Medical official path

Chapter 819 The Other Side On

Because Qi Shan's heart was tied to Lin Xuejuan's body, he didn't notice that Zhang Yang had been following him at all the time. It was not easy for the expert to see Lin Xuejuan. Qi Shan didn't want to have any more branches. He quickly squeezed his eyes to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Guanren didn't seem to see him winking at all: "Although I don't know the doctor, the fracture is misplaced. The longer the delay, the greater the impact on the meridians. The expert just said so much, but in the end, he still let us go for an examination. What is the purpose of the examination? Isn't it for a clear diagnosis? A clear diagnosis, why do you have to go over and over again to prove it? Draw a snake to add feet or an extra move?

The orthopedic expert's face was so angry: "What did you say? You don't believe in my medical skills. You can go to other hospitals to see a doctor. You don't have to register my number!" Experts always have a bad temper.

Qi Shan tried his best to look at Zhang Yang, saying in his heart that it was not enough to fail. How could he follow him to cause trouble?

Zhang Yang sighed and came to Lin Xuejuan: "Isn't the doctor's duty to relieve the patient's pain?" He pressed on Lin Xuejuan's knee, and his fingers were slightly stronger. Lin Xuejuan suddenly felt that her right leg was numb, but the pain in her ankle disappeared, and she blinked in surprise.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Does it still hurt?"

Lin Xuejuan said strangely, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Everyone was stunned by the sudden change of Lin Xuejuan. Just now, she was in pain. How could she stretch out and pinch his knee, and she won't hurt?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, you're fine. Don't listen to some so-called experts!"

Lin Xuejuan said, "You are like..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I was invited by Qishan. I'm a village doctor. My ancestral bone is restored. Do you want to try it?"

The expression on Lin Xuejuan's face was hesitant. After all, she was not familiar with Zhang Yang and didn't know Zhang Yang's coming from. Of course, she would not believe that Zhang Yang was just a village doctor. From Zhang Yang's demeanor alone, she could see that he was not an ordinary person.

Zhang Daguan said, "I heard that you play the violin well and your feet have recovered. You must invite me to listen to your performance once."

Lin Xuejuan couldn't help laughing. The man's words were really interesting. She hurt her foot and got in the way of playing the piano. When she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her ankle. She screamed in pain, but then she heard the crackling sound of her ankles. Although the pain was severe, it was Then she felt her ankles light.

Qi Shan beside him was so scared that he exclaimed because of his sudden action.

If you care about it, it will be chaotic. Qi Shan, who has always been calm, can't calm down when Lin Xuejuan encounters something.

Looking at Zhang Yang, he stood up calmly. He smiled and said, "You can stand up. Although your ankle is a little swollen, it's definitely okay to walk carefully."

Lin Xuejuan looked at him suspiciously. Although she didn't believe that Zhang Yang had such a magical ability, the injured part was obviously relaxed. She stood up carefully with her desk and tried to take a step forward. She was very surprised, "Really, my feet are fine. My feet have been reset!"

Witnessing everything in front of me, everyone around revealed incredible and skepticism on their faces.

The orthopedic expert was very clear about Lin Xuejuan's situation. Even if he took action, it was not so easy to reset Lin Xuejuan's foot and ankle, so he recommended her to be hospitalized for treatment. Unexpectedly, the young man stopped the patient's pain as soon as he took action, and then successfully reset her detached ankle. It was so amazing that he couldn't believe it.

Zhang Yang turned around and squeezed his eyes to Qi Shan. He turned around and left. Of course, he knew what kind of shock it would bring to the people around him, but let them solve the problems themselves.

In front of Qishan, he held Lin Xuejuan: "You're fine. Are you really all right?"

Lin Xuejuan carefully moved her ankle: "I think it should be fine!"

Qi Shan's face was full of relief. At this time, no one would pay attention to the orthopedic specialist.

At this time, Lin Xuejuan's husband, Huo Yunzhong, the director of the Xicheng District Gong'an Branch, just arrived. When he came in, he couldn't help frowning when he saw Qi Shan here. Then he came to Weizi's side and said with concern, "Xue Juan, how are you? Does it matter?"

Lin Xuejuan said, "It's okay!" Her eyes are full of loss. It has been two hours since she sent a congratifying message to her husband after a sprain. Most women pay attention to details, and some small things often hurt her fragile heart. Lin Xuejuan asked herself that she was not a fragile woman, but this time her husband's belated delay still made her feel sad. Compared with Qi Shan's nervousness, she felt more and more that her husband did not love her so much.

Huo Yunzhong came to the orthopedic expert: "Director, how is my wife doing? Is it serious?"

The orthopedic expert was not angry. He lost all his face today. He said angrily, "Why are you asking me? Ask your country doctor!"

Huo Yunzhong is also a more serious person. He became angry as soon as he heard it: "What's your attitude? Do you have any medical ethics? Do you believe I will complain about you?

The orthopedic expert is not a good-tempered person. He said angrily, "If you want to go, you can sue. Don't stay with me. I have to continue to see a doctor."

Huo Yunzhong wanted to argue with him. Qi Shanqian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yunzhong, forget it. Since Xue Juan has nothing to do, let's go."

Huo Yunzhong looked at him coldly: "Thank you, we will go by ourselves!" He came to Lin Xuejuan and said, "Let's go!"

Lin Xuejuan wanted to insist on walking, but was picked up by Huo Yunzhong. Lin Xuejuan said shyly, "What are you doing?"

Huo Yunzhong said, "I'm your husband, and it's my responsibility to take care of you!"

Qi Shan still had a smile on his face, but his smile seemed so lonely.

Qi Yan came to him and whispered, "Brother Qi, let's go, too."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "You go first. I have something else to do."

Wu Dezhi's situation has stabilized. He can eat fluids, but he never spoke. When Zhang Yang visited him, Tong Xiuxiu had just left. Tong Xiuxiu's eyesight has not recovered yet. Although she can't see Wu Dezhi, she sensed through her palm that Wu Dezhi was still living by her side. This has made her ecstatic.

Zhang Yang came to Wu Dezhi's side and touched Wu Dezhi's pulse. He felt that his pulse was much more powerful than yesterday. Zhang Yang gently put down Wu Dezhi's hand and said, "Don't worry, you're fine. You should be able to recover after a period of recuperation."

Wu Dezhi stretched out his hand and held Zhang Yang's palm. His voice was hoarse and said, "Thank you..."

Zhang Yang was stunned, because he knew that Wu Dezhi was talking for the first time.

Zhang Yang said, "You're talking!"

Wu Dezhi whispered, "The first sentence."

"Why don't you keep it and say it to Tong Xiuxiu?"

"I'm like this now, I don't know what to say..."

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. Since I can pull you back, I can make you healthy.

Wu Dezhi said, "The lost arm can't come back. I know my situation very well. I'm disfigured.

Zhang Yang said, "It seems that men don't need to care so much about appearance. Besides, the current cosmetic surgery is so high that it can help you hire a top plastic surgeon in the world. Anyway, Guoan has a lot of money, and you have a work-related injury this time."

Wu Dezhi didn't think Zhang Yang's words were so funny. He couldn't laugh in his current mood. He whispered, "For me, my hands mean everything to me."

"Guo'an will not ignore you."

"I'm already a disabled person. I'm no longer useful to the organization. Why do I reluctantly stay? Being an internal agent, do you want to fool around? It's better to retire and get the relief from the state.

Zhang Yang said, "You are a meritorious minister and a hero."

Wu Dezhi said, "Forget it, I don't think about it in the future. When the explosion happened, I thought I would definitely die, but I'm not afraid. Really, I'm not afraid at all. I'm not flaunting that I'm a hero. I've dreamed of the explosion countless times before. I The ending, so..." He paused for a moment and rested for a long time before saying, "Zhang Yang, I'm tired of..."

Zhang Yang didn't understand what he meant by tiredness, but he could understand Wu Dezhi's mood at this time. Zhang Yang comforted Wu Dezhi and said, "I don't think much about anything now. The key is to take good care of your body. When your injury is completely healed, then think about staying in the future."

Wu Dezhi waved his hand, signaling Zhang Yang to get closer to him and Zhang Yang close to his lips. Wu Dezhi whispered, "The person who placed the deception bomb... Call Guan... In the past, he and I were a student at the same time, and later triggered a defraud in a demolition of the bomb... His body was not found at the scene. We thought he was already dead, but we didn't expect that he was still alive."

Zhang Yang nodded.

Wu Dezhi said, "This time's bombing is the same type as the last Laojun kiln, which was set by him. If you want to know the real murderer behind the scenes, you must interrogate the fat Xi of Laojun kiln..."

Zhang Yang said, "Faxi has been handed over to the whole party by you."

Wu Dezhi said, "He must know about Guan Cheng... As long as he can find out who Guan Cheng was hired, he can find out the truth of this matter."

Zhang Yang said, "Have a good rest and don't think about anything else."

Wu Dezhi said so much. Obviously, he was a little tired. He lay **, his chest heaved violently, and said proudly, "Believe me, you will get better as soon as possible!"


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