Medical official path

Chapter 772 Catch the strong man next

Chapter 772 Catch the Strong man (Part 2)

Wen Guoquan's stay in Pinghai is very short. He came to Pinghai to cut the ribbon for the i Economic and Trade Fair. A more important purpose is to meet Song Huaiming, the governor of Pinghai. In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them are very close. Because of the relationship between Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran, they have

When Wen Guoquan arrived at Nancy Airport, Song Huaiming's special car was already waiting there. Wen Guoquan simply said hello to the officials who came to receive him, and then got into Song Huaiming's special car. However, Wen Guoquan made a small request to let his own safety officer Li Wei replace Song Huaiming's driver. Drive, so that there are only three of them left in the car.

Song Huaiming knew that Wen Guoquan had something to say to himself alone. He smiled and said, "Premier Wen, you look good, and you should recover well."

Wen Guoquan nodded and said, "It's all right. I feel that my physical condition has been better than the past." Then Wen Guoquan cut into the topic: "Pinghai has changed a lot, and Zhenliang has changed Pinghai a lot."

Song Huaiming is still smiling, but there is a little embarrassment in his smile. Since Qiao Zhenliang came to Pinghai, he has shown a strong possessive desire for power. There are some differences between him and Qiao Zhenliang in the concept of management. Qiao Zhenliang value politics itself, while Song Huaiming value both politics and economy. Jin, it turns out that Qiao Zhenliang is indeed a master of political struggle. In the power struggle between him and Song Huaiming, Song Huaiming has retreated one after another. At least for now, Song Huaiming is already in an absolute disadvantage.

Wen Guoquan said, "The father of the tiger has no son. Mr. Qiao valued politics when he was in power, which was fully reflected in Zhenliang."

Song Huaiming said, "Joe's management level is very high. Under his leadership, Pinghai can definitely develop steadily."

Wen Guoquan said, "We national cadres must keep pace with the times. If we step too fast, we are radicals. If we are too cautious, we are conservatives. It is indeed a deep knowledge to master the right pace."

Song Huaiming said, "Which one does Vice Premier Wen think I belong to?"

Wen Guoquan glanced at Song Huaiming, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips. His words were more meaningful: "I always think that your pace is very consistent with me."

Song Huaiming didn't say anything, and Wen Guoquan gave him a strong hint. This sentence is both a sign of goodwill and a reminder. It is impossible to have no direction in politics. Whether you are reluctant or not, you will be involved in a certain camp. Absolute neutrality does not exist. Song Huaiming is a very independent person. Qiao Lao once appreciated him very much. Song Huaiming belongs to the representative of the new legal family. He believes that social development and the legal system comes first, which is I agree, but Song Huaiming is not old-fashioned and dogmatic. He also has his own unique views on economic development. He is one of the few cadres who can master the balance between the two.

Song Huaiming believes that Mr. Qiao is his mentor, but he does not think that he belongs to Mr. Qiao's camp. He has his own political ideas and beliefs. He believes that only by sticking to himself can he ensure the maximum realization of his self-worth. However, his daughter Chu Yanran's relationship with Zhang Yang connected him with Wen Guoquan. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, he fell from Qiao Lao's camp to Vice Premier Wen Guoquan's camp. Song Huaiming knew that he was not. He admitted that he had too many things in common with Wen Guoquan in the concept of governing the country, but It can be said that his pace is consistent with Wen Guoquan, it can only be said that he and Wen Guoquan are consistent on a certain road.

Wen Guoquan said: "In any era, any society, political struggle is inevitable. The reason is that people's insistence on nature. Everyone will be self-righteous. While thinking that they are right, they will ignore other people's views, even if your views are correct. Indeed, no matter how feasible it is, he may not adopt it. If he wants to prove himself and put his ideas into practice, he must go through political means, and the struggle will follow. Wen Guoquan talks about political struggle in a broad sense. In fact, he is aimed at the problem of Pinghai. He saw that Qiao Zhenliang's strength completely suppressed Song Huaiming and made his political ambitions unable to be used. Wen Guoquan knows Qiao Zhenliang very well. Qiao Zhenliang is a political master, but his economic cultivation is not as good as his political That's awesome.

Song Huaiming said, "The recent development of Pinghai is relatively stable."

Wen Guoquan smiled and said, "What is the speed of economic growth? Compared with yourself, you have surpassed previous years, but compared with the southern coastal provinces, your development has begun to lag behind. In the past, the economic development of Pinghai has always been at the forefront of the country.

Song Huaiming did not fully agree with Wen Guoquan's words. He calmly said, "No development can always maintain a high speed. The lower it is, the stronger the momentum of growth, and the faster the speed of development in the initial stage. From the perspective of the whole world, the growth rate of gd in developing countries far exceeds those developed countries The country."

Wen Guoquan laughed and said, "There is not much difference in the economic foundation between Pinghai and several provinces along the southern coast, right? Huai Ming, you have to do both politics and economics!"

Song Huaiming nodded.

Wen Guoquan said, "How is Yanran's career in the United States?"

Song Huaiming said, "I never care about her career. The Benin consortium is so big that I gave her a girl to carry it. I was really a little worried at the beginning, but now it seems that it's okay. Maybe she inherited my mother-in-law's business talent, and the old man often praises her as a business

Wen Guoquan smiled and said, "I like this child very much!" Speaking of this, he turned around and said, "The central government recently re-high-upled the problem of stopping the children of high-level cadres from doing business. There are still some things that need to be paid attention to."

Song Huaiming was slightly stunned. Of course, he knew about this matter. In the summer of 9, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting and specifically put forward several matters of concern to the masses, including cleaning up and rectifying the company, stopping the children of senior cadres from doing business, canceling the special food supply . Several of them have indeed been implemented, but the matter of stopping the children of high-level cadres from doing business has not been effectively implemented. Instead, there has been a growing momentum since the 1990s.

Song Huaiming considered her daughter's business, but Chu Yanran's situation is very special. As Margaret's legal heir, she went to the United States to inherit this huge wealth, and in order to facilitate the operation and management of Benin's company, Yanran has now entered the United States, whether before her daughter entered the business world or After that, Song Huaiming did not give her any special care. In fact, even if he wanted to help his daughter, she would not accept it. The relationship between them has only recently eased. Song Huaiming said, "Premier Wen, I will treat this matter carefully."

Wen Guoquan sighed and said, "Now there are endless things for the children of senior cadres to do business. In fact, it is also a strategy for us to stop this group to do business. The market economy needs a fair environment. They themselves have advantages that others do not have, relying on With the influence of their parents, they have more connections than ordinary people. If you don't investigate some things, you will definitely find out the problem and the big problem. Speaking of this, Wen Guoquan paused for a moment and whispered, "Comrade Zhenliang's sons and daughters are all doing business, and their business is booming."

Song Huaiming heard the meaning of the sentence Wen Guoquan. Did he dance the sword in Xiangzhuang to Pei Gong? Qiao Pengju and Qiao Mengyuan are both doing business. Qiao Mengyuan has been engaged in industry, while Qiao Pengju is engaged in financial investment. If Wen Guoquan doesn't investigate, he will definitely find out the problem. Is he giving him some kind of hint? Song Huaiming did not speak immediately. He began to feel that things were becoming more and more complicated. Did Wen Guoquan find the weakness of the Qiao family? He wanted to take the initiative to make trouble? Whenever the situation changes, there will always be precursors.

That's all for Wen Guoquan's words. He didn't continue to say it. He has always appreciated Song Huaiming's political understanding. As long as Song Huaiming thinks about it seriously, he will definitely understand the true meaning of what he said today.

Wen Guoquan looked out of the car window, and the motorcade drove past the main entrance of the New Sports Center in Nancy. There were still many banners and ribbons flying outside the center. The slogans on it were clearly visible - warmly celebrating the successful conclusion of the 12th Sports Games in Pinghai Province.

Wen Guoquan said, "Nanxi has changed a lot."

Song Huaiming said: "The momentum of development is good. This economic trade fair represents the full launch of the project of Nanxi High-tech Zone. Their development goals are quite clear. The development direction of Nancy industry is the modern high-tech industry. The development potential of this industry is huge. The preliminary preparations of the economic trade fair are very good. Many internationally renowned enterprises will come to participate in this grand event.

Wen Guoquan nodded and said, "The development of science and technology is the lifeblood of the nation. If you want to truly stand in the forest of a powerful country, you must improve the overall level of science and technology in China. Nancy's approach is worth advocating!"

Song Huaiming said: "Recently, Nancy has made a lot of achievements and successfully held the Provincial Games. This year's i Economic Trade Fair is well prepared, and it has also concluded a contract with New York City to improve the city's image."

Wen Guoquan laughed and said, "I've heard about the friendly cities. I heard that Zhang Yang snatched it back from Dongjiang. I don't know if it's true?

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