, maybe not, just repenting or self-redemption.

Kexin was also silent for a moment and asked, "I'm curious. What else is it?"

Ding Xiaoyou sighed gently, the other one? That's also a very touching song. It's the Scarborough Market. Lan Lan's love. Every time he hears the melody of this song, Ding Xiaoyou's heart is surging.

"I decided to keep a secret in front of Sister Kexin, which may be the only one." Ding Xiaoyou said.

Kexin didn't ask, and there was another embarrassing silence. Ding Xiaoyou suddenly asked, "Over the years, have Sister Xin found what you have been pursuing? You know, those things that are called ideals, but ethereal things?

He is not good at organizing this language and is a little stammering, but he naturally knows what he refers to.

"Xu Gong, I like Liu Yong's lyrics very much recently, and I filled in the song by myself. Can you listen to me sing patiently? But Xin didn't answer Ding Xiaoyou's question, but took care of it.

"Sister Kexin's masterpiece, naturally you have to listen to. You don't know that even Tang Yang, the movie emperor you chose, such a proud man, has been brought into your musical mood! I thought he was a person who never felt anything.

"Is it?" But his heart was stunned for a moment and said, "The lyrics are called Qu Yu Guan. Listen carefully!"

Ding Xiaoyou said "um" and had an idea. He casually pressed the recording function in his mobile phone. Since the music works can be sung to him, it is naturally a private work. Maybe after this time, there will be no chance to enjoy it again.

"Long clouds fly, day and night by the river, full of smoke and waves for a long time. Looking at the bleak river, thousands of miles of clear autumn, I can't bear to stare. Yu Shenjing, Yingying Xian, don't come to the brocade character, it's hard to be a coincidence. There was no evidence for the wild goose, and Ran Ran flew down to Tingzhou and Siyouyou. I thought about how many happy meetings there were at the beginning; I didn't know that the difficult period of gathering and dispersation turned into rain and hatred. Blocking the chase, every time you climb the mountain to the water, it provokes the worries of your life, a gloom, and you will never be speechless, but you go down to the floor..." But your heart sings so seriously, and the song is almost like the sound of nature. Even a layman like Ding Xiaoyou can't help listening to it.

Until the happy side hung up the phone, Ding Xiaoyou was in a trance and thought about it over and over again, but he knew little. Listening to the artistic conception of this word, it seems that Sister Kexin seems to have had an unforgettable relationship?

I opened and listened to the recording again, but it was still not good. It's just that he is also aware of it. But my heart is really getting farther and farther away from me. Thinking of this, he felt a little funny. He was already a group of wives and concubines, and he still thought about what to do? Although Kexin is also one of his "first love" in the star of tomorrow, and he once joined the club for her, now think about it, Kexin and himself are indeed two kinds of people. Because some common languages walk together and become friends. But if you want to rise to the height of love, it has never happened. Ding Xiaoyou also came out of that ridiculous mood a long time ago. He didn't feel too depressed. After all, people like Kexin are spiritual aristocrats and goddesses in the ethereal clouds.

When I saw Tang Yang again, it was on the beach. Tang Yang landed and was the sunny big boy, and he couldn't see any vicissitudes at all. Ding Xiaoyou shouted, "Lao Tang. It's a pity that you are not a star. If I were a girl, I would definitely chase you.

Tang Yang smiled and said, "It's good that you're not. Thank God. How's it going? I heard that you bought an island and plan to live on the whole family on the island. It's okay, it's small. I know how to enjoy it!"

Ding Xiaoyou frowned and smiled. Don't be shy at all: "Seriously, it's just to escape. The island is popular now! You can buy ten of your money.

"Thank you, I don't have that ambition. One day I want to go to sea and lend me your private yacht.

"Haha, not to mention yachts. Just let me buy you a luxury cruise ship, and I'll buy it for you. Of course, I can't afford an aircraft carrier, or I'll buy it for you. Ding Xiao is worried. He is in a good mood.

"It's not that you can't afford it, but that there is no place to put it!" Tang Yang joked enough and turned to ask, "Fang Jie, are they all right? The little crow admires you, doesn't it?"

"Haha, that's not your light. To be honest, I know you as a friend. It's really my honor." Ding Xiaoyou said sincerely. If it hadn't been for Tang Yang, Ding Xiaoyou really didn't know what he was like now.

Tang Yang shook his head: "That's just what you deserve. Even without me, you can get all this in another way. You have all the qualifications of a successful person. It's not polite. But maybe there is one more thing you didn't think of.

"What?" Ding Xiaoyou asked curiously, "You won't tell me. You're also a stand-in, right?"

Tang Yang smiled and said, "You are going to suffer from double syndrome. I believe that no one in the world can replace me, Tang. By the way, I'm afraid you didn't expect that the real Xu Ruogu, in fact..."

Ding Xiaoyou patted his thigh and sighed, "Sure enough, I feel strange. It seems that my guess is not wrong! Needless to say, it must be a good thing done by your uncle, right? It's not so easy for a noble father-in-law like him to die!"

Tang Yang laughed and said, "Xu's bad luck began from that moment. Of course, everything in the later exhibition was beyond everyone's expectations. Everyone is involved in the game, but no one has mastered the whole game. This is the interesting part of the whole game. Without the participation of Bai Wuhen, it will be just a simple story of your usurpation and our revenge. Seriously, if it hadn't been for your use, my uncle wouldn't have promised Uncle Li to fully support you, and I may not have helped you so attentively, so all this is won by you by your own strength.

Ding Xiaoyou stood up proudly: "Anyway, thank you for your success. I will definitely let the brilliant flag of Xinghan be planted in all corners of the world and live up to your expectations."

Tang Yang smiled with a little expectation: "This is my uncle who wants to be obedient, me? It's enough to remember that I have you as a friend. I'm leaving Binhai tomorrow, and maybe I won't return to this land again.

"Where are you going?" Ding Xiaoyou asked curiously.

"I don't know." Tang Yang sighed directly and helplessly, "Wherever you go, no matter where you go? I'm tired of killing and blood. Maybe it's time to pursue something else.

Ding Xiaoyou suddenly felt that the man in front of him, and the two people who were so similar, couldn't find a way out because they were absolutely excellent. He suddenly moved his heart and said, "Lao Tang, in Zhongdu, there is a very beautiful song. Maybe you will like it. I like the last three sentences very much. It's dark and speechless, but downstairs... There is also such a person. Maybe you should go and see it!"

Tang Yang refused these twelve words and suddenly looked up: "Who made the song?"

Ding Xiaoyou stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your mobile phone." Tang Yang handed it over. Ding Xiaoyou entered the Kexin number into Tang Yang's mobile phone and handed it back with a smile: "When you get to Zhongdu, you go to Xinghan Brilliant. If you call this number, you can find that person. You tell her that you are here to listen to that song, and that's it's fine."

If it had been Tang Yang before, he would definitely not consider it, but at this time, he fell into silence and nodded: "For your recommendation and for the twelve words, I should also listen to this song and see this person."

Looking at Tang Yang's back, Ding Xiaoyou was a little lost. When he looked up, there was another wave at the seaside, which raised countless waves and countless emotions. When he turned back, he saw that the sunset was like blood and had already turned red: "Another day has passed." He said to himself and headed home.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe later, Tang Yang appeared in front of him with Ke Xin. Perhaps there is only such a pair of equally unusual people who have been pursuing each other for a long time. He believes that if this is the case, he will be happy to welcome this pair of guests at that time. At that time, he also firmly believed that Tianer's problem and Lan Lan's knot should also be solved, right?
