Medical official path

Chapter 819 The Other Side Below

When Zhang Yang left the ward, he found that Qi Shan was still waiting for him in the parking lot downstairs of the ward. He was quite surprised and said to Qi Shan, "What's wrong? Didn't you take Miss Lin back?"

Qi Shan said, "No, I'm waiting for you to come out."

"What are you waiting for me to do?"

"I'll buy you a drink!"

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "It's such a small matter, why be so polite!"

Qi Shan said, "I know a place, absolutely authentic!"

Zhang Yang followed Qishan to a farm in Xingtianhe, a suburb of the eastern south of the Yangtze River. Qishan parked the car, and a black native dog jumped up to meet him. Qishan squatted down with a smile and patted the local dog's head. The local dog was extremely intimate with him, sticking out his tongue and shaking his head.

Zhang Yang smelled the aroma of the food, and a middle-aged man who was not tall limped over. His name was Pang Qingshan. He used to be a veteran of the Vietnam War and a former neighbor of Qishan. Now he has contracted this area here, mainly farming fish.

Qi Shan smiled and said, "Lao Pang, are you ready?"

Pang Qingshan said happily, "The chicken has been stewed, and a pot of fresh food is stewed on the stove. You go to the terrace to drink first, and I'll send you the dishes."

Qi Shan and Zhang Yang followed the stairs to the top of the flat-roofed hut. The table was set up with four kinds of cold dishes on it.

Qi Shan invited Zhang Yang to sit at the table and smiled and said, "Although the environment here is a little shabby, Lao Pang's cooking skills are the best I have ever eaten."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "The environment is very good, the cool breeze is blowing, and the river is ribling. This kind of artistic conception can't be found casually."

Qi Shan said, "Lao Pang is a veteran. He participated in the Vietnam War. He was lame on one leg and lost an eye. His family was very difficult. He began to watch the door in my company, and later contracted this fish pond. All his aquatic products were sold by me."

Zhang Yang said, "You like to do good deeds very much!"

Qi Shan laughed and said, "Maybe there are too many killing bans, so I will try to do more good things whenever I have a chance."

Zhang Yang laughed.

There was a lot of good wine in the Qishan car. He took two bottles of 30-year-old Maotai and gave Zhang Yang a cup, but he gave him a cup of tea.

Zhang Yang said, "You buy me a drink, why don't you drink by yourself?"

Qi Shan said, "I'm allergic to drinking, so I haven't been drinking since I was a child."

Zhang Yang nodded. Since he said so, he couldn't force it.

Pang Qingshan brought up the stewed husband's chicken, and the aroma was fragrant, which made the people's tongue grow. Zhang Yang said, "Pang Shibo, let's drink together?"

Pang Qingshan smiled and said, "You eat, I'll cook!"

Qi Shan and Zhang Yang touched the wine glass and took a sip of tea. Zhang Yang ate a mouthful of cold dishes and found that Pang Qingshan's cooking skills were really good. No wonder Qi Shan brought him here.

Zhang Yang said, "I thought you would send Lin Xuejuan back."

Qi Shan said indifferently, "Her husband is coming."

Zhang Yang put the glass of wine on the table, looked at Qi Shan's deep eyes, and whispered, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I have something on my mind. In the past, I once thought that I couldn't do without money, but when I really had money, I found that I lost more while getting it." He helped Zhang Yang, who was full of wine and whispered, "Do you mind if I treat you as a confidant?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have nothing to do anyway. You treat me with good wine and food. It's right to hear you say a few words."

Qi Shan smiled and said, "Actually, I'm very depressed, so I want to find someone to drink with, but I can't drink. After thinking about it, I think of you."

Zhang Yang said, "You are still not depressed enough. You are really depressed to the extreme. Even if you can't drink, you will try your best."

Qi Shan said, "At my age, I have passed the impulsive age. I also want to get drunk, but my reason does not allow it. Most of the time, reason is not a good thing. A rational man like me lacks blood, and women don't like men who are too rational."

Zhang Yang took a chicken leg. Pang Qingshan's craftsmanship made him praise. He was listening to Qi Shan's words, but he did not have any sympathy. He thought that Qi Shan was moaning without illness, a rich businessman with a lot of wealth, and the occasional emotional down tide. This low tide is not only related to Lin Xue After all, it was Zhang Daguan who forced Qi Shan's own brother away from Dongjiang and knocked five million from his hand. Zhang Yang picked up his glass and bumped into Qi Shan and said, "Are you arousing my sympathy?"

Qi Shan sighed and said, "I'm not saying this to arouse your sympathy. I just want to find someone to talk to. It doesn't matter whether you listen to me or not. At least someone can accompany me." Qi Shan's expression is very lonely.

Zhang Yang said, "I can see that you love Lin Xuejuan very much."

Qi Shan nodded and did not deny it.

"Since you love her, why don't you tell her?"

Qi Shan said, "She is a father-in-law. In the past, we had a very happy time, but I don't know how to cherish it. Now I finally know how to cherish it, but I haven't cherished her..." Zhang Yang sympathized with Qi Shan at this time: "No wonder every family has their own difficulties. It's seen by others.

Qi Shan smiled and said, "I lost my temper today. I hope Director Zhang won't laugh."

Zhang Yang said, "It's much better to be an emotional person than a cold-blooded person!"

Qi Shan said, "Although we Jing Rizhi started with unhappiness, I still don't have any complaints about you."

Of course, Zhang Yang will not believe Qi Shan's words. How could he not complain about having suffered such a big loss in his own hands?

Qi Shan said, "I know you won't believe it. Even I feel very strange. Every time I see you, I always feel like old friends who have known each other for many years."

Zhang Yang said, "Maybe it's because we are about the same age."

Qi Shan said, "It may also be a pity for each other.

"Speaking of this, the two laughed at the same time.

Zhang Yang looked at Qi Shan opposite. Although he was face to face with him, he still felt that this person could not see through. It was hard to believe that what Qi Shan said to himself was the truth. Qi Feng was his younger brother. He was impulsive and fierce, and even took risks in order to vent his personal grievances. In Is his modesty a disguise, or is it really from the bottom of his heart?

Qi Shan said, "I will go to Zixia Lake to release tomorrow. If Director Zhang is free, we can go to see the fun together."

Zhang Yang said, "You seemed to have wanted to invite Master Huikong."

Qi Shan said, "It's a pity that Master Huikong is not free. I invited Master Sanbao, and he will go to the scene tomorrow."

Zhang Yangxin said that the social ability of these three-treasure monks is really advancing with the times. Somehow, he hooked up with Qi Shan. There are few exquisite people in the monks.

Qi Shan said, "Director Zhang and Master Sanbao are very familiar with each other?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "In the past, when I was working in Jiangcheng, I was responsible for the renovation of Nanlin Temple. It was also at that time that I met him, and our relationship has always been very good."

Qi Shan said, "Master Sanbao is not often seen in Buddhism."

Zhang Yang understood what he meant, and both of them laughed.

Zhang Yang was going to go to the release site, but the next morning, Qin Qing called him and asked him to pick up her father Qin Chuanliang at the railway station. Originally, Qin Qing wanted to pick him up in person, but the city temporarily informed her to go to the meeting, so Qin Qing gave Zhang Yang the task of picking up his father.

Zhang Yang called Zhou Shanhu and drove the Audi of the headquarters to the railway station. Since Liu Xiting jumped into the lake last time, Liu Baoquan was scared by his daughter's resolute attitude, so he no longer opposed Zhou Shanhu's dealings with his daughter. According to his idea, his daughter was not sure about her feelings. Maybe she would But this time, it was different. Unexpectedly, Liu Xi was so obsessed with Zhou Shanhu, a young man who came from the mountains. Obviously, he was serious about it. Liu Baoquan was also quite helpless about it. Although he looked down on Zhou Shanhu's origin, he could not deny that Zhou Shanhu, a young man, was hardworking and brave, and

On the way, Zhang Yang couldn't help asking about this: "Huzi, how are you doing with Director Liu's daughter?"

Zhou Shanhu smiled and said, "Tingting is very good to me."

As soon as Zhang Yang heard this, Tingting was long and short. He must be in love. Zhang Yang said, "If you are serious, have a good talk. After all, her old man is our Director Liu. It's hard for me to face after I can't handle the relationship."

Zhou Shanhu said, "I just don't think I deserve her!"

Zhang Yang said, "Don't talk about you as a mountain man. Since Liu Xiting doesn't dislike you, don't look down on yourself. When I find an opportunity to solve your staffing problem next year, you will be our official staff. Although Director Liu's mouth is annoying, he is not bad. I don't think he has any objection to your relationship with Liu Xiting now.

Zhou Shanhu said, "That's because he is afraid that Haoting will jump into the lake again. I know he still looks down on me and feels that I don't deserve Tingting."

Zhang Yang said, "Then you are working hard. As long as you work hard and make a name in a few years, how can he look down on you?"

Zhou Shanhu said, "I'm a driver. At best, I can be a skilled old driver. What's that called?"

Zhang Yang said, "There is a champion in the line. Don't give up on yourself. Don't be so far away. There will be many opportunities in the future."

Zhou Shanhu said, "I just want to do it with you. I will do whatever Brother Zhang says!"

Zhang Yang stared at him angrily and said, "What's this? Don't you have your own opinion? Why did I ask you to kill someone?"

Zhou Shanhu said without hesitation: "Do it! As long as it's Brother Zhang, I'll do it!"

Zhang Yang raised his hand and slapped him on the back of the head: "Bullshit, you live for yourself now, not for me."

Zhou Shanhu said, "Brother Zhang's kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain. I won't frown what you ask me to do. Besides, Brother Zhang is a good person. Of course, he won't take me into the ditch."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "You boy, you have also learned to be slippery!"