Medical official path

Chapter 881 Ambiguous innocence

Zhang's official held Cha Wei's delicate body into his arms and clung to her in the same posture, but he did not take any further action. Although Zhang Yang knew that if his attitude was a little tougher, Cha Wei's defense might completely collapse, but Zhang Yang did not. He could not live up to Cha Wei's self. My own trust. On a snowy night, he comforted Cha Wei with his body. According to his words, he was safe.

The gentleman is not so good. Zhang's official has worked very hard this night. Nuanyu Wenxiang is full of arms, but he has to control his lust. This is definitely an inhuman torture, especially for Zhang Daguan's blood-blooded man.

Cha Wei was a little scared at first, but later she found that Zhang Yang did not do anything further, so she was relieved. In this way, she lay in Zhang Yang's arms and quietly felt his body temperature. His breathing was even full of ambiguity in the air. But Cha Wei soon realized that her fear came from her nervousness. She had never been afraid of publicity. On the contrary, lying in the arms of publicity made her feel secure and safe. Such a pair of arms can protect yourself under any circumstances.

Cha Wei didn't know when she went to sleep. When she woke up, it was already bright, and the two still hugged each other in that posture. Cha Wei felt that part of the guy was tightly pressed between her legs, hard and hot. Cha Wei couldn't help moving her buttocks forward, but Zhang Yang hugged her, thighs. On top of her delicate body, that part is closer to her.

Cha Wei's beautiful face blushed to the root of her neck. She could even feel the swelling from Zhang Yang's body. She bit the cherry lips, and there was an unprecedented feeling in her delicate body. This feeling made her soft and weak. She felt that her legs were even a little wet. Cha Wei was afraid that the secret would be discovered by Zhang Yang He pulled his arm: "Hi!"

After counting, Zhang Daguan opened his bloody eyes. The suffering of the night was really extraordinary. He grinned and said, "Hi! Happy New Year!"

Cha Wei whispered, "I want to get up!"

Zhang Yang nodded, and then realized that his body had lost his temper. He let go of Cha Wei in embarrassment and moved back.

Cha Wei blushed, lowered her head, lifted the quilt and sat up from the inside, put on her clothes and quickly walked to the bathroom.

When Cha Wei entered the bathroom, Zhang Guanren sat up, looked down at his pillar of the sky, and sighed, "Brother, thank you for your hard work..."

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, everyone has a lot of things to do. After washing up, Cha Wei asked Zhang Yang to send her back to the city to pay New Year's greetings. Although nothing happened between the two, after all, they had the experience of sharing the same bed all night. Compared with the shy Cha Wei, Zhang's performance The performance at night was like a gentleman. He took a look at Cha Wei. Since last night, Cha Wei has not even dared to look at him. She changed her cheerful style in the past. Now the whole little girl looks out of the window and seems to be enjoying the snow scene. In fact, her mind is in a mess. She always thinks that the two of them sn According to the scene of spending a long night together, ambiguous memories can also be a kind of romance.

Zhang Yang said, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Hearing this, Cha Wei's face blushed to the root of her neck. She turned around and said, "What do you think?"

Zhang Yang said, "You slept soundly, and I heard you snoring in the middle of the night."

Cha Wei couldn't help laughing and said, "You just snored!" I didn't fall asleep at all!"

Zhang Yang said, "Why don't you sleep?"

Cha Wei yawned and said, "I dare not sleep. A wolf is lying beside me. I can't sleep soundly!"

Zhang Guanren laughed and said, "It turns out that this wolf is a gentleman wolf, and there is a lamb to be slaughtered without even a drop of saliva."

Cha Wei said, "It's embarrassing to say, you." As soon as he said it, he immediately remembered what Zhang Yang looked like just now, and he was too ashamed to say any more.

"What's wrong with me?"

Cha Wei said, "Anyway, you are not a good thing."

Zhang Yang said, "It's one thing that I can hold on, but I'm a normal man. I can't have no reaction at all. If I sleep with you all night and have no reaction at all, do you have to suspect that you are too unattractive?" Cha Wei expected that he would have nothing good to say. She blushed and asked him to park the car. It was not far from her home. Zhang Yang parked the car and looked at Cha Wei and said, "Help me wish your uncle a New Year. So, I'm busy today, so I won't go to his place."

Cha Wei nodded, suddenly leaned over, kissed Zhang Yang's cheek like lightning, and then quickly pushed the door and jumped down. After walking a distance, she turned around and waved her hand to Zhang Yang with a smile.

Zhang Daguanren touched his cheek kissed by Cha Wei and couldn't help sighing, "The charm is unstoppable. Why am I so fucking popular with women?,...

Zhang Yang wanted to go to his godfather and godmother to pay New Year's greetings. After calling, he didn't know that the couple went out early in the morning. Seeing that it was already ten o'clock in the morning, Zhang Yang thought about it and went to Mr. Qiao's place first.

It is not so easy for ordinary people to go to Qiao's house. Zhang Yang called Qiao Pengfei first. Qiao Pengfei went out to pick him up and accompanied him to the house. Before Zhang Yang came to Qiao's house, several current leaders had just left, including Zhang Yang's godfather Wen Haonan. Although the Qiao family had encountered some disturbances However, Mr. Qiao's reputation has not been affected much, which also proves that the Qiao family's public relations in this crisis are effective and timely.

Qiao Pengfei said to Zhang Yang, "My grandfather knows about Chen Anbang."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you blame me?"

Qiao Pengfei shook his head. In fact, Grandpa did not have any displeasure after hearing this. Judging from Grandpa's mood last night, the old man was very happy.

Walking into Qiao's house, he saw that Qiao Pengfei's parents and Shi Wei's parents were here. After Zhang Yang paid New Year's greetings to them, he followed Qiao Pengfei to the study. Qiao Lao and Qiao Zhenliang and his son were chatting in the study. For a political family like them, even in the New Year,

Qiao Zhenli's mood was very good, because his father had just told him a piece of news that he had made a preliminary decision to appoint him as the Minister of Agriculture. After a short stranding, Qiao Zhenli's official career returned to the eunuch sea and raised the sail. He knew that his father must have made great efforts for this.

Mr. Qiao said, "This news has not been announced to the public so far. Take good care of your injuries and start working after the holiday."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Dad, I'm in good health. Zhang Yang gave me the medicine very well. Now my hands are all ready."

Qiao Lao smiled and said, "The body is the capital of [revolutionary] life. If you don't have a good body, why don't you talk about [revolutionary] life career? This time, your matter was nominated by Comrade Weijiang."

Qiao Zhenligao nodded. At the critical moment, the Zhou family gave them a favor, which seemed to be a kind of balance for Zhou Xingmin's appointment as governor of Pinghai. Although his father retired, he still had considerable prestige, otherwise his own affairs would not be solved so quickly. Qiao Zhenliang said, "Comrade Weijiang has talked to me once before."

Mr. Qiao said, "Some balancing work must be done, and no one wants to make enemies."

Qiao Zhenligai heard his father's implication. If the senior management does too much about his own things, the old man will definitely be unhappy. Maybe he will really do something. Qiao Zhenli said, "This disturbance has made me see a lot of things clearly."

Mr. Qiao said, "Don't complain if something happens. First of all, you should see your own shortcomings. If you have no problem, others will not catch your handle, but the matter is not over yet."

Qiao Zhenli nodded with the same feeling and whispered, "Dad, I know what to do."

Mr. Qiao looked out of the window: "Have you heard about the conflict between Peng Fei and Chen Xuan's son?"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "I heard that I didn't expect that this child had been a soldier for several years, and his temper was still as impulsive as before."

Joe said, "I don't think he did anything wrong!"

Qiao Zhenli was slightly stunned, raised his head, and was encountering his father's deep eyes.

Qiao Lao said, "Zhung, maybe Pengju's incident has hit you too much. You have changed a lot during this period. Our Qiao family has indeed encountered some troubles, but this does not mean that we have to bow our heads at all times. Some things must be disputed!"

Qiao Zhenli squeezed his lips and didn't say anything.

Mr. Qiao said, "I have never asked about the matter between you and Xiao Meng. I believe that with your age and experience, you should be able to handle anything well." Joe didn't finish his words, but his expression showed a little disappointment.

Qiao Zhenliang knew that he was in a very bad state during this period. It can be said that it was the worst period since he was in politics. Political setbacks were secondary. The family he had been trying to maintain had finally completely collapsed. This is the trough of his life. With his father's wisdom, he must be able to see his Qiao Zhenxun felt that it was time for him to cheer up. He wanted to forget the unhappiness of the past. He wanted to cheer up again. In this generation, his father had the greatest hope in him, and he would never let his father down. There is more gray hair on my father's head than last year. One day, my father will be too old to bear the burden of the family, and everything will be shouldered by him. Thinking of this, Qiao Zhenliang couldn't help feeling guilty. He thought he was mature enough, but the disturbance made him realize that he was still lacking in politics.

Mr. Qiao patted his son on the shoulder and said meaningfully, "Today is the first day of the New Year. It's a new beginning for everyone, isn't it?"

Qiao Zhenli nodded heavily and said, "Dad, I will go seriously!"

Ask for a few monthly tickets, the update is not good, and the ticket is weak. I'm ashamed!