Medical official path

Chapter 833 Can't Die

Ding Zhaoyong said! Mom, Xiaojing and I plan to get married on May 1st next year. I hope you can agree.

Xu Lihua was not surprised by the news. The twists and turns in this matter had made Xu Lihua a little frustrated. She did not show much surprise and whispered, "Marriage is still your own business. As long as you two think it's suitable, I have no problem." No opinion is opinion. Everyone can see Xu Lihua's indifference.

Ding Zhaoyong saw that Xu Lihua didn't pick up his glass of wine. He couldn't sit or stand, and his face couldn't help blushing. Zhao Jing quietly pulled the corner of his mother's clothes below. Xu Lihua picked up the wine glass and squeezed it. Jiu whispered, "Zhao Yong, I can see that you are sincere to Xiaojing. In fact, everyone as a parent wants their children to have a happy future. As long as you live a good life, I will be satisfied."

Ding Zhaoyong nodded.

After dinner, Zhao Jing, Qin Qing and Chang Haixin chatted with Xu Lihua, and Zhang Yang sat down outside with Ding Zhaoyong.

Ding Zhaoyong was a little depressed because of Xu Lihua's attitude. He whispered, "The old mother doesn't seem to like me very much."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Zhao Yong, in fact, my mother likes you very much. She is mainly worried about your parents and is afraid that you will be wronged if Xiaojing follows you in the future." Ding Zhaoyong said, "Zhang Yang, I will never let Xiaojing be wronged."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I believe you."

Qin Huan had a good time with everyone and didn't go to bed until very late. Xu Lihua told him a story by the bed. It was not until he was completely asleep that he quietly left the room. When he came to the living room and saw that Zhang Yang and Zhao Jing were still chatting there, Xu Lihua smiled and said, "What's the matter? Are you going to stay tonight?"

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Mom, I'm going to stay and have a good chat with you."

Xu Lihua turned his eyes to Zhang Yang again and said with a smile, "I'll stay and chat with you."

Xu Lihua looked at Zhong Changsheng, who was patrolling outside, and whispered, "San'er, what's your friend doing? He won't leave at night?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "He is my good friend. This villa is borrowed from him." Zhang Yang did not tell his mother that Zhong Changsheng was responsible for Qin Huan's safety. If she knew, she would definitely worry.

Xu Lihua nodded. Since Zhang Yang said he was his friend, he was naturally trustworthy.

After inspecting outside for a week, Zhong Changsheng was sure that there was no problem. Then he walked in, nodded to Zhang Yang and went straight upstairs. Qin Huan's room was a suite, and Zhong Changsheng temporarily made a bed outside.

There are only three mothers and children left in the family. Zhao Jing raised her lips and said, "Mom, don't you like Zhao Yong?"

Xu Lihua said, "Zhaoyong is a good boy. I can see that 1 Xiaojing, don't blame your mother. I don't have any preconceived ideas about Zhaoyong. I just feel that their family does not agree with your feelings. I'm worried that you will face a lot of pressure in the future."

Zhao Jing said, "No, Zhao Yong has always been doing his parents' ideological work, and now they are no longer opposed to our two people." She winzzed at Zhang Yang and wanted the little brother to say a few words for her.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mom, we really can't get involved in personal feelings. I think Xiaojing is also big, and she has to rely on herself for everything."

Xu Lihua said, "Is it a little hasty to get married next year?" In fact, she was eager for her children to get married early, but Zhao Jing's situation was special, and Xu Lihua didn't want them to get married in a hurry if their parents didn't want to.

Zhang Yang said, "It's not in a hurry. From May Day this year to May Day next year, the certificate has been received, and it can't always be so consumed. If not, let Zhao Yong have a good talk with their family. If his parents agree, it's best. If they don't agree, I don't think you Marriage is not better.

Xu Lihua said, "That won't work. Marriage is a major event in a lifetime. It must be the consent of their parents, otherwise it will be disrespectful to others, and it will feel like my daughter can't get married."

It's really hard for Zhang Yang to say too much about this kind of thing. It seems that Zhao Jing's wedding has some twists and turns. He thought that maybe he should talk to Ding Weifeng directly. While he was thinking about this matter, Tong Xiuxiu called, and her voice seemed a little nervous: "Zhang Yang, can you come to the

Zhang Yang thought something big had happened to her and said with concern, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Tong Xiuxiu said, "Dezhi has been sitting alone on the roof of the building for several hours, but he doesn't want to come down. If anyone advises him not to listen, he will stay there. I'm afraid that something will happen to him. Maybe he is willing to listen to you."

"I'll be there right away!"

After Zhang Yang returned from Tibet, he visited Tong Xiuxiu and Wu Dezhi once. Tong Xiuxiu's injury has basically recovered, and Wu Dezhi's injury is also steadily recovering. However, in the explosion, he lost his right arm, his face was seriously disfigured, and he was always depressed.

After Zhang Yang came to the ward of the Provincial People's Hospital, he asked about the situation. In the evening of that day, Wu Dezhi asked the agent who accompanied him to take him to the rooftop, but after going up, he stayed there and did not want to come back.

Zhang's officials are quite helpless. These Guoan Antezi's brains were purely kicked by donkeys, in the current psychological state of Wu Dezhi. He was also taken to the rooftop of the ward building. There are also problems with the management of this hospital. The door to the rooftop cannot be opened casually. In case any patient can't open it, isn't it troublesome?

When Zhang Yang came to the rooftop, Wu Dezhi was not in danger. He lay on the rooftop, accompanied by two national security personnel, one left and one right. As long as he jumped off the building, the two national security agents would drag him back. But now Wu Dezhi has no sign of suicide. He just lies there and looks at it.

At night, his face was wrapped in gauze. At first glance, he looked like a mummy and looked a little strange.

Zhang Yang walked over and motioned the two national security staff to leave and gave Wu Dezhi to himself. The two national security staff were eager for someone to take their place. However, they didn't dare to go far. Zhang Yang waved his hand and motioned them to go farther. Then they walked a few steps away and stood in the distance.

Zhang Yang came to Wu Dezhi's side, followed his eyes, and saw the beautiful lights of Dongjiang City.

Wu Dezhi did not look back from beginning to end, and whispered, "Are you here?" His voice was very hoarse.

Zhang Yang said, "Pong Xiuxiu cares about you very much." This sentence is equivalent to showing Wu Dezhi that it was Tong Xiuxiu who found him.

Wu Dezhi whispered, "I'm really pitiful like this."

Zhang Yang squeezed his lips and said, "Do you want to drink?" Do you have any wine?"

Zhang Daguanren actually brought a bottle of liquor, but there was no wine glass. He uncoulded the cap and handed it to Wu Dezhi. Wu Dezhi took the bottle and took a sip, and a spicy taste went straight down. Wu Dezhi closed his eyes. After a while, he got used to the hot feeling and sighed, " So strong?" Zhang Yang said, "I bought it at the gate of the hospital. I think you may want to drink it, so I bought a bottle."

Wu Dezhi said, "Why don't you get a better bottle?" Zhang Yang said, "People live a lifetime of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. You have to taste everything. It's not a waste of time. When you want to drink, it may not be the only Maotai Wuliangye that can satisfy your desire." Wu Dezhi said, "I have no desire." He raised his head, looked at the sparse stars in the night sky, and then said, "If there is, then I really want to die now"

Zhang Yang took the bottle of wine from his hand and took a big sip. He was not surprised by Wu Dezhi's words: "If I were in your position, maybe I would have the same idea as you."

Wu Dezhi said, "I'm not afraid of death. What I'm really afraid of is that I'm not a ghost or a ghost now. I want to die. I want to jump from here for a hundred years. There is no more sorrow and worries, but I know that this is a very irresponsible act. My death is equivalent And the pain is left to others, which will make others suffer for a lifetime. Thinking of this, I can't die. A person who is not like a ghost. He should not belong to this world, but he still has to live for others. Am I a tragedy? Am I a monster?" Zhang Yang looked at Wu Dezhi sympathetically. He whispered, "Are you blaming me for saving you?"

"I thank you for saving me, but if time can be turned back, I hope you don't make such a choice, let me die, and I won't suffer."

"But Tong Xiuxiu will be in pain, and the friends around you will be in pain." Wu Dezhi turned around and looked at Zhang Yang with desolate eyes: "I'm dead. Of course, you will suffer, but the pain is only temporary, but now I will suffer, and she will also suffer. I am no longer the one in the past, but she has to face such a me, a strange me because of the shackles of virtue! " Wu Dezhi had no tears. His tears had already dried up, and his desolate eyes were like the deepest and empty black hole in the universe.

Zhang Yang handed him the wine bottle, and Wu Dezhi took another sip: "A person can't even die at will. Isn't it a great sadness?" Zhang Yang said, "It's better to live than to die. I saved you. Even if you don't live for Tong Xiuxiu, you have to live for me. You can't let my efforts be in vain." Wu Dezhi said, "My face is broken. I'm afraid I don't even know myself. My right hand is gone, and I can't dismantle bombs in the future. Have you noticed that I'm talking loudly now? Because only in this way can I hear clearly what I am saying. My hearing is impaired. The doctor said that there is a possibility of regression in the future. I have completely become a useless person. Zhang Yang said, "Now the plastic surgery technology is very high, and you should be able to repair your face to the maximum extent. Although your right hand is gone, you can train your left hand. As for your hearing, I will try my best to help you return to normal. What really damages you the most is your self-confidence, Wu Dezhi. You are one of the most tenacious and determined people I have ever seen. You can even survive death. What else can't you face?